You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1046 - Claudia\\\'s message

  Chapter 1044 Claudia’s Message

   “Super opponent: Dor.Mo62+11+8ohAI60+6+6!”

  Before the All-Star weekend, such a game can be very exciting to the fans.

   As a party, neither Mo Mengchen nor Iverson felt that much.

   One can win the game;

   One is unhappy after losing.

   The reporter failed to dig too much from them. Instead, Anthony gave the reporter a rare insight into the good material of the game: “Someone said I would not play the key ball, they were wrong.”

   aroused thousands of waves, a short sentence, so that Anthony was once again involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, but early the All-Star weekend is approaching, he should not have to spend too much effort to deal with the public opinion swept over by the tide.

  Back to Detroit, the Pistons felt at ease.

   It’s time for the holiday, and for those who participate in the All-Star weekend, book a ticket to Houston.

   On the day of departure, Mo Mengchen got up early.

It stands to reason that he does not have to go to Houston in advance. Jordan was not so enthusiastic about the All-Star weekend, often after a few days of gambling in the casino, and it was too late to arrive, unlike other All-Stars who posted to the place a few days in advance. “I love here/I can’t wait to perform/thank you for your support” Three public speeches.

  Mo Mengchen went so early, for only one reason, Alan Houston had a stage play to perform.

As a special guest,    will naturally be present.

   For this reason, Mo Mengchen didn’t spit Houston. You said that as a wounded person, it’s just not good to take care of the wounds, and also various commercial performances? He now understands the Rockets fans’ mood very well.

  This man has an annual salary of 19 million this year. He has only played 2 games for the Rockets so far this season, averaging 11 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists per game. Both efficiency and statistics have fallen to the lowest point in his career.

  Houston has become a high-paying and low-energy representative, but the Rockets are easy to ask God to send God difficult, such a big contract, no one dared to take over.

  Houston’s annual salary is 19 million this year, next season is 20 million, unless the Rockets are fish belly, and willing to post a lot of unprotected draft picks, otherwise everyone is not a fool, no one will take this hot potato.

  For fans, Houston is a terrible sin, and from a friend’s point of view, he did nothing wrong.

   He has already fulfilled his merits.

   Want a champion, have a champion;

   Want a big contract, and also sign a big contract.

   has been carefree, and has suffered serious injuries in recent years. When he left the Pistons, his ambitions also disappeared. There was only one heart left to perform. I wonder if extreme fans will come to the scene on the day of the show?

  Thinking of this, Mo Mengchen was looking forward to this perhaps not so wonderful stage play.

  Mo Mengchen was preparing in the living room. Suddenly, the phone at home rang.

  He picked it up easily: “Hello, which one?”

   “Are you… Mr. Mo?”

   sounds like the voice of an elderly woman.

   “It’s me, what are you?”

   “I’m Claudia, Ephraim’s aunt, do you remember? When you got married, I still had a speech on stage.”

  Mo Mengchen’s memory has always been very good, he remembered it.

  Claudia Davis, sister of Ephraim’s mother. After Ephraim’s father was in prison, Ephraim and Adrian had lived in Claudia’s house for a long time, and Claudia treated her niece as if she were her own.

   “Ephraim is coaxing the child in the room, what are you doing?”

   “Oh, what can I do, Pedro’s thing, the guy called me the other day and said that he and Mr. Mo… yes, that is, you met.”

  Claudia’s character is a bit like the combination of Ephraim and Adrian. It is said that Ephraim’s cooking skills have inherited her aunt perfectly.

  Claudia’s words puzzled Mo Mengchen.

   “Pedro?” Mo Mengchen needs to confirm, “Ephraim’s father?”

“Yeah, didn’t he meet you?” Claudia said, “That guy is so eloquent, doesn’t he lie to me? No reason… He has no reason to deceive this thing I.”

  Mo Mengchen has seen too many people, but his memory is very good, so he can remember most people.

   Of course, those passers-by on the street would definitely not remember it.

   “I have never seen Pedro, did he say anything else? For example, where did you see me?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “He didn’t say that this guy is mysterious.”

  Mo Mengchen hesitated and asked, “Does Ephraim know about this?”

“I know, Pedro contacted Ephraim through me. He wanted to meet Ephraim, but Ephraim always refused. This girl was too deep on Pedro’s prejudice. Mr. Mo, you advise Persuade her, no matter how, Pedro is also her father.”

   “What else do you know about Pedro?”

“This guy, he was released from prison two years ago. As soon as he was released, he asked me about the whereabouts of Ephraim. I didn’t tell him at first, he kept pestering me… Later I had no choice but to tell He lived in Detroit with Ephraim, but I talked about it, and Ephraim was angry with me about it!”

  Mo Mengchen tried to get used to Claudia’s southern accent, and then tried to guess Pedro’s purpose from these messages.

  What does he want to do?

   Since he is the father of Falian, from the perspective of the Chinese (essential), he is also half of his father. As for his needs, as a son-in-law, he will help to do so, as long as it is reasonable and legal.

   “Does he live in Detroit now?”

“Yes, he always wanted to meet Ephraim to clarify the misunderstanding, but there was no chance. You know, Ephraim is a celebrity in Detroit. She is Mr. Mo. Your wife, Pedro can’t get close. she was…”

   “Okay, thank you for telling me this.”

  Mo Mengchen chatted with Claudia again before hanging up the phone.

   Just hung up Claudia’s phone, Mo Mengchen immediately dialed the phone of the apartment bodyguard’s office.

   “Lucca, you and Selce are waiting for me at the parking lot.”

   After Falian finished the preparation for Mo Mengchen, she brought it out: “Meng Chen, look.”

   “Claudia just called.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Ephraim asked: “What did she say?”

   “There is something about Pedro.” Mo Mengchen said, “She said Pedro saw me.”

   “When?” Ephraim asked directly.

Mo Mengchen shook his head: “I have no impression, maybe he came to watch the game on the spot, maybe he was near the press conference, maybe he was one of the crowd of fans who was watching the team bus, I don’t know. “

  Ephraim was silent.

   “Since he wants to see you, why not meet him?” Mo Mengchen suddenly asked.

“Did I not say that?” Ephraim folded the clothes and put them into Mo Mengchen’s suitcase. “From a young age, I got over with the idea that he hates me and Adrian, since he hates We, I have to hate him too, that’s how I came over all these years.”

  Mo Mengchen closed the luggage: “Then you should not hide me.”

   “Sorry…” Ephraim said, “I just don’t want to distract you.”

“I’d rather be distracted for you than distracted by those things on the team.” Mo Mengchen gently lifted Ephraim’s cheek with his fingers. “You’d better be frank next time. I will catch the plane today. If it weren’t for a plane, I…”

   Ephraim smiled and said, “Where is the child still, what do you want to do?”

  Mo Mengchen shrugged, but gave up a series of beast-like plans in his mind.

   “If anything, call me to tell me.” Mo Mengchen said, “I will rush back immediately.”

   “What about the All-Star Game?”

   “People will understand my disappearance, because I got stuck in a boat and vomited and diarrhea on the plane. I had to go back to Detroit to recuperate.”

  Ephraim doesn’t want Mo Mengchen to miss the All-Star Weekend because of this kind of thing: “You can go at ease.”

  Mo Mengchen dragged his luggage and walked to the door to shout, “The little one inside, you still have two minutes to say goodbye to your dear dad!”

  Four children ran out of the a class of soldiers.

  Mo Mengchen slowly stooped down, one person kissed the kiss of his father, and finally waved goodbye.

   Parking lot, the two bodyguards Mo Mo Chen had already waited for a long time.

   Seeing Mo Mengchen coming, they stood upright like they were in the army.

   “Mr. Mo, you order something.”

“Cecile, help me find a person.” Mo Mengchen waited for him to prepare, and then said, “Pedro Orreina, 56, is now living in Detroit, I want you to find out his residence, His current job, and his nearest place of entry and exit.”

   “As for Luca.” Mo Mengchen looked at the Spaniard, “I need a bodyguard for this trip.”

  Spanish Luca Adriano nodded and said, “I am your sword and shield.”

  Mo Mengchen couldn’t stand the loyal appearance of this Spaniard, let him put the luggage on the car first, and then get on the car directly.

  With Cecil’s ability, Pedro should not be able to hide for long.

   Anyway, he will find out Pedro’s purpose. If it is a misunderstanding, he will try his best to help Ephraim and Pedro reconcile. Anyway, they are father and daughter.

  For him, this is a big event. He can become the father and grandfather of others, but he will never find his parents.


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