A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 66: Reporter

“How is it?”

My entire body was inside the room now and no alarm had sounded.



I walked step by step through the room, it was dark but the dungeon was darker. There were various magic tools such as swords, robes, armor in class cases, etc. The room wasn’t very wide but it was long, I found a bookcase.


I checked the books with the memo in one hand. I checked at least a hundred of them but couldn’t find it. I turned and looked at another bookshelf behind me.

“Hm? This is….”

A book matched the memo. I used 《telekinesis》to pull the book off the shelf and put it in storage. Then I had a brilliant idea, why don’t I just put all the books in storage and we can look for it together back in the room? Actually… they’d probably notice if everything disappeared…

I kept searching, finding another book, then another. The search was going smoothly but this was only a small part of the books in this room. There were several bookshelves farther back.

Suddenly I felt a magical wave.

“Looks like that’s it.”

I used 《God speed》to return to Patrick.

“Alright, I’m closing it.”

It looks like Patrick felt it too, we shut the door then Patrick climbed on my back.

“Don’t fall off.”

“Just go.”


“This is all I found but there’s still a ton of books left.”

I pulled the books out of storage once we’d returned to Patrick’s room.

“For now I’ll check these.”

Patrick lightly flipped through the pages confirming the books contents.

“Fiery demonic book.”

What a bad title.

“I won’t know unless I read it properly but, it’s probably fascinating.”


“Mind control magic. Although that sort of magic is forbidden.”

Like that he checked the content of each book.

“Birth of advanced healing magic…..how to burn someone to death.”

“I was waiting for that, can you hand me that healing…whatever book?”

“Yeah, after you’ve read it though we have to go return it. Professionals don’t even let it be known that anything was taken.”

“What do you mean Pro?”

It looks like Patrick wants to be a thief….even though he’s already a prince.

“Birth and history of fire….hmm? This….”


Patrick suddenly opened the book and began to hungrily flip through its pages.

“This is it! This is it!”


” This book talks about the spirit of fire in depth. I can sign a contract with it now!”

“Oh that’s what you were looking for then?”

“Yeah, I didn’t think we would find it this fast, thank you Nito.”

“That’s good. Did we find anything on Resuscitation magic?”

“Let me see…. It doesn’t look like we have any Resuscitation Magic among the books… I don’t think any of this magic can even be used by a healer.”

“Not here huh….”

Well, I didn’t think I’d find it the first time.

“Oh well, go again tomorrow?”


“Nah I’ll go a long this time, can you lend me the wand? I’ll come back once if found the books.”

“Huh? But I want to help you.”

“Its better if I go alone. I’m getting better at sensing magic power and if someone comes I can run away faster.”

“Well…. I admit I wasn’t happy about the piggyback ride.”

“So can you translate for me then? I’ll bring what I find here.”

“That does seem to be more efficient.”

“Tomorrow I’ll return these books then bring back others. You wait here.”


The first day was over. I continued to search for books the next day and the day after but there was no Resuscitation Magic.


Patrick’s predictions were correct, I’m now being followed around by several students.

Most of them were female, they’d rushed to the dormitory saying it was a sign. Nem was out receiving special magic training while Sierra was teaching the sword. I should have left the room when Toa did, she’s probably in the library with Patrick by now searching for attack magic that a healer can use.

“Everyone! It’s Nito!”

I was found hiding behind a pillar, there was magical waves coming from all directions. So I used [God Speed] and left the classroom building.

But now I couldn’t reach the library as to get to it I had to go back to the classroom building. That’s when I remembered it, the [Hidden robe].

It blocks more than just magic power making it so that I wasn’t noticed by anyone. Should I have worn this when I went to the restricted section? No, I should have had Patrick wear it.

“Uhm, excuse me…”

I looked back and who called out, terrified.


I was able to relax, it wasn’t a student.

Standing there was a blonde haired woman in a navy blue suit and next to her was a man that looked like a war photographer with a camera around his neck.

“I’m sorry, my name is Francesca. This is my partner Dolly. We’ve received information that the adventurer Nito is at this school, I’d like to ask you a few things.”


“I answered vaguely.”

” We are reporters from the Magic News Agency and we have permission from the school to be here.”

Francesca presented her permit.

“Magical News Agency……”

I didn’t think Patrick’s predictions would be this correct! That’s the magazine he showed me.

“Do you know them? Apparently a student by that name entered this school about a week ago.”

Why are you asking me? There should be other students.

“I don’t know, although all the girls are talking about it. ”

“I see… thank you.”

Giving an apologetic look I crossed in front of them and left. That was a close call, I’m glad I didn’t get caught. That camera is probably to take a picture of my face.


“Hey Dolly, that was [cognitive impairment] wasn’t it.”

Francesca squinted at the leaving student’s back.

“Yeah I couldn’t see their face, why is a student wearing such a thing? Aristocrat or no that isn’t something a kid should have.”

“Strange, I wonder if it’s normal to wear that kind of robe here.”

“Like for a class or something…. Well that’s not what we’re here for. Let’s hurry and find that guy.”

“Its possible it’s just a hoax.”

Well if we can’t find him we’ll just go to Razhousen. We’ll be back for the school competition anyway.


Dolly didn’t seem to care but, Francesca’s gaze was fixed on Masamunes back. She had a strange feeling but the two of them went into the school building in search of Nito.


“Oh Nito, you’re late.”

When I finally arrived at the library Toa and Patrick were already looking through the books.

“They came?”

“Who came?”

“The reporters from the Magical News Agency.”

I explained the situation to Toa.

“You’ve become quite famous.”

It seems that Toa was referring to the hoard of female students. She looked disgusted.

“That’s not a good thing. It was really difficult to get here, I was surrounded by students and caught by the reporter, well I didn’t get caught but…”

“You should have bought that mask.”



“To hide Nitos face, it’s a countermeasure against the camera.”

“I’ll go to town but more importantly my magic..”

“Oh? Well, if it isn’t prince Patrick.”

A girl with straight black hair appeared.

“Didn’t you go back home?”

A girl with black cat ears, about the height of Nem, stood beside her.

“Alice, not now. ”

“Not now, who are you talking to? And don’t think you can just say my name!”

“Then stop bothering me!”

I saw Patricks sharp demeanor on the first day but this seemed a little different.

“Do you know this person, Patrick?”

Patrick didn’t answer my question and the girl turned a cold smile on me before looking back at Patrick.

“Oh you made some friends, prince? I’ll leave today out of consideration for him.”

She left the library with the black eared cat girl.

“Who was that? I didn’t like her.”

“Alice Greystar.”

“Whats Greystar?” Toa asked.

“Daughter of the duke.”

“So why was Alice bothering you? Did she have some kind of grudge?”


It looks like Patrick was having a hard time saying it.

“If you don’t want to talk about it I won’t ask. ”

“The Greystar family is a branch of Razhousen.”

“Oh, I see.”

I don’t really understand though.

“Were there nobles by the name of Greystar in Razhousen?”

If they’re a branch family I should have heard of them.

“That’s why. When the royal capital was founded, my ancestors expelled the Greystar family. That’s why they have a grudge against Razhausen. ”

I understand now.

“Theres almost no blood relation anymore but the Greystars still think they’re more suited to being royalty. More importantly Nito, you remember what today is right?”

“Today?” Toa asked.

“Yeah we’re going to town to buy some ingredients, but my magic…”

“We’ve checked all the shelves in here. There’s no book like that.”

“Well then, the search here is done.”

After that Toa left because she had something to do and Sierra was teaching Nem swordsmanship. So I put the healers attack magic on the back burner and went to town with Patrick.

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