A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Part 2: Tutorials

As Lilith’s head hit the podium, there was a gasp- Kass ran to her side and caught her before she hit the ground. 

 “She’s just unconscious,” he announced, and a sigh of relief swept across the transformed villagers. “That must have taken a lot out of her. I’ll get her somewhere to rest.”

 “Try the back room,” Amelia said. “Since all this has been remodeled, the same might extend to back there.”

 Lifting up the priestess, Kass went to the formerly dilapidated stairwell, pushing away the curtain that was formerly a wooden door to see that, not only were the stairs fixed, they seemed to be going down as well as up.

 That wasn’t there before.

 Going down the stairs, Kass found a dark basement, with no visible candles to light the place. 

 Oh, right. The light spell. Holding out his hand, a glowing ball of golden light appeared within it, letting Kass see what the room contained.

 However, just because he could see it didn’t mean he understood it. The room contained a variety of strange furniture and leather devices, none of which Kass recognized. After a quick look around, he concluded that they were all probably sexual in nature and went back up the stairs. 

 The second floor had a large table with a number of chairs around it, but no beds. Going up one more flight of stairs, however, Kass found what he was looking for.

 The room’s focal point was a large blue bed, with the headboard up against one wall. There was a closet on another wall, and a small table next to the bed, too. Carefully laying Lilith down atop the covers, Kass made his way back to the main room.

- - -

 “So, even though Lilith is… busy recovering,” Amelia said, “there’s still a few things we need to discuss and explain.” Pulling up her menu, she continued. “Can all of you see this floating rectangle in front of me?”

 After hearing their murmured assent, Amelia looked over to Milo. 

 Despite his transformation, Milo was still instantly recognizable to her. The same short-cropped hair, the same scars patterning his face, and the same steely look in his eyes. His musculature was just as intact, so the only real changes were a new pair of breasts straining against his shirt- although, not as much as they were for many others. Maybe he got a looser shirt in anticipation for the transformation?

“Milo, could you come up here?”


 “You all have menus of your own, but I’m not sure if they’ll look the same as mine and Kass’s. It’ll be easier to explain if I know what everyone’s seeing.”

 “I see,” he said, making his way to the front and climbing onto the stage. “How do I create that ‘menu’?”

 “Just hold out your hand and imagine it,” Kass chimed in from the doorway. “Most of these powers work off of thought.”

 As Milo followed Kass’s instructions, a panel appeared in front of him, and Kass and Amelia leaned over to examine it.



Milon Kreuz II







 Despite the surprise at seeing his true name, Milo didn’t let it show on his face. Kass and Amelia, however, weren’t as practiced at maintaining a dispassionate mask, their eyes widening as they turned to ask Milo about it.

 “Not right now,” he whispered under his breath. “So, it displays my name, age, and the name of this village. What does yours display?”

 “A good deal more information,” Kass said, pulling up his own menu for comparison.








Warrior of Medenta



Combat Level


Sexual Level




















 “Since our transformations were the source of a different, more concentrated spell, we have a number of things you don’t,” he explained. “If you tap on a specific panel, it should give you more information regarding what it means.”

 At this, the few people in the crowd who had been following along tapped on the two panels which were most likely to give more information: [Settlement] and [Hythe].



A town, village, city, or similar grouping of people that follow Medenta. While individual members of a settlement (excepting Acolytes) will not have their own levels, settlements as a whole possess Faith and Sexuality levels, which grant the settlement additional magical effects.




Faith: 1 (0%)

Sexuality: 1 (0%)

Faith spells: Light

Sexuality Spells: Condom



 “So, the [Light] spell is easy to explain,” Kass said. “You just hold up your hand, like so-” he continued, as the glowing orb manifested above his palm, “and then you can move it around.” He pointed to the orb, which then began to follow his finger, allowing him to maneuver it around the room for a bit, after which he closed his hand and the orb winked out of existence. “Right now, it’s a pretty basic spell, but it should improve when the village levels up.”

 Within a few moments, adults and children alike had cast the spell themselves, and there were a number of the glowing lights flitting about for the rest of the night.

 “The other spell, [Condom],” Amelia explained, “has a more specific use. It’s meant to prevent unwanted pregnancies or messes. Now then, to use it, just make a circle with your fingers.” Upon doing so, a bubble-like film appeared within Amelia’s fingers, which she then stretched out with her other hand. “Now, this is a [Sexuality] spell, so it’s use is, naturally sexual. The way I believe it works is that you would put this over your dick, to prevent semen from getting everywhere- namely, inside of your partner. The other important thing, however, is this.” Tying a knot into the condom, it quickly shrank, before popping out of existence. “By tying a knot in the end, it’ll shrink, along with anything inside. It’ll probably take longer if there’s something actually in there, but it’s helpful for cleaning up.”

 “Lilith probably has a bit more she wants to discuss tomorrow, but for now, that’s all we have to say,” Kass said. 

 With that, the villagers began to disperse, Julia grabbing a nearby woman and rushing out.

 “So, what should we do about Lilith?” Amelia asked. “If she’s sleeping here, should one of us do the same to get her up to speed?”

 “No need,” someone said from behind, startling Amelia.

 “I’ll be sleeping in the storeroom. When I wake up, I’ll go check on her,” Gabriel said.

 “Oh, good,” Amelia replied, once the shock passed. “I had actually forgotten you were there,” she admitted.

 “What do you plan to do about the goblin?” Milo asked.

 “Not sure,” Kass said. “None of us can communicate with Gorse, so we can’t exactly ask what she wants. I’d say the best course of action is to have her stay here.”

 “Well, I only have one bedroll, so unless there’s an extra bed somewhere here, I think she’d end up on t

he floor here,” Gabriel interceded.

 “Ah. In that case, I can share my bed,” Kass said. 

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