a certain scientific harry potter

Page 4

That person...how could she be Harry Potter's girlfriend?

She's not, he's not, don't talk nonsense, okay? !

The Weasley family... People on Harry's side actually saw that family gathered in the corner of the crowd, but only Mr. Longbottom nodded to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and no one came forward to say hello.

This is not because they are not familiar with each other. On the contrary, Molly Weasley's two elder brothers, the Prewett brothers, were members of the Order of the Phoenix who died in battle, and they were close comrades in arms with Potter and the Longbottom couple. .

But now this is Diagon Alley, and many people in the British wizarding world know that if you meet the Weasleys in Diagon Alley at the beginning of school, it is best not to say hello to them...

Because it may embarrass others.

However, not everyone will abide by such unspoken rules, such as Lucius Malfoy.

"Heh, isn't this Arthur Weasley?" Patriarch Malfoy, who walked out of the crowd Shi Shiran, put his hand on his son's shoulder, forcefully pulled him away from Harry, and turned to Wei Wei, who was at the end of the crowd. Sly's.

He is very disappointed with his son now, because Draco Malfoy not only did not get top-notch exam results last year, but also acted like a fool just now.

How resounding is the reputation of the Potter family in the wizarding world now, and Harry Potter seems to be blown up as the leader of the next generation of the Order of the Phoenix... Lucius never imagined that his son would mindlessly provoke other side!

As a noble platinum-gold pure-blood aristocrat, of course it is right to show off in front of a group of poor people, but at least you have to pick a soft persimmon...

I declare in advance that this is not the malfoy family's inferiority of being bullying and fearing the hard, but a Slytherin that should judge the situation.

So, the Weasleys would be a good fit.

As a disgrace to a pure-blooded family and the poorest of the poor, the Weasleys not only have many children, but are also very impulsive, and more importantly, what they have in their hands is a pile of tattered second-hand goods.

A situation like theirs was the perfect place to hide that thing and, by the way, put the blame on Arthur Weasley - the bastard who'd been getting himself in trouble.

So, Lucius decided to attack.

"I heard that the old man is very busy with his work, so many raids, I think they must have paid you overtime, right?"

He reached into the Weasleys' youngest daughter's cauldron and pulled out a tattered copy of The Elementary Transfiguration Guide from a brand-new set of Lockhart's writings. "

"Oh, it doesn't appear to be. My God, what's the use of being the scum of wizards if you can't even get a good paycheck?"

With a series of vicious ridicules, Lucius almost viciously satirized all the Weasleys from adults to children, and finally succeeded in igniting Mr. Weasley's anger, and fought against him at the door of the bookstore regardless of his care!

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic, Ginny Weasley's cauldron flew out, the men of the two families rolled into a ball in a pile of Lockhart's books, the children of the Weasley family kept cheering, Draco Malfoy froze in panic.

As for Mrs. Weasley, she was trying to break the fight with the clerk, but the men who were jealous of the fight didn't pay any attention to it.

"Okay, can you stop?" In the end, James stepped forward to stop the incident.

As a top Quidditch player, James' body was very strong, and he easily separated the two wrestling together.

At this time, Mr. Weasley had a broken lip, while Lucius had a smashed eye and still held Ginny's old textbook in his hand.

"Here, little girl, take your book, this is the best thing your father can give you!" While struggling to shake off James' grip, he reached out to put the old textbook back into Ginny's hand .

But at this moment, the other hand suddenly grabbed his dangling wrist!

"Frank Longbottom?" Lucius was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I'm just curious, what exactly did you stuff in this book."

Frank said lightly, reaching out to grab the textbook in Lucius' hands, the latter suddenly became extremely nervous, but his two hands were restrained at the moment, and he could only let Frank take away the old textbook.

"Mr. Malfoy, I think you need to explain, why did you include such a thing in a child's textbook?" Soon, Frank found an old one from the obviously bulging textbook. Diary, and at the same time, his expression became extremely serious!

"Based on my experience as an Auror, this is definitely a dark magic item! Mr. Malfoy, I remember that the Ministry seems to have searched your home before, can I think that you are still deliberately and privately Possession of dangerous items explicitly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic?!"

"Longbottom, how dare you frame me like this?!" Lucius tried his best to hide his panic, and kept shouting and denying, "Let's not talk about whether it is a black magic item, even if it is, you don't know. How can I prove that I stuffed this thing into this tattered textbook?!"

"It's very easy to prove this, all you need to do is provide your memory." Alice Longbottom, who is also an Auror, smiled confidently, "When you had a conflict with the Weasleys, did you take the initiative? Holding the textbook in your hand, the thickness of the textbook was normal at that time, and Lily and I watched it carefully. But when you wanted to return it to the little girl just now, it suddenly became much thicker... You still say that you didn't stuff it in?!"

"You...you are purely groundless speculation, you are spitting blood!"

"But this is how Aurors handle cases. As long as I have this guess, I already have the right to use Veritaserum on you." Alice is the kind of witch with a round face, but now she is not smiling at all. Simple and honest, "To prove your innocence, Mr. Malfoy, why don't you go back to the Ministry with us. It is said that Lily's newly improved Veritaserum is delicious, so you can try it~"

"Damn it! I wouldn't..."

"And you don't know..." Lucius was about to quibble, but Alice continued, "You just came out of Knockturn Alley with your son, I saw it clearly, Would you like me to guess where you've been, maybe... Borgin-Bock?"


At this moment, Lucius Malfoy seemed to be choked by someone, his eyes were full of panic and panic...

He's done! !

Eight: Harry Potter, at a glance for two or three years~

Just because Alice Longbottom took one more look at Lucius Malfoy in the crowd, Harry's life became uneventful for the next two years...Although it's ridiculous, this is indeed what wizards do Do not understand the internal causal logic.

Lucius Malfoy's hunch was right, he was really screwed this time.

As elite Aurors with the support of the Order of the Phoenix behind them, the Longbottoms definitely have a lot of say in the Ministry of Magic, so the process of convicting Lucius can only be described as swift.

Saying goodbye to the Granger family, Potter and Longbottom co-wrote Lucius to the Ministry of Magic, and immediately approached Amelia Bones, the head of the Department of Law Enforcement, to ask the other party Let the Wizengamot be in court at once!

It just so happened that Amelia's elder brother, Edgar Bones, was once one of the victims of the Order of the Phoenix, so she was definitely happy to help with this little favor.

After all, the magic world is so sophisticated~

At the impromptu Wizengamot Court, Alice and Lily submitted their memories of Diagon Alley, and Lucius was convicted on the spot of hiding dark magic items and deliberately framing Arthur Weasley.

And when Narcissa Malfoy, that is, Lucius' wife, rushed to the Ministry of Magic with a large sum of gold and wanted to bribe the Minister of Magic, Lucius' half-year sentence in Azkaban had already been determined up.

At that time, Potter and Longbottom, who finished the work, even left the Ministry of Magic, which shows how efficient they are~

Of course, the Potters didn't forget to ask Harry to deliver a letter to Granger's house, inviting the Grangers to have a meal or play ball together when they were free during the holidays.

"They are both parents of classmates, let's get in touch with each other, and discuss the life of the two children by the way... No, I mean simply make friends with their family~" James said when Harry asked about the content of the letter .

"Yeah, just to make friends." Lily also nodded in agreement, "Adults and children make their own way, what James said is not wrong at all."

Hearing what his parents said, Harry suddenly felt that it made sense, so he jumped up and down decisively to write a love letter to Hermione... er, I went to write a letter~

Thus, the last time of the first-year summer vacation ended when Hedwig went back and forth between London and Godric's Hollow.

And Harry's second year has been uneventful, no one was petrified, and no one was broken by a Bludger...

There was only a flamboyant idiot who insisted on convening some kind of duel club. In the practice battle, Harry kicked him off the ring~

Successfully debunked Gilderoy Lockhart in front of Hermione, probably Harry's only "hot blood" in his second year.

But relatively speaking, Harry's life is very ordinary, and others, such as Lucius Malfoy, are exciting roller coasters.

He was sentenced to half a year in prison in Azkaban, and it stands to reason that he should be released after the Easter holiday...

Then, he was punished~

In other words, the most important thing in the Malfoy family is money, so for the Malfoy family, they can be late for bribery, but they will definitely not be absent.

No, Narcissa decisively bribed the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and secretly asked the other party to retry her husband's case, and Fudge, who received the money, naturally agreed and really went to do it.

But the problem is that Lucius has been convicted of concealing and framing officials of the Ministry of Magic, so if he is re-interrogated as a criminal, he can be given Veritaserum.

Ever since, he spit out more melons...

Then everyone in the Wizengamot knew that the diary was not an ordinary black magic item, but a devil's notebook belonging to a mysterious person, and Lucius was guilty of success~

And besides this incident, they also exploded a lot of windfalls.

For example, the Malfoy family has been bribing Ministry of Magic officials including Fudge for a long time. For example, other pure-blood families also harbor old items from Voldemort’s time, and most importantly... many members of pure-blood families were not as middle-aged as they claimed. Instead of using the Imperius Curse, he took the initiative to join the Death Eaters, and he is still a Death Eater until now!

In this way, several crimes were punished together... Under Narcissa's strong money offensive, Lucius' sentence was successfully increased from six months to...

Six years.

Theoretically, when Draco Malfoy graduates from school, he can drop by to pick up his father from prison in Azkaban... Of course, he may not be able to pick it up.

However, Lucius' confession to Fudge and others was not adopted by the Wizengamot in the end, because Fudge had been repeatedly sophistrying in his confession.

"Veritaserum is not a panacea. Lucius Malfoy has a certain possibility of resisting the effect of Veritaserum. Except for his own affairs, his accusations against others—especially me, are all Extremely despicable frame!!"

For this statement, the well-known media in the British magic world "Daily Prophet" gave the news headline as...

Cornelius Fudge, Doggy Jumps Over the Wall

In addition, after the retrial of the Wizengamot this time, the diary that caused a series of turmoil was finally sent to Dumbledore.

After all, it was once Voldemort's possession, so it is most appropriate for the greatest white wizard to investigate and keep it.

Harry's sophomore year also ended at this time, leading the team to win the Quidditch Cup and winning the House Cup, these are just basic exercises, of course, what he is most happy about is that the 'friendship' with Hermione has become deeper Some.

During the following summer vacation, nothing special happened around Harry. He just practiced magic normally, held birthday parties, passed letters to Hermione the owl, and looked peaceful.

On the Hogwarts side, it is said that the sewer pipes have been renovated as a whole. I don't know why Dumbledore suddenly thought of doing such a project.

But the campus didn’t seem to have changed much. After the school started again, Harry and others discovered that the so-called plumbing renovation was just a renovation of the haunted bathroom at the end of the third floor, and the faucets that were too exaggerated in the room were replaced. Completely cemented into the wall...

Uh... don't ask Harry how he knew, he didn't sneak into the women's room with Neville~

"This guy is really enough, I will seriously consider my father's opinion, and see if I should break up with him!" After being soaked by the myrtle in the toilet... After the water, Neville gritted his teeth and shouted. It's been... more than one declaration of breaking up diplomatic relations this school year.

But unfortunately, he never took action once.

"Be content, Neville...Harry is already much better than his father, at least he didn't take you to pick off other people's pants on the spot~" Remus, newly promoted black defense professor, one of the robbers, werewolf Lu Professor Ping said so.

"Uncle Lupine, were you all this boring back then?" Neville took a step forward in fear, suddenly feeling that this school was really dangerous.

Unfortunately, the principal is not here at this time...

"By the way... where did Professor Dumbledore go?" Thinking that the headmaster had left for some time, Neville asked curiously.

"He's gone to the Ministry of Magic." Lupine said in a serious whisper. "There seems to be something wrong with that diary. Dumbledore wants to use Legilimency on someone to further investigate the details. Besides..."

"Someone's sentence may be changed from six years to life imprisonment~"

Chapter 1 Cousin needs to be beaten

In 1989, the alleys in Little Whinging, Surrey, the weather just after Christmas was not very sunny.


The skinny boy was panting heavily, while running forward eagerly, his jet-black disheveled hair was constantly swinging with the ups and downs of his body, and his bright blue eyes moved nimbly, constantly confirming the way forward.

His footsteps are very nimble, and he can easily dodge the few pedestrians on the road, and then slip into an unexpected fork in the road, as sensitive as a flying monkey.

Behind him, the sound of curses and scattered heavy footsteps came from afar, it was someone who was chasing after him.

But the young man was not worried. After so many years, he had already been familiar with the roads and trails in Xiaohuijin District. He just turned a corner lightly, and the five sets of footsteps chasing him immediately went to the fourth set.

As for the only one left, after the boy deliberately slowed down, he chased closer and closer.

"Harry, stop! I warn you to stop, did you hear that?!"

Dudley Dursley felt like his lungs were about to explode. His cousin, who usually didn't look like a normal person, didn't know which muscle was wrong today. He dared to openly contradict himself and let himself Make a fool of yourself in front of your partner!

So Dudley vowed to catch up with the monkey jumping up and down in front of him, and let him know who was the boss in the Dursleys' house!

It's just that his clumsy pig-like figure is obviously a bit short of speed. Although he tried his best to catch up with the young man in front of him, he was always a little short.

"Damn! You'd better pray that you don't get caught by me, or I won't be as simple as beating you up!"

Dudley kept swearing, but the boy running ahead didn't want to talk to him at all, he just turned his head provocatively and at the same time made a classic international gesture.

"Bastard... you are screwed Harry! I swear, I will definitely pull out the teeth in your mouth!!"

Dudley's rational string snapped again, of course he would not understand the true meaning of that gesture, but he read out a series of words that could not be formed into words from Harry's expression

And in the process of chasing and fleeing, Dudley also didn't notice that he had gradually entered a deep and deserted alley.


Just when Dudley was furious and thinking about how to deal with Harry, there was a sudden shout from ahead.

Subconsciously raising his head, Dudley saw a khaki-yellow shadow rushing towards his face. Before he could tell what it was, he felt a pain in his eyes and fell into a temporary blindness state.

"Ah! Harry you bloody bastard!"

Dudley cursed viciously, that guy Harry dared to throw sand at him!

double!The torture I just decided must be doubled and doubled! !

But just as he was thinking this way, Dudley suddenly felt a pain in his foot, and then there was an Armstrong-style roundabout fall like the world was spinning.

He tripped over a wooden stick, and the sudden fall made Dudley feel like his back was about to fall apart, but just as he was about to struggle to get up, he found that the other party was pressing down on his arm with a hard knee , both arms were suddenly sore and numb, and they couldn't use any strength at all!

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