You can’t escape their Love.(Yandere Harem)


"WTF, another bug (Wiretap)" These words accidentally popped out from my mouth. 

[Oh no, now the person on the receiver end of the wiretap knows that I found the bugs. Maybe that's the reason even after one wiretap broke he/she didn't rush to me. Now I look more like a fool. What happened twice will happen thrice so it will be a good idea to search for more bugs.]
As I searched for more bugs sensei looked at me bewildered. She once again tried to grab my ear but this time I went under my desk. She left.
I knocked on the bottom part of my desk to search for soft or hollow places. Then on the side of the desk, on the chair, in my bag, in my shoes, on the lockers behind me, on the floor beneath me, and near the window and the wall beside me.
"At last! I guess that's all, "I whispered to myself as I sat with a total of 17 wiretaps in front of me., "I can make a lot of money selling them."
When I looked closely I noticed that there were different brands of wiretaps. So I assumed that they are not installed on the same day and not by one person. I didn't find any wiretap on me or my bag.
[Maybe 2 or 3 people installed them, Is it for cheating in the exam because I have a habit of whispering answers or for something else and also if more than one person installed them, then what if they found the other person's wiretap?.... Stop! It's getting messed up my brain can't handle it.]
I arrived at a simple solution, I spread the wiretaps so that my voice can be heard clearly and I spoke, "Whoever you are I don't care. Stop stalking me and come to the point what do you want? Write it in a letter and place it inside my desk after school. I read and answer you tomorrow. But don't wiretap me and invade my privacy"
After that announcement, I broke all the wiretaps one by one by stamping. , "What a waste."  I gathered all of the broken pieces and wrapped inside a paper. I carefully balled it and aimed at the dustbin and threw it inside, "Basket!".
*Ding Dong*
The school bell rang. It was time to go home. I packed my bag and waited in the class for everyone to leave.
"What's wrong with you?" Haruto asked. , "Why are you staying till the last these days?"
"Are you doing some shady business, "Fuji asked., "Whatever tell us when you feel like, we won't dig into it, we are friends after all aren't we?" He smiled.
"Yes, "I said and smiled back. They left.
[I got really good friends, maybe I will tell them that I am dating Rin tomorrow.]
I checked the messages, there was a message from Rin after lunch.
 -- Let's walk together home.
-- Will you come today?
The answer was obvious I wanted to go that's why I waited till everyone left. I messaged 
 -- Ok let's go... Where are you?
Rin-- I am outside the school gate.
I -- Ok fine, I ...*Yui appears outside the door* can't come.

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