A Gorgeous White

Chapter 379: An Unexpected Memory

The wind's sharpness slides past his skin. The world before his eyes is a blur, as though he was traveling through time. Nothing but the savage noise of the whooshing air filled his air, turning him deaf to the world. Breath speeding, Moulin fearfully grabbed the scales of the unmoving beast, his companion of the fall. It felt as though he'd meet the ground tragically in the next second. Such thoughts didn't help him at all. However, he was too panicked even to think rationally. 

The ice daggers embedded within the crimson creature's back slowly withdrew as they fell. Moulin lowered his head, shutting his eyes lest he'd let the wind beat his pupils red. His heartbeat quickened erratically. What should he do? 

The daggers dissipated and finally left the creature's body. Moulin's jaw clenched. They are falling fast! The drop will undoubtedly be their end!

Suddenly, Moulin stopped, sensing a bit of movement beneath his fingers. Silver eyes narrowed suspiciously.


Suddenly, Blood-red eyes opened. Dread filled Moulin's gut, twisting his insides purple. The bird spreads its wings. However, his limbs felt too painful to move. The damn mana is still inside its body! Fury shot through its soul. In the next instance, it struggled violently. Moulin is flung from side to side. The forceful motion abruptly made his headache terribly. 

This thing just won't die! Moulin internally cursed. 

Falling rapidly, the two creatures wrestled with control. One too weak yet refused to fail its task, and the other smaller but fiercer, emanating a murderous aura. 

"I... will have your soul!"

Uldher's voice resounded painfully within Moulin's mind. However, Moulin only spat. 

"Shut up!" Irritation is evident in his silvery eyes. 

The bird managed to turn, facing Moulin's wrathful expression and the gleaming blade within his hand. Its beak parted wide, releasing an ear-splitting sound, but Moulin was quick to swing his ice sword, instantly, slashing the monster's gigantic gem-like beak. 


Black blood spurted out, dyeing Moulin's clothing. Black fluid splattered on the youth's face. Unfazed, Moulin narrowed his eyes. He grabbed the shattering beak, raising his blade to deliver another merciless swing. 

Suddenly, Moulin met its eyes. Blood-red and glowing in fury. Black liquid dribbled down the valleys between his knuckles. 

An unknown feeling sank inside his heart. 

His vision blackened. A gaudy friendly voice chattered in the back of his mind. It was so familiar that Moulin could recognize it right away. Moulin slipped into the dark mindscape, surrounded by deathly whispers. Suddenly, a foreign hand gripped his shoulder from behind. Moulin flinched. 

"Hey… what are you thinking about?"

Moulin's heart thundered, hastily turning his head. He froze with wide eyes. Pain pounding at his chest. 


"Hm?" Amber eyes blinked. The youthful appearance of the young noble was reflected on Moulin's silver eyes. His black hair fluttered as he tilted his head, leaning slightly on the divan of Moulin's private sitting room. His clothes, as usual were neat and and all in the right places. He smirked playing with the golden stopwatch embellished with his family's crest. He teased, "Why can't you call me, Alan easily?"

Fresh flowers filled the vases and bright beautiful daylight beamed through the windows, filtered by the curtains. Beyond the windows, the sound of laughter filled the courtyard. The attendants and knights enjoyed themselves as they worked.

Moulin realized that his back in the estate. Moulin's once beautiful home filled with warmth.

Unable to comprehend the situation, Moulin sat blankly. Emotions growing chaotic at each passing second. 

Why am I here? Am I back?

Why? How? And why… is Alsander here?

"Hey, are you alright?" Alsander spoke with furrowed brows. Amusement filled his face, bright as a field of daisies. "Your spacing out. C'mon, answer my question…"

Moulin's mouth moved before he could stop it. His curiosity and confusion combined. He said dazedly, "What… question?…"

Somehow, he recalled this warm memory.

All of a sudden, Alsander's expression turned dreadful. Gloom engulfed his being. A rakish voice replaced his once soft voice. 

"Why did you not stay dead?"


Moulin gasped as he's yanked out from the mindscape. Reality revealed itself and now he's back to falling from hundreds of thousands of feet. His heart drummed erratically and he could not conceal the shock and confusion in his expression. 

"Alsander…" Moulin panted. The heaviness of his heart plunged his soul into the abyss of his chest as he spoke his once close friend's name. Then he recalled that he was in the middle of fighting with a demonic monster. 

His gaze hastily looked into the beast's eyes. And he saw, internally, the strange look of the creature's gaze. They are drowning in deep regret. 

Amidst the fall, Moulin slightly drew his head back. Breath stifled. 

'It can't be…'

Suddenly, a loud resonating howl filled the air. Moulin was too distracted to notice the arrival of a particular beast. The next thing he knew, he was in mid-air. Strong jaws caught the clothing covering his back, and the black-furred creature swung him until Moulin flopped on its back. 

Kier's scent, Moulin recognized. He snapped back from his trance and hurriedly turned. The crimson bird fell limp as it grew smaller as Kier took him away. However, Moulin couldn't mistake the wayits head turned to his direction. 

'Hurry… the core…'

Moulin's breathing stopped the moment he heard this voice whispering in his head. 

Out of nowhere, a rumbling cloud of black and red devoured the falling creature. It swallowed the body and dissipated into nothing. Not a trace of it…

Kier howled loudly as forcibly gravity pulled him down. The marks on its furred belly glistened and glowed. Instantly, the pair of maeruthan and beast vanished with a golden flash!


The sound of running footsteps echoed throughout the hallways. Debris filled the path making it difficult to travel. Desperately panting, a group of elves hurriedly ran as though death was chasing them. The sounds of screams echoed making one's soul shudder in fear. Perhaps, they would be next, bodies ripped apart and mercilessly devoured. 

"Come, your highness. We must get you two to the east vault." A knight urged. He slashed through the pile of wooden rubble blocking the path. With the help of the other knights, they hurriedly made a clear path. 

"Will my brother be alright?" Eilhara asked, hurriedly quickening her steps.

One of the same elves with her spoke. "He'll be alright, your highness."

Arcefi assured secretly clenching his fists. 'Yes, he'll be alright…'

"This way!" The knight shouted, beckoning the others as he headed towards an open hallway. He hastily crossed the path of an outdoor passageway.

Out of the blue, a monstrously clawed arm reached out and snatched the knight from the window. The man screamed as thick razor-sharp teeth plunged themselves on his midsection and ripped him into two. 

Eilhara restrained a scream. She stood, petrified as the blood splattered on the filthy floor. Arcefi wasn't the less calm. 

When the monster turned to them, the remaining knights formed a wall and drew their swords. One turned to the princess and purifier with a shout. 


Arcefi flinched. Heart beating chaotically. He used all of his willpower to drag the princess out of the scene and run. Eilhara dazedly followed her, hearing the cries and the crunch of bones behind her. Hersteps quickened unconsciously, fear gripping her spirit, suffocating her. She couldn't care less of the pain of her ankles and the scratches on her arms as she ran with Arcefi. 

"Here..." Arcefi whispered as he led them towards the empty passageways. Everywhere it smelled like death and danger. 

When they were about to turn to a corner, they heard a particularly loud sound.


Arcefi abruptly stopped. His eyes darted throughout the area. 'This sound...'

"Arcefi, what is it?" Eilhara quietly spoke, confusion filled her pale face. 

The purifier furrowed his eyebrows and placed a finger against his lips. 



Silver eyes widened. Eilhara spoke, "I-Its Snow..."

"Follow me, he must be in trouble..." Arcefi said, following the sound. Eilhara silently trailed behind him. She had to be brave. Is Moulin somewhere close?

Finally, they approached a giant pile of rocks belonging to a collapsed ceiling. When they were about to walk past it, Arcefi suddenly pulled the princess behind her. 

"What is it-"

Arcefi silenced her by tightly covering her mouth. Carefully, he retreated a few steps back. The princess may not sense it, but Arcefi, born pured, could feel it. Ominous demonic aura swallowed the area past the hill of debris.



Arcefi pulled his hand away from Eilhara, reminding the princess to keep silent while he investigate. Obediently nodding, Eilhara stayed put, covering her own mouth. Even she could not trust herself.

Silently, Arcefi peeked past the rocks. 

There a little white ball of fluff bared its teeth at someone. No doubt, it was Moulin's mischievous pet, Snow. But who was he hostile to?

Arcefi shifted a bit closer until he saw a tall shadow. Arcefi froze. Eyes quivering in shock. 

Skin like dark ash. A curved horn, pointing at the heavens as though accusing it. The creature possessed a giant cleaver-like sword strapped on its back. What was more horrendous was its glowing eyes of blood. Swirling in death like poisoned wine. His presence oozes an ominously menacing aura, enough to bring the whole elven army to its knees. Arcefi felt Eilhara flinched behind him. She felt it too.

A demon. The very sight of it turned Arcefi's blood cold.

A demon in the fortress. A demon invading Gala'En. 

Oh, no... Snow!

"Ao!" Snow growled, transforming into his mature Opallian Mystic form, and protecting the little fruit under its tongue. 

"..." The demon expressionlessly gazed at Snow. He looked at the beast as though Snow was nothing more than dirt under its bare feet. 

Alha narrowed his gaze. Silently, he glanced at the nearby pile of rocks in the distance.  "..."

Arcefi bit his tongue in alarm. Dread pooled within his stomach. He was spotted. He's... going to be killed.

In the next second, a cloud of black engulfed the demon's form. He vanished instantly before their eyes. 

Arcefi gaped, "..."

Finally, he lets out a long breath and turns to Eilhara. He could no longer sense the demon's presence which meant that he was nowhere near them at the moment. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed. They must warn the others. Shortly after, both elves revealed themselves to the little fox, whose eyes widened in relief. 


He transformed back into his tiny form and hastily leaped into Eilhara's arms. He began whining pitifully, spitting out the tiny little fruit from his mouth. Arcefi stroked Snow's dirt-stained fur and carefully took the fruit between his fingers. It took him almost a whole minute to examine and react.

"This is...." Arcefi exhaled deeply with a drumming heartbeat,

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