You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Berlin Screening Invitation

Chapter 61 Berlin Screening Invitation

“The core of the film “The Raven” is cruel and bloody.”

“When the script was created, it was a story I heard in a remote village.”

“At the time, I felt very shocked and incredible, and even felt that the storyteller was lying to me, because I thought she was living a very happy life. However, when I actually went to her home and learned everything, I realized that In fact, reality is crueler than fiction.”

“The script of “The Crow” has undergone repeated revisions. The last revision was in the night of Changgu Lake. I wrote down the last dialogue. I think the story is complete and perfect.”

“Later, I was invited to Huaxing to direct the post-production work of “The Bottom of the Mine”. I saw the film “The Bottom of the Mine”. I was shocked at the time, and it was hard to believe that Director Zhou made this film alone! ”

“The story is very shocking, the impact is very strong, and every segment is full of artistic tension!”

“Of course, I feel very sorry in my heart. I regret why such a story didn’t come from me, and why I’m not the director.”

“This regret lasted until I met Director Zhou, and then this regret was filled…”


The lights flickered.

At the press conference of the crew of “The Crow”, Wang Shuai spoke with a sighing voice in front of the reporters.

He looked very serious.

However, his voice is full of magnetism, and his unhurried storytelling state seems very attractive.

Many reporters looked at him closely, and there was not a trace of other noise in the conference hall of Nuoda.

Zhou Yang sat next to Wang Shuai.

His emotions are very complicated.

Grateful, nervous, and full of unease.

At the same time, he was very guilty.

Wang Shuai said, this hat is too big and too heavy to be photographed by one person!

made him breathless.

The film “The Bottom of the Mine” is fundamentally impossible to be shot by him alone. Most of the content was helped by Feng Kai. He just sat in front of the camera and tried to restore these pictures according to the pictures in his mind.

Other, he didn’t seem to do anything.

Of course, he knows that he can’t say these things now, and even if his emotional intelligence is not high, he can’t rashly say these words that slap Wang Shuai in the face.

Moreover, Zhou Yang has seen the agreement signed by Feng Kai, and the content of the agreement is that it is not allowed to disclose his experience of directing “Mining Bottom” to any media or any organization, even if it is not willing to disclose it.

Zhou Yang didn’t know what to say for a while.

could only sigh helplessly in his heart, and then he tried his best to keep himself as calm as Wang Shuai, just sat there quietly, looking in one direction without saying a word.

“Leave everything to me, you can talk less if you can, remember in the future, when dealing with reporters, you simply keep aloof, coldness is not a bad problem, many artists are so cold, you Gao Leng, they will respect you instead, but think you have something and think you are awesome.” Zhou Yang recalled what Wang Shuai said to himself.


Cai Lin saw the interview.

Her fingers trembled slightly.

She bit her lip and stared at every detail of the interview seriously.

From the beginning of the interview to the end of the interview, the relationship between Wang Shuai and Zhou Yang has always been the concern of Cai Lin.

The more she looked, the more indescribable she felt.

Wang Shuai’s eyes did not hide the importance he attached to Zhou Yang, and his words during the interview showed his appreciation for Zhou Yang’s talent!

Cai Lin suddenly realized that she had kicked the iron plate.

Wang Shuai is one of the representative directors in the Beijing circle, and he is one of the few influential figures among the children of the big courtyard.

Beijing Circle!

what is that?

That is the circle that all people in the entertainment industry want to get involved in.

It symbolizes power, resources, money, connections…

In recent years, 80% of the famous celebrities who have made their debut have something to do with this circle!

Even the former King of Xiangjiang has a similar relationship.

When she first entered this circle, Cai Lin received advice from her seniors. The content of the advice was very simple, that is, if you can’t integrate into the Beijing circle, don’t offend them.

Otherwise, you will die miserably.

Wang Shuai announced at this moment that he invited Zhou Yang to join the crew, and he did not hesitate to appreciate Zhou Yang at the press conference…


what does that mean?

Cai Lin’s face still turned a little pale, and uneasiness swept through her body, as if being pressed by a big clock, she couldn’t breathe.





“Sister? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I was a little lost in my thoughts just now.”

Cai Lin heard the worried voice of the agent next to her, Xu Mei.

She pretended to be calm and silently closed the notebook.

“Sister, why don’t I just walk away, take down the notice we sent before, and then…” Although Cai Lin concealed it well, Xu Mei still noticed the slight change in Cai Lin’s face, and she subconsciously suggested.

“What does the company think about this?” Cai Lin did not answer Xu Mei’s words, but asked such a question.

“I’ve been with you all the time, and the company executives didn’t call me…” Xu Mei shook her head and replied.

“I understand, you go down first.”

“Then what we sent…”

“Those remarks made earlier, don’t withdraw a word! Of course, don’t continue to add material to Zhou Yang’s popularity!”

“it is good.”

The agent Xu Mei left the office.

After Xu Mei left, Cai Lin’s eyes flickered and she recovered from the initial panic.

She naturally thought about taking down what she said before and pretending to be dead, and even thought that if the matter was bigger, she would simply bow her head and apologize…

However, in the end, she rejected all these things.

There is Starlight Entertainment behind her, and under Starlight Entertainment, there are many people in the Beijing circle, and even directors in many circles acquiesce to this behavior.

Wang Shuai this time should be regarded as an announcement to the whole circle, and even a warning to himself!

Although it seems to be worth noting, it is impossible for him to directly overturn the table because of a Zhou Yang!

Absolutely impossible!


Things have happened, and you will suddenly retreat as soon as you hear the wind. In the future, who will look up to you in this circle?

Even if you are a gun, you have to do it to the end to earn respect.

After thinking about this, she immediately called the company leader and asked about the tone.

When she heard the leader say that you don’t need to pay too much attention, but don’t over-hype this issue, she understands.

From the bottom to the top, Cai Lin, who is used to seeing many ups and downs, fully understands her value in the company!

She is the company’s future cash cow!

Unless she loses value, the company will protect her as long as she doesn’t do too much.

Then, she watched the news on the Internet seriously again.

A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Jiang Shushu fights with me?”

“I’m afraid I don’t have this qualification yet!”

“Since you want to step on me, let’s try it!”



A storm gradually subsided in Wang Shuai’s press conference and Wu Zhenhong and Wu Lao’s abuse.

Those who scold Zhou Yang and the navy who black Zhou Yang receded like a tide within half an hour after the press conference.

was replaced by an even crazier promotional draft for the movie “Heroes”.

Click on the movie page, all the pages are all boasting about the movie “Hero” in various ways, as well as various news about director Shen Changwei in Berlin.

As if, he is already the first director of Huaxia.


is always a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Naturally, behind the countless hustle and bustle, there will always be some discussions about the movie “The Bottom of the Mine”.

The discussion is more about the various stories between Wang Shuai and “Mining Bottom”, and even gives people a feeling that Wang Shuai is the main creator of “Mining Bottom”.

even implies a rationality.

Because of Wang Shuai’s help, “The Bottom of the Mine” had the opportunity to be shortlisted in Berlin!

Is this unreasonable?

And Zhou Yang, in these stories, is inconspicuous, most of them appear as a foil, with words that really have to be written, and are reluctant to write.

It seems that many media and major social platforms are deliberately avoiding Zhou Yang.


No matter how much you avoid it, you can’t avoid the album “Girl Waving Your Wings” released by Huaxing Entertainment, let alone the five words of the lyricist Zhou Yang!

As long as there is a little bit of publicity for Cai Lin’s new album “Flying Against the Wind”, Huaxing Entertainment will follow up with the promotion of “The Girl Who Waving Wings”, and every time it is promoted, the word Zhou Yang is included!

Moreover, it seems that Zhou Yang and Song Lian, the album creator of “Flying Against the Wind”, are deliberately put together.

Although, these posts were quickly suppressed by Xinghui Company…

But vaguely…

actually rendered an atmosphere of Zhou Yang wanting to slaughter the god.

Two days passed quickly.

In the past two days, I don’t know whether it was because there were too many black navy soldiers, or the plot itself did not have a large audience. The box office performance of the film “Youth” was mediocre. Two days after its premiere In the film, it continued to be sluggish, and the evaluation of fans after watching the movie continued to decline, without causing too much waves.

The total box office for two days was 9.8 million, but less than 10 million. The box office did not achieve the expected results at all.

Although it is not at a loss, it is also full of an indescribable taste of failure.

This was an indescribable blow to the morale of the entire Huaxing.

February 18 morning.

Zhou Yang watched the promotional video of “Girl Waving Wings” seriously in his office.

The    album will be officially released in the early hours of the day after tomorrow.

This is the final review stage.

Just at this time…

There was a knock on the door from the office.


“Director Zhou, the ticket to Berlin and your passport have been processed…”

He saw Wu Zhenhong’s life assistant, Zhou Xi, walking in with a document.

“Huh? I’m going to Berlin tomorrow? Isn’t it March?”

“Ah? Well, didn’t Director Feng tell you that the film should be shown at the film festival before winning the award? In fact, we also just got the news that Berlin was invited… It’s good in advance, we can sell the film rights earlier… By the way, Director Zhou, Do I have to notify the rest of the film team?”

“Ah? Let me know!”

“it is good.”


“Director, I’m taking a leave of absence…”

“What are you doing on leave?”

“Going to Berlin to attend a film festival, Director Zhou just called me…”

“Does “The Bottom of the Mine” have anything to do with you?”

“There are some.”

“You have a shortlist for an award?”

“Ah, this is not…”

“Does the post-editing have anything to do with you?”


“What about the script? Did you participate in writing it?”


“Then what are you going to do? This time, the number of entourages in the past was limited… No more!”

“I, I participated in the filming…”

“The photographer also participated in the shooting, did he go there?”

“I, but…” An excited Feng Kai ran to the crew, but felt a basin of water pouring down, which made him feel cold.

Then he saw Wang Shuai who was sorting his clothes and putting on a tie: “Then director, you are…”

“I’m going to Berlin, I edited the film later, and there are old acquaintances in Berlin. I have to go over and help me check it out. I can also act as an accompanying translator when necessary. By the way, do you know German?”

“I, I don’t understand…”

“You should know the customs of Berlin, right?”

“I… don’t understand either.”

“Then there is no way. Well, you are still young and there are many opportunities. Take good care of the logistics of the crew. After “The Crow” is shortlisted, you will have a chance to perform. It has performed well recently. Keep up the good work!” Wang Shuai stared at Feng Kai, his face suddenly softened, and he showed a smile of approval.


(end of this chapter)

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