Talented Swordsman (109)

Shit… A level four spirit beast."

"This is already out of our reach… It is best to leave"

"It's true… Edmar, this is too dangerous for us" The disciples quickly became tense upon seeing the enormous level four Sand Hyena. Level four spirit beasts were not only infinitely strong, but also possessed intelligence similar to that of a human, they were undoubtedly one of the worst enemies a cultivator could encounter. "

Wait… Apparently the cultivator plans to confront the beast with everything he has…"

"So what? Even if that poor guy gives everything he has, he will end up dying."

"It's true… That poor idiot doesn't have a chance."

"Calm down… Let's see what happens. If the guy dies we just leave without the beast noticing."



"But if he managed to weaken the beast enough, maybe there would be an opportunity for us…" Said the ever-greedy Edmar. A level four beast was worth its entire price in spirit stones.

'Just the value of a level four spirit beast is more than enough to fund my cultivation to the Heaven Realm.

"Edmar, are you crazy?"

"It's true Edamar… It's too risky"

"SILENCE! I already said my order" Edmar said with a cold voice. Memories of the cruelty of their ever-smiling leader returned to everyone present.

Edmar was always a relatively accessible guy as a leader but this did not mean that he was a saint, quite the opposite. His cruelty was well known throughout the Outer Courtyard. From crippling his competitors to "mysterious" disappearances, there was no crime in which Edmar was not involved.

"Is everything clear?"

"Yes Boss" The disciples answered with a dull voice, after all no one had the courage to contradict Edmar's order.

'Let's see what happens...'


"Very well… It seems that the time has come" The masked bandit murmured as he began to take off the top part of his suit. In the end he was left with a completely naked torso, revealing an extremely muscular body, which was full of scars...

"You are a lucky beast… With you I will use my true weapon" A beautiful silver sword appeared on the scene. The sword was quite large, undoubtedly the ideal weapon for a greatsword swordsman.

"JUAR" "JAUR" "JAUR" "JAUR" "JAUR" The gigantic Hyena laughed contemptuously as he saw the silver sword make its appearance, in his opinion no object could change the outcome of the battle.

"Metallic armor" With a slight whisper, the leader's body turned a metallic grayish color... The Hyena was quite solemn at this change. No matter what, his natural instincts told him that his prey had become something much more dangerous than before.

"Now we'll see who takes who to hell."

"Iron Thrust position one"

"Iron Thrust position two"

"Iron Thrust position three" A flurry of three attacks took place as the powerful bandit dove straight towards the hyena's gigantic body.

"GGGRHHH" The hyena tried to dodge as fast as he could but unfortunately one of the bandit's attacks had managed to reach him.

"It seems like you dodged most of the attacks…" The bandit murmured with some amazement as he saw a small red line on the beast's skin.

'Shit... Not only is he fast but his skin is extremely resistant' The bandit cursed internally as he tried to draw up a strategy to confront the powerful beast.

"GRRRRGHH" The Hyena no longer waited and launched directly into the attack. Specifically waving his powerful claws at the bandit.

"CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" A series of sparks illuminated the cave as both opponents hurriedly exchanged their attacks.

"CLAAANG" "SHIT" "GGGRRHHRH" The cunning hyena had finally managed to deflect the bandit's sword with one of its claws while launching a powerful bite with its horrifying black teeth straight towards one of the bandit's arms.

"GRRRRGH" The hyena had every intention of ripping off the bandit's arm, but to his surprise it was much harder than he had ever imagined.

"Damn beast" The bandit groaned in pain, but this did not stop him from launching a flurry of blows with his bare fist straight towards the hyena's nose.

"Smash" "Smash" "Smash" His fist covered with a metallic layer caused great damage to the hyena, forcing it to finally release it.

'Shit... Even with my metal coating, that beast's fangs still managed to penetrate almost to my bone.' The bandit internally cursed when he saw the huge hole in his arm.

'I need to launch a lethal attack on this beast otherwise I will bleed to death' Blood was coming out in large quantities from his wound, time was undoubtedly running out for the badly injured bandit.

'I have never achieved it but there is nothing left to do but try... The fifth posture, the posture of black iron...'

"Here we go…" Without further ado the bandit launched himself fully into the attack again. Using all the willpower he had left, he brandished his gigantic sword with determination.

"Iron Thrust position one" "CLANG" "Iron Thrust position two" "CLANG"

"Iron Thrust position three" "CLANG"

'Shit is rejecting all my attacks... But I have to keep trying'

"Iron Thrust position Four" "CLANG" The fourth stance finally managed to sever one of the hyena's claws, exposing a hole in the hyena's seemingly insurmountable defense.

"GGGGRRRRRHHHH" The gigantic Hyena sensed that danger was approaching, but unfortunately its other leg was too far away to block the attack.

"BLACK IRON THRUST POSITION FIVE" The silver sword took on a much darker tone as a powerful grayish aura surrounded it completely. The sword advanced without difficulty directly towards the Hyena's unprotected chest, cutting the beast square.

"GGGGRRRRRHHHH" The Hyena groaned in pain but this did not stop it from still launching its powerful attack.

"Arrrgh" The claws of the hyena's other leg hit the bandit's body squarely, sending him flying straight towards the rock wall of the cave. Both the hyena and the bandit ended up on the ground with deep wounds on their bodies. No one looked much better than the other...

"Cough" "Cough" The badly injured bandit coughed up large amounts of blood as he raised his head only to see the dying Hyena lying on the ground.

"In the end you will also come with me to hell you bastard beast ha ha ha" "Cough"

"Slap" "Slap" "Slap" Just when the bandit resigned himself to dying, a series of applause began to resonate in the cave...

"That was an extraordinary display… Without a doubt" A voice murmured within the depths of the cave. Step by step a silhouette with golden eyes made its appearance until it finally reached where the gigantic Hyena was lying.

"This beast is certainly an amazing rival" Ruvan murmured in amazement as he carefully examined the beast in front of him.

"And above all a very cunning beast… Isn't it?" Ruvan said with a smile as he jumped into the air.

"JAUR" "JAUR" "JAUR" The Hyena laughed furiously when he realized that his trap had failed.

"Even after such a powerful attack you are still relatively fine…" Ruvan said in amazement, after all the bandit's attack had been quite powerful.

'Even a Sky Realm cultivator would not take that attack lightly.'


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