A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 118: A Shark problem


"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."

-Jack Sparrow


"Also, I think it's time we take care of a certain Sinister problem before that," Rudeus said with a small cold smile on his face.

"But we still haven't found his definite location. We received some information about some fake addresses and names he uses for conducting his various research, but nothing concrete. Even the Cerebra wasn't able to determine his location, probably because he is hiding someplace that has the technology to negate the Cerebra." Zoya informed Rudeus with a neutral voice.

"So in a word, you have no idea where Sinister is?" Rudeus asked in disappointment

"No. Not till Sinister either slips up and makes a mistake in covering his tracks or he shows up himself?" Zoya also seemed down while saying it.

"I see. Then just focus on finding him and keeping an eye on the other organizations, especially Hydra." Rudeus instructed.

"Okay, Master," Zoya responded.

Rudeus wanted to continue the conversation with Zoya but suddenly he received a call on his Nokia that was modified by Zoya to be a supercomputer-level phone, only with physical buttons.

"Moshi Moshi." A familiar voice came from the other side.

"You are the one calling me Gwen. I should be the one saying that. Anyways why did you call me?" Rudeus asked.

"Oh, it's you Rudes. You see Jeffrey had an accident. He needs help and most animal doctors can't treat him because he has a different physiology from ordinary sharks since he is a walking mutant shark and all. But then I remembered that my hot boss has amazing golden-color-themed healing powers. So can you help him, PLEASE?" Gwenpool said without even pausing for breath.

"Sure. Wait right there. I am coming to you." Rudeus said as he cut the call.

"Open a boom tube to her location." He ordered Zoya.

The next moment a red portal opened with a booming sound like it was made by exploding a hole in the very fabric of space.

"Thanks," Rudeus said as he passed through the portal directly into the other side.

"What the fck?" Rudeus couldn't help but exclaim as he saw Gwenpool sitting on a toilet with her pants down and a hand rubbing her private area.

"Okay. This is gonna be hard to explain but believe me this is not how it looks." Gwenpool said still not removing her fingers from her loins.

"Let me guess. You were pleasuring yourself while talking to me on the phone while your pet shark is suffering in the next room?" Rudeus said with one of his brows raised.

"Okay, maybe this is exactly how it looks like. But believe me, Mr. Boss, there is a reason for this. Jeffrey is sleeping in the other room and I have my needs since I have been really frustrated and worried and needed a release. So I thought why not use my Boss's sexy voice to get off? I was close to getting there too until you came in... By the way, can you like come in about a few minutes later, that is all I need to get my post-nut clarity." Gwen smiled innocently.

"No," Rudeus simply replied with a straight face.

"Oh bullocks, I ain't getting my release, am I? You are probably trying to get me so frustrated that I practically throw myself at you while you utterly degrade my body using your absolute sexual skills and abilities and make me addicted to you, binding the innocent me into your web of mind-bending sex." Gwen asked with a neutral tone.

"That was the initial plan, yes" Rudeus admitted. He didn't want to lie. That was his game plan to retain most of his women. Love was a drug, yes. But sex is an even bigger and more genuine addiction, especially if it is with him and he has no qualms about using it to make his girls addicted and dependent on him and only him for it. He was a bastard that way.

"Damn. I am in. You had me at mind-breaking sex." Gwenpoole said as she put on her pants again.

"Really?" He asked with genuine confusion.

"Yeah. I mean both of us know that Marvel romances tend not to last long. Also, super-powered characters always have a sad and overly complex love life. So if I had to choose between an average dick and a super-powered godly mega dick that can make sure I experience the highest of heaven and likely make me unable to walk the next day, I'll choose that every time. Also, it's boring to have white knights in shining armor as a boyfriend. Nowadays it's all about hooking up with the bad boy or bad god in this case." Gwen grinned as she opened the toilet door.

Rudeus didn't comment on her words and just followed her wondering how crazy she truly was.

It seemed that they were in some sort of small animal hospital since he noticed different dogs and cats looking sick or unwell throughout the entire establishment.

"You were pleasuring yourself in a public animal hospital toilet?" Rudeus couldn't help but ask with a small amused smirk on his lips.

"Pleasure is blind. It doesn't care for location or time." Gwenpoole said in a sage manner like she was explaining the mantra of life.

Rudeus didn't answer anything but just followed her to a bed where Jeffrey the small shark was sleeping.

"What happened to him?" Rudeus asked as he looked at the small baby shark sleeping with a pained expression on his face. He had to admit that the shark was quite cute. It would make a lovely pet.

"You see we were suddenly attacked by some bad people with powers of their own. Of course, I defeated them all like the silent badass deadly ninja I am but I had forgotten about Jeffrey for a moment and a moment was all it took for a guy to attack him with fire blasts shooting from his fists." Gwenpoole said with teary eyes.

"Oh, did he get hurt because of the blast?" He asked trying to find out if there were any burn marks on the baby shark.

"No, he easily dodged them," Gwen replied.

"Then, how did he get hurt?" Rudeus questioned confused.

"He ate the guy but wasn't able to properly digest him. So he developed an extreme case of gas and stomach pain after that. The doctors tried to cure him with some medicines that they use on normal animals but he is too strong due to his meta physique for those medicines to work on him." Gwenpool said with tears in her eyes.

"You called me here to heal your pet because he has gas?" Rudeus asked looking at Gwen with a straight face.

"Yeah," Gwen nodded innocently.

"... *Sigh* Fine, I'll cure him. But remember next time, call Zoya or contact Forge for these things before contacting me." Rudeus said while sighing.

"Okey dokey boss." Gwen saluted like a soldier.

Rudeus didn't argue with her unnecessarily anymore and just concentrated on healing the little mutant shark.

A golden light soon left his hands and entered into Jeffrey which slowly banished the pained expression from the face of the shark.

"He will be alright now. Just make sure that he doesn't eat too many humans next time, especially ones who can fire energy blasts." Rudeus smiled while making a note to himself to order Zoya to find out the identities of the people who attacked Gwen.

"Will do. I'll make sure to give him a stricter diet, maybe I can find some Skrull meat. They should be here by now for the invasion." Gwen murmured the last part to herself.

"Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten. The Skrulls. They should also pose a danger to metahumans. We should deal with them early on." Rudeus said as he remembered about the potentially million-strong army of shape-shifting aliens here on Earth.

'Maybe I could ask Zoya to design some bioweapon virus to kill all Skrulls or something. But again things go terribly wrong with viruses in the comics, so I'll have to tread very carefully on that path.' Rudeus thought to himself. He didn't like Skrulls. To him, they were tenants who had overstayed their welcome and now were turning against their benefactors and repaying their kindness with violence.

"So I was right. You did read the Marvel comics before you got transported here just like me. This is so cool. So, are you from the dark DC multiverse or the Naruto universe? Or maybe are you from some twisted universe where superheroes are also shinobi?" Gwen whispered excitedly.

"I am from a normal universe like you, only our universes are probably not the same. Now stop talking about that stuff, I neither want a curious short bald voyeur to watch us talking about this stuff nor the numerous godly cosmic beings to hear us. What we have should always be kept secret unless you want an all-out war to break out because some madman wants to take our knowledge for himself." Rudeus warned Gwen.

"Oh, I didn't think about that. You are smart Boss, I have to give you that. My mouth is sealed for now unless you want to use it for yourself in which case I will make an exception... By the way, what are you going to do about Krakoa? I always wanted to go on a trip to a sentient meta-island that can fly. Maybe we can have our honeymoon there once we get married..." Gwenpoole continued to chatter not caring about Rudeus' multiple sighs as well as the pitiful look on his face due to him having to bear with her borderline insanity even though she was cute and lovable.

'Inserting my dick into her mouth in public to shut her up sounds quite tempting right about now... But she is right. I had almost forgotten about the floating island in space and the mutants trapped there. Maybe I should arrange for a tour of the island there as a family trip to uplift everyone's mood. Yeah, that sounds good especially since it looks like Zoya won't be able to find Sinister anytime soon.' Rudeus thought as he smiled to himself.

"Hey Gwen I think you should pack your things, we will be going on a trip with the others." He said with his smile still there.

"Really? Yippee." Gwen shouted in excitement which scared the still-sleeping Jeffrey so much that he fell from his bed in surprise.


(A/N: There will be a few slice-of-life chapters to develop the MC's relationship with a lot of characters that he hadn't interacted with much, before I move on to the short Sinister arc and then finally to the official canon MCU (although there would still be comics elements mixed in) after that.)

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