A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapte 19. Just another day on the Job

"Evolution is something truly fascinating. There are thousands of different races in the vast Multiverse and even more variants and mutations. The System offers us plenty of choices; we just need to take them, use them to survive, and become something more. With time, you will understand what I mean, and then you will be ready to create your own path. A path that no one ever walked."

~ An old warrior to his grandson, 25th Outbreak

A rustle echoed through the empty attic as Leo hid the leftovers of his meal. Nothing could go to waste when the apocalypse surrounded him from every side. While finding more nourishment wasn't too much of a problem now, all could change in another week or two. Who knew how much of the world would even be standing anymore?

Leo once again leaned against the brick wall, sighing as his mind was still going through different scenarios regarding evolution. It was way too important to just forget about it in a few minutes, especially when it could change Leo's entire being.

His tainted arm rose to Leo's eyes, the clawed hand flexing and turning as he took in the mass of deformed flesh and glowing veins. Scars upon scars still covered the entire skin. Only now, Leo saw the few new additions he gained during his journey. They were different, more noticeable, bathing in the inhuman veins' eternal crimson sheen.

Maybe I can get rid of you. Leo thought, his gaze falling upon the long claws. But is it the right choice?

The first time Leo saw the tainted arm, he wanted to rip it off, to get rid of something so hideous. Then the limb quickly proved its usefulness against Edward's husk. Leo's new abilities might have been the ones to guide him, but without the claws, Leo could have died anyway.

After that fight, he tried not to think too much about the transformation. Instead, Leo used the limb as a tool to survive, be it as a weapon to kill Voidlings or a glorified lamp in this world without any electricity.

And now that Leo realized that the option of evolution was coming, he didn't know what his choice should be. If evolution allowed him to get rid of the arm and become more human again, should he take it?

Leo shook his head. Once again, worrying about something that might not even be an option. First, I need to meet the requirements, and then… then I can worry about my humanity.

Taking a peek through the small window, Leo frowned as he noticed the sun was already on its way toward the west. Still have a few hours before the night. He thought, returning to his previous position.

Leo wanted to give his back a bit more time to rest before moving again, but lying here for the next five or four hours, waiting for the night, just didn't sit right with him. Especially not when with every hour, the monsters outside were becoming stronger.

Kill some stragglers, scout the area and then come back. Leo nodded, moving to stand up, only to stop as another thought crossed his mind. Hold up. There was one more menu for me to check. Job?

Catching the command, the System answered, lines of notifications flashing into existence in front of Leo.

Welcome to the Job Menu. Please select your first job. This list is made up of any profession that you have seen, experienced, or heard about. With time, this list might become longer, and you will be able to change your job at the price of Ether and progress in your previous job.

Jobs available:







The list went on and on. It mentioned almost every mundane job of the old world, with a few additions that existed only in fiction. From soldier and guard to leader and butcher, the System had it all.

Ninety percent or more of those jobs had no place in the new world, so Leo concentrated on the ones that might provide him with some benefits.

When he used Identify on any of those jobs, the System answered, giving Leo a short description and the advantages gained. In most cases, it was a unique skill or two. Still, a few jobs also provided the User with access to particular functions of the System related to the profession.

Leo checked almost every crafting job that could prove helpful in his journey. While some of them had potential, they all came with one critical problem specified by the job's description.

The lack of tools required for the job.

Guess I won't be crafting potions or weapons anytime soon… Leo sighed and gave the list another look. Without tools and a place to settle down, he didn't know how anyone could ever use most of the valuable jobs.

Minutes passed as Leo identified job after job, searching for anything supporting his survival style. It wasn't until he returned to the top of the list and read the description of a profession he had dismissed previously that he found something useful.

In old times, those hard-working people were the ones to provide food and materials for their families to survive another year. In the world infested by the Void, the Hunters rise once more. Both to supply the new world with rare materials and to hunt monsters that refuse to die.
Skill: Hunter's Pulse and access to the Bestiary.

Bestiary… A function like that could be useful depending on how it worked. And Hunter's Pulse, the first rare skill, I wonder. A scowl formed on Leo's face when Identify refused to give more information about either of the benefits.

I guess I can take it and change it later. Some Ether shouldn't hurt too much... Hunter it is.

Your job has been set to Hunter. Access to bestiary and tasks granted. Guided access to Hunter's Pulse granted.

Hunter's Pulse (Rare):
The first skill any respectable Hunter has to learn. Guided by intent and Essence, the pulse helps them through the hunt in search of their targets or anything valuable.
Send a pulse of Essence through the surrounding area in search of anything alive or valuable. The pulse range depends on the amount of Essence used, while its effectiveness is guided by your Vision. Warning: Any being with sharp senses might be able to feel the pulse.

The knowledge once again crashed into Leo's mind. Only this time, he was somewhat ready, grinding his teeth as he processed the information. Unlike with any skill before, Leo now knew perfectly how to utilize the ability even if its inner workings evaded him. Useful, very useful. It will be nice to know what is inside before I barge into a building.

Although during the information transfer, Leo caught one very curious detail that he just had to check out.

Closing his eyes, Leo placed a hand on the floor and reached into his Essence reserves. The energy, guided by his will, formed a tiny ball inside his hand and waited for Leo's final command.

A command he gave immediately as he released the energy into the floor.

Eyes snapping open, Leo watched and felt as the crimson Essence traveled through the entire attic, touching everything in the room. Then his gaze went to the backpack, which started to glow faintly. So that was what it meant by ‘guided by intent’.

When it came to items, the pulse apparently required intent from the User. The more precise the command, the easier it would be for the skill to find the requested objects. Quite advanced, but very, very useful. And what about the bestiary?

Welcome to your bestiary. Currently, it is empty, but after every identified creature, you will be able to access the System's information about your target.

Expected. Even if I already Identified plenty of Voidlings…

Sighing, Leo stood up, slinging his bag over his back. He grimaced slightly as his wounds flared, but another hour or so of rest at least allowed the injuries to heal even more. His back should be almost healed after the night with this speed of recovery.

Leo rolled his shoulders a few times to get used to the pain again and moved towards the stairs. In the meantime, his mind called out one final part of the System he had to investigate.

Job Menu:

-Start a task

-Pay for a task

-Change your job

Eyebrows raised, Leo selected the first option, his eyes widening as another list appeared. Hunt: Cursed Humans. Find the lair of Collectors. Kill a Prime and harvest its heart. Gather two Crystallized Essence. All commissioned by the System.

Leo returned to the job menu without selecting any tasks and chose the second option. His eyebrows climbed even higher when he noticed the extensive menu.

He could request pretty much anything he wanted. Of course, he had to provide a reward for the task — be it Ether or items — but then the System would register it for the users with the proper job.

It seemed nice and valuable for the future, but as Leo looked at the job request again, he frowned. Range: Current planet. Somehow I doubt anyone is doing much better than me... There is no way people out there have time to finish a task I created… It would also explain why all available ones are commissioned by the System.

Shrugging, Leo returned to his tasks and selected the only one he could complete as of this moment.

Hunt: Cursed Humans
Slay at least 10 Cursed Humans of level 3+. Commissioned by: System. Time Limit: 2 Earth days.
20 Ether

Do you wish to accept?

Yes. The window disappeared, leaving Leo standing before the closed backdoor. His claws pushed the door ajar and he slipped out, going back into the world painted in red.

Leo went around the corner of the house and hid behind one of the bushes, giving him the perfect view of the empty street. True Stealth formed around his body, and Leo sprinted along the plants near the sidewalk, jumping into the yard of another house a moment later.

Like almost every building in the neighborhood, the house was barely standing. Pieces of glass glinted in the sunlight while parts of bricks laid scattered all over the yard. If Leo didn't know any better, he would have thought that the previous night had caused all that.

Crouching in front of a boarded entrance door, Leo reached into himself and touched the building. A much larger ball of Essence seeped into the wall. Leo momentarily closed his eyes as he processed the feedback.

No weapons, no food, and no one alive.

Leaving the yard, Leo traveled to almost every house on the street, his pulse scanning for anything useful or any indications of life. Not even one Voidling was found, and he had to accept that it was time to move to the other street that led to a road that the block of flats stood by.

Leo jumped over another fence and sneaked towards the backdoor. Hunter's Pulse thrummed through the entire building, and Leo's eyes widened just a bit when the skill gave him a positive for the first time.

Somewhere on the ground floor. Leo thought as he yanked the board placed across the door.

The plank didn't even fight against Leo's inhuman strength and the long rusty nails slid out in just a second. The door followed without help, opening wide open, groaning after years of unuse.

A familiar screech answered from somewhere in the house, and Leo grinned. He knocked on the door's frame for good measure, waiting for the Voidling to come out.

The Cursed Human almost crashed into the hallway's wall as it dashed towards the entrance door. In response, Leo backed a few steps, identified the monster, and gripped the nailed plank in his hands. Ready to deal with the Voiding as fast as he could.

Cursed Human (Voidling) | Rank: F- | LVL: 1

The moment the Voidling came into range, Leo swung his makeshift weapon, the plank meeting the creature's head. The wood snapped, splinters raining down upon the ground as the Voidling screeched, the metal nails digging into its head.

Snorting, Leo grabbed his dagger and finished the monster. His claws sank into the beast's body, and he frowned when a deep violet sheen once again covered the blood on his limb.

So it wasn't a one-time thing... I really need to figure out what that Passive does. Leo shook his head. Later, now let's see. Bestiary.

Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Cursed Human
Expected Potential: F- to F
Weapon of choice: Sharpened fingernails, Jaw
Known weaknesses: Head
Cursed Humans are the main variants of Voidlings created due to the Outbreak. Their complete lack of intelligence makes them easy prey as solo targets. When in fear of a stronger predator, Cursed Humans tend to form groups that can overwhelm even experienced warriors. Any cursed variant can be instinctively commanded by a stronger variant.

Not bad...

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