You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1094 - Legend is not dead

   The 2007 All-Star Weekend began on February 18, and the participants of each team basically arrived in Las Vegas on the 17th.

   This year, four of the Pistons will participate in the main game, three will participate in the Rookie Challenge, and one will participate in the three-point shooting contest.

  Even when he retired for a long time, the old devil Bill Rambir, who was sitting on the commentary, was invited to participate in the mixed game on the 18th.

   Coincidentally, Jordan was selected as the judge of the slam dunk contest this year. The flying self-respected trapeze also took part in the All-Star Weekend this birthday.

  No. 18 is the first day of the All-Star Weekend and Jordan’s birthday.

   That night, the Rookie Challenge first.

  155 to 114.

   The second-year team easily defeated the rookie team. The 41-point scoring gap and the 269-point scoring combined created a new record in rookie challenge history.

   Of course, this doesn’t mean much. Every audience who watched the game admitted that it was a fierce and exciting game.

  The rookie game has always been the breeding ground for future All-Stars. Among the players participating in this game, such as Chris Paul is undoubtedly the most promising player to enter the All-Star lineup. The quasi-three doubles show his comprehensive.

   In fact, if not suffered too many injuries this year, seriously affecting his condition, he may even be selected as an All-Star this year.

  For fans, Paul’s shining is only a matter of time.

   was followed by a mixed game, also known as a star shooting game. The Detroit players were Lambir, Hill and Cash led Detroit overwhelming three other competitors such as Chicago, San Antonio and Los Angeles to win the championship.

   Detroit won the championship with a score of 50.9 seconds. The original champion should belong to Chicago, but due to some accidents in Chicago’s final shot, Detroit was lucky to win the championship.

   Three-point contest and dunk contest will push the atmosphere to the climax.

   Capono proved that he is one of the best uncontested shooters in the world. Nine-finger dunk king Gerald Green crowned this year’s slam dunk king under the watchful eye of Carter, Jordan, Dr. J, Kobe and others with a creative dunk.

   Individual events or fun games launched to increase attention are just appetizers.

Everyone on the scene knows that the highlight is the All-Star game tomorrow night.

   holds an All-Star Game every year. What makes this year special is that this is Dor.Mo’s last All-Star Game.

  Since Dr. J, the alliance has attached great importance to inheritance.

  Dr. J passed the scepter to the magician and the big bird. The bird then passed the scepter to Jordan. Jordan passed the scepter to Mo Mengchen at the 2003 All-Star weekend.

   Today, Mo Mengchen, 34, has chosen to draw a rest at the highest peak of his life. If this season is the end of the legend, who will he pass the scepter to?

   No one knows, because it seems that many people have drama.

  Kobe? James? Anthony of the same team? Or is it someone else?

   That night, Jordan held a 44th birthday party, and also invited the East and West All-Stars who happened to be in Las Vegas for the All-Star Weekend.

  All of the Alliance are his juniors. Upon his invitation, there is no reason not to attend. Mo Mengchen is also on the list. His relationship with Jordan has progressed rapidly after the latter retired.

   When Mo Mengchen came to the scene, Bobcat’s top card Zac Randolph took the initiative to give up the position, so that Mo Mengchen and Jordan sat close together.

   The piston system still occupies half of the All-Star weekend.

  Mo Mengchen no longer has to worry about the All-Star weekend because he can’t find anyone to talk about, because there are many here that he brought out with his own hands.

   “Because you are finally tired of all this, have a drink.” Jordan raised his glass.

   “I can’t talk about being bored, I just just reached my age, and there is nothing more worth pursuing.” Mo Mengchen gently toasted with Jordan, “I didn’t eat what I said to you.”

  Mo Mengchen’s words brought Jordan back four years ago. On the eve of his last All-Star Weekend, he still held a party. That night, he and Mo Mengchen talked about the future.

  Mo Mengchen did not speak directly about the goal, but he drew an “8” on the table.

   Jordan noticed his intention on the spot, but it was unrealistic. By now, the Pistons had completed eight consecutive championships, and the firepower was fully advanced towards the nine consecutive championships.

   “This thing is really unimaginable to me.” Jordan said lightly, “You did something that was doomed to come.”

  If we defend the title again this year, then I will retire with nine consecutive titles.

  Nine consecutive titles mean what? Not only those who have not come late, but also no ancients.

   Mo Mengchen’s smile made Jordan hairy. Although the world is endlessly arguing about who is a better player, there is no such boring argument between them.

  If Jordan is asked, he will admit that Mo Mengchen has achieved higher achievements than him and is undoubtedly the best player in history, but he will not admit that his strength is not as good as Mo Mengchen.

  Because no one can prove that Mo Mengchen is stronger than him, people can only talk about highs and lows by data and honor.

   But when it comes to data, he hasn’t been afraid of someone.

   (except Chamberlain and other ancient dana)

   However, admitting that the honor is not as good as in fact already admits that you are not as good, because the stars across the ages can not be compared, only by honor.

   The result is that Mo Mengchen’s honor has surpassed everyone. He has brought the spread and influence of the NBA to a whole new level, which is obviously better than the Jordan period.

   This evening, Mo Mengchen and Jordan talked about the past and talked about the future, but not the present.

  Two of the greatest players in NBA history are sitting here, no other players intervene, because they are not qualified to speak in this level of dialogue.

   Back to the hotel, Mo Mengchen rested in peace and prepared for the next day’s All-Star game.

  The next night, when Mo Mengchen came out, the voice of the scene reached the extreme.




   The more they shouted, the more they shouted, as if to break their throats, Mo Mengchen was supported at home, and the stars of the East and the West lost their color when they stood beside him.

After   , Mo Mengchen debuted with the eastern starting guard.

As soon as    opened, Duncan came to him with a pick-and-roll.

  Mo Mengchen was not in a hurry to perform, his eyes flicked, Duncan understood, straight into the basket, jumped up, dunked the ball.

   “The two have only one chance to collaborate once a year, and that is during the All-Star Weekend.”

   “Even if they do, they can understand it.”

   “I can’t help but think, if these two people work together, will they achieve greater success?”

   “Hey, man, what could be more successful than the eighth consecutive championship?”

  Mo Mengchen is the only protagonist of this game. All Eastern All-Stars intend to create opportunities for him, but he is not in a hurry to attack. From the beginning, the passing of the game has improved the appreciation of the game by a grade.

On the west side, the guards headed by Kobe all wanted to succeed. They played one-on-five games in turn. The defensive intensity of the All-Star game is average. They can often succeed and win the lottery, but on the whole, it is still the east. All-star viewing is even better.

  Mo Mengchen finally fulfilled the wishes of the audience before he came off the court and had a serious showdown with Kobe.

  Kobe Bryant clapped his palms, encouraging Mo Mengchen to boldly singled out.

   This **** Mamba really doesn’t know who he is.

  Mo Mengchen’s men accelerated and changed direction. Suddenly, they stepped up and changed their dribbles during the journey. They flicked Kobe to two meters. A jumper was hit and it was thrown to Kobe.

  This **** talk ignited the passion on the field. As a result, Mo Mengchen just finished the fire, and the coach replaced him to rest. Kobe rushed over and tried to find a man with a bayonet.

   A clash between the East and West stars, the intensity of this game was vainly enhanced by several grades.

  At halftime, Beyoncé came to the scene as a guest and was invited to the stage to sing Ethan’s famous song “Legend Undead”.

   This moment is just like Mariah Carey singing “Hero” for Jordan.

   The familiar melody sounded. Mo Mengchen has been banned for many years. Although he has never announced the release of the music scene, he has not released a new work for many years. Music fans generally think that he has shifted his focus to basketball.

   Listening to the familiar melody, Mo Mengchen’s thoughts returned to those days with Beyonce’s singing.

   used to have nothing, in order to become stronger, try his best to get attribute points.

   Not enough basketball, part-time doctor is not enough, short singer career is an extremely important part of his life, without this experience, he will not make great progress in the NBA.

   is the attribute point return brought by the singer, so that he can quickly improve and be able to lead the team to the top in the fourth year to win the championship.

   This shake has passed for many years.

  Beyonce sang a song, Mo Mengchen was invited to the stage, just like Jordan in the past, to say something to the newcomers to the league and the audience on the scene.

   With so many eyes gathered on himself, Mo Mengchen suddenly felt a little nervous. He lived under such attention for 13 years, but it was the first time he was nervous.

“To be honest, as a person who was almost destroyed by injury and injury in my career, I never thought that there would be today.” Mo Mengchen slowly spoke, and rarely smiled softly, not making people feel uncomfortable and uneasy, it was the kind of person Relaxed smile, “I hope I have set a good example, I hope my story will inspire others, and I hope everyone will not give up hope.”

“Be brave, everything is possible, if you don’t believe it,” Mo Mengchen still smiles, “Please look at Dor. Mo, he was also helpless and weak like you, he proved that only you can destroy you. Thank you all People will help me, I will not stop here, for me, turning this page is just a new beginning.”

   has no heritage, no thanks to the league, or even a half word to his teammates and other players, and Mo Mengchen’s speech ended.

At the beginning of the second half, the scores of both parties increased in sequence.

   Six minutes before the end of the fourth quarter, Mo Mengchen returned to the field again. At that time, the Eastern All-Star had an 11-point lead.

  Kobe Bryant came up, let people pull away, have not yet started, first imitating Mo Mengchen to make a “please witness” gesture, let the audience climax, and then singled out.

  Mo Mengchen’s current defense is difficult to prevent Kobe at his peak. He was slammed on the spot and scored a layup.

  Battered and not fighting back, is that still the men?

Without saying that, Kobe scored on him. Mo Mengchen had to look for Kobe to play a ball in a good Seeing this scene, Hill on the field said with emotion: “How old are these people, Why is his temperament so big?”

   and his 13-year-old penny Hardaway said: “If you don’t fight back, he will not be Dor.Mo.”

   Also, this guy, he is so good.

  Mo Mengchen couldn’t start Kobe Bryant, and his rhythm could not be changed. After hitting the back, he could only call a pick-and-roll, and he immediately got out of neutral.

   returned a goal.

   Starting with Kobe, the outside stars in the west came up one by one to find Mo Mengchen.

   This is a repertoire to say goodbye to seniors.

   Although Mo Mengchen is not a prestigious predecessor, the juniors are more afraid of him than respect, and if there is a chance, each of them hopes to devour Mo Mengchen alive.

   They came up one after another, the success rate was not high, but Mo Mengchen played very seriously, one-on-one can not be called pick-and-roll, in any case the ball must be thrown into the basket.

   comes and goes, the difference is bigger, and the suspense of this game gradually disappears.

In the final game, the Eastern Stars defeated the Western Stars 139 to 122.

  Mo Mengchen scored 26 points, 8 rebounds and 10 assists in a triple-double in the last All-Star Game of his career, winning the AMVP trophy that night.

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