Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 2- Reunion!

I have made various mistakes in my life but there is one thing that makes me regret up to this date.

When I was in the third year of middle-high school, I fell in love with a girl. She was the only person my narcissistic self could think of worthy to be with me.

Akira Takahashi.

During my third year, I often came in contact with her but was looking out for her for a long time. Quite developed feelings I had for Akira.

She was the most beautiful girl in the school, after all, that's why I had to watch out for any competition.

But at those times, I found no one worthy of matching my charms. Yeah, I was quite obsessed with myself and now I feel nothing but an embarrassment to think about.

Well, since I never thought of anything out of place, I decided to profess my love to Akira on a very beautiful day of spring under the cherry blossom tree.

My confession was perfect with my utmost feelings seeping out in a natural flow.

But she rejected me outright.

I was broken down to the core and at those times I somehow made a resolve to get back on her somehow. Thinking back, it was one of the biggest foolishness which I ever partake in.

And I found my way of revenge.

Just like that day, on a very pleasant evening, I saw Akira walking with a handsome boy hand in hand with a beautiful smile spread across her face.

When a cold and indifferent girl smiled like that, it made me feel sure that the guy was her lover and she lied when I asked at the time of confession whether she was already taken.

I was enraged.

I started spreading rumors that I had seen Akira going to a love hotel with someone outside of school. I even showed them a picture I took, that evening.

My small whisper acted like wildfire as the haters of Akira, mostly girls, started adding their own words along with my rumor.

Soon it started circulating that Akira goes to love hotels with different men.

Some also started even posting pictures on forums of someone who seemed like Akira, walking around the city while being with old uncles and whatnot.

Before I could have realized what mess I have spread, the whole school was loathing Akira.

Every day, a new rumor ignites, and new pictures get posted even on display boards. Some of them were photoshopped with a naked model's body and Akira's face.

I was getting scared passing each day since teachers started to get to the roots of these rumors.

Since my parents doted on me, I requested a school transfer and they agreed.

I just escaped from the place which became hell for Akira without even batting an eye on what was happening to her.

How much she is suffering. What kind of gaze she has gotten directed with. How much vulgarity she has to face each day by seeing herself on the display board.

I didn't want to face it so I just cowered away and pretended that it was just a puberty mistake.

But when I reached high school and met with one of my friends from middle high, I got to know that Akira dropped out not so long after me.

Due to the chain of events happening in my life my focus on my past has become hazier until I saw this face again in front of me. The same person but with a completely different demeanor, I recalled everything in blinks.

My first love and my only mistake starts with her and ends with her.

Akira Takahashi.

"Haruto Fumiya. It's been a long time, no? Sorry for not being in contact since I was out there somewhere fighting against my depression and such. Anyway, how are you?"

Her gaze, which told me more than her words, exposed how much she has gone through to lose the light in those ruby eyes which always enchanted me to look for more.

I could somehow imagine what I have done and what she has gone through. Suffered because of me and how miserable she has lived at so little age.

I did want to apologize to her but if I do it right now, it would feel like nothing more than just a greedy bastard's scheme to woo the master and get the job.

I can only just wait and see how this goes.

"You are no fun anymore, Haru-kun. You used to be amusing and arrogant but now you just seem to be a broken ragged, wearing a worn-off jacket to get a butler's job? Is it your new fetish to pretend like a poor helpless guy?"

As she spoke her finger let go of my chin as I felt some hot liquid dripping down. It must be my blood that stained the white carpet beneath my feet.

I again leaned down my face as I spoke in a calm tone even though my inner self was in chaos.

"I am actually, financially broken, Young Lady."

"Oh, yeah now I remember. Your parents abandoned you and left for a foreign land, right? Well, I can only sympathize with them to bear with someone like you until now."

The sigh with her words seemed genuine but I knew that Akira didn't mean what she said. She was just trying to hurt me in any way possible and I can understand the reason.

But how things have gone for the past one year, these kinds of taunts no longer affect me.

"Now what will you do, Haru-kun?"

A shiver ran down my spine as I heard her whisper hitting my skin. I didn't even notice when she went behind me.

"That woman who brought you here is a quite sly one, you see. She only selected you from hundreds of candidates because she loves me just like a mother. She knew what could make me happy and you working as my servant couldn't be better as my birthday gift."

Now things made sense.

Why was I selected even though I didn't have any qualifications. Why my number was called so early on the waiting list. Why Minami-san seemed to be quite cold toward me since the very start when her nature toward others was contrary.

It's all making some sense now.

"Now, Haru-kun, tell me what you will do."

Akira's voice trailed off as she walked to her seat and just like before my vision only was fixated on her legs. Previously it was anxiety and now I can't even think what I am feeling at this moment.

"If you are going to work as my butler then you can imagine what kind of treatment you will receive. I am so gonna enjoy myself showing you the darkness I have gone through. To make you feel how it seems to be on the receiving end. If you want to run away, then it's your only chance, Haru-kun. Since after you sign the contract even Kami-sama wouldn't save you from me. So choose wisely~."

Her words threw me into a daze as I pondered about such an evidently thorny path.

Akira is going to torture me in the name of my job. I can't even start to think how possibly I might end up if I lose my freedom with that contract.


"I would give my utmost sincerity in serving the Young Lady. Please give me a chance."

There was no turning back from now on but it wasn't like I had anything going well, to begin with. So why not, see where this actually goes…


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