A Date With Faet

95. Demurred

We had another few days of quiet relaxing vacation as we waited for Connor's return. I continued to track him with magic every day just in case, but it really did feel like all the trouble was behind us now.

Me and the twins got a little more active again since Keira was all healed up, but we stuck to fun activities. We took another day-trip to the lake and had another picnic by the water, we enjoyed walks around the castle, and over-all the three of us were able to relax and unwind.

There were still a few lingering stresses of course. I could tell Kelly was starting to worry about all the time she'd missed from university. Even Keira was starting to worry about that too. And we had some other matters we'd have to deal with when we got back to Earth.

We needed to confront the twins' mother, and they still wanted to leave Kaitlyn with her. I had reservations about that, I couldn't imagine Kelsey would be a good role model, or that she'd even look after the teen. But I knew we'd have to deal with Kelsey one way or another regardless.

The twins continued to visit their grandfather every day, and I usually went with them. I checked her aura now and then, it remained badly stained but from what I could see there were small improvements. The stain was definitely shrinking, albeit very slowly.

I figured Kelly and Keira were right, that the positive reinforcement and regular social visits were helping. The girl was still timid around us, but she seemed to gradually be getting over that fear she had at first.

On the subject of family, I hadn't forgotten my promise to my parents. I'd probably be doing that soon after we got back to Earth. And as much as I wanted to help them, especially dad, I was still upset about the possibility of my folks splitting up because of my gift.

So I guess overall we were all eager to get back to Earth, but also a bit wary about it at the same time.

It was early afternoon and the three of us were sitting around our room trying to figure out what day it was back on Earth, when a butler came to the door.

He bowed then announced, "Lady Tegan, Miss Kelly and Miss Keira. Lady Maeve requests you join her in the study."

I was a little surprised. We'd been all but left alone since our dinner and debriefing with my mother. I wondered why she wanted to see us now, and of course I worried something new had gone wrong.

The three of us got up and made our way to the study. As soon as we arrived I saw why we'd been summoned, and I groaned inwardly.

"Lady Tegan, Miss Kelly and Miss Keira. A pleasure to see you all again." Sir Colm stood and bowed towards us.

My mother was at a table with him, and she motioned to me and the twins "Please join us. Sir Colm just returned from the royal court."

We all sat down at the table with Maeve and Colm. There were drinks and refreshments already waiting for us, and I took a glass of juice and had a few deep sips.

Once everyone was comfortable, Maeve filled the three of us in, "I was just bringing sir Colm up to date on how things have been resolved in his absence."

Me and the twins stayed quiet as mother looked back to Colm and said "As I was saying, rather than add to any conflict with the Ceallaighs, I chose to pay the ransom. My husband is on his way home now, and we expect him to arrive within the day. As for the conspirators, you eliminated Eamon yourself, my daughter and her girlfriends eliminated Keenan ó Conghaile, and most recently they've brought me Lord Aengus. A letter was left with Aengus's sons, demanding ransom for his release."

Colm stared at Maeve in surprise for a few moments, then glanced at me and the twins. He looked back at mother and asked "You have Lord Aengus ó Faoláin here? How?"

"Yes," she replied calmly, though there was a smile on her lips. "He is warming a cot in my dungeon. As for how, I asked Tegan and her girlfriends to go and get him for me. So they did."

Colm looked at the three of us, "How did you..?"

I smirked, "We just went to castle Faoláin, walked up to the door of his private chambers, and took him. It only took an hour or two."

The knight remained slightly stunned for a few more seconds, before he finally focused on Maeve again. "Lady Maeve, as I said earlier the king is not pleased about this level of infighting between a Marquess and a Countess. And while he understands that Lord Aengus has been the instigator in these matters, I'm not sure he would approve of you keeping Aengus in your dungeon. He may prefer to have Lord Aengus remanded to me, to be taken to the royal palace dungeon."

I was expecting some resistance on that, but Maeve just nodded. "Of course sir Colm. I would be happy to turn Lord Aengus over to yourself, or anyone else. The ransom I've set on his head is one thousand pounds of gold. Whether that comes from his boys, the king, or yourself, it matters not to me."

That left me and the twins all trying to suppress grins, while Colm just sort of stared at my mother. He obviously wasn't expecting her to demand the king cough up cash for the prisoner.

He finally said, "I see. I'll pass that along then to his majesty..." After a pause, he looked to me and said "Lady Tegan, I also have something for you."

I watched warily as he took a folded parchment out from inside his jacket and handed it to me. Kelly and Keira both looked slightly worried, and my mother was a little wary as well now.

I took the letter and unfolded it. There was a big fancy royal seal at the bottom. As I read it, Colm summed it up for the others.

"King Cathal requests your presence at his royal court, Lady Tegan. He would like to meet you. And he would like you to meet his son, Prince Odhran." Colm looked at my mother and added, "The king asked me to inform you Lady Maeve, he is interested in a union between the Royal House and Clann Brádaigh."

It was pretty much what Taralynn and Aisling warned me about. The king was 'interested' in me, and wanted me to marry his son. I re-read the letter, then folded it back up again and looked up at the knight.

"Wow, this is a pretty big honour I guess? Being asked to come to the royal court and stuff?"

Colm nodded, "Yes m'lady it is."

I smiled, "Unfortunately I have to decline. Let the king know I'm honoured or whatever? But yeah. I have business on Earth, so I can't accept the invitation."

Before anyone could respond I added, "Also, I'm gay, and I'm already in a relationship with two beautiful fae. So I'm not going to marry a man, prince or otherwise. Maybe let this Odhran guy know not to get his hopes up?"

Colm stared at me for a few moments, then looked at Maeve. I'm sure he was expecting her to back him up or try and 'talk sense' into me or something. And I honestly wasn't sure how she'd react.

Mother looked back and forth between me and the knight, then finally she gave him a polite smile and said "Well I think that's all our business concluded? You have my daughter's answer. And unless you happen to have a thousand pounds of gold at hand, I imagine you'll need to return to the palace first before I can release Lord Aengus to you. If you'd like to stay the night and refresh yourself, my staff will prepare a room for you."

I was fighting to suppress my smile again. Of course I was happy mother decided to side with me on this, but overall it was just really nice to see her stand up to Colm.

The knight just stared at me and Maeve for a few more moments, before he finally nodded "Very well, Lady Maeve. Thank you for your time."

Maeve summoned captain Siobhan and had Colm led away while a room was prepared for him.

With him gone, she looked at me and cautioned "The king may not be pleased with your answer, Tegan. And next time he might make it an order rather than an invitation."

"I'll worry about that when and if it happens," I shrugged. Then I smiled, "Thanks for backing me up, mom. And I'm proud of you for standing up to Colm about the ransom."

Mother sat back in her chair and picked up her glass. She had a sip of wine then smiled "I suppose I've been feeling a little more self-assured lately. It may have something to do with our family finally being out from under a century of manipulation and threat."

After another sip of wine she added, "It doesn't hurt knowing I have a daughter who commands the power of Taralynn, and magic or not she and her two girlfriends have the bravery and talent to achieve the impossible."

My smile grew wider, but I also felt a slight blush coming on. Kelly and Keira were grinning as well of course.

Before any of us could respond further, a servant appeared at the door. He was breathing hard like he'd just been running, and looked like he had urgent news. "My Lady! The lookouts have spotted your column returning!"

Maeve drank back the last of her wine as she stood up. She smiled, "Then let us go to the wall and watch their arrival."

Soon enough the four of us were standing at the north-east part of the wall, watching as the column of people on horseback came into view. The soldier at the lead was holding the Brádaigh banner high.

I remembered three years ago when it was us out there, returning after our voyage to Duma Dé. I knew the men on horseback would be weary, but relieved to have their home in sight. And I remembered what Siobhan told me. The pennant was flying high. There was the right number of people returning. And as they neared, I could see the smiles on their faces.

All of us on the wall let out a few cheers, and I spotted Connor waving as he and the others approached. From what I could see he was probably tired from the rough trip, but no worse for wear despite his time spent in the Ceallaigh dungeon.

As the column got closer, the four of us went down to the courtyard so we could welcome them when they arrived.

It was crowded and busy, but also exciting. The gates were opened as three dozen and one tired but smiling fae rode into the courtyard.

Connor dismounted and Maeve hurried to him. The two exchanged a long hug, both looked very happy and it made me smile even wider to see the joy and relief on my parents' faces.

After their embrace, they approached me and the twins. I gave Connor a hug as well and said "Welcome home father. I'm glad to see you're all right."

"It's great to be back Tegan," he grinned. "And wonderful to see you again."

I stepped back then suggested with a teasing smile, "Maybe you should uh, get yourself a bath or something there father. Then some clean clothes."

He laughed, "Indeed. I imagine I smell like I've spent a dozen days on horseback."

Maeve agreed, "You do, husband." She raised her voice as she announced, "There will be a feast, tomorrow night at sunset!"

There was another cheer from the people around us, then everyone got back to work. Maeve led Connor away, and I had no doubt their first stop would be to dunk him in a tub. But after that I figured she wanted him to herself for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

I looked up at my two girlfriends and smiled, "What would you two like to do with the rest of our day?"

Keira teased, "A bath isn't a bad idea, Tegan."

Kelly agreed, "Sorry babe, but you do sort of smell like you just hugged a man who's spent twelve days on horseback."

I rolled my eyes, but I kept my grin. "Too bad our funny little bath isn't big enough for three."

The twins just giggled as they led me out of the courtyard.

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