Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

After the autumn rain stopped, it was the coldness that invaded the bone marrow.

In the back mountain of Beijing University, Song Bai didn’t dare to stop for a while, and he continued to shuttle through the rain-soaked woods.

Along with him, there are many students from the military science class who came spontaneously.

Before, Song Bai searched with wide eyes in the monitoring room, and finally saw the figure he had been looking for for a long time behind a small gate in the back mountain of Beijing University, and this was the scene.

“Song classmate, I only found clothes and a backpack, nothing else.” The monitor handed the two to Song Bai.

Song Bai held the dress tightly, and when he thought of what the old man said, his heart was broken.

“I thought at first that he was going to trade potions, but then I thought, how could it be so easy. Sadin, that child has a bad heart. He said that if he doesn’t get rid of this, he will not be able to accompany you for a long time. I hope you will take care of him. For the sake of infatuation, pity him…”

Sadin, why are you so stupid.

Don’t talk to me about such a big thing.

If I had known about your suffering, I would not have…

Song Bai closed his eyes tightly, and those words were like steel, biting out of his mouth: “Keep looking.”

Not far away, a large group of neatly dressed military females suddenly ushered in, led by Adjutant Ping.

“Sir, what happened, why didn’t you tell me?” Ping’s words carried a bit of blame.

Song Bai half-closed his eyes: “Don’t say it, it’s for your own good.”

After Song Bai learned from Bai Shan that he had never seen Sardin, he realized that something had happened. He urgently notified the troops led by Sardin, and the instructors expressed their intention to help, but before two steps, they were stopped by General Xiao from the seat of Beijing University, saying that they could not affect the ceremony anyway, it was too unlucky .

“The Fourth Army is the headquarters of Major General Sardin, and it has nothing to do with his Xiao family!” Ping said disdainfully, he waved his hand, and there was a sudden shout from the hundreds of soldiers behind him.

“Sadin! Sardin!”

The entire back mountain was boiling.

“Mr. Song,” Ping gave Song Bai a military salute, “Now, here is your command.”

Song Bai closed his eyes fiercely to hide the sourness. He waved his arm: “Everywhere, look carefully for me.”

In the hall of the Xiao family, the patriarchs of successive generations, Jing Shan knelt in the middle of the empty hall, waiting reverently for something.

“Is Xiao Er really the destiny of heaven? He has been looking for a drug to remove the agent recently, so how can he start a new future?”

A long and empty voice sounded: “It’s destiny, let him go.”

“Is he too addicted to love?” Jing Shan was worried.

Kong Yuan’s voice did not answer, but instead said, “Sean is too messy.”

Suddenly mentioning his partner’s name made Jingshan stunned, “What do you mean?”

In the lobby, the sound was completely silent.

Jingshan pondered for a long time, unable to grasp the meaning of the owner of the voice, so he had to give up and walk out of the lobby.

In the distance, the housekeeper looked anxious: “Sir, it’s not good, the second young master has been kidnapped, and the uncle’s missing notice has been broadcast, but the owner not only does not allow troops to search, but also asks the uncle to sign the second young master’s notice. The army transfer agreement is now being prepared for delivery.”

There was a loud bang in my heart, and all the fog was cleared.

“Nonsense!” Jingshan rarely lost his calm, and then angrily ordered: “Press down Sean, transfer all the people who can be mobilized, and follow me.”

The housekeeper couldn’t understand what he meant: “Do you want it?”

“Of course it’s to save Xiao Er!” Jing Shan’s words were almost squeezed out of his teeth.

Deep in the back mountain, in a dark hut.

As the rain stopped, the light refracted from the skylight became brighter.

The two men in black seemed to be waiting, and no matter what Satin used to induce them, there was no response.

It’s a safe environment until what the man in black is waiting for arrives.


Sardin’s eyes were placed on the face of the “fainted” elder brother Fengji.

His eyes darkened a little.

After the initial doubts, Sardin calmed down and resumed his thinking.

Normal people are in a coma or fall asleep, and the rolling of the eyeballs under the eyelids is slow and regular, while Fengji, Sardin can see clearly through the light of the sky just now, his eyeballs move quickly and irregularly.

Fungi was just pretending to be in a coma.

Thinking of the strange behavior that deliberately attracted him, Fengji must have something to do with the two men in black.

Having been a false brother for 20 years, Sardin has once again confirmed that it is right to habitually guard against one hand.

Between the bound hands, under the terminal that was not taken away, a small blade that should not exist bounced.

This was originally a self-defense gift that Sardin planned to give to the hero to celebrate the completion of the ceremony.

I just didn’t expect that when he led Fengji on the way, he took it out and put it on his wrist.

Pity this gift.

Sadin’s eyes darkened, but there was no difference on his face, and he still woke him up worriedly, as if he was really worried about his brother’s younger brother.

Fengji finally “was awake.”

“Where am I, who are you, hey, Sardin, what’s wrong with you?!” Fungi screamed out of character.

The scream caught the attention of the man in black in the distance.

He just wanted to see what the purpose of Fengji was.

Sardin glanced at Fengji reproachfully, and a tall black-clothed female walked by in the distance, kicked Fengji roughly, and came to check the rope behind Sardin’s hands.

“What’s it called, and then you’ll look good.”

Obviously it came through the voice changer, but Sardin could see a clue from the recklessness of walking.

Inexplicable familiarity.

At the moment when the man in black lowered his head, Sardin whispered in his ear: “Awen.”

The man in black, or Awen, froze for a moment, and there was a stormy sea.

How did he find out? He and his brother are clearly disguised seamlessly!

The military female in front of him made him so flustered that he didn’t even bother to check.

Sardin was a little surprised. He just tried it out, but he didn’t expect it to work.

Fengji sighed that everything was going well with the plan, however, a shadow loomed over him.

It turned out that Sardin broke free from the rope and stood up proudly. He picked up the thick wooden stick next to the bowl and pointed it straight at Fengji.

“Fengji, tell me, what is your purpose for tying me here?”

The two men in black in the distance, or the director of a community who lived with Sardin, were about to stand up, but were stopped by Awen beside him.

Awen said softly, “Brother, he recognized us.”

The director looked resentful: “Recognize it? That’s right, who made him owe me.”

The director was very happy. The last time he failed to cooperate with Sardin, the hero Gao Sheng abandoned him. As a result, he not only lost the right to live in the upper-middle-class community after the divorce, but also became the laughing stock of everyone.

The director held Awen’s hand: “Don’t worry, as long as I become him, I will have a new identity, and you will also have a lot of money. We will stay far away from here.”

Awen couldn’t believe it, this was not the gentle and polite brother in his heart, but in a flash, the director picked up the long knife on the table and slashed at Sardin, who had his back turned to him.

And the long stick in Sardin’s hand swept lightly, the director’s weak Asian female body slammed into the wooden door next to it, and with a clang, it fell heavily on the ground, and the director’s scream of agony instantly resounded in the hut.

“Brother!” Awen called out in a flustered voice. He cast a look at Fengji for help, but Fengji ignored it.

“Is this the helper you got?” Sardin sneered, “You underestimate me too.”

Such an answer seemed to be in Fengji’s mind, he broke free from the rope in an instant, and his tall and small wooden house was instantly cramped.

“Those two gadgets are really effective in delaying your attention, you are too naive, brother…”

Those two guys were just the scapegoats he was destined to leave here after he accomplished his purpose, and Fungi had no sympathy for them, but focused on Sardin’s reaction.

Sadin meditated on the time, and with a weak leg, he passed out.

At the same time, sighing where Fengji can’t see.

It’s been so many years, why can’t Fengji love to use drugs that make people faint? They have lost so many times in the past, why don’t they have a long memory?

Sadin didn’t cooperate well, but he wanted to know Fengji’s purpose.

Otherwise, wouldn’t this trip be in vain? It is also good to move the muscles and bones.

Hey, when did he get bad?

It seems that he was really spoiled by the hero.

Forget it, don’t think about it, hurry up and figure it out before going out to find the hero.

Sardin held his breath, as quiet as if he had really inhaled a psychedelic drug.

Meanwhile, deep in the jungle.

As the sun emerged from behind the clouds, Song Bai and the others followed the trail to the dense forest halfway up the mountain. However, another heavy rain washed away new traces.

Even though there were hundreds of people on Song Bai’s side, there was no progress at all.

“Mr. Song,” this is the third time Jingshan has spoken to Song Bai with such a low attitude, “Maybe Fengji moved Xiao Er to another place halfway.”

Compared with the crazy eldest son Fengji, Jingshan has always been more worried about Sardin.

To be able to do something harmful to his compatriots, Jingshan made up his mind that he must not spare Fengji lightly this time, along with that ignorant Sean.

Song Bai looked at the verdant mysterious mountain range in front of him and shook his head: “It’s here, all the evidence points to this place.”

This is deep in the jungle, the plane can’t land too low, and the army… Beijing University’s army is under the control of Sean, and it is even more impossible to support them. The arrival of Jingshan was already an unexpected joy.

But Song Bai didn’t really want to receive this love.

Song Bai: “When you rescue Sardin, please promise me one more thing.”

Jingshan felt guilty for the second son, and naturally he would not refuse Song Bai: “I will do my best.”

Song Bai: “After we go out, I hope your Xiao family will publicly apologize to Sadin.”

Jing Shan was stunned for a moment.

Song Bai frowned: “Is this difficult?”

Rather than making a public apology, he hopes that Sardin can completely leave the Xiao family. But in the end it depends on Sardin’s own wishes.

“Okay,” Jingshan nodded, “Mr. Song really surprised me.”

Jingshan said again: “Do you know that Sardin wants to inject the remover?”

Song Bai nodded and didn’t care: “It’s important to save people now.”

As he said that, Song Bai went to another place to continue his search, while Jing Shan stood there, pondering.

This male is completely different from the males he is familiar with.

He was the first to discover Xiao Er’s disappearance, and he unswervingly led people to find him. He even paid a lot of money to publish a missing person notice to the society. Even now, his clothes were wet with dew, and he lost his dignity, but he didn’t care at all. He was only single-mindedly trying to find Xiao Er.

All of this made Jingshan realize that he had completely lost his sight in the past.

No wonder the male will return to the female servant, while the second is obsessed with removing the enhancer recklessly.

Between them, they are no longer bound by marriage like ordinary husbands, but intimacy far beyond worldly cognition.

Intimacy is too close to others, can not tolerate betrayal.

Jingshan didn’t know what this relationship was called, but he was sincerely happy for Xiao Er.

At the same time, I am also ashamed of my short-sightedness. After all, besides him, there are also his partner and the eldest son who has lost his mind.

Thinking of Fengji’s madness, Jingshan took a deep breath, and at the same time urged the following, hurry up and continue to search.

Here, Ping found nothing after exploring another land.

In frustration, he threw off the dew-covered branches in his hands, only to bump into a hard object in his backpack.

Remembering that this was stuffed by the hero before he left, he sighed and took it in his hand.

What use can the pair of glasses given by the hero come in handy? Is there anyone here who is short-sighted… Wait! Glasses!

Ping excitedly ran to Song Bai: “Quick, quick, put on your glasses.”

Song Bai didn’t hesitate at all, he took it and put it on.

“No difference, another piece of trash.” Song Bai looked around and found no difference, so he frowned and was about to take it off.

During this period of time, everyone let him try all kinds of weird things out of good intentions. At first, Song Bai had the patience to listen to the explanation, but as disappointment followed, his patience became shorter and shorter.

“Don’t pick it, you press the side switch. This is to track the dynamic infrared energy. Even if it rains, you can keep chasing it all the way.”

Infrared energy, Song Bai’s heart moved.

Press the switch, and countless fist-sized red light groups suddenly appeared in the clear woods after the rain. It was the military female who was helping to find it. Occasionally there is a smaller circle of light, which is the private army brought by Jingshan.

In the midst of this continuous wave of red, Song Bai felt as if he was feeling it, and subconsciously looked at a red trail that went deep into the jungle. After two heavy rains washed away, it was still stubbornly bright.

Yes, Sardin’s physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, and similarly, the retention time of his infrared energy is also higher than that of ordinary people.

“Thank you, Lord, for me,” Song Bai couldn’t contain the excitement in his voice, “Follow me and go here.”

Ping followed behind, instructing the female soldiers to follow Song Bai.

The ancient trees were towering, the lush branches and leaves blocked the sunlight densely, and the endless darkness made the military females very irritable.

Two men in black suddenly appeared in front. The tall female worm took off her mask and saw Song Bai and the others running over quickly.

“Mr. Song, please, save my brother.”

Arvin? How did he show up here?

Song Bai asked the over-excited military female to put down the tools in her hand and interrogated Awen carefully.

Awen didn’t know much. There was a female worm who came to the door when the director of the female female was very depressed, and promised a handsome reward, saying that they would do a favor. When it really started, Awen knew that it turned out to be the kidnapping of Sardin.

The director was seriously injured, and Awen vaguely realized that something was wrong after asking the female insect for help to no avail. So when Sardin was in a coma, he found an excuse to take his brother to escape.

Song Bai pondered for a moment, shook his head when Ping asked if he wanted to deal with it, asked Awen to point out the location of the wooden house, and then asked the two military females to take them down the mountain.

According to Arwen’s instructions, they came to an open space, the darkness of the jungle faded suddenly, and it was unbelievably quiet.

Many people were shocked.

Song Bai told them not to move forward, but sent others to investigate.

The command of the whole process was smooth and smooth, and no one raised any objection.

“It is reported that there is a wooden house several hundred meters ahead, and the surrounding footprints are fresh, which is highly consistent with the shoe size previously collected.”

“Then what are you waiting for, go in now—” Ping couldn’t wait to order, but Song Bai stopped him.

Song Bai “shush”, “Don’t worry, we’ll wait.”

Ping frowned, everything is in front of you, what are you waiting for?

“Don’t you think the wooden house is too quiet?” Song Bai said lightly.

Quiet? !

Ping was suddenly shocked.

That’s right, with the skill of the commander, he will definitely not sit still and make some noise.

“What if I’m on the medicine?” Ping asked worriedly.

“No,” Song Bai’s tone was not as excited as before, he said lightly, “Saddin has drug resistance.”

During the military training, Sardin accidentally cut his finger. Song Bai was so distressed that he looked for medicine everywhere but was rejected by Sardin. Sardin said that ordinary medicine would not work on his body.

After listening to the old doctor’s words, Song Bai realized that over the years, the powerful force brought by the enhancer has reshaped his body countless times, and ordinary medicines, whether it is poison or antidote, have long lost their effectiveness on Sadin.

And Awen’s words just now confirmed this. He said that Sardin was stunned by the drug, but Sardin would not be restrained at all.

The wooden house in front of me is in dire straits, and the sound insulation must be poor. As long as there is any fighting, it is impossible to be so quiet. Moreover, it had just rained around, the mud was soft, and there were no footprints of Sardin, indicating that Sardin was still in the wooden house, and he took the initiative to stay.

All he can do now is to break through when Sardin sends a signal.

In the cabin, Sardin estimated that the time was enough, and then woke up.

He glanced at the wire ropes that were tightly bound around him, and looked at Fengji in the center, “What are you doing to me!”

“What am I doing,” Fengji laughed, “of course, to help you achieve your wish!”

Fengji turned his back to him, holding a needle in his hand, the pointed metal needle exuding a cold light.

“You? No more psychedelic powder, I’ll be thankful.” Sadin scorned.

It was almost done. Seeing that the medicine in the needle was prepared a little bit, Fengji couldn’t contain his inner joy, and even ignored Sardin’s ridicule.

Completely prepared the potion, he grabbed Sardin’s chin and looked at it carefully: “It’s such a beautiful face, no wonder it can fascinate the male insects who have never seen the world.”

“Unfortunately, after injecting the remover, your face will quickly become haggard with the loss of strength.” Fengji patted his cheek, “You said, what will the male worm do to you then? ”

Sardin was stunned, as if he had heard something very absurd. But soon he became calm: “You have worked so hard just to help me get my wish?”

Fengji sneered: “Stop dreaming.”

He bent down and carefully adjusted the proportion of the potion, “You are not worthy.”

“Anyway, I’m about to become a crippled person, so it’s okay to tell me.”

Capturing Sardin’s rare softened tone, Fengji was very proud. Seeing that you are a high-ranking officer, don’t you have to bow your head in front of me?

“I know, you’re just pretending, you just want to use the remover as an excuse to get the female father to pay attention to you again. But, how could I let you succeed!” Fengji sneered, his eyes were almost crazy: “You are useless, I Will be the pride of the mother again.”

Facing Sadin, his face was almost hideous: “You are just my substitute, only I am true!”

In a flash, everything was connected in Sardin’s mind for the past twenty years.

Sadin: “So, you were arguing about committing suicide when you were ten years old, and you have been against me all these years. Even the Xiao family’s rhetoric you persuaded me last time was all to win back the attention of the female father.”

Feng Ji was pierced by his mentality for 30 years, and he did not shy away: “Those who were originally mine, including your current rank and army, should all be mine, if I hadn’t backed down, how could I let you relax? for so many years.”

Sadin frowned, Fengji completely regarded the future of the Xiao family as something in his hands, thought for a moment, and did not hesitate: “You are wrong, Fengji.”

“These are not yours. Even if I become a cripple, everything is not yours.”

“Besides, the female father will never give you a second look.”

“Because back then, you voluntarily gave up injecting enhancers.”

As Sardin’s words fell, Fengji’s originally leisurely face became more and more gloomy.

“Shut up! Shut up!” Fengji finally couldn’t help shouting, “Why is it not mine, or let you take it away…”

“It was you who jumped off the building, and the female father took me there instead.” Sardin pressed step by step.

“Shut up!” Fengji seemed to fall into painful memories: “It’s not that I can’t bear it, it’s really too painful, the female father didn’t come to comfort me, but what about you? You are acting like a spoiled child in the arms of the male father? How can you? Enjoy it all!”

His face was full of accusations against Sardin, and then he smiled strangely, “It’s okay, you have endured for 20 years, and now you are not going to become a cripple?”

The cabin was eerily quiet.

Sardin sneered, causing Fengji to scream again: “Why do you still laugh? The remover is in my hands!”

Demonstrations are generally better than the remover in hand, as if this is his last resort.

Sardin: “Your remover was applied too early, and you can’t remember the conditions for the remover to take effect, right?”

Fengji raised the remover and said proudly: “No matter what the conditions are, I’ll give it a shot – ah ah ah!”

Fungi only felt his wrist bones shatter, a pain no less than a booster attack.

He raised his head in cold sweat, only to see Sardin standing in front of him, with his hand firmly clamped on his wrist.

In front of Sardin, Fengji, who is tall and big, is like a chicken to be slaughtered.

“How can you…”

“Who made you fight too early.” Sardin said indifferently.

No one has tried to coexist with enhancers for 20 years, and no one will know how majestic and terrifying power this human body has.

“You shouldn’t provoke me.” Sardin pushed hard, and Fengji’s tall body flew towards the heavy door of the wooden house like a rag.

With a loud bang, the wooden door flew out instantly.

The thin needle fell to the ground and clucked to Sardin’s feet.

“Also, I’ve been looking for a remover,” Sadin slowly crushed the needle with the sole of his shoe: “But, I don’t want to see you proud.”

They have one thing in common, they just don’t want to make each other feel better.

“How is that possible…” Fengji’s eyes widened, and his voice gradually decreased.

Sardin snorted, and was about to put the steel wire he had just broken free on Fengji, when he heard the familiar voice of the adjutant: “Don’t move!”

In the noisy voice, Sardin heard the hero call his name anxiously.

So he didn’t care about anything, he threw it into Song Bai’s arms with incomparable precision, passing several obstacles along the way, hugged Song Bai’s arms “delicately”, and said in a low voice: “Master, I’m good. Fear.”

“It’s alright, it’s alright.” Song Bai comforted Sadin in his arms very distressedly.

Gently kissing her ear, making Sardin, who originally just wanted to get a little cheap, froze in the arms of the hero.

Pinghe and several military females looked at the wooden door that was kicked flying in the distance, and then looked at the broken steel wire on the ground, and kept silent.

No one saw Fengji struggling to hold a half-finished steel nail into his palm.

The military females took care of everything in the wooden house, and everyone thought that everything was settled, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Two military females pressed Fengji and walked out.

When passing by Song Bai, Song Bai was asking if Sardin was injured.

And Fengji suddenly burst out, and while no one reacted, he pulled Song Bai away, put his hand on Song Bai’s neck, and threatened the female soldiers:

“You all stand back, who dares to come up, this nail doesn’t have eyes!”

Feng Ji was like a desperate madman, with sharp steel nails at his fingertips, firmly pressing against Song Bai’s neck.

Ping did not expect such a situation to happen at all. He only brought a dozen people with him, and most of the troops were waiting outside the wooden house.

At this time, it must be too late for people, and Ping hurriedly reassured: “Calm down, discuss something if you have something—”

“Shut up,” Fungi turned and pointed at Sardin. “If you want this male to live, Sardin, you will kill yourself.”

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

The gleaming steel nails approached another point, and Sardin could almost see that the tips of the steel nails were about to sink into the flesh.

Since he was tied here, his calm heart finally collapsed, and Sardin’s chest kept heaving.

Ordinary male insects have self-defense electric shock weapons, but the male lord’s is hanging around his neck.

As soon as Sardin’s eyes touched Fengji’s hand, all reason collapsed instantly.

The two voices sounded at the same time.

“Sadin, don’t be impulsive.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“Sir, Mr. Song, you…”

Before Ping finished speaking, another male voice sounded, “Fengji! What are you doing?”

Jingshan appeared in front of the door. He felt ashamed of the second son and chose to guard outside. He didn’t see them coming out for a long time, so he chose to come and see.

But I didn’t expect it to be this scene.

“Father?” Fungi smiled oddly, “Let’s see what happened to your beloved son?”

“If you do this, Sean will be disappointed.” Jingshan said earnestly.

“Bullshit,” Fungi retorted fiercely, and then softened for a moment, “the female father is not you, he will be proud of me.”

“How can you think like this, you are all my children…” Jing Shan did not hurry, just glanced at the second son and Song Bai with the corner of his eye.

“Fungi!” Suddenly, Sardin’s voice rose suddenly.

Fengji glared angrily, “What did you think about it?”

The hand holding the male’s neck trembled slightly.

With a bluff, Sardin reached a conclusion, but did not dare to be careless.

Taking advantage of the male father’s attention to Fengji just now, and thinking about communicating with the male master again, Sardin felt heavy for the first time.

No matter what, success or failure depends on this.

“My father is completely disappointed with you.” Sardin shook his head sighingly, “You don’t know, the moment my adjutant stepped into the wooden house, all the situation here must be synchronized to the female father in real time, you guessed it. , he sees you forcing his proudest son to commit suicide, will he still consider you proud?”

“No, no, this is impossible!” Fengji’s reaction was extremely strong, his eyes were splitting: “You are lying to me, you must be lying to me!”

Jingshan’s deep voice also resounded throughout the room: “He didn’t lie to you, it’s the military’s regulations, and Sean is watching. Come on, I’ll call you.”

While talking and operating, the opposite side of the terminal quickly picked up, and there was Sean’s unique resolute voice: “It’s me, the hero…”

Before he finished speaking, Fengji seemed to be completely unable to bear the pressure. He cried frantically, almost tearing his eardrums.

At the same time, the steel nail in his hand was slightly lifted, and the cold light flashed, and he was about to stab Song Bai’s neck fiercely.


The surrounding female soldiers only heard Jing Shan’s words, and then Sadin’s figure immediately appeared opposite the thugs, and a series of extremely ruthless physical skills were used one after another.

Song Bai had already fallen on the floor beside him, gasping for breath, and was then helped by Jing Shan.

“Everything is fine.” Song Bai said.

“Yes, just right.” Jing Shan agreed.

“Don’t forget to promise me.” Song Bai covered his throat, his chest heaving violently.

“You’ll see when you go back.” Jingshan calmly said.

The people around didn’t understand their biblical dialogue, and over there, the battle between Sardin and Fengji was over.

Fengji was like a tattered sackcloth, trampled under his feet by Sardin, so close that Sardin could twist his throat with just a little more force.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Sardin’s mind, most of which were clamoring: let him die!

“Sadin, don’t!” The voice from the hero made him regain his clarity.

He took a closer look, and Fengji seemed to have completely collapsed, mumbling to his female father in the void.

Fungi is crazy.

The entanglement with this person for the past 20 years suddenly surfaced in my mind, and it seemed that all those competitive struggles had dissipated with this person’s collapse.

Consider what to do.

Sardin immediately jumped far away, as if getting rid of dirty things.

“Master.” Sardin whispered, throwing himself into the embrace Song Bai had already opened for him once again.

“Everything is over, let’s go home.” Song Bai hugged Sardin tightly and whispered softly in his ear.

When passing by with Jingshan, they exchanged tacit glances.

He will not tolerate the existence of people who hurt Sardin, but he will not let Sardin personally smear blood.

Although Sardin didn’t say it, Song Bai knew that Sardin’s 20 years of affection for his family could not be erased in a few words. If you let Sardin’s impulses go, I’m afraid he will live in the shadows for the rest of his life.

He doesn’t allow this to happen.

The military female in the cabin watched the major general’s husband and Jing Shan leave, still standing in the same place, bewildered.

When they tied the nonsense Fengji with steel wire, they deliberately slowed down, put their heads together, and whispered to each other who had seen it clearly just now.

The overseer was very angry and funny, walked over, rolled up his sleeves and bumped the heads of the two of them, “You’re not working hard yet!”

The subordinates refused to accept, “The adjutant must not have seen it clearly, so he took anger at us!”

“That’s right, that’s it, sir, that’s so fast.” The people who were present to pack up the evidence even nodded in unison.

Ping tutted, “You just don’t know!”

While talking in detail: “You have been patronizing and staring at the officer, but you haven’t seen the movements of his male father and male lord…”

It turned out that from the moment Jingshan entered the door, Ping noticed the subtle exchange of eyes between the three of them. Jingshan’s voice was to buy time for the communication between Sardin and Song Bai.

“Hey? I didn’t see the commander speak!” The subordinate scratched his head in confusion.

“Stupid! The boss and his hero have another way, too fast for you to see.” Ping’s position was facing Song Bai, knowing that they made several sets of gestures, he couldn’t understand it, and he was probably discussing countermeasures.

With a loud cry, Sardin ended the discussion. Immediately after singing with Jingshan, he led out Sean, making Fengji completely irrational.

When Fengji lost control, the steel nail lifted slightly, no longer pressing his neck, Song Bai took this opportunity to dodge to one side, and then Sardin rushed forward.

Ping recalled that the three cooperated in every detail, and couldn’t help but feel that their grasp of the timing was extremely clever. Anyone who slowed down quickly would be completely in a dangerous situation.

Moreover, the situation was urgent at that time, and the chief husband and his husband had a temporary interest after seeing Jingshan, and Jingshan also cooperated seamlessly.

I can’t help feeling that such a husband is a match made in heaven.

If it weren’t for the vacation period, and he was good at flat eyesight, he would probably be like his subordinates, unable to understand anything.

So he raised his head and waited for the adoring gaze of his subordinates.

But there was someone who didn’t know much, and asked naively: “Adjutant, the chief said that everything in the house was broadcast live. Is it true? I’m afraid that I have done something that will damage the image of the Fourth Army.”

When he said this, the adoring eyes of other subordinates suddenly panicked again.

Ping gave Han Huo a kick, “Of course it’s fake, Mr. Jing didn’t dial the communication at all, he just clicked on a recording.”

Han Huo protected his buttocks and was wronged: “I’m not by my side, how can I know it’s a recording.”

“Xingxing, pack up, press him to the police station after going down the mountain, and hurry back to the Fourth Army to report at dawn.” Ping lost interest and urged.

Everyone packed up and took the tied Fengji down the mountain together.

On the way, the fool caught up again: “Adjutant, what should we do if we leave the team without authorization, will we be punished when we go back?”

As soon as I heard that the officer was missing, hundreds of people in the Fourth Army stood up spontaneously with a burst of enthusiasm. At the time, they didn’t consider the consequences. Now they know they are in a hurry. The fool is one of them.

Ping covered his face weakly, and almost didn’t slap the military token in his hand on the face of the fool: “This is the pass given by Lieutenant General Bai, don’t you see it? I really didn’t think about the consequences. take you out?”

“Then why didn’t you make it clear to the chief’s hero, which made Mr. Song even more moved…”

He was clearly ordered to come down, but he said it as if he was passionate, and the fool couldn’t help but feel angry when he thought that Song Bai was so infatuated with a male worm who was deceived by the adjutant.

Ping couldn’t bear it any longer, and kicked the fool into the mud in front of him.

He was a little selfish, thinking that in the future, the chief would take him away from the hero and let Song Bai remember a few words of his love, wouldn’t it work? !

A group of hundreds of people, after successfully rescuing the officer, walked leisurely down the mountain in the setting sun.

The sun laughingly hid behind the mountain peak, and the cloudy cloud that was still standing here yesterday has finally completely dissipated.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [landmine]: 1 unscrupulous countryman;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Explain 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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