A Gorgeous White

Chapter 378: Here Goes Nothing!

The rain had stopped, Moulin noticed. However, there was no silence in the air—all but the kindled screams in the distance. The cries of monsters were spine-chilling as they entered Moulin's ears. The youth knelt on the ground, heart rapidly beating, he silently gazed at the suffering creature in the air. It wouldn't be long before it charges at Moulin filled vengeance. He must strike it before it recovers. 

Moulin shook off the useless feelings and once again drew his bow. His silvery gaze, sharp and ruthless, like the point of his arrow. He mustn't show weakness. While Uldher remained in the air, a whistling whoosh pierced the air, directly aimed at him. Mad with anger, the creature spread its wings despite the lingering pain of his regenerating wound. He slammed against the air, producing a frighteningly visible wind slash, sharp as a blade. 

The savage force disintegrated the approaching arrow in less than a second. Moulin's eyes widened, and he hastily jumped on another branch to avoid the deadly attack. 


The hole was reduced to dust. Glancing once at the area, Moulin's breathed heavily, shuddering. Suppose he hadn't escaped in time. That attack would have minced him into pieces!




The branch Moulin relied on snapped! Unable to carry his weight. Weightlessly, Moulin's heart thundered as he fell, painfully slamming into other blunt vines, breaking at each contact. Fear washed over his mind. He desperately stretched out his arms, survival instincts kicking in. 

Finally, his hand managed to catch one after several attempts. The inertia slammed against him, making the branch creak loudly. Sweat accumulated on Moulin's damp forehead as he held on for dear life. His fingers trembled uncontrollably. For a moment, he thought he'd fall to his death. No, he refused to die in such an undignified way!

Moulin lifted his body on the branch, balancing his weight carefully. He took a short break before a loud animalistic cry resounded within the air. Moulin flinched, instantly shifting his attention. 'No... No...'

He was trapped. There was nowhere to escape. He was already at the bottom of the group of the Gala'En's eastern branches. What should he do? Panic swelled in his chest. His pupils trembled. 

'You stubborn... fool...'

Moulin caught sight of the gigantic crimson beast hovering in midair. Blood-red eyes are targeting him with mad fury. Wracking his brain for solutions, Moulin glanced at the branches overhead. He could try to climb back up. However, it would slow him down. Uldher would reach him, nonetheless. No matter what he'd do... he'll be caught...

Rage vibrated throughout Uldher's being. If this worthless creature would pull out the same trick against him again. Forget bringing back to the fortress. He'd mangle his bloody body until it would be too unrecognizable. Such pure mana... it could poison any demon in a heartbeat. The beast's eyes narrowed. 'Destroy him, take his soul, and rip his limbs apart!'

The order, loud and compelling, rang throughout the creature's body. The will of its master must be done. 

Just as the beast finally decided to end its prey, Moulin also made a decision. It would be insane, and his brother would probably skin him alive if he'd known about this, but he had no other way. 

Uldher's creature dove, rapidly charging at Moulin at high speed. Its black beak gleamed intensely like an arrow trying to make its mark. Moulin lets out shuddering breath holding the vines tightly in one hand. Internally, he cheered for himself and anxiousness imagined what the dire outcome would occur to him if it all failed. 

No, I'll be fine... I'll be fine...

Moulin clenched his jaw and tightened his muscles as he watched the beast grow nearer and nearer... and nearer...

When they were finally a few meters apart, Moulin gnashed his teeth and leaped out of the branch. Everything slowed once he was in the air. He could feel the cold breeze caressing his cheeks and witnessed the glistening crimson scales of the gigantic monster move forth under him. 

Suddenly, time resumed in his eyes, and just as he'd calculated, he fell right on top of the beast's curved back.


Alarmed, Uldher crashed against the tree wall. Moulin almost fell off. Fortunately, he held the beast's back tightly. Relieved came short when Uldher's creature began to shake him off in agitation—flying high in the air and diving down alternately to remove the infuriating pest on his back. 

Moulin clenched his jaw as dizziness began to plague the corners of his mind. The sharp scales dug deep into his skin, drawing blood. Drowning in impatience, once they were high up in the air, Moulin conjured two sharp daggers and plunged the mana-infused points into the beast's flesh. The scales sizzled at the contact, charred at wounded edges. An ear-piercing cry engulfed the air. 

Ignoring the pained sensation creeping into his heart, Moulin ruthlessly twisted the daggers, forcefully sending his mana into the depths of the monster's body. The agonizing cry grew louder. Excruciating pain swallowed its soul until it could no longer think of its task. Then those humungous wings began to stutter… then they stiffened.

The next thing Moulin knew, they were falling. 





Emlen gnashed his teeth, heaving as he glanced at the burn on his shoulder. The grotesque wound looked irksome in his eyes. However, he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Surrounded by the dense swarm of monsters, his men were beginning to show signs of sluggishness. Perhaps, it was because these damn monsters were slowly devouring their vitality. If they give in… there would be no hope for them to turn back. Chaos turned heavier and larger. Smoke pillars filled the area, fire engulfed the damp land, and malibreeds had their fill of the next person who gave in to hopelessness. However, they were hungry for more. 

And this strange malibreed before Emlen, at last, showed signs of weakness. It was more powerful than the other malibreeds in the swarm. Emlen could feel the mindless rage and its infrequent bomb-spitting ability. Maybe if he weren't too busy getting rid of flying malibreeds trying to devour him, he would have killed this malibreed long ago!


The female malibreed shook the tendrils of its calves, which Emlen recognized its preparation for another attack. Quivering with displeasure, Emlen brandished his double-edged sword. Ready to face the incoming attack. He must kill this thing so it couldn't lessen their chances of survival. 

However, the attack Emlen expected didn't occur. Suspicious blared within his mind, and anger coursed through his veins. This thing is planning a different attack!

The malibreed bared its frightful smile at him as though grinning at Emlen's demise. It raised its head, mouth open, lips moving a pattern as though it was chanting. The sight shocked every soul who caught a glimpse of its movements. 

Emlen felt sweat run down his back. 



Multiple pillars of fire abruptly burst out from the ground! Smoldering crimson flames rose, crackling and devouring those surrounding it. The flames didn't harm the malibreeds, but only those not of their kind. Emlen saw men trying to avoid the flames, but the locations of each sudden burst were unpredictable. 


Emlen is brought back from his trance, unable to accept the sudden change of the situation. The moment he turned his head, the female malibreed was charging towards him. Clash! The body of Emlen's blade raked down the length of the malibreeds steel-like claws. Sparks crackled when they clashed once more. Each of them, attacking and defending. 

The malibreed cackled neared his face. The fires behind it began to engulf the fortress walls embedded in Gala'En's trunk. Hope in Emlen's eyes grew withered, and finally, there was a crack in his cold expression. Emlen's thoughts drew towards his young brother as he fought, dodged, and acquired new wounds. He didn't see him this morning… he should have searched for him. He should have talked to him…

He only hoped Moulin was somewhere safe…

Emlen yelled angrily as he slashed towards the female malibreed with much force. Hissing furiously, the malibreed grinned. It raised its head once again with a cackle. Once more, the chanting began. 

Despair flooded Emlen's chest. 

In the next second, a thunderous beam of crackling energy shot out from nowhere. It pierced through one of the legs of the chanting malibreed. The vigorously ruthless power was too much for the cells of its limbs, and thus, it turned to ashes. 



The malibreed dropped on the charred ground, twitching as pain swallowed its whole being. Its legs are reduced to ashes, staining the wood, continuing to devour its limbs. Anger pulsed inside it, roaring with all its might at the new intruder. 

The surrounding malibreeds paused, ceased moving. Silence…

Heavy footsteps sounded, followed by countless steps in the background. 

The scent of mana from the beam wafted in the air. The scent of it smelled terrifyingly powerful, petrifying, and yet delectable. However, none of the malibreeds would want to devour such flavor. One taste and they'd turn to ashes. It smelt the same as the power that split the skies and murdered most of their kin. 

Such a phenomenal event was witnessed by most of the people within the area. For years, there was no such thing as mana too powerful for a malibreed. There was no such thing… 

The person, the source of the disturbance, had a fist clenched with the snap of energy. Hadrian's eyes glowed with a dangerous glint. Emlen's gazed at the golden lord in shock. 

Deafening roars noised throughout the surrounding area. For the first time, there is fear within their hunger-filled minds. 


The generals behind Hadrian commanded. Elves and maeruthans behind them pulled out their weapons and canons. A bombardment of explosions and attacks commenced. 

Hadrian approached the crawling female malibreed, screeching at him fiercely, raising its head to chant. 

Emlen was doused with fear. He unconsciously snapped, "Stop it-"

Light flashed, and black blood dripped from the point of the black blade. Hadrian withdrew his weapon, coldly averting his gaze. 

Slowly, a sickening squelched sounded as the malibreed's body split in half. Black blood dyeing the ground. 

'He killed it so easily…' thought Emlen with wide eyes. 

Hurriedly, Jagra came to check on his wounds, urging him to recuperate somewhere safe. However, Emlen refused. Like these men, he is going to continue fighting…

Scanning the area, Hadrian's drew together in a frown. Suddenly, there is a pull from the soul bond within his spirit. It felt as though his whole body was electrocuted. The lord turned his head towards a particular direction. 


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