a certain scientific harry potter

Page 3

When Harry woke up again, he found himself lying in the ward of the school hospital, and the first face that appeared in front of him was his mother Lily.

"Thank goodness, kid, you're finally awake!" Lily jumped to the bed nervously, looking at her son with concern, "How do you feel now?"

"I'm fine, Mom...I'm sorry for worrying you." Harry shook his head apologetically, as if he was hesitant to say anything, "Mom...I met Voldemort."

"I know, I've heard all the details from Dumbledore...Harry, how could you be so impulsive?" Lily complained softly, "Dumbledore and all the professors in the school were there at the time, and your father and I It's almost here, where is it your turn to work hard as a child?!"

Scared, but at the same time full of pride, this may be the ambivalence of Lily as a mother at the moment.

"It won't happen next time~" Harry showed the smile that he often used to pretend to be cute after every mischief.

He is indeed not an impulsive person, unless... someone touches his bottom line!

And what Voldemort said before is the bottom line of the bottom line! !

"Mom, I...haven't defeated Voldemort, have I?" Harry gradually became a little depressed when he mentioned Voldemort, "Voldemort said that was a lie... When I was one year old, it was actually the miracle that defeated him, That is, the person who gave me this lightning mark. Today, I rely on its power to save myself from danger..."

"Yes, but not." Lily smiled softly, "It is true that you did not defeat Voldemort with your own strength, but thinking about it from another angle, it is because you are you that the lightning mark appears. Child, in that mark What is stored is not only magical power, but also strong emotions, and that is what you can rely on to truly defeat Voldemort in the future!"

Regarding the "emotion" in his mother's mouth, Harry still doesn't have a clear understanding, but this experience made him realize another thing...

"Mom, when we get home, can you and dad teach me more magic?" He looked at his mother expectantly and asked.

"It can be, but why is it so sudden..."

"That's because the little man in our family already has something in his heart that he wants to protect." A man's hearty voice came from the door of the ward, and Harry's father came hand in hand with Dumbledore.

"Harry, you did a great job this time!" James nodded and smiled at his son in satisfaction, "Both Padfoot and Moonface are happy to hear this news, but I didn't let them come, after all It must be too much work~”

"Godfather and the others... That's right! That mouse!" Harry suddenly remembered something, and looked eagerly at his father, only to find that there was always a confident smile on his face.

"That matter has been settled, Harry, that mouse is indeed Pettigrew Peter, who is on the run, and he is now locked in a special cage made by Azkaban." Dumbledore answered on his behalf, "I I must praise your keenness. I never thought that Pettigrew, who has been on the run for ten years, has been living in the Weasleys' house, and even spent most of the time in Hogwarts... I must also apologize to your family for not discovering this in time. The thing is my dereliction of duty."

"Professor, it's not your fault. You can't keep paying attention to a mouse." James hurriedly waved his hands, "But Harry did a good job this time, I'm very proud of you~"


"Haha! Lily, how about it? I said our son will be excellent, right? It's all because of your good teaching~"

"He's actually more like you, and Harry has always followed your example~"

"Lily...", "James..."

"You two...can you please leave this ward first?" Harry, who was a little touched just now, immediately had a sign on his forehead.

They openly show their affection when they disagree with each other. The Potters have never cared about single dogs consciously... especially there are only two in the ward at the moment~

Fortunately, the parents didn't make Harry's teeth sore for too long, and they soon got tired of each other and looked for other corners.

And Harry and Dumbledore also talked about other things along the way.

"Professor, what happened to the Philosopher's Stone?" Harry was very concerned about the whereabouts of the thing he had racked his brains to protect.

"Harry, I'm really grateful for what you've done, but I'm sorry to tell you...what you and your friends are trying to protect doesn't actually exist."

"What?!" Harry froze for a moment.

The Philosopher's Stone... Doesn't Exist?

"Missing... To be precise, it was stolen. It was taken away without anyone knowing it in the highly secure Gringotts vault." Dumbledore explained softly, "My friend Nicole May seems to know some details, but he is reluctant to reveal too much."

"how so…"

"Don't get too tangled up, Harry." Dumbledore shook his head with a smile. "At least Voldemort didn't get it, did he? And the Philosopher's Stone is not important to us, or to the Flamels. Besides, we Not for nothing, at least we now know that Gringotts' security measures are not entirely secure. Also, the person who took the Philosopher's Stone left me a note in return..."

"Return... what is that?" Harry frowned in confusion.

"The note says that I can hire Gilderoy Lockhart next school year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Dumbledore said with a smile on his face, "This is really a timely reminder. The right person to replace Quirrell~"


"Gideroy Lockhart? My God, that's quite a famous wizard, and the most popular author in the British wizarding world!"

At the year-end dinner, when Harry reunited with his worried friends and told them the news about the black defense professor for the next school year, Hermione immediately showed her starry eyes and even wanted to jump up on her seat.

Heh...Harry didn't see it before, this guy is actually a senior book fan~

In short, seeing Hermione's expression that was so excited that the girl's heart was bursting, Harry felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, and even the joy of winning the Academy Cup by a large score was diluted a lot.

No, I have to investigate that guy, and I have to do something during the vacation!

With this in mind, when the Hogwarts Express was about to stop at King's Cross Station, Harry suddenly stuffed Hedwig's birdcage into Hermione's hand.

"Ah? You asked me to take Hedwig back...but why?" The girl was suddenly confused.

"Let you write to me during your vacation~" Harry begged as a matter of course, "Please, it doesn't matter what you write, but you must write to me."

"So what the hell are you going to do?"

"Hehe~" Unlike Hermione, who had a cute face, Neville next to him had already seen everything.

Routine, this is all a routine~

(ps There is a cue to the main line in this chapter~)

Six: Harry Potter, are you meeting your parents now?

After the holiday life started, Harry looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally on his 12th birthday, he looked forward to Hedwig back.

In other words, in order to wait for this letter, he waited to the point where he didn't think about tea or food. Even the cake at the Longbottom's birthday party didn't taste good~

As soon as Hedwig came back, Harry immediately carried his bird to the living room, and opened the letter in front of his parents.

Although it was just simple birthday greetings and some daily chats, Harry kept reading it over and over again, and kept changing various small expressions, as if a flimsy letter looked like a collection of love poems.

"Huh? Harry, who wrote you this letter?" Seeing that her son had been deliberately showing off in the living room for a long time, Lily, who was cleaning up the housework, decided to cooperate with him.

"Hey, of course it's my girlfriend, otherwise how could it be Hedwig who delivered the letter~" Harry immediately responded happily, his back molars were almost bared.

Pinch hahaha, how about it, this time finally let me show off a wave, right?

He held his heart to his chest as if he was afraid of being seen by others, and then ran back to his room in a hurry.

"Oh, this child~" Lily showed a see-through smile behind her.

"What's the matter, what was he reading there just now?" James, who was reading the newspaper, asked curiously.

"Our child, he's reading the letter from his 'girlfriend'~" Lily's smile was almost bursting out.

"Ha, is that the little girl named Granger?" James thought of everything instantly, "Who would be happy to raise an owl for him during the holidays?"

"That's not necessarily true," Lily retorted, shaking her head, "Our Harry is so good, there must be no shortage of girls in school who like him."

"But the only one who has been inseparable from him is that clever girl." James said with a smile, "Let's let him entertain himself for a while, otherwise he is too pitiful...you say so, Dear?"

In other words, it was simply impossible for Harry to show the Potters with such crooked ideas.

James said, just that little jiujiu, it’s all leftovers from when your father and I were playing at school~

Harry: I'm in school!

James: You don't have a girlfriend~

Harry: I have a girlfriend!

James: You don't have a wife~

Harry: I have a wife!

James: You have no kids~

Harry: I have a baby!

James: You have no grandchildren...

So it turns out that a father is always a father, and a certain person is destined to be shown by his parents for a lifetime~

Of course, then again, if Harry could really bring Hermione home, the Potters would definitely support it with both hands and feet.

After the first grade, they finally understood... why the 15-year-old son was so fascinated by Miss Granger.

Clever, independent and confident, Hermione Granger will undoubtedly become a very good witch. These qualities in her, including Muggle origin, are also very similar to Harry's mother, so she will naturally be particularly appreciated. Harry's favor.

Throughout the holiday, Harry was immersed in the joy of successfully 'showing' his parents. Of course, he didn't forget to investigate Gilderoy Lockhart, so he found out...the other party will hold a show in Diagon Alley. News of the signing.

"Navi, Neville, we made an appointment to go to Diagon Alley together on that day~"

"Tell me, you didn't write to anyone before you invited me, did you?"

Through the back and forth news, it can be known that Neville absolutely knows the truth about his friend.

As soon as I heard the news about the signing event, I immediately wrote letters to invite people, even putting my best friend in the second place...

Bah, embarrassing~

So, the men in the Potter family have always been stinking about their virtues... Neville had heard Harry's godfather and uncle talk about this nonsense for ten years.

But the problem is, Sirius and Lupine watched James eat the dog for six years in a row, and they felt happier; but why did they have to eat someone and someone's dog for six years in a row? What about food?

But it’s all about complaining, and we still have to go to Diagon Alley, so on the appointed day, a total of six people from the Longbottom family and the Potter family met in Diagon Alley.

Incidentally, they also managed to meet Hermione...and her dentist parents.

However, watching the scene where the Potters and the Grangers had a happy conversation, the Longbottom family felt a sense of remorse for 'making friends carelessly'.

What's the matter, you have to find a third party as a notary when you meet a parent these days?

And it's not enough for a third party to go on their own, and they have to drag their families along? !

"Neville...some friends, let's stop contacting him~" Neville's father, the elite Auror Frank Longbottom, patted his son's shoulder earnestly.

And his wife Alice Longbottom, at this time, just looked back at an alley next to Gringotts, not knowing what she was looking at earlier.

Soon, Gilderoy Lockhart's book signing will begin, and the famous writer is really good at finding hype.

He saw Harry in the crowd at a glance, so he couldn't help posting it, and forced Harry to take various photos with him, and finally forced a whole set of his "masterpieces" to give to Harry.

Of course, Harry happily accepted the kindness that came to his door... and after he left, he put it in front of Hermione.

"Here, this is for you. Not only is the signature warm, but it also has blessings on it."

"Ah... But, I've already bought all of them..."

"Just use it for me when you're done buying it, anyway, it's okay~" Without waiting for Hermione's objection, Harry snatched the book bag from the girl's hand with a smile, and then stuffed a stack of books directly into her arms.

"This..." Hermione was taken aback by Harry's actions. She really wanted a set of Lockhart's signed works, and she didn't know if she could get it, but Harry just gave it to him so clearly. She, it really made her a little overwhelmed.

What's more, the parents of both of them are watching, what if this is misunderstood...

"Potter, you don't really want her as your girlfriend, do you?"

"Hmm..." The sudden voice made Hermione's cheeks feel hot, but when she saw the owner of the voice, she immediately widened her eyes.

Draco Malfoy of Slytherin, there is no doubt that this guy is the deadly enemy of the three of Harry for the past year!

"You must like this very much, Potter?" Malfoy smiled sarcastically, "I heard that this is a family tradition in your family, and you always like to show off on various occasions? Sure enough, the famous Harry Potter, Even entering a bookstore has to make big news~"

"Don't talk nonsense, Harry didn't think of that!" Hermione immediately reprimanded.

"Oh~ so you can't wait to take care of the Potter family's affairs?" Malfoy drew out his tone sarcastically, making Hermione blush again.

However, facing Malfoy, who was obviously coming to find fault, Harry never said a word.

He didn't know - to be precise, he retorted reluctantly, after all...

What Malfoy just said is quite correct~

Seven: Harry Potter, the exposed diary

The small episode at the entrance of Lihen Bookstore naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd. People stopped to watch with great interest, wanting to know how the direct dialogue between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy will develop next. .

Of these two children, one bears the glorious miracle of defeating the mysterious man, and the other is the only son of the richest pure-blood family. Their actions can attract the attention of a large number of people every minute.

Of course, some people don't care about things like families and factions.

For example, a certain red-haired loli who was only described in the original book as exquisite, her eyes have been sneaking at Harry since just now, and she didn't even want to blink her eyes.

Moreover, regarding Draco Malfoy's 'speech' just now, she was actually the one who was the most angry at the scene...

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