Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 22 - I broke my stomach

“Of course I’m going to find the boss.” Xiu Qi walked out of the corridor blankly, his cold eyes stopped for a few seconds on the two children who were talking in the corner, and then quickly moved away, “Let’s go now. Prepare supplies and set off tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Zui Wuye nodded and asked with his eyes slightly sideways, “What about the people who were sent out by the handover city to find the boss of the investigation?”

Generally, Xiu Qi is in charge of the action plan, and Zui Wuye is only responsible for killing people.

“They?” Xiu Qi lowered his eyes and smiled coldly, “They won’t live out of this transition city.”

No matter what Xiu Qi and Zui Wuye plan to do, Mo Wen is still very peaceful.

At this moment, he was sitting on the windowsill with Yu Lan in his arms, passing the time with the zombies hanging down several floors with her.

“How many zombies is this?” With his hands trapped in Lan, Mo Wen pressed against Lan’s ear and asked with a gentle smile.

“Wow.” Yu Lan held her mouth flat and broke her fingers, and she broke it back and forth several times. She turned her head and opened a pair of innocent big eyes to look at the ink text, and there was a pitiful grunt in her throat. .

“Hungry?” Mowen laughed when he saw it. He took out two crystal nuclei but didn’t give it to Lan. He turned his face and pointed to his cheek.

As soon as she saw the crystal nucleus in Yu’s blue eyes lit up, she wrapped the Mowen around the neck and kissed his left cheek with a bite, then grabbed the crystal nucleus and stuffed it into her mouth without blinking.

Seeing that Mowen bends his eyes satisfactorily, he pats Yulan’s head smoothly.

For a while, he would point to his face every time he gave the blue crystal core. At first, when Lan didn’t understand what it meant, he also stretched out his hand to poke. Later, after he understood what he meant, every time he took the crystal core, he would be very Obediently approached him and took a sip.

It has been a month since Yu Lan became a Tier 5 zombie. Because her body was kept clean at all times, there was no decay like other zombies.

What’s even more happier is that her legs can now move freely, except that they don’t look pretty.

Mo Wen touched Yulan’s rough calf, suddenly squinted her eyes, framed her arm, jumped off the window sill, and gently placed her on the bed.

“Wow?” Yu Lan, who was gnawing at the crystal nucleus, twisted his neck laboriously and glanced at him.

“Don’t move blue.” Mowen pressed Yu Lan’s back, but his scorching gaze fell on a small raised bag on her tail vertebra.

Appeared again…

I reached out and touched the bulge on the blue tail vertebrae, and the small bulge trembled and immediately retracted, as if it had never appeared before.

This thing appeared two weeks ago. Sometimes it protrudes by about ten centimeters in length, but when it touches it, it immediately retracts. Mowen can’t figure out what it is.

“Blue…” Touching Lan’s tail vertebrae, Mowen’s two sword eyebrows were entangled together, “Are you planning to grow a tail?”

“Oh?” Yu Lan looked innocent.

“…” Mo Wen sighed helplessly, leaned down and hugged Yu Lan’s thin body.

Most zombies will change their forms during evolution, and the stronger the zombie forms, the more they will be out of human form.

Thinking of the weird zombies he had encountered, Mo Wen’s heart uncontrollably surged with a strong sense of loss.

His blue color may one day break away from the human form and become those monsters.

He clasped Yu Lan’s back with his hands, Mo Wen closed his eyes and took a long breath, and dropped a tight and soft kiss on her head.

“Fine.” Shaking off the inexplicable sense of loss in his happiness, he happily rubbed Yu Lan’s shoulder, “No matter what you become…I will never leave you.”

As long as he can stay by her side, he has no complaints.

Yu Lan squinted her eyes and snored comfortably like a cat. She stretched out her thin hands and hugged Mo Wen’s shoulders, and then closed her eyes under his sweet breath.

I really like his breath.

The morning sun is still good, but it is blocked by heavy curtains. Yu Lan sat up on her own, rubbing her eyes habitually, and found that her stuff was not by her side.

“Wow?” She rolled over and got out of the bed. She was relieved when she saw the familiar figure in the living room. Staring at the Mowen on the door frame, she poked out her head cautiously.

Mo Wen was sorting out the food and water he had left, and he looked up and saw the small head emerging from the door frame. A layer of ripples swelled in his calm heart, and he got up happily, and in the blink of an eye he flashed behind Yu Lan and hugged her in his arms.

“Good morning, Lan Lan.” She kissed Yu Lan’s ear intimately, and then let Yu Lan kiss his neck with satisfaction.

“Wow.” Yu Lan blinked her eyes very well.

Knowing that Yu Lan was planning to eat the crystal nucleus, Mo Wen smiled and picked Yu Lan to sit in the living room, then took out a few secondary crystal nuclei and handed it to her. He still took two bites of compressed biscuits.

With the crystal core in his mouth, Yu Lan stared at the compressed biscuit in Mowen’s hand, and suddenly had an urge to taste it.

“You are eating the bowl and looking at the pot.” Mo Wen couldn’t help but was stunned. This was the first time he saw Lan wanting to eat human food. She squeezed Yulan’s nose in a petting manner, and watched her sneeze a few times in a low voice before passing the compressed biscuit in her hand.

Yu Lan swallowed the crystal nucleus in his mouth twice, then opened his mouth and took a bite of the compressed biscuit.

She seemed to like the taste of compressed biscuits, covering her mouth with both hands, chewing like a little squirrel, for fear that others would **** the food from her mouth.

Seeing this, the ink in his heart instantly softened into a puddle of water. He rubbed Yu Lan’s face. When he was about to speak, Yu Lan’s expression suddenly changed, and he turned his head and vomited.

“Lan!” Mo Wen was startled, and quickly held onto Yu Lan’s body that was about to be carried to the ground.

“Woo…” Yu Lan’s muddy eyes were still a little red after vomiting. She whimpered uncomfortably, and her coat shrank and shrank with ink.

Seeing Yu Lan Mowen like this, he only felt distressed. He carefully held Yu Lan in his arms and bit his teeth reproachfully, “Lan, I’m sorry…I shouldn’t give you human food.”

Feeling the weak and trembling of Yu Lan in his arms, Mo Wen’s heart was as painful as suffocating.

He was panting heavily, his pitch-black pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinpoint, and his self-blaming voice contained a frenzied tyrannical atmosphere.

“Lan…” Gently hugging Yu Lan’s body, Mo Wen buried his head on Yu Lan’s shoulder in fear, calling Yu Lan’s name over and over again, asking the same question over and over again,” You will be fine, right?”

Yu Lan couldn’t eat human food, he remembered this.

Yu Lan only felt the abdomen burning uncomfortable, and it took more than five minutes for the burning sensation to slowly recede. She grabbed Mowen by the hair, patted his head comfortingly, and then slowly stretched her body after the uncomfortable feeling was over.

“Oh?” she whispered, not understanding what was wrong with her stuff.

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