You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 382

Chapter 376: We Are All Witnesses!

Chapter 376 We are all witnesses!

“My Motherland” is the prelude to this concert.

But, this overture seems to be pulled too high.

Pulls the audience’s emotions to the extreme.

Missing, disappointed, moved, surging…

Countless emotions surged to the top in my heart, and then fell again.

The following old artists came on stage, and the songs they sang were still exceptionally classic, full of traces of the years, and evoked memories from generation to generation.

The applause is still thunderous, some are excited, some are emotional, some are disappointed.

However, I don’t know what happened, but the sense of surprise is much less.

Maybe “My Motherland” rendered the emotions to the peak, and then it was downhill.

Even if Grandma Zhang Xia takes the stage again and sings the theme song of the TV series “In the Water” as the finale, she will lose a little taste.

Zhou Yang seemed to have no feeling at all about what happened outside.

From the melodious erhu prelude of “My Motherland”, Zhou Yang entered a very delicate state, which is very much like an epiphany.

He was still sitting on the chair, his eyes still fixed on a person on the stage.

But in his mind, the notes kept reverberating, and each note was very familiar, as if some old friends were surrounded by them, whispering softly over and over again.

The books about music that he had read were also in these notes, and were turned page after page. Along with the knowledge he had learned from these masters these days, a piece of notation became familiar.

Vaguely, he heard the desolate world. In the desolate world, there are eagles chirping, sand and dust flying in the sky, the sun shrouding the earth, and there are skulls with long arrows buried deep in the ground. .

That is the scene of a documentary called “Indian” in his once world.

He closed his eyes and saw that the picture became clearer.

The score of    “The Last of the Mohicans” is incomplete.

But at this moment, some melody appeared in these incomplete and empty parts.

These melodies are constantly filling in the incomplete parts, and Zhou Yang is like a bystander, letting these melodies outline segments of pictures, in the desolation, some lose themselves!


“Concert, it’s over!”

“Mr. Zhang Xia, please let me, we salute you with great respect!”

“We look forward to seeing you on stage again!”

The voice of host Li Guohui and Zhang Zimeng are full of regrets.

The stage lights were dim, and the audience left the scene one after another amid the rounds of applause and bursts of sobbing.

Outside the concert hall, the moon was bright, and countless reporters rushed forward, interviewing old artists one after another.

Tonight is destined to be an unforgettable ambition.

The audience who had not left noticed Zhou Yang sitting on the stage.

He neither applauded nor shed tears like the others. He was very quiet from beginning to end. Even after Zhang Xia and others finished their performance, he still looked at the stage.

After looking at it for a long time, everyone saw him bow his head.

Tang Xiao looked at his fingers…

His fingers have been beating the melody, the melody is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes smooth, and sometimes falls into a brief stagnation and bump.

Zhang Xia glanced at the others, and then winked at the security guards, who immediately came to the audience who still hadn’t left to persuade them…

Lin Xiaoxiao and Miao Miao were the most unwilling to leave among these audience members.

The two stared at Zhou Yang from beginning to end…

They felt Zhou Yang’s abnormality, and they felt a little uneasy in their hearts, and this uneasy feeling began to grow stronger.

But the security guards couldn’t stand the whispers, and finally left the music hall with worried eyes.

The hustle and bustle of the concert hall has become extraordinarily quiet…

An Jianwu sat for a while, then got up and whispered a few words to some people. After taking a look at Zhou Yang, he left with Liu Ruolan, Yang Lao and others.

The middle-aged couple sitting next to Zhou Yang wanted to say goodbye to Zhou Yang, but after seeing Zhou Yang’s appearance, they finally shook their heads and only told An Zhibin to watch.

They still have something to do, and it’s a very important thing. This time, they took time out of their busy schedules to come to this concert.

When An Zhibin saw the couple leave, he became quite speechless, but he remained faithfully beside Zhou Yang, like a security guard.

“We may be witnesses!”

Tang Xiao said in a low voice when he saw An Zhibin’s expression.

do not know why……

She is very confident in Zhou Yang, this is a very strange man, ever since he was buried alive in Ira*, she thought this man was incredible.

After saying this, not far away, Zhang Xia, who should have left, came over again with the support of Song Yiyi.

She was followed by some well-known musicians playing today.

They heard that amazing saxophone “Go Home” the other day.

They were in disbelief, and with a bit of anticipation, after sitting in their seats one by one, they actually had a bit of witnessing emotion in their hearts.

Tong Yuan is also among these people. Although today’s concert has made her extremely hard, as if she has drained all her strength, she is still very energetic now.

She looked straight ahead.

Zhou Yang’s eyes seemed to have stopped looking at the stage, and his fingers no longer tapped the armrest of the chair. He just closed his eyes and sat there motionless.

She understood that she was entering samadhi.

Time seems to have passed for a long, long time…

At ten o’clock in the evening, the door of the music hall opened.

John Williams hurried over and made a burst of noises, but after seeing that the atmosphere didn’t seem right, he subconsciously silenced and came not far from Zhou Yang.

Half an hour later, An Xiao’s cold figure also came over slowly. She nodded along with everyone, said hello softly, and then sat next to Zhou Yang and looked at Zhou Yang.

After seeing An Xiao, Zhang Xia’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then she pushed Song Yiyi’s hand slightly.

Song Yiyi didn’t seem to have any feeling, just held the Gana flute gently and didn’t walk over.

These days, Zhang Xia felt the changes in Song Yiyi. She used to be cheerful and lively, but during this period of time, she began to laugh less.

began to become inexplicably quiet, and when he spoke, he also whispered softly, not as gentle as Song Yiyi.

Zhang Xia didn’t feel happy about this sudden change, instead she was a little worried.


When she heard that she was going to hold a concert, she often heard Song Yiyi say “Zhou Yang”.

When talking about these two words, Zhang Xia saw that Song Yiyi’s eyes seemed to emit a burst of light, full of strange emotions…

Only then did she realize something, and she also met Zhou Yang in the name of the copyright of “My Motherland”.

Overall, she was quite satisfied.

in the concert hall.

Zhang Xia gently pushed Song Yiyi again.

“Grandma, what’s wrong?”

Zhang Xia did not speak, but looked at An Xiao and Song Yiyi.

“Grandma…don’t get me wrong, Zhou Yang and I are ordinary friends, and I admire him, that’s all…” Song Yiyi lowered her head and said this in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Zhang Xia looked at Song Yiyi’s expression when she said this, but saw that Song Yiyi was extraordinarily calm, and there seemed to be no flaws in her eyes, as if she was lying, she finally nodded.

Not far away, Tang Xiao bent down and stood up in front of An Xiao, as if An Xiao was saying something that only they could hear…

Song Yiyi felt that Tang Xiao’s eyes seemed to be looking at him, but when he looked over, he found that Tang Xiao was not looking at him.

She started to feel uncomfortable in her heart.

Time passes by little by little.

From ten thirty to eleven, and from eleven to two in the morning.

“If you need help, you can call me and I’ll go back and take a nap…”

Zhang Zunlian glanced at Zhou Yang, and then looked at Zhang Xia beside him.

He really couldn’t stand it any longer.

After Zhang Zunlian bowed his head and left, the rest of the musicians also got up and said the same thing.

When facing Zhou Yang, they were not like the people in the movie circle who had their own ghosts.

They are very pure, everyone has a devout pursuit of music, and even takes fame and fortune very lightly, and pays more attention to the inheritance of music and the care of the next generation.

The reason why they came back was that when Zhou Yang needed help, they could be by his side to give Zhou Yang some help, that’s all.

Four in the morning…

Many people couldn’t stand it anymore, and Zhang Xia also left. At her age, she really couldn’t stay up all night. In addition to today’s hard work, she couldn’t stand it anymore.

Before leaving, she told Song Yiyi a few words, and Song Yiyi nodded.

In fact…

Only a few younger musicians are still watching.

It was four thirty in the morning.

Everyone saw Zhou Yang trembling, then opened his eyes and sat up.

He stared at the empty concert hall and the people with swollen eyes beside him.

What are these people doing in the crowd?

At this moment, these people gathered around for the first time.

“Mr. Zhou Yang!”

“How is it, Xiao Zhou?”

“Any new creations?”


But his eyes were briefly blank.

“Is “The Last of the Mohicans” created?”

When he saw John Williams’ excited eyes, Zhou Yang suddenly felt a little confused.


What creation?

He seemed to have fallen asleep just now…

slept very comfortably, at this moment, his spirit was exceptionally refreshing.

Even he himself thought it was very strange that he could still fall asleep in such a noisy concert, and he slept for so long as soon as he fell asleep, and even the concert ended for so long, he didn’t know…

Maybe it’s just too tired recently?

“I…you are…”

Zhou Yang looked at these people whose eyes flashed with excitement.

He suddenly didn’t know how to explain…

But in the end, a clear melody appeared in his mind.

“Do you have a pen and paper?”

He subconsciously took it out into his arms, but found that his pen and paper had been left in the background.




(end of this chapter)

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