You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Ling Meng dozed off with his mind spinning in confusion. The next morning, he was awakened by a knock at the door. Shan Zhu stood there in the entryway with a steamed bun and soy milk, obviously he had no intention to break off ties.

Ling Meng, not yet fully awake, was stunned until he remembered that today was Friday and that Shan Zhu had said that he would bring him breakfast.

“You really brought me breakfast,” Ling Meng scratched his unkempt hair, ashamed. “This feels a little awkward.”

“Didn’t you treat me to a meal yesterday?”

Meal? What meal? Ling Meng carefully reviewed the previous day, but he only remembered the red envelope of two hundred.

…deep affection for this lemon peel which was also on the lemon’s body?

“That’s not a meal, that’s…”

Ling Meng froze up.


Ling Meng was struck speechless, could I say my brain seized up?

“Is it really that difficult…”

“No!” Ling Meng quickly stepped on the accelerator (for his stalled brain).

His roommate was woken up by the scent and saw the two standing at the door.

“Mang God? Why are you here?”

“Delivering breakfast to MengMeng.”

“How come Mang God is bringing breakfast for MengMeng?” He looked envious. “Did you order Mang Group takeout?”

“I still have class, I’ll go first.” Shan Zhu stuffed the soymilk and steamed bun into Ling Meng’s hands and instructed him, “Breakfast must be eaten.”

“Oh, okay.”


Ling Meng took the bun into the room, habitually turning on his computer and going online. There were few people in the game this early in the morning and all his friends were offline. It was difficult to match with opponents by looking for ranked matches, so Ling Meng just clicked the casual match menu.

Casual matches weren’t separated by rank so great gods could run into novices and destroy the beautiful ambition they held towards the game.

Ling Meng encountered such a person: the account level was not high and the rank was zero.


[Federation] Lemon: Galaxy newcomer? Daddy will be merciful.

The other side didn’t speak, as if they couldn’t figure out how to chat.

Ling Meng played while eating, using 50% of his strength. It wasn’t until the southwest corner was attacked by the other side that Ling Meng realized the situation wasn’t good.

It seemed that it wasn’t a newbie; it was most likely a small account. Ling Meng put down his food and started taking the game seriously.

Despite his disadvantageous position, Ling Meng still was confident he could make a comeback. After all, under the training of Shan Zhu, Ling Meng’s skills and techniques had been significantly improved and his national ranking had risen to 250. As a god-level player, losing to passers-by in casual matches would be pretty humiliating.


Twenty minutes later, Ling Meng sat stiffly in front of the computer, staring at the imposing black and white screen in front of his eyes. He couldn’t believe that he actually lost and that he had even lost so very badly. Even if he played with all his strength from the beginning, he probably wouldn’t have won.

The game over interface would only last a few seconds. Ling Meng came back to himself and quickly typed out a line with the same hands that had gifted hospice care for so many years.

[Federation] Lemon: What’s your big account?

The opponent didn’t reply and quickly withdrew from the room.


Depressed, Ling Meng fell back in his chair with sigh of resentment caught up in his chest.

Even when he lost to Mang God, he didn’t feel so troubled: the other side was a known great god so even if he lost, there was no psychological stress over it.

Ling Meng opened his opponent’s match record and was surprised to find that this small account, which hadn’t participated in ranking matches at all, had not lost once in his fifty-seven match career.

Fifty-seven consecutive wins. Even if they were all casual matches, it was quite a stunning achievement.


Ling Meng: I was totally abused.


If Ling Meng said, “I was defeated,” Shan Zhu might not be particularly surprised; after all, Ling Meng was not a top ace in the national rankings. But what he said was, “I was completely abused,” which indicated a bit of a mishap. After all, to completely abuse Lemon Daddy, you would have to be at least in the top ten.

Shan Zhu: Who was it?

Ling Meng: I don’t know, some small account.


He took two screenshots and sent them, the battle record from the match and the small account’s winning streak.

The experienced Shan Zhu knew, at first glance, that Ling Meng had not met an ordinary person.

Shan Zhu: Did you save the match video?

Ling Meng: Saved.

Shan Zhu: Wait for me to watch it.


At noon, Shan Zhu came to Ling Meng’s room and reviewed the whole match with him.

It could be seen that Ling Meng played relatively casually in the early stage, obviously not thinking much of his opponent. In the middle stage, he began to get serious, because the opponent was so strong. However, Ling Meng failed to make a comeback even with all his strength and everything collapsed in the late stage.


Shan Zhu carefully watched it twice and concluded: “He’s really strong. Maybe even I wouldn’t be a worthy opponent.”

“Not even you? Is it a professional player?”

“It’s not outside the realm of possibility, but he didn’t play with all his strength.”

“What?” Ling Meng couldn’t believe it.

“Look at the technology tree for each of his matches; it’s not the mainstream upgrade route. It’s obvious that he is using this small account as a test to experiment with an unfamiliar play style.”

Ling Meng was speechless. If the other party really was as fierce as Shan Zhu said, it was no surprise that he lost.

“I want to fight him.” Shan Zhu tapped his finger on the left mouse button, as if he was thinking.

“You want to arrange a match with him? How can you do that?”

“I don’t know. First, we have to find this guy.”

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