A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 32: part 2 - From the heart part 2

I messed up my sleep schedule watching supernatural and playing video games. Turns out it’s hard to watch the most current seasons of supernatural in Japan. I came back like 3 seasons behind. Patreon in case you suddenly feel like a pledge lol

“This is called the castle tower feathered robe, and it is made by a senior alchemist combining national treasure grade fabrics and minerals. Rugged, stretchy and, above all, lightweight.”

“Masamune what do you think?”

“Mmm—, I think this would look better on you than any armor and it looks like it’s good quality too. I think it’s good.”

“Then let’s go with this.”

“Excuse me how much is this?”

“This is 1.5 million Rion.”

A surprisingly reasonable price. But 1.5 million, if you think about it in terms of yen there are people who pay that much for clothes right? (roughly $14,000)

“Masamune, are you OK? We need money for the trip after this, there’s no need to over do it.”

I looked at Toa’s worried expression, even in a parallel world I can’t fix my indecisive personality. Uncool.

“Nah, money’s not a problem. I just want to buy this for you that it.”

Someone once said you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

“We’ll take it.”

“Thank you very much for your business, I will bring it out to you.”

After that the conversation changed to payment but Toa said she wanted to try it on first. As she did that I went off to look for Sierra and Nem.

Nem was in the national treasure area looking at a showcase. When did she get back here?

” Nem, did you find something you wanted?”

“mmmmn…. I don’t know. There are a bunch of numbers I’ve never seen before its very confusing.”

What kind of clothes would look good on Nem? I called the clerk over, explained that nem was of the Cat tribe and asked if there was any armor small enough to fit her.

” That being the case, what about this? ”

The clerk brought came back with something like a thin shiny shirt.

“This is mithril, it was made by an advanced elf alchemist and an advanced seamstress. It’s meant to be worn underneath other clothing. The price is 2 million, it’s a bit expensive but it’s equipped with resizing magic. That means that as the wearer gets older or grows taller there won’t be any problems wearing it. ”

This is just a 2 million Rion shirt. What in the world is an elf?

” This is sturdy right? ”

” Of course. It’s made with national grade materials. ”

With Toa’s clothes added in that’s 3.5million and it’s still just the beginning. So anyway I bought the mithril shirt.

“Nem wear this under your clothes, it will protect you.”

“Master, wasn’t this expensive?”

“Yeah but from now on this will protect you Nem. So if you think about it that way, it’s cheap.”


Nem looks apologetic.

“Yeah, go try it on over there with Toa.”

Nem stared into my eyes and then with a “Got it!” ran off smiling.


However, as I turned to leave I heard Nem’s voice again. As I turned around the little girl who should have just run off to try on clothes was standing there.

“Thank you!”

Nem said this with an innocent smile before running off once again. I couldn’t help smiling at her back, Nem was so innocent.

I saw Toa emerge from the changing room as they switched places. In that moment the feeling of when I first met Toa came back to life.

“Huh? What’s up with those clothes?”

Other than the feather robe we had just purchased, Toa was wearing under clothes I didn’t remember. It matches my hair so the clerk gave it to me as a free service.

It was like Otohime of Ryugu Castle.


Indeed it was beautiful.

“D-does it not look good?”

I awkwardly told her my thoughts and she giggled a “Thank you.”

“Master! I put it on!”

I turned around at the innocent sounding voice to find Nem too, wearing clothes I didn’t remember.

“The clerk gave them to me!”

Nem was wearing a white hoodie and shorts of a good Texture. I could faintly see the mithril at her chest, and there I noticed something. Why does the hood have ears? According to the clerk it was a cat tribe hoodie, made so that even when wearing the hood the ears can still stand up.

That’s two people telling me the same thing, apparently I didn’t have to pay for this service.

Finally, next was Sierra’s rapier. Looking around the store I spotted Sierra staring at a showcase.

“Did you find something that looks good?”

“Masamune-dono, that’s…”

In front of the muttering Sierra, inside the showcase was a sword like a snowflake motif. She’s really easy to understand.

“This rapier is made from a unicorn horn. Even more so, it was a unicorn living in the Arda Mountains.”

“The Arda Mountains?”

“The Arda Mountains is a mountain range at an altitude of 10,000 meters in Mod Hern. It’s continued snowing there for hundreds of years, monsters don’t really approach because of the cold. However it seems to be unicorn territory. Inside the bodies of the unicorns raised in these mountains, the ice attribute is born; their horn acts as the nucleus. Due to the harsh environment the unicorn itself became a high quality monster. ”

” Someone bothered to go hunting in those mountains? ”

” Not quite. Unicorns rarely come to the bottom of the mountain. There one was captured and made into this Ice crystal rapier. The blade has a ice attribute core where the magic dwells and was made by an advanced blacksmith. That being the case the price is a little high at 5 million but the quality is guaranteed. ”

Sierra’s face stiffened when she heard 5 million.

” Speaking of which, Sierra you used ice magic right? So this Rapier would be a good match for you wouldn’t it? ”

” True, but this is too expensive. I’m still an immature knight, something cheaper would—”

“In that case without thinking about buying it, what do you think of the sword?”

“It’s amazing! The blade, the guard, the handle! It’s all good! And above all it’s not enchanted it has an ice attribute core! There’s nothing to complain about!”

“OK, I’ll take it.”

“Thank you very much.”

The clerk didn’t miss a beat.

“Wa-wait! Masamune-dono, you can’t! I won’t accept something this expensive!”

Even after that Sierra refused to accept it so I forced it saying “Well, I already bought and I can’t return it.”

“I’ll treasure it for the rest of my life.” Sierra seemed broken. ”

The total price was 8.5 million Rion. ($78,000) There was 21.5 million Rion left. ($198,269.98) There was plenty. There’s no harm in shopping like this.

After we finished shopping we returned to the counter. Roberts was waiting there with the snake sword in one hand, although he seemed odd.

“Thank you for waiting.”

Roberts looked at the girls who’s appearance had changed and said “You look like you had fun.” His eyes landed on Sierra’s sword and he continued. “The ice crystal Rapier, a fine weapon.”

However that was it, the conversation never changed as we left the store. It almost seemed unnatural.

Both Toa and Sierra tilted their heads at Roberts’ strange appearance.

“Sir, let me first return this.”

Upon exiting the store Roberts returned the snake sword.

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