YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 397: Another World Cinematography


Explosions and shockwaves ruptured the ground, the winds lashing out with every clash and the ground shook at every wave. There was a storm of mana and ruin, the symphony of death playing heavily in the air.

Platinum streaks bolted across the ground and all sorts of colors flashed in every second. Mana gathered into intense orbs of light, sucking everything towards the center until the air started to howl and bellow, pulsing and shining violently.

The orbs were broken and mana burst forth like a storm, several beams raining down on the ground like a downpour or death and destruction, craters appearing one after another and pillars of smoke rising towards the sky.

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Barrier!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Yuna]

She raised her hands and a storm of mana condensed into several layers of tough and resilient barriers. They overlapped atop one another and stopped the torrent of beams and blasts coming her way.

At the same time, she swiped her hands and her daggers disappeared. The very next moment, one of her started to glow, a magnificent staff appearing in her hands. It was the same platinum color as the dragons above her, glimmering so brilliantly.

She focused her mind and calmed her breathing, the staff glowing a glacial blue color and the winds around her starting to freeze. Even the ground was not spared, a thin layer of frost and ice slowly creeping in towards all directions.


The barrage of death was soon over and the barriers were lifted. The dragons rushed towards the young elf, but before they could even do so, a ringing sense of danger swept towards them, flapping their wings hastily as they made their retreat.

She brandished the staff and diamond dust appeared all of the sudden. The whole ground was covered in frost, the winds trembling from the cold. Those dusts covered into a raging storm and lashed out everywhere, cold winds darting everywhere.

The snow and ice swirled some more and turned into gigantic spear of deep blue and pure white, swirling like tornadoes and howling out like hungry wolves. It was made of pure frost, able to freeze anything at the slightest of touches.

There wasn't just one, but a whole 13 of them. Normally, it would have been hard to pull off, but with the assistance of the Divine Staff, Yuna is able to save 12 spells and use it for a later time. That very time is now!

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Endless Frost: Khione!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Her cold voice rang out and the spears bolted all over the place. With how blue and fast they were, they would seem like lightning bolts at the same time, chasing down the dragons who were pouring torrents to the young elf.

"You're not going anywhere!" [Yuna]

Some tried to maneuver their way out of the raging spears, but with the activation of her "Authority", she controlled the spears from a long distance, making them sing and dance in her tune, not missing even a single beat.

All the High Dragons could do was hide and run away. They were much weaker than Yuna, so there was no way they could confront the spears of ice head on. Only Sirius had the capability to do so, creating illusions to confuse Yuna.

"Eldest Sister, thank you very much!" [Procyon]

"You can thank me later. For now, focus on the battle before you." [Sirius]

"Understood!" [Procyon]

All Sirius did was nothing more than make a myriad of illusions, but for Yuna who doesn't possess the same eyes as Grey, it was a tricky situation. She even gave them some mana to make detecting the real ones even harder.

There was also no need to panic. Some of the HIgh Dragons were injured, but with the help of Kentaurus, healing a big wound or two wasn't too hard. The only problem was that when he heals others, he wastes a lot of mana. A massive lot of mana.


Of course, they didn't just stay still and let themselves be hunted down. They also fought back, slowly but surely cracking down on the number of massive spears as much as they could, a downpour of ice raining down the ground.

The whole battlefield had turned to hell once again, explosions akin to nuclear strikes ringing out everywhere. There was dust, debris, smoke, and vapor everywhere, the once flat terrain down riddled with craters and gashes.

"Capella! Watch outー !!!" [Vega]

⟨⟨Death's Maw!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Capella heeded Vega's call as quickly as she could, but unfortunately for her, she wasn't quick enough. All she could do was move her body slightly away from Yuna, the latter appearing out of this air and brandishing her daggers.

Her daggers cut through the pretty platinum scales of Capella and her wings were almost crippled at the deadly flow. She spiraled out of control and almost crashed towards the ground, Yuna disappearing soon again.


An explosion of frost echoed all of the sudden and the whole ground was covered in an even thicker frost all of the sudden. Frozen fauna appeared one after another, from blue grassy fields al, the way to frozen canopies. All were present.

Yet as much as how beautiful the forest was, it was also just as dangerous. Capella, who was now close to the ground, had been restrained by glacial blue vines and its thorns locked on it like a predator which just captured its prey.

It was an area which spread hundreds of meters, making the ground Yuna's own domain. The moment one lands on the ground would be the moment they will be finished. They would be as good as out of the match.

"The Mistress got you too, huh, Capella..." [Canopus]

"I-I'm really s-sorry... I-I-I was careless..." [Capella]

"It's fine, Capella. We aren't really in a position to scold you." [Arcturus]

Well, it wasn't just Capella who was taken out by Yuna's area-controlling tactics, but Canopus, Arcturus, and Achernar as well. They were all lured into the Winter Forest and forced to be taken out after taking a substantial amount of damage.

Normally, with Yuna only on par with Sirius, it would have been difficult to take on all the familiars, but with Yuna using her "Triple" of her authority, she boosts her strength to be on par with that of Disaster-Class, giving her a more equal advantage.

In exchange, she has to drink one elixir one after another to recover her mana. She had to drink whenever she was free and make sure to watch out for the enemy. It was an exhausting task which required a lot of mental power.

"Everyone sure is having fun, huh..." [Grey]


"Yo, everyone. It seems like Yuna's been a little rough with you." [Grey]

Said Grey as he approached the familiars and casted some healing over them. Their wounds aren't very deep and the familiars aren't very hurt, but there was no need to be cheap about it. It was better to keep them in tip-top condition.

Just a couple seconds later and all their wounds were healed, and all their blood and fluids have also been replaced. All that's left to do is have them rest for some time and everyone would be good as new. Grey's healing is also top-tier.

"Thank you very much, Master. That was very much appreciated." [Arcturus]

"Ohh! I feel much better now! Thanks, Master! You're a lifesaver!" [Canopus]

"Sure. Just make sure to rest yourselves. Don't get too excited." [Grey]

It has been almost half a month since Grey and Yuna took the honey and maple syrup quest and life has been calm as usual. They were doing their hobbies, doing quests, and enjoying each other's sweet company.

Now, Yuna is sparring against the familiars and sharpening her skills. Taking quests was good, but it's still better to test your skills against someone whose level is close to hers. Sparring with the familiar was more than perfect.

Normally, she would be sparring with Grey, but Grey has been working on a certain project for quite some time now. He has been locking himself in his workshop, doing all sorts of things and trying all sorts of experiments. There were also explosions

"Then, shall we test this bad boy out?" [Grey]

Said Grey, whipping out new equipment. There was a tripod which stood about the same height as his eyes, its legs stretched out in different heights, balancing itself to make the top flat and suitable for placing any object on it.

He then placed a lensed magic tool, a small box with a handful of buttons all over it, a magic lens in front, a pair of clear crystals to emit light, and several canisters to hold several films on the right. It was the new and improved camera.

Now, not just taking photographs, it can even record videos and audios of various scenes and is even packed with a mini projector to review videos later on. Its films can also store high definition videos at a maximum of about 30 minute duration!

"Ohh! What's that, Master? Is that a new weapon?!" [Caponus]

"Second Brother, don't be stupid! That's clearly a camera, right, Master?!" [Vega]

"It seems like the Mistress has beaten you as well, Vega." [Arcturus]

"Hehehe! The Mistress is just too strong. Her attribute oppresses mine." [Vega]

And now, even Vega has joined the list of defeated dragons. Like Capella, she was caught by Yuna's Winter Forest and suffered some light injuries. Grey quickly casted healing spells on her and relieved her of the pain and irritation.

"Vega's right. This is a camera, but! It's very different from the camera you've seen before. This one is an even better version, you see..." [Grey]

Explained Grey, obviously proud of his creation. It was one which took him quite a lot of time, effort, and headaches. And now, he's finally completed it. The only thing is, it is much more expensive compared to normal cameras... Over a dozen times, at that.

It was difficult to make the camera capture several dozen photos a second, but that was quickly overcome by improving the material of the film to be more resilient with the use of alchemy and changing the speed of the magic circuits which takes photos.

The insanely difficult part was matching the audio of the video into the captured scenes. It was difficult to capture the exact same sounds, filter out various rubbish, and tie it to the films as the same item. There just wasn't a rune to help.

Fortunately enough, Grey was a Tier-8 Enchanter. If there was no rune to fit his use, then all he needed to do was make a new one. He weaved several circuits together to create a couple new runes with meaning and functions to fit his needs.

Using those new runes, Grey then created a brand new type of film paper to inscribe those runes and make it hold the audio along the moving pictures. A tad bit of fiddling later, and Grey was finally able to complete the camera.

"Well, it might be hard to understand for now... It would probably be better to just see it in action, rightー" [Grey]


And just as Grey finished his explanation, another one of the familiars was blasted off towards the ground by Yuna's most powerful spell, the Winter Forest embracing her soon after, ice taking over her whole body like a deadly poison.

Not that Yuna would actually kill her anyway. After a couple seconds of being unable to break free, the Winter Forest loosened up and the platinum figure could get loose, soon heading back to the losers' area. It was Procyon.

"Welcome back, Procyon. You did well. Here, let me heal you." [Grey]

"Ugh... Thank you very much, Master... It hurts..." [Procyon]

"Don't worry about it. It's just a little bit of mana anyway." [Grey]

Now, there were only 3 more High Dragons remaining in the battlefield. It was Sirius who wields Illusion Magic, Kentaurus with his Holy Magic, and Rigel with his Water Magic. They were all proud Calamity-Class Familiars.

And though the number of Yuna's opponents are decreasing quite significantly, so was her stamina. Her mind and body are starting to get fatigued from using Authority and her stock of elixirs are also running out rapidly. It was a battle against time.

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Endless Frost: Khione!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Yuna]


Yuna fired her gargantuan spears once more, all rushing towards the familiars at tremendous speeds. In response , the familiars also launched their own barrage, beams and bolts fired in rapid succession without rest.

Siriua once again created several illusions and made themselves vanish into thin air. She made sure to leave traces of mana behind, manipulating the natural flow to make it harder to predict where their true selves are actually hiding.


There were only sudden explosions running across the ground, some were real and some were not. The Winter Forest was slowly getting demolished, erased as quickly as they could before they started spreading al, over again.

All Yuna could do was hide herself along the forest, casting a thin but durable layer of barriers over her body. The enemy was hiding from her sight, so who says she can't do the same. With her "Nihility", nothing was impossible.

"Mmhmm... Looks like they're doing well..." [Grey]

Everyone could only watch and behold the devastating clash happening before them. The familiars were now in their wolf pup forms, latching their eyes towards the battle and cuddling up like the little furballs that they are.


At the same time, Grey quickly set-up the camera, clicking buttons one after another and flicking the right switches to change the configuration of the camera. The lenses were unveiled as the shutters opened up, sunlight reflecting from the clear glass.

The battle was already ending, so there was no need to hesitate. There was no better scene for a trial shot, Grey yet pressing another button. The timers soon started to beep and the scenes were engraved into the film.


The rain of destruction continued to pour and more and more areas of the Winter Forest were obliterated, flames and dust spreading like wildfire. Massive chunks of ice flew left and right, the sound of glass and ice breaking playing like music in the air.

The young lady made her appearance once again, and her eyes gleamed coldly like the ice around her. She waved her hand and the Divine Staff vanished out of thin air, a pair of glimmers shimmering radiantly as daggers took their place.

⟨⟨Fading Haze⟩⟩ [Yuna]

It was only a short time when she reappeared and her figure vanished once more. Only a storm of dust, snow, smoke, and mana brewed in the air, dancing ever so chaotically in a land filled with ruin and destruction.

Such a storm grew bigger and bigger, Yuna bolting all over the place until there was nothing left untouched. She once again reappeared, before the crowd and her eyes gleamed blue. A smile appeared on her face.


In all but a single instant, thousands upon thousands of blades poured out from the young lady's daggers, slicing and dicing up everything there is to see. Be it the winds or the Winter Forest, everything was diced up without discrimination.

Yuna may be unable to detect the familiars in the wide battlefield, but that doesn't mean she can't hit them. If she can't find them, then she'll just have to make them bleed until they can no longer do so.

She has been slashing and cutting as she bolted across the fields, using her new ability "Phantom Streams" to delay the attacks and activate them in a single instant. She made a net of blades, covering as far as the eyes can see.


And that very net caught a massive fish, his pained and agonized roar echoing all throughout the fields. It was Kentaurus, the healer of the team. And not just one, but several wounds appeared all over its massive body.

Yuna didn't waste any more time and darted quickly towards the bellowing dragon, her daggers pointing out towards Kentaurus' neck and ready to take out another one. She was now strengthened by the blood she drew, ready to land a strike.

"Rest well, Kentaurus. ⟨⟨Death's Maー" [Yuna]


However, it was all a trap. The moment Yuna was attacking and unable to switch into her Phaseless mode, Sirius suddenly appeared out of nowhere, her maws wide open and a storm of mana swirling inside, ready to be fired.

And fire it, she did. The moment her jaws were at point-blank range, Sirius quickly blasted a massive beam of mana and light, striking Yuna dead on without any hopes of escaping, all matter obliterated without mercy.

Light soon dissipated, and what was left was a long and seared scar on the ground. And one might expect to find an unconscious Yuna on the ground, but contrary to their expectations, there wasn't even a shadow of her.

"Have you forgotten already, Sirius?" [Yuna]

The moment she reappeared, she was already below Sirius, her foot planted firmly in the ground and her platinum daggers pointed up towards the latter's mouth. Even if Sirius were to use illusion magic, she would still suffer the sharp blades of Yuna.

"You're not the only one who can use Illusion Magic!" [Yuna]

Exclaimed Yuna as she thrusted her daggers towards Sirius' lower jaw. All she did was scratch her and landed gently on the ground. Sirius had already lost, so there was no need to harm her too much and make her bleed.

"It seems like I'm still lacking, Mistress." [Sirius]

"No, it was a good match, Sirius. You did wonderful." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! I don't deserve such words... Good luck, Mistress." [Sirius]

With her out of the battle, Sirius quickly shrank her body and took her wolf pup form. She soon headed towards where the others were, her wounds and injuries quickly healed by Grey who was now on standby.

Now, there are only two familiars left in the battlefield. And with Sirius now out of the match, even if Yuna was already exhausted, it were Kentaurus and Rigel who were at a disadvantage. They can no longer hide themselves.

Kentaurus quickly healed himself to be in tip-top condition, his wounds disappearing one after another as golden light melded into his body. He was in no way better than Yuna in every parameter, but they still had a final card up their sleeves.


Without any other choice left, Kentaurus quickly charged up all the mana he could muster and faced Yuna head on. He casted all the holy magic he could, buffing himself to blast the most honorable of attacks.

In response, Yuna did the same and bolted towards her, laying down the notorious Winter Forest if ever Rigel were to join the fight. The field was now in her favor and it was only a matter of time before everything was decided.


Kentaurus left his jaw wide open, a torrent of bolts and stars rushing out to get Yuna. They exploded all over the place, sending tremors through the ground and making shockwaves run amok all over the vast fields of blue and red.

The Winter Forest was shaken, shards of eyes flying everywhere. However, it was all useless. Yuna didn't even need to dodge. She simply went Phaseless and ignored all the attacks coming her way, heading straight towards Kentaurus' neck.

Kentaurus soon ran out of mana, and Yuna didn't let the opportunity slip by. As soon as Kentaurus was out of fuel, she immediately leaped into the air, and readied her daggers to be brandished, the glimmer of death in the field of blue.

"Rigel, now!" [Kentaurus]

However, before she could even reach the latter, one of the bolting shards of blue ice suddenly transformed into a dragon. Rigel had been using his "Shapeshift" all along, waiting for an opportunity when Yuna got careless.

"Do you think this will work on me?!" [Yuna]

No. Rather than Yuna, it seems that it was them who got careless. Before Rigel could even charge his attack, Yuna simply changed her position and trajectory with the help of wind magic, maneuvering herself midair.

She switched her stance and reached her hands out towards Rigel. A massive blade of mana extended from her dagger and dashed out towards the latter, cleanly cutting him a deep woundー or so what Yuna expected.

"Wha...?" [Yuna]

In the first place, Rigel had already been eliminated just a couple moments before. All that was left of him was a trace of his presence and a mirage which was now cleanly cut in half, slowly fading away into thin air like passing lies.

Sirius was never eliminated in the first place. She simply used an illusion to disguise Rigel to look and sound like her. The real her was still in the battlefield, now opening her massive maws and directing a heavy attack towards Yuna.


There was no chance to dodge, and no time left to activate her ability. Yuna received the attack head on and bore the burden of pain and shock. Another gashing scar was left in the fields of blue, the young lady blasted away from the attack.

Yuna landed a little distance away from where she previously was, falling into a deep cushion of ice and snow. Her eyes were now swirling and her vision was black, sent towards dreamland after her body finally felt the exhaustion flood in.

"M-M-Mistress! I apologize! Please forgive me!" [Sirius]

"Wait for me, Mistress! I will heal you in a moment!" [Kentaurus]

They were just battling it out not even a moment ago, but now that they saw Yuna blasted away and lying unconscious on the ground, the familiars quickly rushed out and came to her rescue, Kentaurus prioritizing her wounds over his.

All such scenes were recorded in the camera, the lenses capturing all the colors and the film running quickly, imprinting all the precious memories before it. Grey's chuckle resounded in the air, his voice recorded before the end button was clicked.

"I wonder how Yuna will react to this." [Grey]

The first filming was a great success!


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