Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.33 Magic instructor

As I entered the dining room I noticed only Christina there. So I was the second to arrive. Well I knew I would be before Alice, but I wasn’t sure about the baron.

“Did you come here yourself? I thought Jenna was going to get you.” Christina asked.

“Jenna? Do you mean the blond haired maid? She went to get Alice. Something about Alice not wanting to come, but you can ask her.” I told Christina. I hope Alice won’t get into trouble for that, but a little punishment for her night time sneaking won’t be so bad.

“I see, so Jenna did that… And you knew the way here yourself? This mansion might not be that large, but it’s still easy to take the wrong turn.” Christina said to me.

“Don’t underestimate the power of system support. As long as I have Laura, I will never get lost.” I told her.


“The name I gave to system support.”

“You can name it?”

“You know that’s the same reaction as your husband had when he heard it yesterday. It’s not that weird. Well, the strange part is having system support in the first place.” I told her.

“Yes, you are right.” She answered.


I took a seat at the same place I did yesterday. Just after that the baron joined us.

“Good morning. Let’s start breakfast.” He said before noticing that Alice is missing. “So Alice is not here.” He added after noticing the missing Alice.

“Good morning.” I answered him.

“Good morning, dear.” Christina greated him.


Brandon took his seat at the end of the table and our breakfast was brought out. It was basically dejavu from yesterday, but no sandwich. Porkchop, rice and some veggies. Also some iced tea.

“Oh, mighty system, thank you for this meal.” I said my prayer quietly. It might be a false pretense, but I kinda enjoy it. Like saying ‘itadakimasu’ before eating, but less weeby. Is that even a word?

As we are taking our first bites the main door to the dining room opens and Alice enters the room followed by the blond maid. Jenna I think was her name.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Alice said before walking to her spot on the table. So she changed and got here just a little late.

“Alice, you know you should always be on time.” The baron started scolding her.

“I’m sorry.” Alice said again lowering her head.

“We even have a guest and arriving after them is phony.” Not like you arrived before me. Also who the f cares. I’m not some high ranking noble. I’m technically still just a nobody. He is just treating me like some kind of big shot. I know I was told that I will be given an honorary title, because I founded a dungeon, but I don’t have it yet.

“...” Alice doesn’t respond to her fathers discipline and just sits down and starts to eat.

And now this is just awkward. I might need to change the topic to save Alice from her father.

“Lord Brandon, is there something you wish for me to do today?” I ask the baron to take his attention away from Alice. Well it is also a valid concern of mine. I have no idea what I should be doing. I’m staying as a guest in his house, so if he asks something of me.

“You are free to do as you wish.” He told me. “You can take a walk in town or just relax in the manor. But we had a plan to try the summonings in the afternoon so I need you to be here then.”

“Sure. I wanted to go check out the adventurers guild and register as a member, but I think I’ll leave that for tomorrow so I can talk about it with Prime Rib today.” I told the baron. Then I came up with an idea of what I could do in the morning. “Would it be fine if I join Miss Alice on her magic lesson?”

The baron takes a quick look at Alice, who is still focused on eating. This is a bait for the baron as I know he, at least somewhat, wants me to marry Alice. I think he should agree to it.

“That’s fine as long as the instructor doesn’t mind.” Brandon said to me.

Alice looks up at me and seems surprised that I would ask something like that. But the more surprising thing seems to be her fathers permission to have me intrude on her studies. I really hope the baron hasn’t given up on his daughter. After all, now that she has an attribute, I’m sure she will become a fantastic mage. Or would it be a witch?



After breakfast I stayed at the table to get info from Alice about her lesson. I don’t really know what I should do after all. Better just to wait and see.

After both the baron and Christina left, Alice spoke up to me. “You really don’t need to come to study with me.” 

“I know that. But I’m interested in the kind of studying and practice you do.” I tell her.

“Well, it should be fine.” She said.

“I also want to see the look on your teacher's face when she realizes you can use magic now.” I said to her.

“My teacher is a man. Old A-rank adventurer whom my dad pays way too much for. I couldn’t learn magic without an attribute and he couldn’t teach me anything but the basics without it.” Alice told me. So she has an A-rank adventurer as a teacher. 

“Well, you might be able to show him off now.” I said to her.

“Not likely. There are not many mages that use dark magic, so not many know of dark magic spells.” Alice said.

“Then why choose it?”

“Because it is so rare. I could just blame the adventurer for not being able to teach me.” She said.

“I don’t think you should shame your teacher like that.” I told her. It’s no good to embarace someone for a stupid reason like that.

“Well, at least with me having the dark attribute, I can get rid of him and study on my own. He can’t teach me anything new anymore anyway.” Alice said.

“Yeah, I can see that. If dark magic really is that rare, you could have a hard time.”

“I’m prepared for that.” Alice said with vigor. I guess self study might suit her better. Or I could offer her a potentially great teacher. He is the ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense after all. And I also have his student.

“If you need help with that, I have something that could help.” I told her.

“A summon?” She asked.

“Yes. You’ll see.” 



“Let’s go.” Alice said as she was dragging me by the hand.

“Where are we going?” I asked her.

“To the garden. We’ll meet with my teacher by the gate and I’ll suggest that we study outside today. That way if I manage to use a spell, I won’t blow something up.” She told me. Good point actually. I heard from Henry that she has a lot of magic skills. Her spells might be more powerful than expected.

“That’s definitely a good idea. No one wants a hole in a wall.” I joked back to her. “Or something like darkness that consumes the house.” I don’t know how magic works, OK? I’ve only seen magic used once and Lucia seems very skilled. The spell also wasn’t an attack spell, but a utility one.


We waited by the gate and just after I heard the second bell an older man approached and was let in by the guards. I would guess he is in his late 50s. He was wearing a traditional looking wizard's robe, dark green in color. Does that mean he uses earth magic? Or perhaps wind?

“Good morning Teacher.” Alice greeted the man.

“Good morning Alice. We didn’t have a lesson yesterday, so you best be prepared for today.” The teacher said.

“Of course I am.” Alice said, seeming positively excited. I guess now that she has an attribute and can actually cast some spells, she is looking forward to her studies.

“And who is our extra?” The teacher asked.

“He is…” Alice began, but I stopped her.

“My name is Brian. I’m staying as the baron's guest. He gave me the permission to observe your lesson for the day. Hopefully that’s fine with you.” I introduced myself to the teacher.

“Nice to meet you sir Brian.” So he addressed me as ‘sir’. I guess I am a guest after all. “My name is Trystan and I work as Miss Alice’s magic instructor. You are welcome to observe our study session.”

“Nice to meet you too, Trystan. I’ll try to stay out of the way.” 

“It will be fine even if you intrude a little. There isn’t much I can teach the young lass left, after all. Her mana control is almost as great as mine. She is simply limited by other factors.”

“Her missing an attribute?”

“So you know about that.”


“It really is a shame. By the way, can sir Brian use magic?”

“Yes, but only summoning magic.”

“I see… WHAT? Summoning?”

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