Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Three days passed in a flash, and since that day, Chen Yu has stayed in the Goethe Grand Hotel. The elemental forces of ice and wind are constantly in motion.

“Whew… It’s still a little close to completion! Chen

Yu closed his eyes, pure elemental power returned to his body, Chen Yu gently exhaled the turbid qi in his chest, and the aura around his body became more condensed.

After three days of adjustment, Chenyu’s own state reached its peak, and the natural disaster-level elemental technique Wind and Snow Sealing Divine Technique also had some eyebrows.

“Whew… It’s time to go today! Remembering

the shadow that once shrouded heaven and earth, remembering the powerlessness that had been in the storm, Chenyu’s dark eyes narrowed slightly.

“Wind Demon Dragon, Fools, the matter of Mondstadt City is finally coming to an end!”

There was a knock on the door, Chen Yu sorted out his clothes and got up, and came to the lobby of the Goethe Grand Hotel.

The lady wore a red robe, a gorgeous mask to hide her delicate face, and her long pale blonde hair casually fell down her slender waist.

Dozens of foolish subordinates stood respectfully on the sidelines.

“Fools debt collectors, Lei Ying Warlocks, Fools advance team…” Chen

Yu’s gaze swept over a masked Fool’s subordinates, his dark eyes slightly heavy. These remaining foolish subordinates are all elites in the hands of ladies.

“The weakest have a third-order ah…” Chen

Yu felt more and more how unfathomable the strength of the Winter Kingdom was. The lady is only the eighth seat of the executive of the fools, and she has such terrifying power.

Such an executive, there are eleven in the Winter Kingdom!

“Mortals are here too!”

The lady’s lilac beautiful eyes looked at the black-haired boy who was coming, the mask blocked the expression on his face, and his voice was so cold that there was no trace of temperature.

“Let’s go…”

Chen Yu’s dark eyes looked at the imposing woman in front of him, calm to the point of no waves. Whether or not the lady knew her identity, Chen Yu must remain absolutely calm now.

“Good! Then all the members went to the Wind Dragon Ruins! With

a domineering wave of the lady’s hand, the terrifying elemental power burst out, and for a while, all the fools were active.


The Zephyr Knights had

an artifact Zephyr Sword hanging from his waist, and his azure eyes were fixed on the gate.

Kaia, Youra, Amber, Noelle and other Zephyr knights stood behind the woman, and the eyes of God on their waists kept flashing. Among the crowd, Ying held a bladeless sword, and her golden eyes were extremely calm.

“Newspaper … Report leader, the entire crowd of fools has begun to act!

A plainclothes knight shouted while running at great speed, and everyone’s expressions became solemn.


Qin Tianlan’s beautiful eyes crossed a fierceness, and the Zephyr sword was instantly drawn, shining cold in the sun, and a serious voice sounded clearly:

“O knights of Mondstadt! The fools have interfered in our internal affairs in a vain attempt to kill the Dongfeng dragon that once guarded Mond! Qin

held the Zephyr Sword high, the cyan divine eye flickered around his waist, and the cyan flowing wind stirred his long golden hair.

“As the acting head of the Zephyr Knights, I order all the knights to join me and go to the Wind Dragon Ruins!”

The Fools, the Knights of the Zephyr, chose to leave almost at the same time!

Above the tallest statue of the god of wind in Mondstadt, Wendy holds a glass of dandelion wine in her hand, her blue-blue eyes watch everything that happens, her white hand flicks over the ancient strings, and an ethereal voice sounds:

“The ruins of the wind dragon that turned into ruins a hundred years ago, the place full of fierce winds, it is finally going to be lively!”


There was no blue sky in the ruins

of the wind dragon, everything was gray, and the boundless raging wind lifted up huge pieces of rubble, stirred into powder and scattered in the sky.

“It’s more dilapidated than you thought!”

The raging storm blew almost unable to open his eyes, Chen Yu followed the lady, the cyan divine eye on his waist flickered, and a faint green glow looked around, blocking the wind and sand.

The tall blue and white boulder building has long been dilapidated and overgrown, and it is impossible to see any breath of life

, Chen Yu can clearly experience the wind element that fills the heaven and earth, and it will be easier to use the Wind Elemental God’s Eye here!

“Where is the seriously injured Dongfeng dragon?”

The lady looked at the tall building surrounded by endless storms in the distance, and in her pale purple eyes, there seemed to be a faint white glow, and a large area of ice and snow began to fly.

“Click, click!”

Huge ice elements spread from under the feet of the lady, and the barren grass began to freeze.

The rapidly decreasing temperature, Chen Yu couldn’t help but shiver, and the elemental power that the lady burst out was already close to the limit of people!

“Click, click!”

The foolish soldiers around them also set up a posture, and the majestic aura flowed around them.

“Hiss… Why hasn’t the Knights of the Zephyr arrived yet!

Chenyu’s eyes narrowed slightly, his slender body leaned forward, if Twalin came out, everything would be troublesome, and the best way was to force the fools back!

If the Zephyr Knights don’t come again, Chen Yu can only forcibly make a move!

It seemed to feel that the elemental power that did not belong to him appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, and the fierce wind around began to roar, and the terrifying wind element converged towards the broken tower!

“Nope! Can’t wait! ”

Madam Executive of the Fools, may I ask what happened when you came to the Wind Dragon Ruins!”

Chenyu’s figure was just about to burst out, a sharp drink stopped, turned his head, Qin Tianlan’s beautiful eyes stared at the fools not far away, and the cyan god’s eyes on his waist burst out!

In an instant, a dark cyan wind swept through, colliding with the ice elements around the lady!

Behind the piano, the maid Noelle, Kaia, Yura and other knights stood behind the piano, and various elemental forces flowed!

The lady’s good-looking eyes glanced at Chen Yu on the side without a trace, and she was not surprised by the arrival of the Zephyr Knights, her red lips opened slightly, and she sighed softly:

“Alas… Mortal, you will finally return it, it has affected me!

Chen Yu’s pupils shrank slightly when he heard this, and he stood in place and said softly:

“Sorry madam, I can’t watch the Dongfeng dragon that guarded Mond City die, nor can I watch Mond fall into chaos!”

The lady really knew her disguise for a long time, but only now did she really pierce it, and Chenyu’s dark eyes flashed, and she spoke softly.

The lady looked at Chen Yu, who was on guard at the moment, and her light purple beautiful eyes crossed a look of disappointment.

After all, I couldn’t find someone who could understand herself, the lady’s delicate red lips trembled lightly, and her cold voice sounded faintly:

“Chen Yu… This is your real name, since you chose to betray me, then fall here! The

lady’s eyes turned ice blue, and countless sharp ice picks condensed in an instant, exploding towards the teenager!

“Madam! Move the benefactor of Mondstadt before me, pass! Before

Chen Yu could make a move, a dark cyan wind screen appeared in front of him, blocking the ice pick, and Chen Yu directly exerted his legs like a shadow and came to Qin’s side in an instant.

The cyan flowing wind in Qin Tianlan’s eyes rotated, facing the lady frontally!


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