A Murder Wizards Adventure

66 Samurai arc, Get!

Today is the day I start my first real infiltration. No longer am I Hanabira Haruno, Murder Wizard of Konoha. No, now I am, dun, dun, dunnn Hana Kenshin!

I know, not a very creative name, but fuck you, Samurai of the Flowers? Sounds like a cool guy to me.

Anyway, once again, the changes to my appearance were only minor, my hair has been washed out a little to be more pale pink and less hot pink, also I had to grow my hair out, only to put it in a top knot anyway, but then we all agreed that a long pink ponytail is more attractive and vanity is important.

I also have a cool sword now, a Ninjato, basically just a straight Katana. I have this rather than a Katana because I am used to my Tanto, which is basically just a shorter Ninjato, since it's more like a knife. Not just a knife though, a 'You call that a knife? 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 is a knife' kind of knife.

As I was saying, It's going to be a part of my character that I am a Ronin because my previous lord demanded that I use a Katana instead of my Ninjato. The guy I'm infiltrating is smart enough to not be held down by tradition.

As for what my mission is? We know that the noble is corrupt, and not just the kind of corrupt that we're ok with, y'know abusing the poor, but the kind of corrupt that is detrimental to Hi no Kuni as a whole.

Only problem is that we have no idea who he's dealing with or if he has a backer or anything really. So I'm going to join up, prove myself and hopefully gain his trust. He does have a daughter but I probably shouldn't prioritise my libido over the mission.

We'll see, maybe she's as hot as Kumiko?

Anyway, I'm dressed up like a proper Ronin with my grey kimono with cherry blossom patterns and a red obi. I even have a pair of zori, basically wooden sandals that make a really nice click clack sound as you walk around, also it isn't a flat bottom, like sandals are, instead there are two wooden protrusions, one at the front one at the back, really it's like roller skates but without the roller.. or the skates. Never mind then.

I even have the classic straw hat and carry bag combo! Ok, maybe I'm having a bit too much fun with this, sue me.

Right now I am just wondering the lonely dirt roads, all alone, method acting at it's finest here. In all seriousness, we need to create something of a trail, kind of like in modern times when you make a new identity you need to make a paper trail, but here it's a lot simpler.

Rather than just appearing in the city, I need to start a few villages away, so that is the shinobi under his hire go looking for where I came from, they will hear about my journey and thus not assume I'm secretly a Murder Wizard too, indeed, I am just a regular Murderer.

It takes a couple of weeks to just walk to the city-sized village known as Nagasaki. I just hope the name isn't prophetic, at least, not imminently prophetic.

When I do make it to the city village, I ask around for where the Lord of this city lives and march right on up to the front door of his 'home'. It's a castle, the guy lives in a castle.

There is no reason not to be direct so I walk up to the gate guard, who tries to look intimidating but he is just a regular guy, not a Samurai or a Shinobi, he's hardly even a Murderer really, more a Homiciderer.

Why do I keep labelling people with crimes? Oh right, because they all do modern day crimes. Whatever, I do war crimes so I win anyway.

Right, gate guards, need to speak. I clear my throat and don't smile, because I'm a Samurai. Because I'm a Ronin, and Ronin don't smile. Instead I look severely upon the guards.

"I seek audience with the Lord of this land."

The guards exchange a glance with each other, unsure, before the braver of the two speaks up.

"And who are you exactly? One cannot simply meet with Lord Nobushi-sama whenever they please."

Suck a dick. Obviously, I didn't say that out loud.

"I am Hana Kenshin, a Ronin seeking a Lord to serve."

The guards once again look lost as they glance to each other, only to jump when a Shinobi appears in front of them.

I obviously sensed them coming.. is what I want to say but the truth is that I didn't. I can do stealth but I am not a sensor. It's like when me and Mantis tried to spar and just ended up running around not being able to find each other.

Still, I don't jump like the guards do, instead I simply placed my hand on my sword, ready to draw and look impassively to the ninja, who also doesn't say anything, letting us host a little stare down.

I feel him start to gather chakra and so I start to gather some of my own too. Then, without warning, the ninja makes a single hand seal with one hand while the other points at me, and from his arm comes a giant lightning bolt, as thick as I am wide.

In the same instance, I slide my leg backwards to get into Iai stance and I draw my blade, coated in wind chakra, as wind counters lightning, and in the same motion that I draw my blade, I cut through the lightning bolt, letting it scorch the earth either side of me, but leaving me unharmed.

Face still passive, I hold my sword in both hands and stand facing the ninja, ready to fight. Only he doesn't continue the engagement, instead nodding his head and speaking softly.

"Lord Nobushi-sama will see you now, Ronin."

I stay silent and nod my head as I sheathe my sword and follow the ninja inside of the castle, leaving two dumbfounded guardsmen behind. Was this their first time witnessing the bullshit that is chakra? Too bad they weren't born a Samurai or Ninja then.

Only Ninja, Samurai and Monks know how to manipulate chakra and if you don't start while you're young and developing then you will never amount to much, so where you are born is really important if you ever want to be someone.

Not to say there aren't others who know of how to use chakra, like some rich kids who's parents bought them a tutor for instance. Then again, depending on the teachings they bought, they would still technically be one of the three, even if they aren't affiliated with anyone else.

I shake my head clear of thoughts as I focus back in on the real world as we enter an impressive office room. The room is full of trophies and decorations, from expensive looking paintings to various trophies, like the head of a chakra bear, or a flower that I can tell is one of Hashirama's thanks to exposure.

I guess they are pretty rare outside of Konoha now that I think about it, it's not like people would be happy if someone was going through their gardens and stealing all the trees and plants.

Before I can turn my attention to Nobushi, my eyes are glued to something I see on the side of the room. Inside of a big glass case attached to the wall, is a sword, not just any sword either, one that I recognise from somewhere.

I may never have watched Naruto, but I have looked through the wiki a few times, so if I recognise it, then it must be something cool right?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the voice of Nobushi.

"Ahaha, she is a beauty isn't she? Shichiseiken, the Seven Star Sword, said to have been wielded by the Sage of the Six paths himself. I can understand how she could steal your attention so easily."

I speak without thinking, which is embarrassing and not something I will ever let Kumiko know about.

"No, it's not."


I turn to Nobushi and actually take him in this time. He is a middle aged man with short black hair styled backwards, with some grey on the sides that somehow makes him look better rather than older. He is rather well built for a businessman and has an imperial cast about his face that makes you subconsciously want to act with deference.

I also note that he has another Ninja standing guard behind him. Paranoid much? Wait, that's hypocritical. I'm a Ninja and we're all paranoid. Not that it's paranoia if they really are out to get you.

"The sword. It is not Shichiseiken. You were sold a fake."

The room suddenly feels a lot more tense, as Nobushi regards me intently.

"And how would you know such a thing?"

"Because I've seen it, when I was little. Shichiseiken is the sword that killed my father, I would recognise it anywhere."

Yup, that was all intentional, just deepening my character, I totally didn't talk accidentally. I never make mistakes and any time that I did wasn't actually a mistake, trust me, I'm still alive aren't I?

Nobushi regards my expressionless face for a moment longer before leaning back into his fancy chair.

"Rei, take the sword to the blacksmith, have him appraise it, and if it is Shichiseiken, then kill this Ronin."

Rei, the ninja standing behind Nobushi, nods and moves to do as ordered as Nobushi speaks up again, unworried for his safety, after all Ronin and Samurai alike are bound by honour, so I would never attack him right now. Plus the other guy is still behind me so there's that too.

"For now, we will continue under the assumption that you are indeed correct, Ronin, so let us move on to business. What is your name and purpose."

He can probably guess my purpose but I will tell him anyway. I start by taking off my hat, because honestly I had forgotten about it, revealing my long, pale pink ponytail.

"My name is Hana Kenshin, I am merely a Ronin seeking a Lord to serve."

"I see, and tell me Kenshin-san, To be a Ronin means that either your previous Lord has died or you have lost your Lord's favour. Which reasoning applies to you?"

"The latter." I say, uncomfortable but still straight faced.

"Then, why would I want to hire a Ronin who brings dishonour to his master?"

"I would never bring dishonour to my master."

"Yet you are a Ronin?"

"I use a Ninjato, instead of a Katana. My previous Lord demanded that I wield a Katana. I refused."

"A Samurai who refuse his master's orders doesn't deserve to be a Samurai."

"And a Samurai who betrays his blade does not deserve to wield one."

That, seems to please Nobushi, if his smile is anything to go by.

"Then tell me, Kenshin-san, how competent of a Samurai are you?"

"I could cut this castle in half with a single swing, Nobushi-sama."

That's not even bragging, not that it is overly impressive, the Wizards could destroy the castle many times over if they tried it, meanwhile I can only cut it in half once, and it would cost me most of my chakra, since the blade extending technique costs an increasingly disproportionate amount of chakra the longer you extend it.

Nobushi raises his eyebrows at my claim and turns to the Ninja behind me, who I see nod out of the corner of my eye. Probably subtly asking if it is possible for a Samurai to cut a castle in half.

"Well, I'd rather you didn't do that."

Further conversation is stalled as Rei returns, sans the sword which makes Nobushi frown, likely already expecting the situation but asking anyway.


"The Ronin was right."

"Not Ronin. Samurai."

I give a small smile and bow formally.

"My Lord."

Nobushi gets the guy who escorted me here, Ni, to show me to my room, then, since it isn't too late, I am told to go to the training grounds to see how I hold up against the few Samurai Nobushi already has under his retinue.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

I want ice cream. also my train is on the 24th and I need to be up at like 9 because the trains are going on strike at around 6. :(

Also feel free to join the discord, there's only like 3 of us :(

Also, also, I have no idea if I should be capitalising shinobi and ninja or not so i've just been doing it arbitrarily.



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