A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Part 2: Honeymoon

When the lights cleared, Julia could instantly feel the change. While it was hidden by her dress, she felt the newly grown phallus between her legs, and was eager to try it out. Looking around, she saw Jens, her transformed husband- or would it be ‘wife’ now?- and felt a flash of jealousy as she realized that the transformation had given Jens a larger bosom than her own.

The jealousy was quickly followed by lust, as Julia’s new appendage began to stiffen, and her mind started to fill with ways to relieve her first-ever erection.

- - -

After what felt like an eternity of listening to Amelia and her brother talk, Julia was almost ready to just tear off her dress and stick her dick in the closest available hole. It especially didn’t help once they started talking about condoms and whatnot. 

Was everyone else having similar problems? Was that why they wanted to explain condoms right now, because they thought everyone was going to go have sex tonight? Were they right?

As Julia stood there, hands in front of her waist to prevent her erection fron becoming fully obvious, she felt a drip of precum run down her leg.

The moment she heard Kassander conclude the meeting, she grabbed her spouse’s arm and began rushing home.

- - -

“What’s wrong?” As strange as the night had been, Jens had figured that his wife had gotten off comparatively easy- while Jens would have to get a whole new wardrobe and adjust to the two lumps of fat messing with his balance, Julia just had an extra appendage between the legs.

Yet, throughout the night, she seemed to be growing ill- unfocused, sweating, fidgety. Did the magic fail, or backfire in some way?

“Are you alright?” he asked again, getting worried.

“I will be,” Julia said. “As soon as I get my dick inside you,” she said, grabbing by the shoulders and forcing them to their knees. 

Jens let out a sigh of relief. Oh, she’s just horny. Thank goddess.

“Open your mouth,” Julia said, as she pulled up her dress to reveal her rock-hard erection.

“Okay, but wh-” 

Jens’ question was interrupted by Julia slamming her crotch forward, forcing her dick down their throat as her balls slapped Jens' chin.

After a moment of choking, Jens acclimated to the meat-stick filling their mouth.

Where did she get the idea for this? She's never done anything like this with me.

While they knew that getting their teeth too close to their wife's new appendage could end up hurting, they weren't sure about their tongue.

Tentatively licking along the underside, Jens felt Julia shudder before letting out a moan.

Okay, so she likes that. Noted.

As Jens increased the intensity of their tongue-work, Julia felt herself get closer and closer to climax- soon busting her first ever load down her spouse's throat.

As she came down from the throes of orgasm, panting lightly, she looked downwards, where her dress had fallen over Jens' head.

"Does- hah- does it always feel that good for you?" She asked?

After Jens gave her a muffled reply, she quickly stepped back, removing her dress from their head and her dick from their mouth.

"Oh, sorry. I got… carries away there."

Standing up, Jens repeated what they had said.

"I don't know what it felt like for you, but given how loudly you were moaning, I bet it felt quite good."

"Absolutely. Goddess, I don't know how I'm going to get any work done anymore. This just feels too good!"

"I'm definitely going to need new clothes," Jens said, looking down at their shirt on the verge of tearing. "Can't have these things bouncing around out in the forest," they joked.

"Oh- you might not need to go hunting anymore," Julia remembered. "We can start selling milk again!"

"How so?" Jens asked confusedly.

"Remember that milk I gave you last night?"


"Well, I got that from Amelia! She said that it was magic, so if she could do that, maybe we could too!"

"You knew about this?" Jens asked incredulously.

"Weeeell…" Julia said, realizing what she had just admitted, " Kinda?"

"And why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to get her in trouble. She said she had a plan, and I didn't want to reveal stuff before she was ready."

"Ah. So, given the general theme of 'sex stuff', I assume that milk was lactational?"


"Can I also assume you got the idea for shoving your dick down my throat from her?"

"Are you mad at me?"

"No? I'm still not sure. I'm mostly just sad that you didn't trust me enough to tell me these things earlier."


As Jens walked towards the bedroom, they turned back. "You coming?"


"If we're going to continue testing out our new 'equipment', I'd rather do it somewhere comfortable."

The significance of what Jens just said rattled through Julia's brain for a moment, before she understood. "You mean, you'd let me-"

"Not without that [Condom] spell, though. I'm not ready to become a mother yet."

As she realized the importance of that last word, Julia was already following Jens, kicking off her shoes and removing her dress as she went into their bedroom, where Jens had similarly discarded their clothes as they lay on the bed.

Julia wanted to get right to the fucking, but she remembered what Jens had said- the condom. Making a ring between her thumb and forefinger, she pulled it down over her erect cock, which stretched it as it went, before she released the ring and the translucent film stuck itself to her base, sealing itself to make sure it didn't fall off.

"I'll do the same," Jens said. "So we don't need to do clean-up."

With those precautions addressed, Julia thrust into Jens’ new vagina, as the couple made love with an intensity far greater than their wedding night. 

As the moon rose in the sky, Julia continued her thrusting, until eventually she tired and fell asleep, spooning Jens as she unconsciously groped her lover’s new breasts in her sleep.

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