A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 67: Spirit Queen

The town of Qatar was surrounded by desert. Although it was a neighboring town to the academy the academy itself sat on a more plains like area.

It seems like Patrick’s spirit summoning requires 8 different materials that will take some time to buy so, I went to a bar to kill time.

“Excuse me, can I have one of whatever your recommended drink is please.”

“Thst would be Kenji’s whiskey then.”


“Yeah it’s 5000 Rion a cup, you asked for what I recommended so I brought it out. Aren’t you going to drink it?”

I should have been more cautious, this isn’t Razhousen. Although even though it’s expensive it’s good to try new things sometimes. The whiskey was poured into something like a wine glass and I took a sip.

“Thats delicious!”

“Obviously. It’s Kinjis whiskey after all.”

“Whats this kinji you’ve been saying?”

“Kenji’s whiskey? Well it’s called that because the guy who made it was named Kinji. I don’t know the details but, it seems to be some sort of new distillation method.”

It’s strange when even the person selling it doesn’t know anything but, it’s delicious so it’s fine.

“I’ll have what he’s having Barkeep.”

“Comin right up. ”

Someone came up next to me.

“May I? ”

“Go for it.”

The man took a seat, he had long green hair and his white skin had a mysterious feel to it.

“Oh? Are you a student?”

It seems like my uniform was visible through the robe.


“I see, youth is an illusion so it’s best to enjoy things.”

I hid my uniform but it didn’t seem like it was necessary.

“So you’re a student at Halekuwait right? What are you studying now?”

“Combat magic that even a healer is able to use.”

I smiled bitterly.

“Thats an interesting story. Does that mean that you’re a healer.”

“That would be the reason.”

“I see.”

“So I spend my time looking for healer books in the library but, as embarrassing as it is, I can’t read.”

“When you say you can’t read are you referring to the iest characters? Or something else?”

“I don’t really know but probably. ”

“Must be hard.”

How strange, I felt like talking to this person would help solve everything, as if I didn’t need to lie.

“I know, since we met here I’ll give you something good.”

“Something good?”

“Yeah, so close your eyes.”

Normally I would have hesitated but I closed my eyes as instructed.

“Ok now open them.”

I slowly opened my eyes but there was nothing there.


“Don’t worry about it right now. But you definitely got something.”


“By the way, you seem to like alcohol huh?”

“Sort of, I drink it often.”

“Me too, it takes me back.”

He looked sad for a moment.

“You know, for a student, you have a ridiculous amount of magic power.”

He said as he put his empty glass back on the counter.

“Where on earth did you get that much power.”

I saw it, both his eyes turned red. I stared for a moment before quickly turning away.

“In that case you know that a dungeon has appeared right?”


“Apparently a Labyrinth is inviting adventurers.”

So this world has such RPG style things Huh.

“So are you on your way to the dungeon?”

“Me? No I’m not on my way there. I’ve already been.”

“I see, so does that mean it’s been cleared?”

I heard about the Labyrinth dungeon before from Toa.

“I wonder. Of course everyone did say that about us at the time.”

He stood up.

“Leaving already?”

“I have something to do. But I’m glad to have met you. I rarely go out.”


Something flashed through my mind and I suddenly remembered.

“For a student, you have. Ridiculous amount of magic power.”

“You should go see the dungeon for yourself. Nito.”

“Why do you know my name.”

But when I looked back he was gone, I stood up in surprise and looked around but he wasn’t in the store.

“You want another drink?”

“No thanks, I’m fine.”

I drank the rest of my whiskey and left nit understanding.


“Even if you say we’re going to do it, we don’t have a place to do it.”

I joined Patrick at a coffee shop after he’d finished shopping. Apparently since there was so many people during the day we were going to summon it at night.

“Its not a problem. It’s already been decided.”

It seems like Patrick was planning this long before I came to the school.

“But more importantly Nito, doesn’t it smell pretty strongly of alcohol here?”

Patrick seemed to be searching for the source of the smell.

“Thats probably me, I went to a bar.”

“You should have invited me too.”

“Can princes even go to bars?”

“I’m just a student now so it doesn’t matter if I’m a prince.”

Now that I think about it, Arnold also went to a bar.

“The sun is setting, lets go.”

“Where are we going exactly?”

“Well summon it in that forest over there. Nobody should be able to see it.”

The forest he’s talking about seems to be an oasis. Although a lot of people are coming and going during the day it looks like there won’t be anyone there at night.

“Monsters come out at night so nobody wants to be there. And the tress are dense enough to block the light of the summoning.”

Patrick was convincing.

After passing through some palm trees we arrived at a large water source. As Patrick said there was no one here.


As soon as we arrived Patrick pulls out the book and starts drawing a large circle in the sand.

“Its a magic circle, I’m going to use two magic circles in order to stabilize the technique.”

“Double magic circle?” Its the first time I’d heard of that.

“A magic circle helps stabilize magic power. Although when summoning there is a high chance of magic slipping away before I can actually perform the summon. That’s why I decided to use a combination of a circle built from magic and one drawn on the ground.”

“You sure know a lot. I don’t even know the concept behind magic circles.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I’ve got no idea.”

Patrick didn’t seem to believe me but, I didn’t care beyond the fact that I was able to use magic. I knew the color of magic circles were different but, I didn’t really care enough to figure out their role.


By the time Patrick finished drawing it was already dark and he lined the circle with torches at regular intervals. Then he sprinkled salt around.

“Ok the preparation is complete.”

“So, what do you do now? ”

“About that.”

Patrick paused for a moment, it seemed like it was hard for him to get out the next words.

“Can I borrow your magic power?….. the books says that a person with a higher base of magic power will be able to summon a higher spirit. So I want to borrow your magic power to summon a spirit.”

“Can you do that? It’s supposed to be your spirit so, isn’t that cheating? ”

“There wasn’t any warning about it in the book. ”

Suddenly I understood why this book was forbidden. When a person is tortured to death the amount of magical power that is released is tremendous, if this book got into the wrong hands the amount of people that disappear would only increase.

“Ok first, I’ll drip blood onto the magic circle, then you immediately begin supplying power to the circle. I’ll signal after that.”

“Got it. ”

Patrick takes out a small knife.

“Here goes.”

He sliced his finger open allowing blood to drip out.


I began supplying power to the circle, it worked as though I was performing the magic myself.

“Like this?”

Wind was blowing of from the circle making my words difficult to hear.

“Yeah, keep going.”

I supplied more power, Patrick was greedy. Then a second circle appeared overlaying the one on the ground.

“This is the second circle.”

The circle on the ground glowed white as the one above it glowed red. The red circle slowly lowered until the two circles became one.

“Ok, stop.”

I stopped supplying magic power as I was told and at that moment the fire that was burning on the ground turned blue and erupted into a pillar of fire.


Patrick’s expression goes from stunned to being filled with joy.

“The spirit of fire, Salamander.”

The pillar of fire scatters and it appeared.

“This is a spirit….”

It was a woman, she wore jewels on her hips and chest, with Arabian style clothing. Blue flames danced around her.

“Was it you who called me?”

The spirit asked Patrick.

“Yes, I called you.”

“Really? I don’t think you’d be able to call me.”

The woman turned away from Patrick and looked at me.

“If there was someone that was able to call me it would be you. But, you seem dangerous.”

The smirk that had been directed at Patrick changed when she looked at me. And she stares as if watching me.

“Patrick hurry and make the contract.”

That’s the purpose of this after all.

“Did you say contract!? You intend to make a contract with me? The spirit queen?”

“Huh? Spirit queen?”

Patrick wrinkled his eyebrows, it’s the first time we’ve heard the term.

“You summoned me without knowing? No you didn’t, he did right?”

The spirit looked at me in contempt but different than the way she looked at Patrick.

“I am the spirit queen Salamander. I cannot sign a contract with such a small and powerless mage.”

Are all spirits this cheeky? But if he doesn’t sign the contract then doing the summoning was a waste.

“Patrick you know how to sign the contract right?”

“Yeah, but I can’t do that, I’m not strong enough.”

“I’m going to go home. Don’t call me again. You can thank me for not killing you.”


Patrick suddenly launches a fireball at the spirit but it pops out of existence when it hits her.

“……What are you doing? ”

“Kh… Please… sign a contract with me. I need the power of a spirit.”

“Whether you need it or not I have the right to choose.”

Patrick cut his finger and pointed his bloody index finger at the spirit.

“I know I’m powerless but I need you. Please there’s no other way.”

The spirit would not recognize Patrick.


I cast magic and numerous arms came out restraining the spirit.

“What are you doing? Let me go!”

The arms wrapped all around her body until the only thing she could do was breathe…..that is if spirits need to breathe.


Patrick was speechless.


“Patrick sign the contract. People will keep making fun of you if you don’t, are you ok with that?”

Masamune is aware that his actions are against her will but the contract is formed by having the spirit take in the masters blood. He’s forcing the contract.

“Let me go!”

She can’t move.


Patrick was confused because Masamune’s actions had gone to far already.


Patrick didn’t respond so Masamune changed his tactic. He touched Patrick’s bloody finger getting some on his own.

“Spirit queen, lick this guy’s blood.”

“What! Don’t say stupid things! Why should I do that with him.”

“Its fine so just lick it.”

Masamune’s left eye glowed, although Patrick wasn’t aware of it, the spirit was.

“That eye…..the abyss.”

“Its fine, if you do anything strange I’ll kill you. ”


“You don’t get to object. You’ll sign a contract with Patrick. He’s still immature but he’ll grow into the power soon.”

“I refuse.”

“Then I’ll kill you.”

The spirits lips quiver and it looks away from Masamune.

“Decide now. Form a contract or die.”

Masamune waited expressionless. Sometimes increasing the pressure of the restraints.

“I’ll form a contract.”

“Wise choice.”

Masamune put the finger with Patrick’s blood on it up to her face. The spirit put the finger in her mouth and her body began to shine, before she became a particle of light and entered Patrick’s body.


Patrick checked his body looking confused.


“……I don’t know.”

Patrick was a little scared of Masamune.

“Theres no meaning if she doesn’t lend me her power. Or if she does and I can’t handle it.”

“If you get stronger it’ll be fine right? Besides that spirit is the Spirit queen and your a prince so it’s fitting right?”

“…..yeah, I guess.”

Patrick wasn’t happy but for Masamune this was justified.

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