Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 25- Exhausted!

After returning from Akira's room which was a trip of a rollercoaster ride, Haruto was provided with linguistic classes which Haruto insisted on since he didn't want to lag behind in all his subjects.

Because of his slight sickness which was thankfully on a high recovery rate, given the care Akira provided and also the soup she fed him, Haruto was not able to attend his physical exercise and butler training.

Fortunately, Minami was not angry with him and even let the cat live with him, as per Akira's orders who had unexpectedly taken a liking to the Neko. Haruto could understand her stance since the cat was exceptionally close to her, maybe more than Haruto which might have convinced Akira to let the cat live with Haruto.

After wiping his body with warm water and changing his clothes, currently, Haruto was sitting on the bed with blankets draped over his leg and a notepad in hand, where he scribbled down the teachings of Minami.

It was basic instructions of mannerisms and gestures that Haruto noted down carefully since what was trivial for him, sometimes could be an insult to others. He was rich in the past but never lived a royal life like Akira and the others in the academy.

Unlike Haruto who had a short-lived wealthy life, there are various out there who are born with a golden spoon and live throughout in luxury. Those kinds of people do not need to speak about their status. Their fine manners and etiquette take the job for that.

Haruto had to learn those things so he could become a wonderful butler, worthy to serve the heiress of the most prominent and strongest clan in Japan. He had a heavy role but Haruto was ready to face anything and his determination only increased after today.

"Now onto the last topic of the day..."

Minami turned toward the whiteboard hung opposite Haruto's bed before she ran the marker over it, forming words that made Haruto perplexed.

"Orientation? But I am in the third year, Minami-san."

"Oh, is that so? I completely forgot about that fact, Haruto-kun. Thanks for reminding me."

Haruto wryly smiled at the sarcasm which didn't much seem like she was joking because of her ever-stoic face and almost monotonous voice. However, he could feel the slight humor mixed in her voice which made Haruto shake his head as he concluded that the strict Minami-san can joke as well.

Well, she tried to.

"Every year, the orientation ceremony of the first-year students and the foundation day of the academy happens on the same day, which every student gets invited for. And thus you are going there as well."

Haruto made an 'O' with his lips and soon remembered that indeed the date of foundation was just in two days. But it was slightly stretched out that the school celebrates it every year and invited these many students.

But well, not like Haruto had anything to complain about.

"Since young lady, Akira had to be there considering her social standing and also the next head of the Takahashi clan, you will be accompanying her. As an escort and as a servant, you have to take care of the young lady's needs and help her with things which I would be teaching you tomorrow. Mainly related to make-up and the dress she would be wearing. And also, there would be a four-hour session of a single course, waltz. So be prepared since tomorrow, you won't be getting a single minute to relax after school."

Haruto gulped in fret but nodded while his hand and mind instinctively wrote down the information Minami spoke out. He really wasn't prepared for such a burdening role to become the escort of his mistress but he got no other option.

And also, thinking about Akira being escorted by someone else....didn't give a pleasant vibe. No, he was reluctant to let that happen at all, for some reason which Haruto would ponder on later.

He was prepared for the training and promised Minami that he would recover by tomorrow and report for training right after returning home. He was not going to slack off at all, to not make his mistress ashamed of him.

He might not be a perfect butler yet, but he would do his best as an escort to Akira so she could, even a tiny bit, rely on him.

"Okay now, rest for the night, and don't dare to stay awake any longer. It's already half past midnight and for a fresh mind, you need to have at least six hours of sleep, understood?"

Haruto made a crisp salute with determination flaring in his eyes as he put the notepad aside and slid inside the cover before closing his eyes, tight shut.

Seeing the adorable gesture, Minami nearly smiled at his antics, but she held back since she knew that someone was watching over her and having any further reaction toward Haruto might bring Minami the orders to stay away from him. Minami might not have entirely forgiven Haruto, but slowly she has come to like the boy who was completely opposite to his past self.

'I wish you luck, Haruto...for what is to come... '


'I can't sleep... '

Remembering the things Akira told him back in her room and the sultry tone she picked to convey her words made Haruto quite restless even back then and now as well.

He couldn't stop thinking about the deep cleavage he gazed upon when she leaned forward to pet the cat or when she was bent forward to rest her elbows on the table, at times when she was directing the set of rules which Haruto needed to follow.

Akira was dangerously beautiful and domineering. Her fragrance was so alluring and made him sensitive that Haruto feared of heart attack every time he comes in contact with her. He feels his emotions might burst and his excitement jack over his beats and collapse his entire system.

Her smooth pouty lips, her bust, her perfect figure along with those milky thighs in between which, Haruto could sacrifice his life with a smile on his face. He wasn't a pervert but Akira was so damn hot that he was barely able to hide his tent when they were in close proximity.

He was able to hide his b*n*r back in her room, but now...

Groaning he picked the tissue paper from the side table of the bed before muttering under his breath.

"I better settle this now and go to sleep right after..."

Only Haruto and a certain someone knew that it took Haruto three rounds of continuous crying and moaning out a single name before he calmed down.

That night both Akira and Haruto had exhausted their stamina. One enjoying his imagination of the other. And the other one receiving her fill through the screen.


A/N: - A bit of ecchi would be added here and there. Drop a comment if you are hyped for this orientation ceremony~

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