A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 46: The Chat.

Before we start this chapter I would like to share about two of my fellow authors, they are young and they are very hardworking. Sometimes when I all lost in a situation and don't know about how to progress the story they have helped me a lot. Their stories also inspire me with unique ideas,





I would like to thank them and also recommend there works to you guys, please give them a read and if you like it add it to your library.

Yours truly.



The group returned to their camp after burying the Night Hound properly. They took the cubs along, five cubs were all divided as one will take care of each cub, You Xi Wang named the cub he chose Maya, it was an exquisite looking female wolf cub; it had white fur and a crescent moon-like black mark on its forehead, the dark elemental skill it gained was an illusion, it cast a low-level skill to make its fur gray like all the other cubs but was found out when it ran low on energy.

Maya means illusion in Hindi. In metropia, the kids are taught all the languages so they can communicate regardless of the region they are from. This method decreased the alienation of foreign individuals as they can understand what you are talking about.

The team reached their camp area and sat down on a big tree,. The cubs scampered together tree hole and slept quietly. Fenny could not hold back and speak, "Baby Wang, what was with you using Lightning element, were you not a wind elemental?"

You Xi Wang looked at all of them and sighed, "Looks like I have to tell you all, but before that please make a blood oath. I trust you all with my life but this involves a family secret. Anybody not bound with an oath should not learn about it."

Yuki made an oath first, and the rest followed her actions. You Xi Wang nodded and exhaled heavily as he started speaking.

"In this world, we have three types of cultivators. The first one, normal people who can use one element, the second, people who can use two elements, the third, rare Tri-elementals, like the council head." he paused and continued.

"Other than the elders of You and Chen family, no one knows about it but both my parents were also people who could use two elements. My mom was proficient in water and wind element. My father was one too. He had mastery of fire and earth. Mom was injured when she was young which effected her potential, Dad was a rowdy, you all know, he had a stable foundation and could take on core formation experts despite being a spirit formation one."

"Big sis Zhichi inherited mom's talent while I am blessed by them both and I got five elemental prowess." he placed his palm face up and five balls of spiritual energy with different elements formed over it spinning around each other.

The group sat there stunned, their mouths were wide open when they heard his speech, because it was very rare to have two elements, and only the council head had three elements. Watching their friend in front of them, they thought he was a monster.

Fenny said, "You should keep it a secret until you are strong enough, Xi Wang. Who knows what will happen if dark dwellers caught a hint of your talent."

You Xi Wang nodded and assured her with, "Except you guys, only granny xin, big sis and aunt Bei know about this. You guys need not fret, okay."

Allan still said, "Don't trust anyone blindly bro Wang."

You Xi Wang replied with a smile, "If you guys are not worth trusting then no one in this universe can be trusted, I trust you all with my life."

They all chatted for more and You Xi Wang took the watch, Maya opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the tree alone so she scurried out of the furry huddle and walked up to him. You Xi Wang noticed her approach and stretched out his hand towards her, Maya was very intelligent and she rubbed her small head on his hand and sat in his lap.

You Xi Wang suddenly remembered that he needed to call Celestia. He hurriedly dialed her name on his Holo-phone. The ring was heard, Maya looked at the hologram with great interest, just as she tried to claw it a sleepy face formed and scared her. She buried her head in You Xi Wang's lap, who chuckled at this scene.

The face was of Celestia, who rubbed her eyes and saw You Xi Wang looking at her with a smile through the hologram. She sat upright and said, "Hello big brother, what took you so long?" her lips were pouted and she looked very cute.

"Sorry, my little fairy, I had to save some babies from a bad guy. Do you want to meet one?" he replied.

"Yes!" the little girl was very excited to see babies. You Xi Wang maneuvered his wrist and a furry creature sitting in his lap became visible to Celestia.

"Big brother, this is not a baby." the girl pouted again, and You Xi Wang chuckled while he replied, "This is Maya, she is a wolf cub, her mother died fighting to save her."

As she listened to these words her eyes became teary, she spoke in a whimper, "She is also like Celes?"

You Xi Wang felt guilty for his choice of words but quickly handled the situation by saying, "Yes, she is just like my little fairy, she is pretty, cute, and intelligent. Just like you, my dear."

Celestia smiled a little, and she said, "It is thanks to big brother that I can be strong now."

"No, Celes, it is because you trust in me. Believe in yourself and the world will bow down to your prowess." You Xi Wang motivated her. His words made her eyes gain a resolved look.

They chatted a bit as You Xi Wang asked her, "Celes, how do you like your new home?"

"It is enormous and clean big brother, also everyone is so nice, sister Emily bought me new clothes and toy, big sis Zhichi told everyone in the family that I am now her little sister and if anyone bullied me they will be punished, hehehe, oh I made friends with XiaoXiao, Ben, Kim, and Jojo they are all so nice. Also, I tripped when I was running away from Granny Xin because she pinches my cheeks so much, she helped me up and apologized and was about to cry then I felt guilty, so I pinched her cheeks and said sorry, she kissed me and told me to call her granny xin. Oh, Aunty BeiBei is so nice she gave me a new Holo-phone and new games to play with, you know my holo-phone can now match my shoe color." she told him all about her treatment and was teasing him when she told him about the holo-phone. You Xi Wang shook his head at her tricks.

The duo kept chatting for a long time. At some point, Celestia laid down while rambling about her day at the mansion and fell asleep. You Xi Wang disconnected the call and patted Maya, who slept in his lap.

The sun was about to rise and a new day was about to begin. You Xi Wang and others will now begin their training camp in a real sense.

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