You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1031 - You must have a heart of awe

  The current Trail Blazers are completely different from the team that played against the Pistons in the Finals seven years ago and witnessed the beginning of the Pistons dynasty.

   This summer, the injured Webber had been questioned by the Portlanders.

Locals’ doubts about him include not limited to “habitual contraction of key battles, unreliable”, “no leader temperament, not as Man as Sprewell”, “why do you only play 23 games a year but Take away 19 million in salary?”

  The last question broke Weber’s heart. He dedicated everything to the city, and his injuries were never his wish.

   Therefore, he took the initiative to propose a deal to the team.

   Trail Blazers and Webber are good together, they sent Webber to Memphis, in exchange for All-Star power forward Rashad Lewis.

After Lewis was traded by the Pistons in the same year, he scored an average of 16+7 in the second season. Being elected the fastest player of the year is also a black history of Dumas. Now he has signed a billion yuan contract. Fan was traded to the Blazers and renewed his lead with former teammate Brad Miller.

  The Piston’s 98 three masters have all reached the heyday of their careers after leaving the team. They are proof of the wisdom of the Pistons’ uniform team.

   Without a lottery show, the three picks in the bottom of the draft pick three All-Stars, this is unprecedented.

The combination of Lewis and Miller also made the Blazers lose their defense in the penalty area, plus the old Sprewell-in recognition of his merits over the years, the Blazers ignored his seniority and sent a copy for 4 years. 60 million renewal contract, since then, NBA history has no longer a paragraph about the breadwinner.

   and the New York genius guard Sebastian Telfair, who was once the same as James, plus the former KG II Darius Myers.

  Tonight, they just want to play against the Pistons with such a starter.

  Rose Garden Arena

   “Daddy, long time no see.”

   Miller and Lewis came over to say hello to Mo Mengchen.

   “I listened to your rumors, it seems that it is difficult for me to dunk on you tonight.” Mo Mengchen said.

   Miller and Lewis both smiled reluctantly, and the world was criticizing their defense. Mo Mengchen’s cynicism made them difficult to parry.

   “Mother is okay?” Miller asked.

   “It is getting better.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Simple greetings, they each returned to the backcourt to warm up.

  The current Pistons, Momon Chen, Gerrard and Lor are the ones who have friendship with them.

   The strength of the Trail Blazers is no longer the same as before, and now it can only keep the ninth in the west by attacking alone, and as the season deepens, the problems on the defensive end will become more obvious.

  The two sides’ starters have played one after another.

   Miller confronted Curry, the starting center of the Pistons two generations. At the beginning, sending Miller away to support Curry also caused a lot of criticism for Dumas. Until Curry grew into an All-Star center, the controversy disappeared.

   started, Curry dialed the ball.

  Mo Mengchen took the ball and pulled the wings apart, and Anthony stood on the weak side and hung the ball in.

  Anthony backed Myers. Although the latter has a height advantage, it is only the height. The low offense and defense, the difference between weight and strength is decisive.

   The ball flew across the palm of the hand, and Miles was so difficult to take off.

   2 to 0

The Trailblazers’ starting defender Telfair dribbles to the frontcourt. His eyes are fixed on Mo Mengchen to watch non-stop. At that time, the nation’s first defender who was the same as James was planning to challenge Dor.Mo. .

  Telfer, who had only 19 minutes of playing time last season, had no chance to learn the strength of Dor.Mo. Tonight, he was determined to challenge him.

   The sharp change of direction is definitely a defender from New York, with a grinning look, exactly like his cousin Marbury. Mo Mengchen wants to prevent both his breakthrough and his shooting. Only when the defender is far stronger than the attacker will he choose this two-sided defense.

   Telfer’s direction is impressive, but it is difficult to get rid of Mo Mengchen. He began to hesitate. This hesitation became an excuse for Mo Mengchen to take the initiative.

   Tonight is destined to be Telfair’s Good Friday. The regular season is too boring for Mo Mengchen, and he can’t meet the strong team and the weak team every night. He must find some fun for himself. Among the many fun, the most fun fun is the long-awaited rookie.

Telfair was a raw face for him. He naturally regarded the opponent as a rookie, and a death coil came up. Although Telfair protected the ball, he waited until the ball was passed, and his teammates had no time to organize another wave. Attacked.

   The Trailblazers panic shot, missed the shot, Ginobili grabbed a rebound to counterattack, Mo Mengchen ran extremely fast, Anthony Midfield followed up, this three-line counterattack was led by Ginobili, Mo Mengchen attracted the defense, Anthony was responsible for the end.

   4 to 0

   Adelman is still the Blazers’ head coach, which shows that they are still a Princeton team.

  The Pistons won three more championships with Princeton, which greatly encouraged Adelman and gave the Blazers’ management full confidence in the team’s system.

   It was just that the aging of the main members forced them to rebuild.

   Lewis cooperated with Miller. The tacit understanding of the 98 Sanjie is needless to say, he bypassed Miller’s body to the left, received the pass, and shot three points.

   3 to 4

   This is the Blazers’ first field battle tonight.

   Scattered the frontcourt in twos, Momon dusted the ball, Telfer seriously defended, and the confident posture seemed to return to the days when the ABCD training camp and the talented sons joined forces to sweep the crowd.

Mo Mengchen patted the ball, no movement, and looked forward, as if he was organizing; two times, Telfair was shaken, he was not sure; when the third ball landed, Mo Mengchen took a step and started suddenly, Close-fitting, spinning, softly and overbearingly deflects Telfair’s defense from the front to the back.

  Miller and Lewis were defensively blocked by Mo Mengchen before the game. They did not dare to neglect tonight. No matter how good the defense is, they are going all out.

   They were close, and Mormon dust struck the earth and passed it to Gerrard, which completely broke the Blazers’ line of defense.

   Gerald Wallace jumped hard, pressing Lewis’ body with one arm dunk.

   6 to 3

   “After so many years, you still care about the front and back.” Mo Mengchen ridiculed.

   Telfer wanted Momon Chen to pay attention to him, but the result was that the other side inadvertently gave him a devastating blow on both ends of the attack and defense.

   his dribble is gorgeous, comparable to his distant cousin, but his gorgeous expression is lethal, but his gorgeous can only make the ignorant crowd cheer.

   Once the nation’s first point guard fell into the trap of Mo Mengchen and Anthony.



  The commentator’s lament made the fans send a huge boo to Telfair.

  Mo Mengchen dribbled the ball through the half and passed the ball. 2 of the front court hit 0. He brushed an assist that even a child could complete.

  Anthony scored 6 of the 8 points before the Pistons, but behaved like a ruthless killer, with no fluctuations in his face.

   Telfer reached the frontcourt again. He heard that Dor.Mo likes to spam, but tonight he has not heard a word from the other party’s mouth.

  Mo Mengchen’s eyes were contemptuous, as if he was bored with him. Combined with Telfair’s previous rounds of performance, it is really normal for Mo Mengchen to show this expression.

  The long regular season is boring. He just wanted to have some fun, but where can I find fun in Telfair?

  Even if you are the lover of your dreams, would she feel if she lay naked and lay on the bed and let you act without any interaction or even reaction?

  This is the feeling of Mo Mengchen and Telfair, the strength of this opponent is really inexhaustible.

The undisguised contempt stabbed the heart of the first defender in the United States, and the change in direction of the super-radian really made him shake out the breakthrough He stepped into it in surprise, only to know that it was prepared in advance Good death trap.

   Gerrard blocked in front, Mo Mengchen caught up with the attack, Telfair’s teammates were angry and anxious, but could not provide much help.

   Watching Telfair’s ball was cut off by the Pistons, they had no choice but to help.

  Mo Mengchen held the ball with a fast break and the momentum was amazing. In the front court, the fans covered their mouths. I can’t believe that Dor. Mo, 32, can also make a glide split from the free throw line.

   8 to 3

   “At the beginning, I was looking forward to the sparks from both sides. It seemed that I was very wrong.” The commentator on the scene said frustratedly, “Sebastian met Dor.Mo like a mouse met a cat.”

His partner negates: “No, Toby, you are wrong to say that, the mouse at least knows to be scared. Do you feel any fear from Sebadisian? He is not afraid of Dor.Mo at all, this Probably the most positive thing in him.”

  The narrator tried to excuse Telfair, and finally could only wash white with the courage to dare to face Dor.Mo.

  It’s just that on the court, as the team’s point guard, he didn’t give the ball to the inside line-playing Princeton without passing the ball to the inside line to do anything. – Perseverance and Mo Mengchen singled out, resulting in continuous mistakes.

   Telfer was unanimously reprimanded by Adelman: “You must have a heart of awe, young man!”

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