A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 134: Blessed existence.

“No, not like that. More like this, kind of like a palace.”

Right now, I was in the dungeon asking Bell to remodel it.

“I understand what you’re saying but…”

Because this palace is made up from my memories it can change its appearance.

“Like this?”

“Hmmmm, that will work. Ok now the annex.”

“We’re doing more? Can’t you do it? Master, you can do this too, you know?”

“I’m not used to it yet. Besides aren’t you supposed to be the one in charge of the dungeon?”

“But, you’re still the one in command of it.”

Bell seemed tired of being used by me.

We completely erased the school, it was a horrible place to begin with. My old house is still here though, because it’s convenient for me and where Bell stays.

I did however erase the residential area around it and replace it with a huge palace. We were currently making minor adjustments to it now.

“Well then, can you take care of it from here?”

“Huh? You’re leaving already?”

“Everyone should be waking up around now. And since you share all my memories you know what I like and should be able to take it from here right?”

“Yeah, butー”

“Good, see ya.”

I exited the dungeon.

After what happened yesterday I had immediately brought everyone back to the room. Although Toa seemed to be back to her normal self and was talking after what happened I was still worried.


I bumped into Toa as she came out of the room.

“You’re already up?”

“Did you go somewhere again?”

Toa still seemed a little tired.

“Y, yeah I was cleaning up the dungeon a bit.”

“Did you sleep?”

“I’ll be ok, even if I don’t sleep I haven’t really been getting all that tired recently.”

I haven’t even needed to sleep recently. I still like to lay down because it feels off if I don’t sleep but I went three days without sleeping at all not to long ago.

“I see……”

“Are you doing alright? It might be better to stay in the room today.”

“I’m ok, everything’s normal and I feel fine.”

Am I over thinking things? She does look a little pale but, maybe I shouldn’t be trying to diagnose a demon based off of human symptoms.

“The other two?”

“Still sleeping.”

” I see, shall we go get something to eat then?”

“I want to take a shower, everyone will be waking up soon and then we can go.”

“I see…”

I’m not really sure what I should say to that.

“Shall we take one together?”


Toa said something put of the ordinary.

“Y, …you!”

Toa was laughing while I was flustered, this was the normal her.

“Don’t tease me! Of course I’m not going in with you.”

“I wasn’t teasing you, it was just a normal invitation.”


Maybe she’s not herself after all?

“Are you really ok? Do you have a fever?”

“I’m normal!”

Toa suddenly shouted.

“Whats the matter?”


“You’re sick after all aren’t you?”

“I just woke up in a bad mood.”

Really? I always thought she woke up in good moods?


Although it could be so many different things when it comes to women.


Toa suddenly apologized.


I didn’t quite understand why she did though.

“I was just exaggerating. There are times I do it too you know.”

I really wanted to ask Toa questions but I didn’t want to cause another episode.

“Will you be ok on your own?”


“If you go anywhere take the other two with you ok?”

“Are you leaving again?”

“For just a bit, I want to ask Sieg Somethings about the empire.”

“I see.”

“Tell the other two where I’m at when they wake up and make sure to wear your ring at all times in case something happens.”

“Hey Nito…..”

Toa suddenly called out to me.

“Do you not find me troublesome?”

“Find you troublesome? Me? I’m just grateful that you’re still hanging around me. Why would think I found you annoying?”

“Because, I’m the reason for the empire and the demon countries attacks.”

“Its not your fault, I’m the one that made a mistake so it’s my responsibility.”

When I said that Toa slowly raised her face and looked me straight in the eyes.


“Hug me.”


I was surprised and embarrassed but I hugged her gently like I was told.

“Hurry back.”

Toa is totally weird.

“Yeah, I’ll do my best.”

I slowly backed away from Toa and looked into her eyes.

“I’ll be back soon.”

I disappeared with me eyes never leaving Toa.

He went somewhere again.


I want to be near him.

“Thats fake loveー”

The other me whispered inside my head. She’s been there this entire time.

“No! Iー!”

“What a cunning woman. You don’t love him but yet you still hugged him.”

“No! That’s not it!”

“Whats wrong? You just one-sidedly asked him to hug you right? What are you going to ask of him next? Because deep down you know right? You’re thinking ‘he will do anything I ask him too.'”

“You’re…. Wrong..”

“You only have one thing that you want. What are you going to do after that? Try and help him so you can atone?”


“Because he would have been happier if he’d never met you. He has all that power yet you’re the one that’s stopping him from using it. ”

“Im… stopping him?”

I don’t love Masamune? That….

“Thats not possible.”

Toa stood alone for a while.

“What did you just say?”

I was at the Dragon’s heart headquarters

“Kagetra, you know him right?”

The black dragons eyebrows wrinkled.

“Kagetra the dragon killer? Leader of the Dragon’s heart party from hundreds of years ago?”


Sieg asked the question this time, I could tell by Alford and Eliza’s faces they didn’t know who I was talking about either. In other words the dragon is the only one who knows.

“Father, what’s going on? Why have I never heard of this Dragon’s heart? I thought you were the founder.”

The black dragon shrank down to human size.

“Kagetra Huh? How nostalgic.”

“You must have met him, I’ll explain later. I want to hear what you have to say first.”

The black dragon began to speak.

“I was not the one who founded Dragon’s heart. Rather, it used to be the name of an adventurer party.”

“Adventurer party?”

Sieg was confused.

“The people who protected our continent and destroyed the original empire was none other than those adventurers.”

“I know, I also know that you have met Kagetra. What I want, is the details.”

“Kagetra was not selfish, he truly cared about the well being of the world. That is why I listened to his request to help out in the war.”

“You helped?”

“Yes, we destroyed the empire together.”

“From what I heard Kagetra was strong enough to go toe to toe with you. Was he an abyss mage?”


The dragon paused for a moment.

“Kagetra had access to all the elemental magic. Most mages are only proficient with one, however with all five Kagetra created explosion magic. This was powerful Magix that could cause an explosion to go off in a remote area. That’s why it was, and still is feared.”


“Kagetra was a summoned hero.”

I think Khalifa may have been hinting about that.

“But Kagetra wasn’t a normal hero.”

“Meaning what? He was a hero and part of the abyss?”

“No, didn’t I say that he had nothing to do with the abyss?”

“Oh…..right. what then?”

When I hear something about someone being the strongest I usually assume it has something to do with the abyss.

“Out of all the heros he was the one blessed with the most talent.”

“Bless with talent?”

“Correct, he figured out the final mystery of the heros. I’ve met a lot of heros in my day but he was the only one.”

“And? What is this final mystery?”

“Magic special to heros, it can only be reached by those who push the boundaries magic. Heavenly attribute magic.”

“Heavenly attribute?”

I’m pretty sure there was a banned book like that at school.

“Thats right, Kagetra was able to manipulate the magic that governs heaven.”

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