Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Listen To My Explanation (First Update)

Sadin looked at his hero carefully. When Song Bai said the last sentence, he heard whispers, insects, cicadas… but he didn’t hear the hero want to speak again.

The hero is holding his breath.

If it was before, the hero must be holding a whip, thinking about which angle the next whip should come down from. But now Xiongzhu hasn’t used the whip for a long time, and even kneeling is the two times he took the initiative to kneel.

The genius of Sardin can create his own set of physical techniques in his head, but he has no way of knowing what his hero is thinking.

The evening wind blew and fell silently between the two.

As a few green leaves rustled to the ground, Song Bai sighed softly, as if helplessly: “I forgot, your thoughts are still from Bugs Star.”

Song Bai had indeed forgotten.

Zerg marriage is a system of one male and one king with multiple servants, and the analogy is also the ancient marriage system of Blue Star. In principle, as long as the males are willing and financial resources allow, they can marry back unlimited female servants. The female servants can also choose female slaves if they do not, that is, females who have committed serious mistakes and have been deprived of political rights.

Insect Star can be called a paradise for wanting to open a harem party.

But Song Bai was not one of them.

When I chose the Zerg language back then, firstly, Zheng Yun said that this theme could easily achieve her favor, and secondly, she was very interested in this world background.

The reason why writing can persist for ten years is that for Song Bai, a character who only focuses on fun in doing things, there is only one ultimate goal: to watch this immature world gradually become perfect and mature through his construction. For the creator, It’s the self-satisfying pleasure of watching a hand-cast work.

Song Bai lived in the position of president until he was thirty years old in his previous life, and he deeply understood how unbreakable a person’s logical and self-consistent three views were. Especially he and Sardin, one is a blue star and the other is a bug star. People who grew up in these two different environments, the gap between the three views can never be completely bridged by a single dialogue.

But Sardin misunderstood his silence, he raised his head, his body trembled a little, “Master, are you disappointed with me?”

Sardin has always had a pair of very beautiful eyes, like moonlight, like pool water, like a deep pool that can see the bottom at a glance.

Song Bai had never met someone like Sardin in his life. He was so strong that he stood alone, but he was as fragile as a crystal doll in front of his lover.

Song Bai has seen those who stand alone, and their self-confidence is enough to match their achievements. Song Bai has also seen vulnerable people. They are often timid and hesitant to move forward.

The ultimate strength and the ultimate fragility are mixed in Sardin.

Like this irrational world, Sardin is equally irrational and real.

Song Baiwen laughed out loud, “It’s not for you, I’m a little disappointed in myself, I didn’t think so much in advance.”

He sat upright on the meadow, as if upright in a conference room.

Language is always the weakest, and ideas are the most unbreakable.

Song Bai is not in a hurry to explain at this time, he believes that actions are always more convincing.

“Ah?” Sardin looked over in surprise.

“Whether it’s Ping or anyone else, I don’t want to marry at all,” Song Bai leaned on his elbows on the ground and looked at the night sky, “Although I’m a male, it doesn’t mean I have to do what other males do. matter.”

The stars dotted on the deep night are vying to wink their eyes, and the wind of the summer night softly swayed the green leaves floating on the water, making a circle of ripples.

This is a soft night, but the owner’s mood under the night is not calm enough.

Before Sardin could answer, Song Bai had already waved his hand, “It’s too late, go home.”

“Ah good.”

There is still a long time, I will tell you one by one with action.

When Song Bai mentioned to Allen on the phone that he wanted to do an internship in the branch in Kyoto, Allen on the opposite side was instantly nervous. After all, it was the first time his younger brother went abroad, after the death of his parents, he couldn’t help but go to various places. to worry, to worry.

“Is it because the money is not enough? Or do you have a crush on someone’s outstanding female?”

Allen pondered, to make someone who loves his face so much take the initiative to speak, either money or beauty.

The card he gave Song Bai specially for the money was not enough to automatically transfer money from the financial side, and there was no information from the bank, so it was unlikely that he was short of money.

That must be beautiful.

Song Bai loves Ya female, especially Ya female who looks full of youth, this is something that all Jiangcheng knows.

How could Alan, the older brother, be unprepared? With a wave of his hand, the secretary understood in seconds, and immediately brought a large book of rosters.

On the communication side, through the video screen window, Song Bai saw the photos, character profiles, etc.

Allen apparently forgot that he was still running the video, and deliberately took off the terminal and put it away. He looked at the photos of the females one by one, and muttered: This grade is excellent, it is possible, that one has a bad temper, his brother is not lazy, and he likes to go far. For fun, this is also possible in the suburbs. Which one did he like? …

Song Bai: “Cough, brother.”

Allen was like a thunderclap and panicked: “Brother, what’s the matter, what happened?”

“Brother, I don’t lack anything, please include your sub-female list.”

Allen panicked: “How do you know?!” This is what he asked for from Yushen non-stop after his brother left. It is said that the famous Asian females in the capital are all there. Originally, it was to prevent Song Bai from bringing back another directly. Brother-in-law, in order to recognize it in advance.

“Your video communication is still on.”

“Really, I don’t know if you don’t tell me.” Being pointed out so directly by his brother, Allen felt a little guilty for some reason.

He quickly clarified: “It’s your business who you like, I don’t want to take care of your marriage.” The younger brother hates others to make decisions without him, but Aaron doesn’t want to make Song Bai annoy him again into the blacklist.

Is the female insect’s good brain tonic a talent skill?

Song Bai coughed lightly, and got back to business: “Brother, I plan to go to Song’s branch for an internship.”

Allen’s first reaction was extremely reluctant: “The place has just been established, and nothing is ready. What kind of hardship do you have to go there. If you just want to try work, I will help you contact the You family, and their company will set you up where you live. close, just right…”

The You family ranked last in the Kyoto family. It was because Song Bai dropped out of school and Sardin stayed in Jiangcheng. When his friend You Shen came to visit Jiangcheng, he fell in love with Alan, the female insect who also worked hard in the business sea.

Later, Yushen’s younger brother Mia had a rebellious episode. He had to run away from home and support himself, so he put the underage Mia in the relatively simple environment of Jiangcheng and worked with Allen.

Yu Shen also owed Allen a favor. It would be easy to ask Song Bai to go to You’s house as a leisurely intern.

“Brother,” Song Bai interrupted him, “the branch is just fine, it’s just right for me.”

Song Bai was one of the presidents of a large company in the country before crossing the border. Although the technology on Insect Star is highly developed, the development of entertainment is slow, and it can’t reach the fierce competition on Blue Star.

After thinking about the military, government and business, Song Bai decided to start with the aspects he was familiar with.

After all, no matter how much the media cares about female insects, it can’t compare to the famous male insect gossip that the people of Insect Star love more.

It is not only to divert media attention, but also to pave the way for the future of Song and Allen.

Alan was silent for a while, and slapped the table: “Okay, let go, I will let the branch go with you.”

“…” Song Bai was shocked by his brother’s boldness. If he was really a novice, wouldn’t this completely bring down the branch?

Euphemistically reminded: “You send an experienced person to show me.”

Allen was obviously very relieved, and patted his chest to ensure: “What are you afraid of, it’s good that the male is hardworking! I’ll take care of it if it’s miserable.”

Covering the microphone tightly, he said to the secretary there, “Quickly separate the core business of the branch, and set up a separate department for my brother to let him toss, ah no, test the water!”

“…” Brother, your video is still on.

The matter of marrying a female servant for the male lord was inexplicably gone, Song Bai didn’t talk about it, and Sardin didn’t dare to mention it again.

It really seemed as if this had never happened, and Sardin sent a communication to Pingping, intending to tell him not to worry about it anymore.

The end of the result: “Hey, the hero, no!”

A ghost with a very high voice can imagine what is going on.

He hung up the phone in a hurry for Sardin, his face flushed.

Ping gave him a very serious impression before, why is his voice so loud.

Sardin thought that all females were silent on the bed.

The hero is busy in the study, and Sardin’s room is only separated from it by a wall.

Dare to wave, dare not wave. No waves at all.

As a result, the communication jumped up again, and it was still flat. In the past, Sardin set up automatic answering in order to answer the call of the adjutant’s important task notification, but now it is miserable.

Ping’s voice made Sardin’s face turn red.

He endured, frowned and said, “Don’t say I’m hanging up.”

“Don’t, head of the regiment, I want to say… the hero!” Ping on the opposite side became angry.

“Give you two minutes.” Came the male’s low and suppressed voice.

A distant rustling sound.

“Ha, ha, head, what are you looking for…” Ping tried his best to calm down.

“…” Sardin was silent.

He knew that Ping was a female servant, but the relationship between Ping and his hero was so good, I am afraid no one in the legion knew.

“You don’t have to worry about that, my hero refused.”

Ping has been trying his best for the past two days, but now his mind is still confused: “What’s the matter?”

“It was said by the lake that day.”

Ping Chaos’s mind thought for a while, and finally remembered it, very happy: “The head of the hero doesn’t look down on me, it’s great!” He turned to his own hero to announce the good news: “I don’t have to remarry!”

Lord Pingxiong, who just found out about the remarriage, is dangerous: “Remarriage? Who do you want to marry?”

Ping then remembered that he hadn’t told the hero about this at all, so he bit the bullet and filled the hole for himself: “No, haha, nothing.”

“Tell me who else you want to marry besides me.” Lord Pingxiong moved himself back to the bed, beginning to be indescribable.

Ping Dooming shook his head, intending to explain.

Then there was the crackling of firecrackers and the plea of Adjutant Ping.

Sadin, who was forced to listen to a firecracker ensemble, finally lost his shyness and successfully obtained a mask that is invulnerable to all poisons.

Just before hanging up the communication, Song Bai pushed open the false door:

“Sadin, help me find out where this address is…”

Before he finished speaking, the sound of firecrackers set off in the room.

Song Bai: “…”

Sardin: “…”

As if he accidentally broke his roommate’s public release, Song Bai quickly withdrew, and said intimately, “I won’t disturb you anymore.”

Sadin Erkang: “Master, listen to my explanation!”

The door slammed shut mercilessly.

Sardin squatted on the ground holding his head in pain.

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