You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 3 - This is a touching story

   It can be found that apart from the item of “breaking the layup”, several other high-score attribute points must use eyes and mind. The attributes that cannot be reflected in the overall evaluation can be intuitively reflected in the game.

   Wash your hands repeatedly.

   This is Mo Mengchen’s habit, for which he wasted a lot of water, because to wash out a pair of clean hands does not need to wash so many times, he is just enjoying that moment.

   “There is no vision at all, the machine can’t help, how did you do the operation just now?”

  Kia Simas also seemed to have just completed an operation.

   “The field of vision is relative, like two good students, some people can easily get high scores, and some people have to give everything.”

   “The man scored high because he can only get that score at most.”

  Mo Mengchen washed his hands.

   “It’s really not like your style.” Simas said.

  Mo Mengchen did not reply, he was about to leave.

   “Mo, you should stay.”

“I am not interested.”

  The next day, Mo Mengchen woke up in the dormitory.

   He glanced at the calendar.

   is now in February 1995.

   is one month away from Jordan’s “i’mback”.

   The operation last night let Mo Mengchen know how to use this system.

   If it was said that last night was not accidental, then, that is to say, no matter what occupation he is in, there will be such task requirements before the start of each job.

  If you play a game, such a mission request should also appear.

  Now he only has 800 points, and it would be a ridiculous salary to use these points to add points.

   is not as good as…

  Mo Mengchen decided that he was going to work at Mayo Center until March, during which time he was going to have a crazy operation.

   Seth Michaels is sitting in the office drinking instant coffee.

  Mo Mengchen didn’t reply to him, he thought the other party thought clearly.

   As a result, at night, just after get off work, Simas found him.

   “President, don’t you persuade Mo?”


  Michaels asked: “What’s wrong with him?”

   “He performed five operations today.” Simas said.


  Operating room

  Operation has reached the final moment, and the most troublesome problem has been solved. What Mo Mengchen is doing now is usually done by an assistant—stitching the wound.

  He found that suture wounds are also counted in the evaluation of technical methods, so he is very diligent.

   The partners around him are not used to such Mo Mengchen.

  He used to deal with the biggest problems, and then let them solve the remaining small problems, and now, he actually…

   “Doctor Mo, how did you know that his abdomen was bleeding? If there is a problem with your judgment, then he…”

  Mo Mengchen raised his eyes and looked at him again, this guy again.

   “If he can support the inspection report, I will wait.”

   “But the situation at the time was that if no surgery was done at that time, he has now gone to God for an inspection report.”

   “Medrons, don’t rely on machines. Sometimes, your intuition and judgment are better than machines, especially when life and death are at stake.”

  Not to mention, Mo Mengchen has completed the final treatment.

   He didn’t look at anyone else, didn’t say a word, turned around and walked out of the operating room.

  The patient’s family is waiting outside the hospital.

   “Doctor, how is the situation?” It was a middle-aged woman who stopped Mo Mengchen.

   “He is all right.”

  Mo Mengchen said concisely.

   “Thank you, thank you so much!”

  Mo Mengchen nodded and accepted her gratitude, took off her mask.

   Then, he turned on the system and found that something new appeared in the doctor template.

   Achievement wall and skill framework.

  Achievements on the wall, there are as many as ten thousand achievements. Currently, Mo Mengchen has completed six operations with the system, and has not yet achieved any achievements.

   As for the skill framework, he found that Mo Mengchen’s skills as a doctor were completely complete.

   Then, he switched to the basketball player template.

   No accidents, no skills.

  Today’s five operations, on average, each operation won 800 attribute points, plus yesterday’s 800 attribute points, he now has 4700 attribute points.

“not enough.”


  Mo Mengchen looked around, it was Michaels.

   “Seth, is there something wrong?”

   “I heard you performed five operations today.”

   “Have you changed your mind?”

   “Do you still want to be a doctor to save others?”

  Michaels has a stern look.

“Do not.”

  Mo Mengchen said; “I will leave next month.”

   “Next month?”

“Yes, to play professional basketball, it is not enough to rely on one’s blood. I need to hire the best trainer, and this requires a lot of money, so I have to wait until next month to leave, I have to get this Monthly salary.”

  The identity of the doctor makes it easier for Mo Mengchen.

In the United States, doctors belong to a high-income group, and he is the best doctor in the best hospital in the world. Although he is very young, the salary that the Mayo Center pays him every month is unimaginable to many doctors-1 $20,000 per month.

  If you don’t know what this concept is, it doesn’t matter.

   An ordinary family, living in Queen Street, New York, the cost of a year is almost 15,000 US dollars.

  Mo Mengchen has been working in the Mayo Center for a year. He lives in the hospital and eats in the hospital. He usually has no communication, and he saves a lot of money.

   This is undoubtedly great news. He does not need the help of others like those who are poor and unlucky, and he can get things done by himself.

   “Mo, you are the most gifted doctor I have ever seen. UU Reading”

   “I know I am.”

   “I know you,” Michaels said, “If you can still play basketball, I believe you will not give up at the beginning, you know how serious your injuries are, and your feet can’t carry high-intensity sports at all.”

   “I made a serious mistake.”

  Mo Mengchen said: “So I want to remedy now, before I regret my life.”

  Mo Mengchen’s eyes were shining like diamonds at the moment.

   Really, you can really see the genius light in your bright eyes.

  In Michaels’ view, Mo Mengchen was born to practise medicine to save people. He would become an epoch-making doctor.

   Now, he has to leave countless patients to chase a dream that is impossible to achieve.

  Michaels failed, he could not stop Mo Mengchen.

   In this country where even the air exudes freedom, and from time to time someone will die because of a free stray bullet, Mo Mengchen can freely decide his own future.

  In the last thirteen days of February, Mo Mengchen performed 39 operations without any failure.

  He left an eternal legend at the Mayo Center and then resigned in March.

   To the medical profession, this is an earthquake.

  Just like rookie Jordan said he was not interested in basketball, he is going to play baseball now.

  Although the advancement of medicine is closely related to the survival and reproduction of mankind, the departure of Mo Mengchen did not cause any ripples in the world.

  No one in the industry knows this, and no one knows the consequences of this.

  For the world, this is just a good doctor who left his post to pursue his dream.

   sounds a touching story, we should bless him, don’t we?

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