If I were you I wouldn’t rush (61)

“Hang in there disciples…Help is on the way”


“Elder Yurie!!! Sister Lena is hurt”

“Take her back to the others.”

“BOOOOMMMM” The sounds of battle and desperate screams were audible on the edge of a spiritual crystal mine which had been transformed into a real battlefield.

On one side, a group mostly composed of male cultivators dressed in red robes was fiercely besieging a group mostly composed of female cultivators, who fiercely resisted.

“Hahahaha don't resist bitches”

“Today I will fuck all their holes hahaha”

“Today we will share them among all our brothers” The screams and lascivious insults did not wait. The group of men seemed like a group of luxurious demons who longed to touch the bodies of the poor female disciples who did nothing but resist with the last of their strength.

This was the sad reality of the weak in the cultivation world and today this group of girls was experiencing it firsthand.

“We need more arrows at the front”

“We have already run out Elder Yurie”


“Elder Yurie… They have increased the firepower on our side”

“Elder Yurie… Elder Shion is very badly injured… If she does not receive help she will soon die” said a disciple with a desperate cry. She was in charge of caring for the wounded in her group. Unfortunately for her, the stacked bodies did nothing but pile up, driving the poor disciple completely crazy.

“I understand Anika”

“Keep doing your best… I'm sure help from the Sect will arrive soon,” said Elder Yurie as she shot a pair of arrows in the direction of the wandering Peak Sect members.

'Shit... At this rate we won't last more than ten minutes...'

‘I never imagined that the Council members of Gray Rock City would dare to betray us so blatantly’ Elder Yurie cursed inwardly as she continued to shoot arrows.

“That bitch is good with the bow” said a young man with a confident appearance who was watching the entire battle with his hands behind his back.

“I think it's Elder Yurie,” said one of the Wandering Peak Sect Elders who was standing a few meters behind the young man. No doubt he was here to protect the young man in front of him.

“That explains everything… The fame of that woman with the bow precedes her”

Elder Yurie's fame in the past few tournaments was nothing short of impressive, so she has a certain reputation in the region.

“I definitely want that bitch…” The young man said with a lewd expression on his face.

“Hahahaha don't worry Young Master… This Elder will do everything possible to fulfill your wish” said the Elder with a cruel smile.

“Thank you Uncle Ross! When I finish with her I will let you try her too”

“Thank you very much for your generosity Young Master haahaha” The Elder said with a macabre laugh. While both of them were talking, the Hidden Flower Sect Group did everything possible to resist the waves of attacks.

Currently the Hidden Flower Sect group had taken a defensive position using the Mine as a shield to protect their backs. Only in this way the group of disciples of the Hidden Flower Sect was able to withstand the attacks of the members of the Wandering Peak Sect for so long.

“Today all of you are my bitches!!! hahaha”

"Shit! “One of them broke through our defenses.”

A disciple of the Wandering Peak had finally managed to break through the defense of the disciples, sneaking into the interior of the mine where only the badly injured disciples were.

“Back off girls… Leave that bastard to me.”

“Simon… That guy is in the seven stage and you are only in the fifth stage”

“Hmph… That bastard doesn't even compare to my abilities,” said the male disciple of the Hidden Flower Sect as he drew his sword with a heroic attitude.

“Tskk… Poor idiot” The Wandering Peak Sect disciple sneered as he dodged the clumsy attack of the disciple named Simon.

“Let's see how you swing your armless sword kukuku.”

Two quick movements of his sword were enough to separate the poor disciple's limbs until he was lying on his knees on the ground crying like a pig.


"Please!!! Do not kill me! I beg you"

“Tssk! “Pathetic” the Disciple of the Wandering Peak Sect muttered as he swung his sword just to cut off the head of the poor disciple named Simon.

'Shit...I always knew that men who joined our Sect were weak but this is already bordering on ridiculous' Elder Yurie thought to herself as she shot straight towards the disciple who had sneaked up behind her.

“Wind Arrow”

“Kjk” A quick volley of arrows from Elder Yurie was more than enough to pierce the Wandering Peak Sect disciple's chest, completely ending his life.

"The Elders should not interfere in the disciples' fights." At that moment an old and lascivious voice filtered from her sides, sending her an alert of imminent danger.

“Ahh” Although she wanted to dodge, it was too late. A powerful kick sent her straight into the rock walls surrounding the mine.

Elder Yurie and this Elder were in the first stage of the Earth Realm, that is, far ahead of most of the disciples present.

Under other circumstances the fight between Elder Yurie and this other Elder would have been much more even, but unfortunately for the former, she was quite badly injured after having fought for almost two hours against the endless waves of attacks.

“Cough” “Cough” “Cough” Elder Yurie couldn't help but spit out blood as her vision dimmed.

“I'm sorry for hitting you after all with a rose as you deserve the best treatment…”

“But don't worry... After the Young Master finishes playing with you, I promise to treat you better as long as you know how to behave” The Elder said with a lascivious smile as he began to walk step by step in the direction of Elder Yurie.

'This girl is sure to be a hottie...'

‘Damn… Just look at that skinny waist,’ the Wandering Peak Sect Elder laughed lewdly.

“Elder Yurie!!!” The disciples screamed as they tried to form a last stand around the bodies of their wounded sisters.

'It seems like everything ends here...'

'Cough... Although I don't regret dying protecting my disciples...'

'A part of me still doesn't want to die...'

'Forget it... It is better to die than to be a slave to this bastard' Elder Yurie muttered to herself as she took out a small dagger from her pocket, with which she had contemplated ending her own life.

She knew that the fate of the women kidnapped by the members of the Wandering Peak Sect was worse than death… Stories of mass rape and dismemberment had reached the grounds of her Sect.

'Now I really regret not having accepted Benia's invitation to go to the Pleasure District'

"Forget it"

“It's too late to think about that…”

“If I were you, I wouldn't rush.” Just as the cold tip of her dagger touched her neck, a male voice entered her ears, leaving her completely stupefied.




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