A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 119: Exploring a sentient Island (1)


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

— Ferris Bueller


<(Emma Frost pov)>

"Miss Frost, are we really going to an unexplored island for our annual school trip?" Kitty, the girl on Sugar Rush asked me with stars in her eyes.

"For the fourth time in an hour, yes we are. Now go and stand in the line for the roll call." I said as I tried not to show any annoyance towards her.

I get it, they are all very happy to go to an island but this is getting annoying now. Why is Ororo still not here? She is supposed to be already here since she is the principal. I am not even their teacher, just a member of the school board since Meta which is under my administration is the biggest donor to the school.

I had asked Rudeus to make me one of the members of the ruling council of Genosha but in response, he had just made me a board member of the Arcane Institute saying that 'Education is power". I can't believe that he expected me to believe that bullshit.

I had tried to seduce him a lot to change his decision but for some reason, I am the one who always gets seduced instead. A god with pleasure-inducing powers is op against women like me. Even that time when I was the one blowing him, I still came like a fountain after he just touched me once.

Although that was unquestionably THE best release I have ever gotten in my life, it was even better than when I touched myself privately. And his taste too was... amazing. I couldn't even help but shamelessly swallow it all when I first tasted it.

"Emma, why do you look like you are thinking about some tasty food or something? You are almost drooling from your mouth." Ororo said with a small smile as she came out to the ground where the children had lined up.

"Ororo, where were you? I had been waiting here looking after these kids for half an hour." I said with some anger and annoyance leaking into my tone while ignoring her question.

"Calm down Emma, I was just making preparations for the younger kids since we won't be taking them with us. We are only taking everyone fourteen years or older. So I had to make sure that the other teachers can handle everything here while we are gone even though Hank and Charles will remain here." Ororo said with a smile, not showing the least bit of anger. It seems she had started calling Professor X Charles showing her lack of respect for the 'now retarded' professor.

"Huff, fine. So, should I tell them that we are ready now?" I asked looking at the dozens of kids excitedly standing in front of us.

"Well, everyone already seems to be here and Jean will be coming with Rudeus. So, yeah go ahead." She said while scanning everyone's faces one last time to check if anyone was missing even though a roll call had already been done by Charles.

I didn't waste any more time and contacted my so-called daughters through telepathy. Soon, a red portal formed with a booming sound, and Rudeus, Jean, Vanessa, Elizabeth, and my daughters came through it.

"You guys ready?" Rudeus asked looking at us and the students who were standing with their backpacks on.

"Yeah," All the students shouted together making it seem like we were going to a battle or something.

"Okay, good. Now, before we embark on our journey, some ground rules have to be established. As some of you might know, we are going to an unexplored sentient island the size of a small country that is currently situated on the moon. How and why? You will know that later. All you need to know is that our mission should you choose to accept it is to rescue some of your classmates who are stuck on the island as well as map as much of the island as possible.

Now I have already gone to the island once and made sure that it is safe, so you all don't have to worry about safety since I'll be going with you as well. But it is still a rule for you all to stick together in a group and follow your teachers and do exactly as they say. You can use your powers but only if your teachers permit it or if you have to cross a hurdle of some kind while on the quest. Failure to abide by these rules will lead to immediate teleportation of the perpetrator back to the school. Do you all understand?" Rudeus gave a long speech while hovering a little up in the air to make himself visible to everyone.

"YES ATEM" A chorus of voices yelled as they answered. Almost all the children and teachers except the ones closest to him called Rudeus by his official godly name now. Truthfully, even I loved it since it sounded really hot to me for some reason like the name of a king with absolute power but I still called him either Rudeus or Master because it made me sound closer to him that way.

"So, let's go then." He said and with a gesture, Zoya floating beside him glowed as another red portal opened once again.

Rudeus was the first one to walk into the portal followed by Ororo, Jean, me, and then everyone else.

The moment I passed through to the other side, I knew that I wasn't on Earth anymore. This land was too beautiful to be Earth. It was a landmass filled with unique green plants that I had never seen before, purple rocks, and earth so soft that it almost seemed to me like I was walking on cotton.

Even the air was somehow purer than what should be possible. In fact, there shouldn't be any air here in the first place considering we are on the moon since I can see the earth in the sky from here.

"How is this possible?" Vanessa asked Rudeus the very question that I was wondering.

However, Rudeus didn't directly answer her. He just smiled and walked to stand in front of everyone.

"Welcome to Krakoa everyone. This area is an island, a very much alive meta island just like you and me. The trees, the rocks, and even the very earth that you are standing on are part of Krakoa." Rudeus announced that he was a tour guide giving us a tour of a museum.

A lot of children became visibly worried and even scared after hearing him. After all, which person would not be after hearing that they are standing on a living island?

I just sighed at this. Rudeus does have a thing for theatrics. He knows how to give everyone a show. Maybe that's why he is so likable and more popular than Magneto or Professor X.

Although both of the old men were metahumans, they liked to maintain a supreme air around them like they were above the rest, and that being leaders of the metahumans was their birthright or something but Rudeus even though was a god had a friendly aura around him. His very presence and voice gave off a feeling that we could trust him, that he is the best leader we will ever get, that we can tell him all of our secrets, reveal to him all of our desires and he will never let us down.

"But don't worry. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here. If everything goes well with our exploration today, we might even take this island back home and merge it with Genosha." Rudeus dropped a bomb by revealing his plan.

If he is able to do that, then a lot of our problems will be solved especially those that require more land resources like allowing more metahumans to migrate to Genosha or building more industries and so much more. There are always uses for extra land in a country, especially if the land is as fertile and healthy as this one.

Rudeus soon finished his speech on the details of the island and our 'mission' and explained that we would be divided into groups with each group having an adult experienced metahuman as its leader. These groups will then explore different parts of the island, mapping the areas as well as taking specimens of different plants, and will meet back at a certain place when it is time for lunch.

There would even be a contest where all the groups would have to compete against each other to find the location of the trapped X-men members on the island. Whichever group found them first would get to eat whatever they wanted to be cooked by Rudeus' personal celebrity chef for a week.

Although I think the last activity was a little dark considering that the trapped X-men were supposedly imprisoned here for years it still can't be denied that this was a really good team-building exercise as well as an excellent way for everyone to have fun.

"All this is safe, right?" Ororo asked with a worried expression as soon as Rudeus came towards us with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yes. Don't worry. I would never place any of my friends or family in unnecessary danger. I already scanned the entire island last night with the help of Zoya and made sure that there wasn't any danger here." Rudeus said with a smile.

"Not only that. Master also had a small 'conversation' with the avatar of this island and after he 'made it understand' that he was not its enemy but a friend, the island even agreed to release everyone it had trapped before, provided that from now on the island would be under Master's protection on earth since it too doesn't seem to like living on the moon and wants to return to earth." Elizabeth Braddock, aka Psylocke, said with a small smirk on her lips like she was remembering a funny moment.

"Wait, how did you even talk with the island? Does it speak English or something?" Jean curiously asked.

"I have an ability called Allspeak. It lets you converse with any intelligent living sentient organism, no matter its language." Rudeus answered.

"Not that there was a lot of talking that happened. The island just like everyone else in the world also seemed to understand the language of threats and violence. After ripping apart its body a couple of times, it was even ready to apologize to master while kneeling down." Elizabeth muttered in a low voice that didn't go unheard by everyone.

"Anyways, let's start the adventure. Krakoa has also agreed to make this exploration more adventurous by releasing some of his spores as mini monster trees for the students to fight and test their powers against. I have done a lot of planning to make sure that it would be really exciting for all of us here to explore this uncharted island today." Rudeus himself seemed excited as well which truthfully looked extremely cute. I guess having him as a husband would never be boring huh?

"I admit that this exploration sounds really cool and all but couldn't you just do it without me? I was peacefully sleeping before you decided to wake me up way before even the sun rose up you know?" Vanessa complained a little while rubbing her red eyes.

"Oh, by the way, did I mention? The special lunch today was cooked by the duo of Ramsay Gordon and Bobby Flay." Rudeus suddenly uttered with an expression that said he just remembered it now.

"Let's go exploring. The sooner we explore, the sooner we can have lunch." Vanessa got a sudden boost of energy and raw adrenaline as she marched toward the group that was assigned to her.

Huh. I guess, he was right. Maybe this would be fun. I thought with a small smile as I walked toward my own group.


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