A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

16. Angry space gemstone



Third POV

Al-An stared at the godly beast in front of him through the wormhole. He then dematerialized himself to reappear on the other side of the room, he then commended Facility Zero to put all of the force fields at max powers output.

He was, in all honesty, utterly terrified and fascinated by the creature that named himself Caelicetus. 

He was similar but at the same time totally different from the three-headed Black Dragon, the mind of the beast was overwhelmingly more powerful than anything else he has seen, even if Caelicitus seemed really young and also inexperienced at using telepathy.

The signal from the key was indicating that Desghidorah had broken out of their containment. Truly horrific news.

But he completely believed the whale, the mere concept of lying, even the lightest of lies, was something he couldn't comprehend, even with all of his intellect and thousands of years of life. 

And it was nearly impossible to lie, even for a two thousand years old Architects. He didn't doubt the power of the whale but he felt that telepathy wasn't in his expertise.

Lies were going against the Architects' culture as a whole. 

It was blasphemy, disgraceful, shameful, and disrespectful to their very being and the ever-expanding mystery of the Universe they were tasked to learn, comprehend, and archive. 

He didn't understand why the titan was acting like this, though.

Wasn't she just his progenitor? Why have such a strong reaction? Yes, she is mortally injured, and? It was dozens of millions of years in the past… unless Caelicetus didn't know. Well, he still didn't understand why such a strong reaction was happening.

All of the wormholes started to disappear one by one, gravity was getting more amd more unstable, *RUMBLE* the facility trembled as if a massive marsquake was going on. Alarms started to blare again and were promptly stopped by Al-An.

The architect immediately realized after, that it was in fact what was happening, the dozen remaining seismographs working was getting destroyed or greatly damaged one by one while sending data to his location. It was very confusing with the apparent time dilation. That greatly surprised him.

Indicating that all around the planet Mars dozens of marsquakes of different intensities were going on. Then they all suddenly stopped. The event only lasted three seconds.

*CRACK*, he saw on one of the cameras he was connected to that Caelicetus just disappeared.

He slumped on his rump. He made a mental sigh of relief. That was a very intense and very informative encounter. He will obey his King unless it's a request to kill himself or destroy knowledge. 

Al-An won't try anything against something greater than himself in every aspect, the mere idea is the height of folly.


The Solar System.

Border of the Kuiper Belt.

Third POV

Caelicetus reappeared in the vacuum of space and was intensely glowing. Thousands of mini black holes and white holes continuously popped in and out of existence in his surroundings. As if gravity itself was responding to his emotions.

The whale was beyond livid and he didn't know why. However, he did know that him being in this state and on his Mars to boot, would have apocalyptic results if he snapped. He needed to be as far away from any lifeforms as possible. The Kuiper Belt is an excellent spot for this.

He was thinking back at the state of his Mom in the picture, time and time again, he paused. He never really realized it until now but since he reincarnated as a titan he never thought of his human Mother as Mom anymore.

It was a very conflicting feeling, he dearly loved his Mother as Nathan, even if he wasn't Nathan the human anymore. He still loved his human Mother.

Caelicetus knew, as much as it pained him, that she wasn't his Mother and never will, it was his past 'him' Mother. 

His Mom of his life was also dead. He wasn't depressed or anything of the like. The reason. He didn't know her and will NEVER know her and that is what made a big part of his being mad at whoever the fuck even dared to do this. The other was more senseless and primal.

She was dead sacrificing herself for him, period. She probably ran away from whatever happened, gave birth to him on Mars, put him in this cryptobiosis-like state, and died quickly after. If she was alive, she would have been with him.

'It's Desghidorah species… It's their fault. I'm sure of it.', he darkly concluded, that he was going to kill them all and from his memory, they were all 'evil' and destroyers of worlds. 

It also correlated with the instinctual hatred he had for the species in general and it apparently was mutual.

Caelicetus knew it was wrong to judge a whole species by the actions of a few but frankly, he couldn't care less. 

'Calm yourself down.', he berated himself, making multiple clicks that traveled through the graviton, flapping his flipper as he swam deeper into the Kuiper Belt. 

Anger was in most cases bad and it was one of those cases, he didn't want to snap and do something stupid like making every planet smash into the Sun, a slight and calculated tilt in their orbits is all is needed. Or even play billiards with moons and the smallest planets. For shit and giggles.

He was swimming quietly for days at the modest speed of 10% of the speed of light, trying to calm himself, he wasn't that fast normally but he could just infinitely accelerate. 

Though this method of relaxation wasn't very effective, it helped but not much. At least the micro black hole and white hole stopped randomly appearing.

He passed by the dwarf planet, Pluto.

He stopped himself while silently bellowing in annoyance and glared at the hundreds of asteroids thousands of kilometers apart from each other. One of them was very wrong, unnatural, somehow alive and it was hidden in this area.

'A punching bag?', was the first thought of Caelicetus, searching for where the thing was hiding. He didn't find it and was too lazy to search more but he got an idea. A very destructive one.

Inside of his closed mouth, he was continually shaping thousands upon thousands of micro black holes, they were just at the top of his tongue. 

All of the black holes continued to decay as fast as they were created, building up an enormous amount of gamma rays, and particle antiparticles. 

All chaotically bouncing in the whale's mouth, yet he wasn't hurt by them, only a bit strained and slightly exhausted by the energy he was expending. He was at it for multiple minutes now.

Caelicetus then slightly opened his lower jaw, enough for his whale baleen to be fully seen but nothing more. Then he used a muscle at the back of his throat that he never used before.

No sound. Only a golden light as intense as the Sun with aurora borealis qualities. 

It was in the shape of a crescent, composed of thousands of extremely thin beams with a height of 27 meters (88.58ft).

The beams atomized every asteroid they passed through, clearing everything in front of Caelicetus, the whale titled his rostrum in the direction of the thing he was looking for. 

Transforming everything in its way in its most basic particles. Ah, and Caelicetus didn't have any real control over what he was doing. 

He was only orienting the beams, luckily he knew how to aim and he wasn't in general the direction we're in the middle of the Solar System. 

The beams only spread farther with distance, hardly losing power and they didn't have a limit in range.

'Might be overdoing it a bit.', reckoned Caelicetus but he continued. Until they were nothing left in front of him but one very angry but undamaged gemstone lizard glaring daggers right at him.

Also, humans will notice that 23% of the Kuiper Belt has visibly vanished somewhere. Different conclusions will be made from this event some more plausible than others.

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