You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 185

Chapter 181: Difficult Task

Due to various concerns, the rule of the freshman trial has been in the dust for more than a hundred years.

This restart, the school attaches great importance to it, and specially dispatched three of their vice-principals to watch the students participating in the trial, and they need to use the standard determined by the crystal ball as a reference to formulate the potential level of each student .

In other words, the criteria for determining the crystal ball is one thing, and the treatment that students can ultimately enjoy is another.

This gave the three vice presidents a lot of room for manipulation.

So in the usual trials, they controlled many students one after another, and some of them adjusted to the level of crystal ball judgment.

This kind of regulation is not judged based on their own interests and personal impressions, but based on ideas.

However, in some cases, the difference of ideas can lead to profound contradictions. The vice dean named Yunia Lesothor places the most importance on the scope of knowledge of the students, and does not care about the performance on the spot, while the other vice dean is the opposite. .

There are not many all-round students, so they come and go, and the two of them have conflicts.

“As a half-blood, Iger Wilson’s performance is really impressive.”

There was no response, and the vice president who spoke first spoke again.

“As for some young people who were praised before, they don’t have any real materials, and their ability to deceive is first-class.”

She couldn’t tell whether it was a yin and yang anger or a sincere sigh.

“The trial has just begun, and the students are still in a state that has not yet landed. It is a little early to say this.”

Juliana, who was wearing a black trench coat, responded with disdain: “When he lands on the battlefield, he can still maintain the lead, and it’s not too late for you to brag.”

“To tell the truth can be called bragging, it seems that ours”

“In contrast, I’m more curious about Professor Robertson’s success in this operation, what do you think?”

The third brown-haired lady present suddenly interrupted her companion.

She’s obviously shifting the subject, but the question is really intriguing.

In the current trial ground, in addition to this group of students, there are two other groups of people.

A team of lecturers and professors is going deep into the core of the golden storm, hoping to find out the true identity of the mysterious knight who created the storm.

Another wave of similar teams was scattered around the battlefield, tracking and investigating who it was, and summoned the mysterious knight.

Compared with the trials of the students, the school actually paid more attention to the task progress of the latter two groups of teams.

Because the trial is only an internal matter of the school, it has nothing to do with priorities.

Finding out about the mysterious knight is a “diplomatic event” that must be completed

The Ransommore family has students all over the wizarding world, and now more than a dozen ministers of the Ministry of Magic of various countries are closely related to the family.

The current headmaster of Fort St. Grant is even an apprentice to the former head of the Ransommore family.

Right now, the daughter of the current patriarch of the family is in the hands of the savage imperial people. If they don’t have a bargaining chip, it will be difficult for them to get someone over.

The truth of the mysterious knight is the bargaining chip.

It’s just that this chip is not easy to take.

The search for the summoner can also be carried out around the outer area of the golden storm. Although it is difficult, it can be considered a progress.

However, to confirm the identity of the mysterious knight, it is necessary to go to the core with the impact of the turbulent storm.

This is difficult because the repulsion force of the storm is enormous, and the deeper you go, the stronger the repulsion you encounter.

Even a storm that is enough to cover a small city is like a long and never-ending journey for the school tutors.

However, relying on a wealth of knowledge inventory and magic items, the school will not be helpless.

By analyzing the power characteristics of this storm, and then targeted resistance, with the cooperation of many people, they have completed most of the area of this road.

There is only one point, but it has become the biggest obstacle for them to complete this task.

That’s how long this mysterious knight existed, not long at all.

From appearing to disappearing, at most ten minutes

It is precisely because of this that the ten-minute limit seems to have become an insurmountable moat. They tried their best, but they did not completely conquer it.

“Since the characteristic of that power is to exclude all non-own personnel, I think Professor Robertson should abandon the existing strategy and use camouflage to test.”

The brown-haired female vice-principal who smoothed things out offered the topic as if she had nothing to say.

“He may have tried it.”

Glancing at someone’s file record, Juliana with smooth black hair said casually, “Otherwise, it’s impossible not to think of this way.”

“Can the rules of the Trial Land be rewritten? After all, what we are facing is not a real knight, but a simulated illusion.”

“Impossible, unless there is someone who is more accomplished in time and space magic than the pioneer Kleist”

Staying here to supervise and evaluate the performance of the new students is a relatively leisurely job, so the three vice presidents are in the mood to have some small talk while scanning the files.

And the object of their gossip, UU reading www. does not have this kind of treatment.

Continuing to penetrate into the core of the storm, all kinds of magical brilliance bloomed on their bodies, and they moved forward step by step in the direction of a Mohu figure.

The surrounding dazzling light is rich, and the invisible crowd seems to be real, covering this group of people, as if they are slowly moving against a huge yellow bullet, the tighter they are squeezed in, the more impact they may encounter next. the stronger.

One of the female figures wrapped herself in a wriggling bandage. In this case, one accidentally, because a certain magical light on her body was not connected well, and was instantly blown away by the light that exploded. !

In the blink of an eye, the trace disappeared.

The leading old professor scolded secretly for this, but he didn’t pay too much attention to this usual situation.

With a large number of props for self-defense, he is not worried that the other party will be injured.

However, what surprised him was that this woman, who was thrown out of the storm by the turbulent flight, did not leave the trial ground to repair according to the action policy, nor did she rejoin this difficult task.

Instead, after casting a few strange spells on her body, she suddenly turned into a pale bat and flew into the sky. With scarlet eyes, she began to search for the figure of a certain student.

Mrs. Chelsea warned Mellen that there might be some incidents to divide the mixed-blood and pure-blooded.

And what could have a more negative impact than a genius mixed-race who has finally won the admission qualification of a top school, and died in the relevant trials before he officially entered the school?

In particular, it was a certain lecturer at the school who killed him?

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