Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Mango

Sadin was stunned for a while, then he covered his thick coat and said, “But, Lord, I have already married you.”

With deep confusion.

Song Bai’s posture on one knee almost fell over.

Indeed, in Bug Star, Sadin has been married to “Song Bai” for more than a year. They are not only legal husband and wife, but even have a child.

All the things human Song Bai wanted to do, the male worm Song Bai had already done to Sardin.

Recalling that when he was making a biography of characters, Song Bai grabbed his female friend Zheng Yun and asked for inspiration, “What do you think their wedding should be like?”

After a brief period of confusion, Zheng Yun expressed her disdain to Song Bai, “Is this even going to be written?”, then holding the coffee in both hands, she said, “According to your status as the protagonist, a son of a noble family, the wedding must be a luxury cruise ship with clear skies during the day. , Under the attention of all the people, it is full of flowers and applause. This is worthy of him.”

“But there’s something wrong. He’s not very enthusiastic.”

“That’s right, you said, he’s a juvenile genius. He probably didn’t play games of his age when he was a kid. Why don’t you change it to an amusement park, surprise surprises, starry sky on a moonlit night, Prince Charming, how can romance come about?”

Song Bai held the pen in his hand and thought, “I’ll think about it again.”

At that time, Sardin was the first protagonist he wrote. The biography of the characters was very detailed, and even two sets were prepared for the wedding, even though it was not used at all in the text later.

According to the character of the original owner, Song Bai chose the former for the wedding in the book, while he chose the latter after he was moved, which was more suitable for Sadin’s character, and also thought that Sadin would like the one more.

How romantic is Bulun Song Bai thinking, this time, he really thought wrong.

To understand this, it was the first time for Song Bai to be so dejected, and it was a rare embarrassment.

However, no matter how embarrassing it is, you can’t give up halfway.

Song Bai greeted the cold moonlight with a gentle voice: “Then let’s marry again.”

Sardin: “?” How did he marry the second time?

Song Bai: “This time, I hope that you will no longer be concerned about the etiquette of all female monarchs, or even the eyes of others in this world. I like the way you are energetic when you test me, and I also like you to raise your head and smile at me. I prefer your sudden closeness to me.”

Sardin: “!” I never expected such an answer.

Song Bai: “What I like most is that you don’t have to worry about the etiquette of the lady, and you look at ease.”

Sardin was silent and did not speak for a long time.

With his head down, Song Bai almost thought he was going to tacitly refuse.

If the mountain doesn’t come, it’s me, and I go to the mountain.

Standing up, Song Bai put the clock ring back in his palm, and decided to tell Sardin that they could take it slow and not in a hurry.

A gust of snowy cold wind rushed towards his face, and Sardin hugged Song Bai tightly, his face buried in Song Bai’s arms, as if he didn’t dare to lift it up.

“Like this, lord, you really don’t hate it?”

The voice was muffled, with a little trembling.

It turned out that it was not a refusal, so it was easy to handle. Song Bai laughed: “I like you like this very much.”

Who doesn’t like a lover’s proactive approach?

He stretched out his long arms and hugged Sardin completely.

Sadin finally stuck his head out and hummed, “I like it too.”

When he heard the confession of the lord, he couldn’t believe it. He felt the pull of reason and emotion in the same place. In the end, Sardin still obeyed his inner impulse and took the initiative to go forward and hug the lord.

It was as if the dandelion floating in the sky finally fell to the ground, and it was as if the salmon had returned to the river where it was born.

Whether it was a turbulent mood or a tumultuous unease, everything was calm and completely calmed down.

The romantic proposal in Song Bai’s conception ended early after Song Bai sneezed, and was rushed to the hospital by the panicked Sadin.

The male worm is weak and it is not easy to grow since childhood, which is also the reason why the worm star looks at the male worm.

Song Bai, who was lying on the hospital bed hanging from water, finally understood this sentence now. Because the princely clothes he wore were too thin and he stood for a long time in the heavy snow, Song Bai lived up to his status as a frail male, and had a rare fever.

It is rare to say that, because human Song Bai has been exercising all year round, he almost never suffers from minor diseases such as headache and brain fever.

Now, Sardin is sitting next to him, and there are several insects from the branch beside him.

It had only been two or three days since the last time You Shi brought the team to check. Fei Li brought someone over to make a final confirmation with Song Bai, but he did not expect that this young male boss went to the hospital.

Fei Li pointed to the proposed actors on the plan, “After weighing, two insect selections were finally determined, one is a veteran female with a high nationality, and the other is a recently popular female…”

Song Bai interrupted him, “Nationalism and fire? Is the budget enough?”

Although he has a fever, his mind is not confused. The budget obtained from Allen is not enough to support such a famous star.

Fei Li’s face showed a bit of embarrassment, “A brand-new show, without the buzz brought by big-name stars, how can it attract the public?”

A unique sweetness gradually drifted over.

Sardinian sat beside him with dignity, slowly peeling the fruit.

Mangoes are green mangoes, the skin is still green, but the sweet and unique smell has long been released.

The sharp knife and the thin blade turned gently around the green mansions on the slender fingertips, revealing the ripe orange-yellow flesh inside, and the peels fell down in circles.

A long string, not yet landing.

Even though Song Bai’s body was still feeling uncomfortable due to the fever, the fragrant smell of mangoes and the attractive pulp still made the few insects present couldn’t help but swallow their saliva.

“Master, it’s time for you to eat something.”

The mangoes were cut into pieces and placed in the fresh-keeping box, and the toothpicks were inserted. Sardin stood up and said in a light tone: “The lord is weak, and it is best not to be disturbed by worms when eating. You go back first, and come back tomorrow. Bar.”

Fili was the first to frown, expressing dissatisfaction.

This project has almost been the most important thing Feili has paid attention to since he entered the industry. He has a hunch that this project will definitely explode. Under the leadership of his boss, he can say that he has been rushing around day and night. He has paid so much, and even more Eager to have this plan implemented as soon as possible.

“The company is so far away, it’s not a waste of time for us to run again—”

The secretary who was taking notes next to him tugged at him and motioned him to look at the male worm on the hospital bed.

When I looked up, I realized that the boss on the hospital bed was in really bad condition. After a rough calculation, it turned out that he had been there for almost a morning.

Felix could barely hold back his words.

When I walked out of the ward with the company worms, I heard the voice of the female worms inside:

“Master, they are too troublesome. They are here to trouble you for a little undecided matter. If you don’t want to invite the two stars together, you can also take care of your illness.”

Heh, when the company’s money floats from the sky?

Suddenly remembering that the boss’s female monarch came from an aristocratic family, and the wealth of the family is to invite all the top stars, it is only a drop in the bucket.

Fei Li, who was from a civilian background, had a slightly distorted face, and stepped out.

After walking out of the hospital, Fei Li was still a little uneasy. He got into the car on the return journey, only to hear the feelings of the secretary and assistant next to him.

“I didn’t expect President Song to dote on his mistress so much!”

“It seems that the rumors on the Internet that You Shen is going to marry may not be true. I always remember what my female colleague said to me, about our President Song.”

“Vice President, do you remember?”

Unexpectedly, the topic of gossip was suddenly brought to him, and the courage was fat, Feilihu said with a face: “It’s still working time, whoever dares to chat in the car along the way and deduct the bonus.”

Feili clicked on the post, which was very popular before, and Jiangcheng male worm maintained a screenshot of his female monarch.

In the accident of stabbing the male insect, although the identity of the female insect has not been disclosed to the public, the female insects generally know it.

A male, charming, talented, well-trained, and affectionate enough to endure the female monarch’s arbitrary decision to see off guests.

No matter how you look at it, such a male worm should not come from a small place like Jiangcheng.

The sunlight outside was a bit harsh, and Fili blocked the light with a folder.

After returning to the door of the company, when it was lunch break, the secretary said, “Vice President, the president’s lord said we can go again in the afternoon. When will we leave?”

Just returned to the company, and will go again in the afternoon, Fei Li frowned: “Why didn’t you remind me just now, you have to toss again?”

The secretary was wronged: “You didn’t let us talk in the car.”

Felix: “…”

They are all females, how could Biewu marry such a good hero, and he is 30 years old, not only single, but also has to work hard for the company.

What is his life!

In the ward, Fei Li was sent away, but the indifference on Sardin’s face didn’t last long. He quickly returned to the bed, helped Song Bai sit up, and apologized at the same time.

Song Baitou was a little groggy, and even if the sweet mango was eaten, it had no taste.

Nothing is more interesting than watching Sardinia.

Sardin whispered there, while peeking at his expression cowardly.

After Oolong’s amusement park proposal, Sardin tried his best to let go of himself, and Song Bai could see his change.

But some places haven’t changed.

For example, Sardin has always been indifferent to the outside world, and he has always been too careful with him.

The apology now is because Sardin feels he is “making his own mind”.

Song Bai ate a few pieces, but he was really tired, so he put it down.

He stroked Sardin’s hair, “You said you want to invest in this project in the company, do you still count?”

Why did the topic suddenly change?

Unable to figure out the main idea of the hero, Sardin: “It can be anytime, but I only have this number in my hand.”

Compared with a gesture, I have been in the army for many years, and I really don’t know how much investment can be invested. If it is not enough, it will be broken.

Guilt said: “If it’s not enough, you can also pull my eldest brother over, he is also in business.”

Song Bai was speechless for a while, causing the amount given by Sardin to be shocked for a while. The sum of all Song’s assets might not be as good as the fraction given by Sardin.

Sadin was a little panicked, thinking that the lord had misunderstood that he had hidden his private house, and said in a hurry: “This is a new gift from my father, saying that the family borrowed it from the previous thing and got it in the market.”

It seems that he is still a big brother in business. He made a lot of money through public opinion and the stock market and made a lot of operations that he did not understand.

I couldn’t help but swear: “Master, I really didn’t keep all my money in the past, I handed it all in—”

A piece of mango suddenly shoved into his mouth, subconsciously took a bite, and the full juice burst in his mouth instantly, extremely luscious.

“Then I have to seize the opportunity to please my big investor, don’t you think?”

When he looked up, the hero was looking at him with a smile.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Cloud Shadows Feiguang; 2 bottles of Happy Horse and FP; 1 bottle of Amanda and Purple;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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