We are at home (31)

"Wow, Big brother Jakob, I have never seen so many people," Su Lingxi exclaimed in surprise as she saw the streets crowded with people.

The Yellow City was the Capital of the Green Cloud Kingdom. The Green Cloud Kingdom was one of the greatest powers on the continent therefore its capital was undoubtedly one of the most important trade centers in the region.

One of the attractions of the Yellow City was its strict security. Despite welcoming all kinds of people, the dens ensured strict compliance with the law at all times. Many mercenaries lived in this City because it was a safe place for their families while they were on a mission.

This place was the headquarters of the mercenary group that Ruvan belonged to. It was precisely in this City where he had been left by his family's cultivators at the time he was exiled. It was on the streets of this City that a twelve year old boy had to become an adult if he wanted to have a chance to survive.

"It is natural little Ling'er… The Green Cloud Kingdom has diplomatic relations with almost all nations on the continent. Here you will find merchants from all corners of the continent" Ruvan said with a smile as he explained some things to the curious girl.

"Big brother lives here then?" Su Lingxi asked with doubts. If she had learned anything from her mother it was that living in the Cities was something expensive that very few people could afford.

"That's right… Your Big Brother has a house here… You will soon meet it" Ruvan said with a smile as they continued their way on top of Viridis. The streets of the City were quite wide so the entry of mounts was allowed as long as they were registered at the City Customs.

Ruvan, being a resident, had the Viridis documentation. The same was true for Lyra's Earth Horse and his men's other mounts.

"Wow... It seems like we're entering the rich people's district..." Su Meiyao murmured as she saw how they had left the bustling streets to enter a much quieter sector with much larger and more exclusive residences. The people who frequented the streets began to be reduced to a few carriages that were escorted by private guards.

'I heard from my father and my brother talk about the Yellow City and its greatness but I never imagined that it was so luxurious' thought Su Meiyao as she remembered with nostalgia her late father who traveled with some frequency from his small town to the big cities to do some businesses.

'I never imagined that he was someone so important after all, living here requires something more than just money' Su Meiyao rightly thought. Although she had remained oblivious to her family's business, that did not mean that she was an ignorant woman, but on the contrary, she was quite intelligent.

It was thanks to that intelligence that she and her daughter had managed to overcome all kinds of difficulties throughout their journey.

"You see that house… That's your Big brother's" Ruvan said with a proud smile. After all, what man wouldn't feel proud to show off his mansion in front of some woman.

"Wow! Is so big! I have never seen a house so big!! Su Lingxi exclaimed sincerely as she saw the huge mansion in the distance. The mansion consisted of almost three hectares of land surrounded by fairly high walls. Two huge wooden doors were placed at the entrance to prevent the intrusion of anyone curious.

"How did the Big brother get a house like that?" Su Lingxi asked curiously after all only members of the nobility could live in a residence of that size within the capital. Even the richest merchants had to exercise restraint to avoid offending any of the noble families.

"This house was given by the crown prince to your Big brother as a reward for saving his life" Ruvan said with a smile. Su Lingxi quickly asked for details of the story however Ruvan shook his head saying that that would be a story for another day.

Although Su Lingxi pouted, her mind quickly forgot about it when she saw how the mansion doors opened, revealing a beautiful, gigantic garden.

"Welcome Sir"

"It is good to see you back my Lord." An elderly couple came to greet Ruvan and his men happily.

"Old Walter" "Old Norris"

"It's good to see that they haven't turned into dust yet" Ruvan joked upon seeing the old couple. Both of them were quite thin however their eyes still possessed an energetic look.

"Hahaha the young sir is quite funny."

"The pills that the man gave us made the pain in this old man's back disappear"

"Same for me… This old man feels like he has experienced a second spring again" The pair of old men joked as they accompanied Ruvan towards the mansion.

"And well? All in order? Please tell me Jonah didn't destroy the house?" Lira asked with an anxious tone of voice.

"The house is still intact, Miss Lira... However, Mr. Jonah once again fell into debt with the casino..." Old Walter said with an ironic smile.

"Seriously. How could that old idiot run out of his fortune in dice games?"

"And yes I guess right. The expenses are now borne by the captain. TRUE?" Lira asked with an annoyed expression.

"Yes it is my Lady. Mr. Jonah said that could be considered his fee for keeping the house safe" Said Old Man Norris while shaking his completely bald head.

"Calm down Lira. I had already contemplated something like this happening" Ruvan said with a smile while patting Lira on the shoulder.

"Captain, if you continue allowing that old man to take care of our house every time we leave, we will go bankrupt very soon despite our profits" Lira complained when she saw Ruvan's indifference towards Jonah's expenses.

"Don't worry... Although Jonah is sometimes a pain in the ass, his prestige saves us countless problems. Remember that we have made several enemies who are waiting for us to show a little weakness to show their fangs" Ruvan said with a serious expression.

"Sigh, you're right," Lira sighed tiredly as they reached the entrance to the residence.

"Guys, you can go back to your dormitories to see your wives" Ruvan said with a smile as the rest of the soldiers quickly left for their residence area. Like a good noble mansion, it had a separate courtyard for servants. That place was where Ruvan's soldiers resided after the facilities were remodeled to give them greater comfort.

"Well, let's go in," Ruvan said with a smile as he opened the sliding doors of the mansion.

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