A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

17. To dust, you shall return!

Location- The Kuiper Belt

[Third POV]

The space whale gazed with his two eyes on his left side at what appeared to be the love child of a porcupine, an iguana, and a glowing crystal of quartz but with a relatively small yellow crystal crown on its forehead. 

They were dozens of kilometers apart not it mattered or was a great distance in the vacuum of space.

That came out of a particularly large but now disintegrated asteroid, it was probably hibernating in it and it was very angry to the immense amusement of Caelicetus. 

The remnant of the young titan's crescent-shaped breath attack's beams was bouncing off in outer space thanks to an invisible geometrical shield around the now wide-awake titan but not without losing most of their energy in the process

The few ones going in the Solar System direction were caught in wormholes and sent back at the crystalline reptile. 

Their near speed of light was completely meaningless in front of Caelicitus since the whale could exactly calculate and anticipate where they were going.

The barrage of light beams continued for a whole minute.

'It has vague similitude to Godzilla… oh yes, isn't that SpaceGodzilla, this thing has telekinetic powers, right?', wondered the whale as he saw the last beams of light bounce off the noticeably cracked telekinetic shield. 

Then he waved his two front left flippers in a friendly greeting gesture. That earned him in response a yellowish-orange beam of energy and telekinetic power coming from the wide-open jaws of SpaceGodzilla. 

Aimed at him. 

To kill, not that it particularly surprised Caelicetus, it was quite the explosive way to wake someone up and then bombard them nonstop for a minute. 

He also sensed that the creature was wrong and shouldn't exist here and the appetizing crystals that were full of energy on its back were very endearing to his stomach.

However, the fucking electromagnetic waves it continually emitted were disturbing to his ultra-sensitive senses, nevertheless, they were laughable compared to Desghidorah with their thermic shield. 

And the telekinetic shield was not blocking his gravitokinesis, at all. It was a physical wall, not an energy field or something similar.

The space whale had already put on his shields made on the concept of black holes and white holes the moment he finished his breath attack. He was playing around/letting off steam/testing but he wasn't stupid. He also wanted the crystal as undamaged as possible, certainly greed and he knew it.

Yes, he put multiple layers, in fact, they were three layers of the two types of shield, it was not his max number nor his maximum powers output but if he indeed increase it, he would risk and possibly start to lose control resulting in them essentially exploding.

And each type of shield was separated by dozens of meters, or the whole defense would have exploded, though he was working on that part. 

He wasn't even sure the shield formation would hold, yet that didn't worry him one bit on the contrary it excited him. 

And he already had scars, the smaller ones having already faded away but the bigger ones near his chest were still present as long white marks, making a strong contrast on his otherwise nearly translucent skin. 

One or two more won't change much. Not that he will let himself be hit if he could avoid it. 

Back to the Corona Beam aimed at him, Caelicetus shaped multiple black holes and wormholes on it or in front of it but the beam moved away like a snake, though it slowed it down. 

It was controlled by SpaceGodzilla to Caelicetus' unhidden annoyance, the former also greatly annoyed by the young space titan, adding to his rage. 

It didn't know what it was fighting, it was not old enough to know about Caelicetus's species and its master didn't inform it about it either.

The beam finally hit its target, breaching four layers of shields, each time losing some of its firepowers, mainly of its telekinetic power but still on its way to the fifth, a repulsive shield. 

Yet at that exact moment, the whale titan disappeared with a soundless crack of space and golden light.

The crystal porcupine reptilian orange eyes twitched, it didn't understand what just happened, it snarled in anger showing its monstrous fangs even further.

The Corona Beam, now out of the control of SpaceGodzilla disappeared into the void of space, on its way until it finally hit an asteroid, making a see-through hole in it in the process.

Caelicetus appeared just in front of SpaceGodzilla, the lizard could only see the glowing tail of the whale, and the tail weight and strength behind the hit were tremendously magnified with gravity.

The tail slammed against the shield, making it break into a thousand-piece as if it was glass, then into the jaw of a now wide-eyed SpaceGodzilla, dislocating its jaw and making the shocked lizard spit some of its fangs in the process.

SpaceGodzilla flew back, its jaw already healing and fangs growing back, it made a guttural but silent roar of rage. That Caelicetus ignored, he was more concentrated on his now sore tail.

Suddenly the space lizard's crystals started to intensively glow as it rapidly changed form, its body covered in black scale while its belly and chest area in reddish scale, it was taking a bipedal stance, stocky and small arms appearing as well as muscular legs and a long prehensile tail that ended with dozen of pointy white crystals.

Most of its crystals on its back merged into two massive crystals, one behind each shoulder, its back covered in crystals as if they were dorsal plates and then detached themselves to orbit around SpaceGodzilla.

*RAW-it was interrupted in the middle of its silent roar. It was shocked, stunned, terrified, and last but not least furious.

Its left shoulder crystal was entirely missing. In its place, was a gaping bloody hole, purple blood was getting sucked out in space and the hole made it possible to gaze upon the inside of its rib cage.

Its healing kicked in again, desperately trying to close up the injury. Then it froze as its right shoulder crystal was delicately ripped out of his body, ending with the same injury but on the right side.

It didn't understand anything as all of the crystals on its body were getting plucked out, one by one. Each time a wave of pain went through its whole body. Until there was nothing to pluck out anymore.

It was still alive. Purple blood floating around everywhere. It was barely able to move anymore, the crystal in orbit around its body was also gone.

It glared at the young whale titan around him where the crystals were supposed to be on its body. SpaceGodzilla was beyond mad, sadly it didn't change anything. It was now completely powerless or at least very close to it.

"Sorry not sorry but no second boss phase for you.", the now crystal-less lizard heard the very much joyful and echoing voices of Caelicetus, he was proud of himself. It was very clean and a big improvement compared to his first fight. Though he was exhausted, his breath attack was a bit energy-consuming. 

He was hungry and his anger has greatly reseeded. Oh, he was still mad, but it was at the back of his mind.

'Like I would let you become even stronger...', thought the whale, he gazed at the gory but slowly healing lizard with clear contempt and also a bit of pity.

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