Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.66 Searching for a Necklace

I made my way to the service counter. This time the receptionist was a different one. She was a little younger than the girl Zayaan is courting. 

“Brian, can I help you with something?” She asked. So even she knows who I am.

“Yes, I was interested in the reward for the wyverns.” I told her.

“Yes. Of course.” She seemed to panic a bit as I asked about it. “The guild has offered you 15 gold coins for your part in the wyvern operation, as well as the sale price of five wyverns.” She told me. “But sadly we don’t have the money on hand to pay for the wyvern sale until the guild master returns.” 

I guess they might not have hundreds of gold coins on hand in a guild this small.

“That’s fine. Can I get the fifteen gold right now?” I asked.

“Yes, please wait a moment.” She said and ran off to a back room.


She returned a little later carrying a small leather bag.

“Here you go. Your gold coins. Please confirm them.” She said as she handed me the bag. 

I look inside and see some gold coins. I quickly counted them and confirmed there were fifteen inside.

“Yes, there are fifteen gold coins. Do you need me to do something to confirm I received them?” I asked.

“Yes. Please scan your guild card here.” She said as she placed the reader device on the table.

“How do I do that?” I asked as I took out my card.

“Place it here and pull it down.” She informed me.

So it’s like when the other receptionist confirmed my rank-up. I did as instructed and afterwards she did it with some other card as well. Is it like a bank system? I think the card might have a place for money as I didn’t really understand everything on it.


“Thank you.” I said and was about to leave.

“Please come again.” She said after me.

“Oh, by the way.” I turned back towards her. “Is there any place in town where I can buy some jewelry?” I asked.

“The only place would be Bakula company.” She told me. “Their store is at the main square, opposite to the Boar’s lounge. They should have a small selection of jewelry.” 

“Thank you. I’ll be off then.” I made sure my water skin was full and I left the guild.



The walk from the guild to the main square. It was only like a block away from the guild. Not like the town really is that large, so it couldn’t be that long of a walk.

I look at the Boar’s lounge. Just imagine. If my first day had gone differently I might be staying in there. I have no idea how much a night there costs, but it would probably be somewhat expensive. 

But I’m not here for the inn, I’m here for the store. The Bakula company’s store had a large window pointing towards the square. In it a lot of different products from clothes to tools and weapons were displayed. I also noticed something like a crest next to the door. It was a carriage carrying lumber. I guess this place started as a transport company. 


I went inside. As soon as I did, an employee was there to greet me. A security guard standing by the door? She doesn’t look that strong. But then again, in this world physical size doesn't mean everything. Dark Magician Girl has a small frame, but she could still beat up most people.


“Welcome.” She greeted me. “If you don’t mind me asking, but are you sir Brian?”

How does everyone immediately know it’s me? My face isn’t that unique. I’m plenty similar to some of the other adventurers. I guess I’m more clean shaven than they are. Actually, I haven’t shaved since I came here, but I still don’t even have a sign of a stub. Why is that?

“Yes, I am Brian.” I told the employee. “How did you know?”

“Sir Brian has unique clothes. They stand out.” She explained.

So that’s the reason. Well, I guess if I’m the only one going around wearing a hoodie and jeans, I’m bound to stand out. At least it’s not a bear onesie. 


“Are you after something specific today? Or do you just want to browse around?” She asked.

“I’m looking for a necklace or a pendant.” I told her what I was looking for. “But I would also like to know what else you have in stock.”

“So you are looking for jewelry? I’ll take you to see the owner then.” She told me and turned to walk somewhere.

“The owner? Is that really necessary?” I asked. That seems like overkill to me. But I do like overkill. As long as it doesn’t cost anything.

“The owner is the only one to sell jewelry. He takes pride in that.” She told me as she led me along.

I guess that makes sense. It takes a different level of skill to take care of jewelry. 



She brought me to a door at the back of the main section of the store. On the way I saw all kinds of products. I would guess it’s basically everything you could ever need to live. And even more. There aren’t many luxury products, but I would guess this town doesn’t have many people going for those. The weapons also seem basic. I guess there might be a dedicated weapons store or blacksmith that people buy them from.  And a lack of fresh produce. That would likely be sold at stalls or something like that. But still, quite impressive.


The employee knocked on the door and after a ‘come in’ opened it.

“Aah, Brian.” He said as he noticed me. “Welcome to our humble store. What would you be searching for?” 

“Hello…” I don’t know his name. This is awkward. “I’m searching for a necklace or a pendant.” I told him.

“So… Would that mean a necklace for a pendant? Or just the pendant for a necklace you already have?” He asked.

…How in the world should I know? I thought they were the same thing. Or perhaps something like a necklace was one without the large thingy, but a pendant had it.

“...both, I guess.” I told him.

“You are not familiar with jewelry at all, are you?” He asked.

“I only know about earrings.” I answered honestly. “And a bit about rings.” I added.


There is a reason for it. Laura (not system support but my ex) hated having anything around her neck. Something to do with her father not really being the greatest father. She did wear earrings, so I know a bit about them. But only a bit.

I also did some research into engagement rings, but that effort went to waste.


“Both it is then. Any idea on the size or color you are looking for?” He immediately went into sales mode.

How do I describe it? I guess I could just show it to him. 

“Is it possible to have her leave?” I asked the owner.

“Is this something so private?” He asked.

“Yes. And it’s embarrassing to have people know of my lack of knowledge.” I told him.


He thought for a moment and then ordered the employee out of the room. She was against it, but he insisted. She said she would be right outside if I tried something. Not to be rude, but you really can’t stop me if I go all out. I think you would need to be a hero or something to go against some of my summons.


“So, would you go into detail now that it’s just the two of us?” He asked.

“Sure.” I opened my collection and pulled out the Black Pendant card. Even if he can’t understand what it says, he should be able to see the picture. “I want something that looks similar to this.” I told him as I showed him the picture.

“Would this be one of your summon cards?” The owner asked. He knows about that part as well. Holy. How many of my secrets have already spread?

“Yes.” I answered honestly. At this point lying would be useless. He already knows about it anyway.

“I’m sorry to say, but we don’t have a pendant with a stone that large. And the necklace appears to be a pearl necklace. We wouldn’t carry anything that expensive.” He told me.

“That’s fine.” I answered. “I just need one to act as an example.”

“I see. Then I think I have something that might work.” He told me and moved to a locked cabinet. He got out a jewel in a gold setting and a simple gold chain. 

“This is an artificially made black gem with a gold chain. It’s the closest we have.” He told me.


You can make something this good looking? Magic is impressive. 

The stone didn’t have the size of the one on black pendant and it was more purple than black, but still. It’s impressive. 


“May I hold it for a moment?” I asked. 

“If you wish so.” He said as he handed it over.

As soon as it was in my left hand I ordered Laura. (Analyze it.)

(Yes, Master.) She responded.

You can shut up by the way. I know I’m basically stealing at the moment, but I don’t really care. I’m just using the info I get from this as a base. I’m not recreating the original product.


“Could you tell me about it?” I asked to make time for the analysis. 

“There isn’t much to it. As I said earlier, the stone is artificially made and the chain and setting are minimal. The stone was made by Natalie, a somewhat famous stone maker in the capital. But this stone is considered a failure due to the impurities you can see.” He began explaining. “The chain was made by a jeweler but there is nothing special about it.”

“I see.” So in a word, it’s basic. “How much would something like this cost?” 

“This would be 11 gold.” He told me. Cheap. Well, kind of. I was expecting more. I could afford it right now, but I don’t think it will last as an install target. It would likely break.

“And if one was to make one like in this picture, how much would it be?” I need just a bit more time for the analysis.

“That would depend on the stone. But just a red pearl necklace like that would be at least 50 gold. It’s difficult to judge from just a picture. The stone also seems large, so it would likely be at least 250 gold. And being sold as a package would raise the price even more. So I would say around 400 gold at least.” He told me.

Holy. I know jewelry is expensive, but to that extent. 

“What if the stone was artificial?” I asked.

“That might raise the price even more. A clear artificial stone of this size is nearly impossible to make.” He told me. “A researcher would buy it for a high prize.”


So if I make some and try to sell them I would just end up in more trouble if I claimed the stones as artificial. Good to know.

(Master, the analysis is complete.) Laura told me.

“Thank you for showing me this.” I said as I handed the necklace and pendant combo back to the owner. “But I’m not going to buy it. At least not right now.”

“Are you perhaps short on money?” He asked as he received the pendant. “I would assume you have plenty after taking down multiple wyverns.”

“I didn’t get paid for the wyvern materials yet, so yeah.” I awkwardly told him. “But I’ll think about it after I get the rest of the money.” I told him to keep his hopes up.

“I see. I’ll keep it safe for you.” He said as he put the pendant away. “Would you be interested in anything else?”

“For now, not really. I’ll be back at a later date, when I have a better understanding about what I need.” I told him as I grabbed my card and returned it to the collection.

“I see. Then please, come again.” He said as I stood up to leave.

“I will.” I promised as I left his room. 


After I got to the main part of the store, the employee escorted me all the way to the door, and said ‘Come again’ as I left.


Well, that side hustle is over. Next thing on the list: Recover Dark Magician.

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