You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1056 - Confirm in person

   defeated the Bobcats this night, no different than ever.

   Mo Mengchen was usually interviewed live and participated in the post-match press conference.

   Because Hill came to the scene to watch the battle, the most frequently asked questions by the reporter were also about Hill.

   “Each of us wants Grant to come back early, but this is a step-by-step process.” Mo Mengchen said, “As he said, this season will not come back, thank you for your concern.”

Back in the locker room, Mo Mengchen saw Hill like a coach and helped Frause do the work: “There are nine games left, don’t slack off, you should know that the regular season is just a warm-up, for us , Only enter the playoffs, this season is really a start.”


  Everyone’s harmony made Hill very satisfied, he nodded and said: “In any case, the important thing is to maintain a progressive heart, just like we have done in the past seven years!”

   “Good point, Grant.” Fraces and Momo Chen walked in together.

  The arrival of Fruse, let Hill hand over the stage.

Frauss didn’t actually say much. He looked at the players and added a few words: “After going back, take a good rest. You have time to play in the nightclub and have a good time to go home and sleep. “


  The people answered together, and Froth finished.

Frauses haven’t had much training after the game, and they don’t do any summary after the game, because it will waste a lot of time. After playing a game, the player who has overloaded his physical and mental state is the last thing he wants to hear. The coach’s nagging.

  This is the experience gained by Frauss as a teaching assistant for many years.

  The conclusion is of course very important, but no matter how many preventive shots he gives to the player, he will always make mistakes and will not change because he has opened a few more summary meetings.

   So why not let this group of exhausted guys go?

  After Flauses left, Mo Mengchen took off his jacket habitually.

   Seeing Mo Mengchen’s muscular pimple, Hill expressed envy: “Ah, I think I was stronger than you half a year ago.”

  Half a year ago, you still have to think about it?

   “As long as you are diligent enough, you can still develop a strong body.” Dr. Mo always talks so much.

  Hill gave him a white look: “Listen to what you said, wouldn’t it mean that I was not diligent if I didn’t practice it?”

  The Duke talent is the Duke talent, and there are still some skills in reading comprehension.

   “Yes, I mean that.” Mo Mengchen smiled.

   Hill airway: “Then you have considered that I am no longer young? Can you expect a 34-year-old man to stay in the strength room all day like a young man? Do I have to rest well?”

   Sixty to seventy years old man insists on a lot of inspiration for fitness, do you still need to find it?

  Mo Mengchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: “If you want to be lazy, I won’t stop you, please don’t talk so terribly, what happened at 34? Not 44.”

   “Why do you guys have no empathy?”

   “If it were me, I would practice it.” Mo Mengchen said undoubtedly.

  Hill did not doubt the authenticity of this sentence, he also believed that Mo Mengchen could practice it.

   This is the first time Martell Webster has seen the unique scenery in the Pistons-dad sprays mom.

   In fact, this is also the first time he saw Hill.

  Mo Mengchen got up and walked to the shower room. Webster hurried over to say hello: “Grant, hello, my name is Martel Webster.”

“I know you.” Hill waited for his words after he finished speaking. “I watched a lot of games in the hospital. I was impressed with your energy. In fact, you can throw more three-pointers, even if you don’t become a ball. The type of player, with the current defense, plus a good three-pointer, is enough to let you survive in the league.”

  Webster was surprised and happy. He didn’t expect Hill to care about his lottery show, which can only play the second team.

   “Yes!” Webster shouted excitedly, “I will work hard!”

   Ginobili joked: “The mother is back, and the spring in the locker room is back.”

  Mo Mengchen was not interested in hearing how the gang talked about the season of the locker room under his treatment. He quickly took a shower, which was his habit.

  Every time he finished playing, he went back to the locker room to take a shower, changed his clothes and participated in a press conference. After returning, he simply took a shower.

   He always had a feeling in his heart that being with that group of reporters would contaminate him with bacteria.

  Although he is very willing to believe that the media reporters clean themselves, but he can not change this habit.

  It takes a few minutes for someone to take a shower, and Momenchen takes ten minutes to take a shower.

   Moreover, he was quite precise in these ten minutes, and the deviation did not exceed half a minute every time.

  Mo Mengchen came out of the shower room, only Hill was left here.

   “If you want to get me a drink, you have found the wrong person.” Mo Mengchen said, “I’m not in this mood.”

   “You look worried.” Hill said.

  Mo Mengchen didn’t answer him, this problem will occur when he is too familiar with others, and he can’t hide anything in his heart.

   He quickly put on his clothes and separated from Hill by saying goodbye.

  Hill walked to the channel with the most fans, and Mo Mengchen walked to the channel responsible for his father-in-law.

  At the same time, in the same place, Pedro Underwood Orreina is still in this place.

  Mo Mengchen has observed him for more than a month. Every time he passes by here, Pedro will greet him, but he does not make other requests.

   Since he signed Pedro, he seems to have no other ideas, honestly as a cleaner, day after day.

  Mo Mengchen waited for his active showdown, but he seemed very satisfied with the status quo.

   “Good evening, Underwood.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Underwood did not expect that Mo Mengchen would take the initiative to call his name. He usually greeted him: “Tonight’s game is awesome, I watched most of the half in the aisle!”

   This is the welfare of every cleaner. Although the Ministry of Management clearly stipulates that cleaners cannot watch competitions during work, basically no one will enforce this regulation.

   This is a rule that exists in name only.

   “The signature I gave you last time, I don’t know how it responded?” Mo Mengchen took the initiative to raise the topic.

  Pedro smiled and came out with a lie: “My grandson kissed me three times in a row for this, I have never been so close to him, thank you so much!”

   is worthy of the fact that the father-in-law who has eaten 18 years in prison for economic crimes, opening his mouth is a convincing lie.

   “So, your grandson is called Ephraim…” Mo Mengchen didn’t hold back, he always wanted to wait for Pedro showdown, but now he can’t wait any longer, “Or Adrian?”

  Pedro’s face produced a dramatic change, he did not expect that Mo Mengchen suddenly revealed his secret.


   “I have greeted you to the management department, you don’t have to work tonight.” Mo Mengchen said, “Let’s find a place to have a drink.”

  Mo Mengchen’s father-in-law was shocked and smiled with ease: “It seems that this can only be the case, no one can refuse Dor.Mo.”

  In order not to arouse the media’s attention, Mo Mengchen took Pedro to the most unlikely place, his restaurant, the steak master.

  Mo Mengchen had already told the staff to clear the room in advance, so when they arrived at the steak master, there was no one at the scene.

  Mo Mengchen and Pedro chose a seat casually.

   “Choose what you want,” Mo Mengchen said.

   “I’ve been here a few times, I like the steak here.” Pedro smiled.

   So Mo Mengchen prepared two steaks and two bottles of red wine.

   For half a minute of silence, Mo Mengchen broke the almost frozen atmosphere: “I want to know, what is your purpose?”

   “Purpose?” Pedro smiled. “Does it require a copy of Dor.Mo’s autograph? My purpose seems to have been achieved, and I am satisfied.”

  Mo Mengchen could hardly believe his words.

   is still the same sentence, after all, this is because the father-in-law of 18 years in prison for economic crimes.

“Do you know that I am one of the investors in the Empire Axis Arena?” Mo Mengchen saw him not answering, and continued, “I can easily let the management dismiss you. If you don’t tell the truth, I can only do this. .”

   “Even if I am Ephraim’s father?”


   “Even if Ephraim would be sad for this?”

   Mo Mengchen laughed out loud, did the father-in-law think he was unclear, or did he really think that Ephraim would be sad because of this?

  She hates you, you know?

   “I just wanted to make things clear because I didn’t want to hurt Ephraim.” Mo Mengchen said slowly, “I have a few questions, please answer them truthfully.”

Pedro once again said the classic advertising slogan: “No one can refuse Mo Mengchen’s first question: “As far as I know, you have been out of prison for two years, why did you come now? In the end Detroit? “

  At this time, the waiter brought steak and red wine.

   The pungent scent made Pedro smile, he didn’t lie, he did come here before, it was a nostalgic expression.

   Waiting for the waiter to go away, Pedro said: “I don’t want to disturb Ephraim. Before I learned that she was married to Dor.Mo, I never thought about disturbing her.”

  How does it feel when a person raises himself in the third-person tone?

   This feeling is very strange.

  Pedro said: “Later I heard that she had four children, I just wanted to see my grandchildren and granddaughter…”

   For Pedro’s words, Mo Mengchen didn’t have much doubt in his heart.

   This is human nature.

   “I contacted Ephraim through some relatives, but she would not even say a word to me, I tried it a few times, and then gave up…”

   “So you chose to take another route.” Mo Mengchen said his guess, “You chose to be a cleaner at the Imperial Axis Arena, taking the opportunity to approach me.”


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