Zodiac University

Chapter 15: Aftermath

“You’re free to go, son. Thanks for cooperating, and stay outta trouble.”

Virgo waved in response with a smile as the police let him go. The questioning process had been fairly simple…or maybe Virgo had just been convincing. He knew he seemed suspicious, having been at the scene after all the fighting had stopped and everyone was injured, but he was grateful to be let off with a slap on the wrist.

The first thing Virgo did when he was released was head straight for the hospital. He wanted to check on his friends—and Bethany, while he was at it. He hadn’t seen his boss since the beatdown in the bakery, and he wanted to make sure she was good.

He couldn’t care less about Leo. Virgo had been in adrenaline mode, and it was only now dawning on him that he’d roughed Leo up extremely well. But there was no doubt in his mind that Leo deserved every bit of it. And knowing Leo, he didn’t have regrets about beating up a trio of innocent young women. That made any guilt Virgo might have experienced vanish instantly.

Virgo arrived at the hospital and asked for his friends’ names and his boss at the front desk. The kind receptionist gave them to him and he started off down the hallway, eventually passing one room where he saw a familiar face.


Virgo nearly tripped over his own feet as he saw the tall, handsome man standing with his back to the hallway. He hadn’t seen Virgo yet and had his hands shoved characteristically in his pockets while he harassed a nurse.

Why the hell is he—oh. Probably for Leo, Virgo assumed.

Virgo crept out of sight, eavesdropping. He couldn’t make out much, but he did hear Leo’s name floating around. Apparently, the bully was passed out after his surgery and Taurus was demanding to know when he’d wake up in a sharp tone, with no regard for the poor nurse who was just trying to do his job.

“Sir, I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to the patient right now. He’s asleep and—”

“I don’t give a fuck. Wake him up.”

“He will be drowsy for a while. It’s not advised to—”

“I said, I don’t give a fuck. Get it through your thick head.” Taurus tsked in annoyance while the nurse anxiously looked around for backup. Virgo felt both anger and arousal surging through his body and cursed himself for feeling attraction that had been sparked by Taurus’s overwhelming presence.

There’s something wrong with me, he thought. He shook his head and started off down the hallway.

“At least tell me how long he’ll be in for,” he heard Taurus saying as he went.

“He’ll be able to leave after he fully recovers from his surgery,” the nurse explained. “He has a break in his jaw and arm, but also several wounds all over his body. We’re recommending he stay for another few days…”


“Virgo!!” Capricorn and Cancer shouted excitedly as their friend entered the room.

Virgo smiled. “I’m glad to see you all are safe.” He looked at Scorpio and saw that the red-haired girl was fast asleep. Cancer saw him looking and started to explain.

“Scorpio just had surgery,” she said. “She had a broken rib and internal bleeding. Capricorn’s arm is dislocated. I’m probably the best off, with just a few scrapes.” She laughed but it was full of sadness. “I feel a little guilty, getting away with so little injuries.”

“That’s not true, Cancer,” Capricorn said. “You got rammed in the neck pretty hard. We’re lucky you get to leave the hospital right away.”

Cancer smiled but it dropped when she noticed Virgo clenching his fists and breathing erratically.

“Oh, Virgo, please don’t get mad!” she cried, flapping her hands nervously. “We’re all healing now. It’s like you said—what matters is that we’re safe!”

Virgo relaxed a bit but still felt his body temperature rising. He had no idea his friends’ injuries were so severe.

“I suppose you’re right,” he said. “Still—I hate that I arrived so late. Scorpio’s life was in danger and you two were close to passing out.” He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if I’d gone straight home. Oh!”

He reached into his pocket and handed Cancer the necklace she’d dropped at the cafe. “You forgot this.”

Cancer’s eyes widened and she looked at her neck. “I…when did I lose that?!” she took the necklace from Virgo and quickly fastened it on.

Virgo grinned. “You left it at the coffee shop earlier. But now I’d say it was lucky you did—otherwise, Scorpio might’ve died.”

Cancer nodded and started tearing up. “Thank you, Virgo. You’re the best.” She wiped her eyes and sniffed. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice the necklace missing. I guess I was so caught up in Leo’s ambush that I…I…”

“No problem,” Virgo said, walking over and gently putting his hands on Cancer’s shoulders. “Now, I assume you’re heading back to your dorm? I’ll walk with you.”

Cancer blinked and then smiled. “You really are the best, Virgo.”

Capricorn grinned, watching the scene play out. Virgo looked at her and the two exchanged their goodbyes. Then, escorting Cancer like a bodyguard, Virgo started off, further down the hallway. Cancer looked at him in confusion.

“Aren’t we going to the dorms?”

“I’d like to check on someone else while we’re here,” Virgo said and Cancer nodded. The front desk lady had informed Virgo that Bethany was around the corner to the left. Virgo followed her directions and sure enough, he and Cancer arrived in the room where she lay.


Virgo rushed forward, concern flashing across his face as he saw his manager on the bed facing the door. Bethany had her eyes half-closed but they lit up with joy as Virgo came to her side.


“Boss! What’s your diagnosis?”

“Busted hip,” Bethany said with a bitter chuckle. “That orange-haired boy really did a number on me.”

Virgo gritted his teeth and tried to suppress the rising anger. He didn’t want to make a scene in front of Bethany and Cancer.

“I’ll be in here for a few more days,” Bethany continued. “But enough of that—who’s that pretty young lady?” Bethany pointed to Cancer who was standing awkwardly in the doorway.

Virgo beckoned for her to come in and grinned. “This is my friend, Cancer.”

“Hello,” Cancer said, nodding politely. “I’m sorry about your hip.”

“Aren’t you the sweetest,” Bethany remarked. “Don’t worry about me, sweetie. I’ll be just fine.”

Virgo nodded. “That’s right, Boss. Take all the time you need. And when you’re all healed up, I’ll be happy to work for you at the bakery again!”

At this, Bethany’s expression fell. “Virgo…I’m sorry to say, but…I’ll have to close the shop.”

Virgo felt his heart drop. “What?”

“I’ll need intense rehab for about a month,” Bethany explained. “And even then, I’m supposed to take it easy. I’m thinking about retiring and going to live with my daughter. I need to pay the hospital bill, too. If I sell the shop, it’ll make things easier for me. So, I’m sorry, but…you’re fired.”

Virgo just stared at the elderly woman, not wanting to believe it. His job—the job he loved so much—was gone in an instant. Not only that, but he’d lose Bethany. He lowered his head and silence descended on the room.

After a few minutes, he spoke.

“…I support your decision, Boss. It’s been a pleasure.”

Bethany smiled. “You’re always so mature for your age, Virgo. It’s okay to feel sad.”

“I’m fine,” Virgo lied, feeling his heart swell with emotion. He looked away from Bethany so she couldn’t see it in his eyes. Cancer walked up to him and gave his hands a light squeeze. Virgo smiled at her and turned back to his boss.

“Thank you for everything,” he said. “I’ll cherish the time we spent together.”

“As will I,” Bethany said. “Now, it’s getting late. Get this young woman home to bed, Virgo.”

Virgo nodded and lightly guided Cancer to the doorway. They both waved politely at Bethany and she grinned and waved back.

“Goodbye, Bo—Bethany,” Virgo said.

Bethany’s eyes widened in shock but filled with warmth and happiness.

“Goodbye, Virgo,” she said.

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