A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 20. Madness

"All my fault, all my fault... They were right, they were all right... Dead, everyone's dead... I'm sorry... Forgive me... Stop, please... Stop!"

~Nikra, 1st Outbreak

Most of this I already knew. Leo mused, scanning the bestiary entry from top to bottom. It confirmed the information he had collected during his journey and added one vital fragment that pulled a frown over Leo's face. They can be commanded by a stronger variant. Not good, not good at all.

He wondered if the Runner variation had ordered the horde to pursue Leo. Or perhaps it was still too weak to take the lead over so many Voidlings of equal level. That's a really troubling thought.

Hopefully, this ability was limited to Cursed monsters. Leo dreaded finding a stronger monster capable of summoning dozens of Voidlings to its aid. He could do without swarms of Seekers, strange deers, or other transformed creatures chasing him by the hundreds.

Sighing, Leo waved off the bestiary and walked to the front of the building, hiding behind an overgrown red bush.

This street, while mostly empty and ruined, already had a few Cursed Humans walking around, minding their own business. They most likely came from the block of flats visible at the end of the street or the few houses that still seemed habitable.

Time to go. Leo thought and jumped over a fence next to him, landing in the front yard of another ruined house. He dashed towards the nearest tree and almost hugged it as he took another peek.

One Voidling stood on the other side of the road, sniffing the air for another meal. Leo was happy to give the beast a chance to earn it. He grabbed a pebble, and just like many times before, he threw it at the sidewalk a few steps away from his position.

The small rock bounced off the concrete, clattering with every hit. The Voidling made a sharp turn, its eyes seeking the offender. Unlike the first time that Leo tried this trick, now the creature just approached the sidewalk, a quiet growl leaving its throat.

The moment the Voidling turned its back to Leo, he jumped out of his hiding spot like a hungry tiger. He didn't even draw his dagger and just grabbed the monster's head in a tight grip before dragging his claws across its throat with all the power Leo possessed.

The monster fell, blood pooling around its head as the creature twitched for a few more seconds. At this point, Leo's strength and the cutting power of his claws gave him the ability to rip throats apart while also almost cutting the head off.

A level three. It didn't look like one. I really should start identifying everything I fight. Leo thought as he dashed across the street, the Voidlings in the distance not even turning in his direction.

A quick Hunter's Pulse later left Leo vaulting over another fence as he once again found nothing of use. He knew that the skill probably couldn't see everything, but as the houses stood empty for months or even years, Leo doubted it was worth searching them by himself.

Leo scanned a small cottage at the end of the block while ducking under a low brick fence that had miraculously survived the test of time. It had no boarded windows or doors, and the walls appeared to be in better shape, despite the numerous cracks in the paint.

Two Voidlings roamed around the house as if searching for an entrance. Remembering the beasts' behavior after the Night, Leo doubted that the two monsters were doing this without reason.

Is there someone inside?

Curiosity rising, Leo made his way toward the house, killing three more Cursed Humans on the way. Even though the Voidlings didn't really put up much of a fight, with every step, he got closer and closer to the massive block. Even with a limited vision of the building's courtyard, Leo had already spotted more creatures waiting there, their song of despair becoming louder with every second.

Dagger in hand, Leo gripped the top of a wooden fence that separated him from his target and jumped. The Voidling standing on the other side had no time to react as Leo fell on its back. Bones cracked, and the monster yowled as its head met the ground.

Leo followed with a stab to the back of its skull, ending the Voidling's life. Not wasting even a second, he formed a ball of Essence in his hand that immediately entered the cottage's wall.

Something or someone is inside, along with some food and weapons. And the other Cursed is still on the other side. Leo nodded as the corpse of the Voidling turned into dust. Violet glow once again covered his claws as it absorbed every drop of blood on his limb.

Later... Leo shook his head and peeked around the corner, frowning when he noticed a Cursed Human screeching at one of the windows. It didn't have any pane, yet it was still covered by a curtain. Coincidence or is there really a human inside?

Without much thought, Leo dashed out of the corner, the Voidling immediately turning towards its new point of interest.

He ducked, scooping a handful of dirt into his empty hand. At the same time, the Cursed moved, spit flying from its lips as it growled. Not so loud, you fucker. Leo growled as another screech answered from the other side of the fence.

Throwing the dirt, Leo jumped to the side, letting the monster pass him as it lost its ability to see. He quickly followed the beast, kicking it to the ground and impaling its head.

Leo didn't even bother draining the Voidling and just jumped to his feet; dagger held tightly in his hand as he watched the front of the house. For a moment, he just stood there, waiting for the Voidling from the other side to appear, yet it never did.

Frowning, Leo approached one of the fence's holes and looked.

Holy shit!

From here, he had a nearly perfect view of the block's courtyard and the tens of Voidlings wandering or standing there. The majority of them belonged to the Cursed Human variation. Still, Leo had already recognized two runners and a few other creatures that had undergone a dreadful transformation, just like any other Voidling.

The first different type was another Cursed variant, a Crawler.

They walked on all fours, their short, skeletal bodies crawling on the ground as they smelled and licked the grass, their rows of sharp fangs visible. Their skin was the same as that of any other Cursed, cracked and dark.

Besides Crawlers being one of the most lethal Cursed types, the bestiary didn't have much to offer. They battled like any other, but with an intensity and quickness missing in those Leo had previously killed, including the Runner. The only thing standing between them and complete dominance was their bone structure, which registered as a vulnerability in the System.

And this thing can reach E- rank? Fuck me. Thank god that it is only level two.

Switching his gaze to another new creature, Leo shuddered. Red blood dripped from its muzzle as it bit off another chunk of flesh from one of the mutilated bodies lying in the courtyard.

It was a hound straight from hell. A once-friendly dog had evolved into a harbinger of death. Whatever kind of canine it had been in the past, Leo had no doubt that the Hound could topple any person in the old or new world with its enormous frame... Or it could just rip them apart with its razor-sharp teeth and claws when people would try to run away from the red-furred beast.

Leo gulped and pulled out the bestiary entry of the level three Hound.

Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Hound
Expected Potential: F to F+
Weapon of choice: Claws, Jaws
Known weaknesses: Head, Tail, Dexterity
Hounds evolved from the various canines of the world, adapting to the new order. Their bodies are as intimidating as they can be, but they often lack the necessary speed to defend themselves or finish their targets in battle. Hounds usually form small packs to cover their weaknesses. In later stages of life, packs settle into one territory and protect it from invaders, whether a Voidling or a User.

Leo let out a deep sigh as he let his forehead rest against the fence. Could be a lot worse. As long as I don't anger a pack, I should be fine… Now-

Every thought escaped from Leo's head when a gasp reached his ears. He immediately turned, watching the curtain move slightly as a human disappeared behind it.

"Hey, wait up," Leo called out, keeping his voice low as he canceled True Stealth.

Only no one responded, the patter of feet barely audible to Leo. Shit. He rushed to the back of the property, where he found two more windows and a backdoor. As he arrived at the door, Leo softly knocked a couple of times, sending another pulse through the house.

They are close, very close. Leo's hand drifted towards the rifle at the side of his bag, ready to bring it out if this unexpected meeting went to shit. "Come on. I know you are there." He tried once more, his voice loud enough to at least go through the door.

"Go away." A woman's voice finally answered, and Leo furrowed his brow at the command. "I saw everything. You're a monster just like them!"

Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me. Leo groaned internally, hand flying to his forehead. Of course, the woman had to see him kill the other Voidlings or just his tainted arm alone. I forgot it could be a problem. He scowled, looking down at his arm.

Taking a breath, Leo spoke again, his eyes flickering to every side, waiting for a Voidling just to pop out. "I assure you, I'm no monster, ma'am. Didn't they explain to you what was happening?"

A not-so-sane chuckle came from the other side of the door. "Oh, I know very well, and you are just like the beasts out there, only smarter. But you won't fool me!"

Leo rolled his eyes, his patience waning. This woman must have gone mad. Or. His gaze went from the block to the house. She was mad long before this. After all, who would stay in a place like this when they offer you a new flat and money for just moving out?

"Why the hell would I kill other Voidlings if I was one of them? Use your brain, lady." Maybe Leo shouldn't have insulted the first living human he met, but it just slipped out. He just had to be lucky enough to find a nutjob who probably cracked under the pressure. Why me...

Another muffled bark of laughter reached Leo's ears. "Why? To have me all to yourself, of course! I saw the beasts near the block fighting for the right to their meals. You aren't any different. I have seen it with my own eyes."

No matter how annoying this woman was, she at least gave Leo an essential piece of information. They fight for food. Good to know. As for you bitch, one last chance.

"I assure you, ma'am, I'm a human. My arm might look bad, but the System is keeping it contained," Leo spoke slowly, just like with a child.

"I don't care!" She shouted, eliciting another screech from a Voidling behind a fence. "If you try to come in, I will kill you! Just like I killed the one that tried to enter through my window."

How the fuck did you even survive that long with all that shouting? Leo grumbled as he sped away from the house, almost flying over a fence that led deeper into the abandoned side of the neighborhood. He might have wanted to experience some human contact, but he wasn't an idiot. This woman would bring an army of Voidlings to them because she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Bitch. At least I know who is winning the Darwin Award this year...


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