You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1026 - Defensive crash

     “What we need to improve is the concentration on the game.” Mo Mengchen said in an interview with the midfielder, “I haven’t taken care of the shots a few times.”

   Due to the rare misfire of the Pistons, the Cavaliers dominated the visitors at halftime, leading 57 points to 44 points.

  The reporter then asked Mo Mengchen’s evaluation of LeBron James scoring 17 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists in the half.

  Mo Mengchen’s evaluation of James is as stingy as Anthony: “Very good.”

   That’s it. Nothing else. He didn’t say what is good and what needs to be improved. The meaning of perfunctory is obvious.

  The reporter no longer pestered him, and let him return to the dressing room.

  Mo Mengchen walked inwards without even looking at the crazy fans on both sides of the dressing room intersection.

   In the past, Hill would stand here waiting for him, and they would go back to the locker room together. They would say a few words on the road, sneer or sarcasm, encourage each other, discuss the game, and discuss things not related to the game.

   Suddenly he was left alone, Mo Mengchen didn’t expect that he needed Hill so much.

   is still an old saying, only know it is lost when it is lost.

In the first half, Mo Mengchen’s performance can be said to be mediocre. He only got 11 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. He didn’t play actively enough. He missed a few shots and didn’t make a shot. The feel was not very good. Like he said, no Too hard.

   In his status, no one would deny him because he didn’t play well at half time. In the commentary, Lambir and Johnson discussed another issue.

   “Let’s take this time to discuss one thing.” Lambier laughed. “Cameron or LeBron?”

  Johnson looked embarrassed and said, “I like both players. It is difficult to choose one.”

   “Well, if Dor.Mo and Grant Hill retire tonight, who would you choose to be their successor?” Rambir struggled for ratings.

  The audience in the front row heard the movement of the commentary and shouted the name of Cameron. Their children, of course they like it, and LeBron is no matter how good it is.

The audience in the back row did not know what was happening in the front row, but someone in front shouted Cameron, all from their own family. They definitely called for something to happen. Of course, they must also follow the call, so the audience followed the call “Cameron” .

   didn’t expect Johnson to choose anyone, he said cunningly: “I will kneel on behalf of thousands of Pistons fans and ask them not to retire.”

Lambier did not expect this old product to be clever at this time. He said lightly: “If I were to choose now, I would choose LeBron. He is more suitable as a cornerstone player of a team. Cameron is more like Pure attacker.”

“Are you trying to say that Cameron, who is averaging 24 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists per game, is a pure offensive player?” Johnson can’t bear it anymore. Although he usually looks down on Anthony, he should be the platform for his family. At that time, it was incumbent, “Bill, then I will ask you a question.”

  Lambiel would not refuse to show up.

   “If a player has a career average of 30 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, do you think he is a pure offensive player?” Johnson asked.

  Lambier just wanted to say that without this player, the average of 30+6+5 per game in a single season has been great, and the career average of 30+6+5?

   Seeing Lambier being silent, he seemed to be wondering which expert this is. Johnson announced the answer: “This player’s name is Michael Jordan.”

  Lambier and Johnson couldn’t convince each other. The two couldn’t hold each other. This topic was followed.

   Less than half an hour, there are people talking about this on the Internet.

   “If Dor.Mo retires tonight, who would you choose to be the successor?”

   Candidates expanded from Anthony and James to others in the league.

“Cameron is really good, but he never showed his ability to be alone.” Lambil said finally, “Because Dor.Mo and Grant are always standing beside him, we all say that it depends on whether a person’s ability is strong, He threw him into a dangerous situation, so he was in an awkward environment-Dor. Mo was the best teammate in the world. Before he retired, Cameron could never prove whether he could stand alone. , Is it possible to support the capacity of the piston dynasty.”

In this debate, Lambier successfully played a villain who was not optimistic about Anthony. The fans who disagreed with him were the majority, and most of them were fans from other teams. If the successor of the dynasty was not successful, the piston dynasty would be overthrown. Faster.

   It’s just that those fans who don’t approve of Lambier can hardly refute his last words.

   So far, Anthony and Curry, these two flower shows that have high hopes, have indeed not proved themselves in the absence of Mo Mengchen and Hill.

  The locker room of the Pistons, Fraser made a major decision to decide the direction of the game.

   “Gerard, I know you are very unsuitable for the position of power forward, but now you have to go to the field to fight against the opponent, I will let you stay on the field until the end of the game.”

  From the second half, Gerrard’s position was fixed.

  O’Neal asked for the ball in the post, and the defender behind him was Curry.

   Curry encountered foul trouble and dared not to force O’Neill’s defense.

  O’Neill expected that he would shrink his hands on the defensive end. In order to save physical strength, he chose to resist one step and turned to hook.


   missed, Gerrard and Griffin jumped up at the same time, the latter’s height and weight advantage significantly suppressed Gerrard, picked melon on his head, and then started again.

  Gerald jumped with him, and covered Griffin’s ball with amazing explosive power.

  Mo Mengchen picked up a defensive rebound and raised his hand to Ginobili. The Argentine demon knife held the ball and pushed back to score.

   46 to 57

   Gerrard seems to be changing in a positive direction. Mo Mengchen is watching the inside, when James suddenly launches an attack.

   Because the Pistons have a defensive position!

  This is a rare opportunity. James drove Anthony’s defense head-on. In four steps, Gerrard rolled his hands excitedly, indicating to the referee, but the referee did not respond, and the little emperor dunked.

  59 to 46

   “The coach said before the start of the game, regardless of whether his feet are clean or not, do what you should do!” Mo Mengchen angered.

   With anger, Mo Mengchen turned towards Butler, like a flying arrow shot, hit the target, O’Neill’s assist defense was not in his eyes.

   48 to 59

   “Who are you scaring to open your teeth to the air?” Mo Mengchen sneered.

   O’Neill’s eyes were filled with anger, and he ran to the frontcourt to furiously ask for the ball. His attitude of not stopping without getting the ball made James only pass the ball.

   While he was angry, Mo Mengchen suddenly dropped Butler and went to the inside to prepare for the envelope.

  Mo Mengchen’s idea is no problem, but Curry’s defense is not tough enough. He is worried about fouls. When defending and fighting and retreating, being pushed into the basket by a monster of the shark series, the burst is a raging snap.

   61 to 48

  Mo Mengchen delivered the ball in the frontcourt and fell into the post to hit Butler.

   Butler has a height of 201 cm, but only weighs 93 kg, but Mo Mengchen is a solid 100 kg. When he hit the force, his center of gravity was crushed at once.

   The defense collapsed, Mo Mengchen had no pause, rolled over and shot a ball, hitting the board.

   50 to 61

  Mo Mengchen’s game rhythm is completely different from the first half, scoring fast and accurate, as long as the Timberwolves do not replace Butler, his scoring will not stop.

   Timberwolves coach Dwayne Casey also considered letting others defend Momon Chen, but Anthony and Ginobili are not good at it. If Butler is to switch between the two, it is estimated that it is also a lot of evil.

   In the first half, because Mo Mengchen’s desire to attack was not strong, Butler as a space shooter helped the Timberwolves take the lead. Now it is time for him to retire.

  Two minutes later, Bowen boarded the stage again.

  As long as Mo Mengchen was willing, Bowen could not prevent him. All he can do is prevent Mo Mengchen from attacking as casually as he does Butler.

  As long as Bowen can get time for his teammates, others can also spare time to assist.

  Mo Mengchen’s attack opened, and on the Timberwolves, James’ long shot also opened in due course.

  O’Neill wanted to hit the ball from the back. The Pistons can no longer empty James, but can only let Mo Mengchen to wrap up.

   Bowen deliberately stood at the bottom corner, Mo Mengchen contracted in, and the shark’s ball passed in time.

   Bowen made a three-pointer.

   If this ball can hit, the difference between the two sides will be opened to 16 points, with the Timberwolves’ current offensive, the Pistons are difficult to hit back.


  The bottom corner is Bowen’s most stable shooting He also successfully warned the Pistons with a stable open three-pointer.

  O’Neill’s low post attack became unstoppable.

   If one-on-one confrontation for a long time, O’Neill’s strong period may reach 30 minutes, which is extremely bad news for the Pistons in desperate need of chasing points.

   hit this step, Curry can no longer shrink his hands, he must stand up to challenge O’Neill.

  Curry first hit a three-pointer from the outside and then struggling against the shark’s low singles.

   The shark failed to seize the inside space and turned to attack the basket with a small hook.

   He played smoothly, Curry couldn’t stop him, and his free throws were accurate. His outside teammates could also score three points. The Pistons couldn’t deal with him with an annoying bag, except hook.

  O’Neill’s hook feels bad tonight.

   missed the hook and popped out.

   Gerald rarely withstands Griffin and is about to protect the defensive rebound, but O’Neill inserted a bar horizontally and picked up the rebound again.

In order to compete for the rebound with O’Neill, Gerald had to give up the lock on Griffin. The rebound was picked up again. With the advantage of height, Griffin jumped from the back and grabbed the offensive rebound with his backhand. Put the basket.

   The defense of the Pistons completely collapsed.

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