You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Psychic Deduction

The environment is leisurely and the air is sweet.

The exquisitely shaped classical villa stands in the sun, the white dazzling, seems to be faintly glowing.

Standing at the gate of the villa with a suitcase in hand, staring at the familiar building in front of him, Merron twitched the corners of his mouth, his face full of frustration.

A week ago, after he found that he could not avoid the fate of death by practicing breathing techniques to the master level, he resolutely picked up the unfinished task—

run away.

Mellen thought that as long as he stayed away from the suspicious Mrs Chelsea, he would not be able to die because of it.

However, the ideal is very rich, the reality is very cruel.

Going to the countryside, going to hide in a small city in the next county, going to the seaside, or even taking a risk in an airship to hide in a small island country near the Kingdom of Blackthorn…

After tossing a lot of places, the eggs are useless!

Damn or die!

“Why is that?”

“What did I do wrong to target me like this?”

“Where is the problem?”

Many doubts always filled Merron’s mind, leaving him at a loss, and even began to wonder if his golden finger was broken.

After all, judging from the existing clues, it is impossible for him to dehydrate and die?

Moreover, he had already hid so far, and some of the tails behind his **** had been swept away, how could he still be found?

This is not reasonable!

But no matter how you say it, the facts have proved that running away cannot solve the problem.

So in the end, Mellon had to go back to Graham and chose the old road again—

Face the problem head on.

However, this face-to-face is not about going to the Mrs. Chelsea to ask for a solution or something, but obtaining knowledge to solve the problem through other channels.

“Make up for what’s missing.”

Muttering these words, Merron pushed open the iron gate, ate, washed, organized and saluted in the presence of a group of servants, and finally sat on a chair in the study.

After taking a deep breath, Meren lowered his eyes slightly.

He began to empty his mind, keep the core a little clear, and his thoughts diverged around.

After a while, Mellon entered a very strange state.

Ethereal, ethereal, nothingness…

At this moment, most of Meren’s soul seemed to be separated from the body and merged into the entire study, with only a small part still in the body.

This state made his perception of the entire study very clear.

The inconspicuous crack in the corner of the wall, the wormhole that emptied the corner of the bookcase, the ants foraging for food, a nasty mosquito buzzing around his legs, seemingly wondering where to turn his mouth…

Although a week of running around did not stop Merron’s death, he was not without gains during this period.

Mellen’s takeaways come in two flavors.

The first one, brought by the master-level breathing method, in addition to the improvement of physical fitness in all aspects, there is also his super-powerful control over his own body.

After getting familiar with the strengthened body, and using this control, Meren can make himself from the dazzling appearance of the maid who sees the brain blank, and converges to the state of a normal person.

Although the change in hard quality has made it impossible for his overall appearance to return to the original, at least he does not look like a master who has practiced breathing to the extreme.

This is very covert.

Mellen felt that no one would be able to perceive how awesome his physical fitness was unless he fought closely.

The second is his current state.

This state originated from the situation when he felt that something was constantly burrowing into his body after he became a master of breathing technique.

Mellen’s thinking at the time was very simple, why can you enter my body freely, and I can’t reverse you?

So with his ‘spiritual power”, this special ethereal state was so vaguely grasped by him.

what’s it for?

Normally, it seems to be really useless, because although he can “turn himself into a study”, he can’t have the slightest influence on the things in the study.

But combined with the ability he first acquired, this state is very useful—

Snake psychic deduction method.

The purpose of this spiritism is to communicate.

Communicate with dead bodies, communicate with animals, communicate with people, and even communicate with the world.

It is a very special skill and cannot be called a spell, because even an ordinary person can use it after mastering the relevant knowledge.

However, beyond this, there is a huge limitation.

That is to say, using this skill requires a large amount of “ceremonial materials”.

It’s just a simple material. The point is, these materials seem to be very high-end.

Merren had never heard of any siren throat, ghost dust, dead blood flower juice, giant eyeballs, etc.

Finding these materials is more than enough, and it takes a lot of energy to process these materials before the formal ceremony can be arranged—

Ordinary people can arrange a ceremony, as long as they have a deep enough understanding of the knowledge about the ceremony, and make no mistakes during the period.

But handling and processing materials can’t be done, because that’s actually a professional skill, not what you want to do with it.

So this ability is a waste skill for the original Meren.

But at this moment, with the state of “turning into a study”, the waste skills can already be easily used by him.

Once mastered, the psychic deduction method of the Snake School belongs to the master level, and Melon has a very deep understanding of this skill.

Therefore, he clearly knew that those ceremonies and the materials for arranging the ceremonies were actually very pure, just to establish a deep enough connection with the surrounding world.

Then proceed to psychic.

But now, his Mellon is already part of this world, or rather a part of this world.

It’s normal to skip those tedious steps and go directly to channeling, right?

Originally, Meren was not sure about this, but he did several experiments before returning, and the effect was exactly the same as he expected.

This is also the main reason why Merron doesn’t think about hugging the rich woman’s thigh, and she is confident that she can solve the problem.

“The Weather Wizards Association is recruiting new members to the outside world.”

Because this psychic technique has been used to determine who is in the hands of the solution to the problem, Merron’s goal is very clear now.

While thinking about it, his hand took out a piece of white letter paper from the desk drawer, and then picked up a quill and wrote a few paragraphs on the letter paper—

“I’m a reserve wizard.”

“As a result, I was able to understand how and how the Weather Wizards Guild recruited new members.”

The ink turned into three faintly scented words on the paper through the tip of the pen. Mellon, who was sitting in the chair, then put down the quill, lowered his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

A large number of images immediately appeared in his mind, illusory and hazy, set off by the white fog, like a mirage.

A hooded geek in a gray robe stood motionless in the storm, and a teenager in a certain apartment was being seriously questioned by another adult.

Papers full of rules and regulations were distributed to many people, and there was a neatly dressed gentleman sitting on a chair, playing with a golden coin floating in the air…

The three-stage interpretation seemed to provide search conditions for psychics, and then based on these conditions, the closest “answer” to Mellen was instilled into his mind.

The combination of many pictures allowed Merron to clearly grasp the process and standards of the Weather Wizards Association for recruiting new members, and how to customize it.

So when Merron released his unique ethereal state and stood up from his chair, he already knew what to do.

Melon’s life-saver is a spell.

A spell that can store water in his body.

This spell is very special. It seems to be a unique secret skill passed down by a certain wizard’s family. It can’t be found anywhere else.

And that wizard is a member of the Weather Wizards Association.

If Meren wants to obtain spells from the opponent, he needs to approach him first. UU reading

This can be divided into private approach, and formal approach.

Considering that he should also learn some common sense of wizards, Merron decided to contact the target by mixing into the association.

This is not difficult. From the knowledge of spiritism just now, Meren even thought that the process of joining that organization would be very simple.

Because he has a certain necessary trait that the organization desperately needs!

“Through the constantly ingested things in the surrounding environment, I basically don’t need to eat now, and then I will store a pile of water to match my current vitality…

There should be no other way to die, right? ”

Merron pondered while walking out, feeling that there should be no problem.

In fact, the best solution to your own demise is to find the source of the problem.

But unfortunately, the last time I saw Mrs. Chelsea, Mellon faintly realized that the other party might not know what was going on.

At the same time, he tried to use psychics to find the answer to this question, but what he got was a fog.

It seems that his level is not enough.

That might have something to do with the bits in the properties panel.

Mellen is not very sure about this, there are still too few clues for reference…

After thinking about it, he has already walked out of his yard and walked towards the address obtained by the psychic.

But Merron did not notice that a silver-haired old man in a black formal suit and leaning on a cane was watching him quietly under the kerosene lamp beside the door.

It was Mrs Chelsea’s old housekeeper.

I don’t know what method he used, but he was able to make Melen not aware of his existence!

Seeing the back of Merron walking away, a doubt flashed in the butler’s eyes, and then he stepped up and followed.

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