A Date With Faet

96. Designated

Kelly and Keira and I made our way down to the dining hall about a half hour before sunset. We were all in fancy dresses again. I was wearing the same one I'd worn for Samhain, but Kelly and Keira had gotten new ones.

At the last feast their dresses were in the same style but different colours. Now they matched in both style and colour, so yet again nobody else could tell them apart. Both dresses were a deep emerald green, with dark blue trim and accents.

As we entered the hall I could tell this was going to be a party. There was a buzz of excitement in the air tonight. At long last the spirits in the castle were up again, everyone was here and safe. Our enemies were either dead or defeated, and it looked like we once again had peace with our neighbours to the east.

We were less certain about our neighbours to the west, but Maeve was confident as long as Aengus was in her dungeon there'd be no aggression from his boys.

Maeve and Connor were standing in front of the head table smiling and greeting everyone, so my girlfriends and I moved to join them.

I gave both parents a hug and kiss, then I stood next to Maeve and started greeting people and talking with other guests as well.

Connor was looking at the twins with a sort of confused, quizzical look on his face. I realized he hadn't really seen them up close since his return, and this would be the first time he'd realized they were now completely identical.

He finally asked the two of them, "I've long been curious about this. Why are there two of you?"

Kelly and Keira glanced at each other. Then they both grinned and did their creepy twin thing as both responded at the same time, asking him "Why is there only one of you?"

I bit my lip to keep from smiling too wide as my father looked surprised by their reply. He finally said "You know, that's a very good question!"

As it got closer to sunset we all moved to take our seats. My mother was in the middle of course, Connor to her left and I was to her right. Kelly was next to me, and Keira on the other side of her. Captain Siobhan sat next to Connor, and lieutenant Gaelen was on the other side of her. The rest of the head table was filled up with other important or high-ranking soldiers and servants.

Just before sunset Maeve stood up and started calling for everyone else to take their seats and settle down. The last two dozen servants emerged from the kitchens and delivered platters of food to all the tables, then they took their seats as well.

Everyone was now quietly looking at my mother, waiting for her to start the celebrations.

She smiled as she looked around the hall. The look on her face brought a smile to my own. She was happy. There was no stress, nothing weighing on her mind. I think everyone else could see it too, I saw a lot of smiling faces as I looked around the hall.

"Welcome everyone!" Maeve stated. "Tonight we celebrate not only the return of my husband, but we also celebrate the end of over a century of strife and trouble!"

She continued, "For many decades, Clann Brádaigh was the victim of a trio of conspirators. Thanks to the three young woman next to me, and the loyal services of many of you, those enemies have been vanquished. One, a traitor, has been executed. Another lies imprisoned in our dungeon. The third is imprisoned in our tower, and will soon be exiled from Otherworld forever."

As my mother talked, I noticed three servants had taken up a position sort of behind her and to the left. She was between me and the servants so I couldn't see what they were up to. I assumed it was part of her announcement though, I could tell she knew the three men were there.

Mother then motioned for me to stand as she continued with her announcement, "In gratitude for her services to our clann, I grant Lady Tegan the rank of Knight of Cathasaigh."

She turned and took something from one of the three servants. When she turned back towards me I saw what it was.

My custom-made sword was ready, along with a fitted scabbard and a long thin strap. Overall it was smaller than the ones all the soldiers had. It was the same shape though, just scaled down to about three-quarters the size.

The scabbard, strap, and the leather grip on the sword handle were all dyed a deep purple. The pommel and guard on the sword looked like silver, with gold inlay. I was pretty sure it wasn't just a decorative piece though, something told me Maeve wouldn't give me a 'fake' sword.

She had me bow slightly and placed the strap over my head so it was on my right shoulder, and the sword hung at my left hip. It was sort of weird wearing a sword over my dress, but at the same time it actually kind of fit. Like most women would maybe accessorize with a designer purse or something, but I was rocking the deadly weapon.

I quietly thanked her then took my seat. Mother didn't sit though, she stepped past me and motioned for Kelly to stand, while the next servant moved up behind her.

The ceremony was repeated, as mother announced "In gratitude for her services to our clann, I grant Kelly the rank of Knight of Cathasaigh, and the title Lady. You are now Lady Kelly Vale of Clann Brádaigh."

Kelly was given her own sword too. It looked like a normal one without the fancy silver and gold on it. The grip was dyed dark red, and the scabbard and straps were forest green. She bowed while Maeve placed it over her shoulder so she could wear it with her dress.

Once Kelly was seated, mother moved on to Keira and the whole process was repeated. Her sword was identical to Kelly's, and she was granted the same title and rank. "You are now Lady Keira Vale of Clann Brádaigh."

As Maeve moved back to her place between my father and I, Connor leaned closer to her. I heard him whisper, "How can you tell those two apart?"

I suppressed a smile as mother whispered back, "Kelly is always on the left. Just remember the one with the L in her name is on the left, the one with the R in her name is on the right."

Mother then raised her voice again as she addressed the crowd, "Let the feast begin!"

There was a loud cheer, and the hall soon filled with the sound of talk, laughter, and celebration.

As we all started to eat, I asked mother "What of Feichin? I hope he's not forgotten in all this. We wouldn't have been able to get you Aengus without him, and he helped us deal with Eamon too."

Maeve replied "As usual he declined to join us for the celebration, but don't worry Tegan. Feichin was not forgotten."

She had some wine then said, "I awarded him some money, the equivalent of a full year's pay. And I've granted him title to a dozen acres of land. He selected some property to the west. I believe he's claimed eight or nine acres of the western woods, and the balance in adjoining land which he and his family can farm."

I was glad to hear that. And unsurprised that Feichin wouldn't attend the party. Especially after finding out about his son. No surprise about the land he selected for his reward either. Actually I was perhaps surprised he thought to take any farmland at all.

After that I just relaxed and enjoyed the celebration. This was what Samhain should have been. It was a loud, boisterous, raucous event. The dining hall was packed, the drinks and food were in abundance, and everyone seemed happy.

Me and the twins were all smiles of course. I had no idea mother was going to award my girlfriends titles. It didn't exactly elevate them to nobility, but it did give them official rank and station.

The only sad part of the night was when I quietly told Maeve and Connor that the three of us were planning to head back to Earth in the morning.

My fae parents both hugged me, but neither complained, or tried to convince me to stay longer. I'm sure Maeve was well aware that all three of us needed to get back. Our two-week vacation had turned into another two-month adventure after all.

We enjoyed the party a little while longer, before I looked to the two beautiful redheads and asked, "Lady Kelly? Lady Keira? Shall we retire to our chambers for the evening?"

They both smirked, and Kelly replied "That sounds like a good idea, Lady Tegan."

• • • • •

The three of us were up a little over an hour before dawn. We all dressed in our Earth clothes, and packed up our things. We wore our swords of course, but where they'd actually sort of fit in with our fancy dresses, I thought it felt a bit weird wearing mine with my jeans, hoodie, and autumn jacket.

Some food had been delivered to our room so we had a little bit of breakfast as we got dressed.

None of us really talked much, I think we were all looking forward to getting back to Earth again. The past six or seven weeks had been another huge adventure, though we did get some quiet vacation time out of it towards the end. Now we were thinking about our commitments back on Earth again, and mentally preparing ourselves for the adjustment back to Earth life.

When we were ready, the three of us made our way down to the courtyard. Maeve and Connor were there waiting for us. Siobhan was there too, and Kaitlyn had been escorted down from the tower.

Soldiers took our backpacks, and Kaitlyn had a little canvas bag with a change of clothes and a few other small items. She was currently wearing hose and a small dress, and soft leather shoes.

Maeve and Connor each gave me a hug, and mother said "I know I said I'd send you back to Earth with some additional resources Tegan, but I'm afraid that will have to wait until my treasury is refilled. I expect that will happen sooner rather than later, and when it does you will receive a generous share of the ransom money."

"I understand mother," I replied. I wasn't in any great hurry to scoop up our neighbours' land anyways, so I wasn't really worried about it. "I hope things go smoothly with Aengus's sons. Or the king, whoever pays up first."

She smiled and asked, "You'll be back for Imbolc, won't you? We'd love to have you here to celebrate your birthday. And perhaps we can discuss sending you a tutor, so the three of you can begin learning how to use those swords."

I nodded, "I'll do my best."

After that we all said our fare-wells, then we mounted up on the supplied horses. I got a boost as usual, and Siobhan picked Kaitlyn up and set her down on one of the horses.

Maeve and Connor didn't ride out with us, but the captain did. And as usual, there was a soldier at the lead holding our pennant aloft, and another carrying a torch.

Soon enough we were in the south forest near the garrison.

To our surprise, Feichin had come out to see us off. He bowed when he greeted us, which was yet another surprise. I don't think I'd ever seen him do that for me.

He spoke softly as he said, "Lady Kelly, Lady Keira, I apologize for doubting your skills with the bow. You both proved me wrong. And Lady Tegan, I thank you for bringing me safely home from both our excursions. I wish you three ladies a safe voyage."

We thanked him, then said our goodbyes to the soldiers. We also bid Siobhan and Gaelen farewell, then finally the four of us got ready.

Me and the twins had our backpacks, their grandfather had her little sack of clothes. Kelly and Keira looped their arms through mine and they each took hold of Kaitlyn with their other hand, so the four of us were in a small circle.

As the sun came up over the horizon I felt the veil weaken, and I cast the spell then pulled the four of us through to Earth.

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