Yandere hell: Lovely Nightmare

Introduction of Club

A/N :

This story explores complex relationships and mature themes. It features female characters who are skilled and unafraid to take charge. While the protagonist is relatable and faces challenges like an ordinary person, he possesses hidden potential that gradually unfolds.

Please note that the story delves into the dark side of human nature and may contain scenes of violence and mature themes. Discretion is advised.

Additionally, the female characters possess hidden identities that contribute to the overarching plot and will be revealed as the story progresses.

We encourage readers to approach this story with an open mind and embrace the journey into a world...



Beneath the shade of the cherry blossom tree, Kei observed her childhood friend, Haruto. Her typically composed demeanor showed a flicker of concern as they stood before Shizuka Academy's imposing gates, a place they had long yearned to enter together.

Haruto, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, broke the silence. "Kei, you remember our promise few year back, right? We promised we'd get into Shizuka Academy together."

Kei's stare softened ever so slightly, she looked at haruto with a composed expression and responded. "I do remember, Haruto."

Haruto hesitated and then showed her his nationwide test scorecard, barely achieving a 96 percentile. "Kei, I made it, but barely.....I mean I was bad at this but I tried really hard for this"

Kei is calm, but her response was measured. "Haruto, I scored in the top 1%, but it's not just about me being in the top. It's more about both of us being here together."

"Right I don't have to compete with you " Haruto thought back to their shared memories and the promise they had made three years ago.

As he walked through the grand gates of Shizuka Academy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the enigmatic blend of Kei's cool exterior and the occasional softening of her tone that made made comfy around her.

Haruto, however, wore a hopeful expression. " I made it in, but I'm also excited about meeting people here. Just imagine how wonderful this school life will be!"

Kei's crimson eyes revealed a hint of intrigue as she considered his words. "Well, Haruto, I have a plan. I'm going to form a club and has selected the members."

Haruto's response took Kei by surprise. "Count me in, Kei. I'm ready to join."

Kei's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by his enthusiasm

Kei couldn't help but be intrigued by his enthusiasm. She asked, "Why, Haruto? Why do you want to join my club?"

Haruto hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Well, Kei, If I don't do anything....I will become a future shut-in....To avoid that I want to do something meaningful."

Kei acted dense, her cool exterior returning as she quirked an eyebrow. "I see. You're saying I am ..." Kei cut off her speech as it may cause irrational misunderstandings as she thought

Kei, her crimson eyes revealing a trace of possessiveness, spoke with a composed tone, "Haruto, let's meet the other members in the club room."

Haruto, puzzled, couldn't help but ask, "How did you find them so quickly, Kei?"

Kei's response was calm and collected. "I met them before coming here. They're my friends, just as you are."

Haruto, surprised by this revelation, couldn't resist teasing her. "Kei, you have friends? You never told me!"

Kei's response was tinged with a hint of coldness as she asserted, "We should get along well, Haruto. You all are precious to me."

As they strolled along, Haruto glanced at Kei. She walked gracefully ahead of him, her school uniform perfectly tailored to her slender frame, with those crimson accents that added a touch of class.

And earrings and wristwatch, caught his eye. He loved the way how decent she looked.....After her hitting puberty it only intensified his desire of how she looked.

Her choice of classy footwear. Everything about her appearance spoke of refinement and understated grace.

Kei's makeup was minimal. It highlighted her delicate features, making her crimson eyes even more captivating. And her well-groomed hair, a shade of dark brown, framing her face in a way that accentuated her classic beauty.

But what caught Haruto's attention the most were the glasses she wore. They added a touch of intellectual charm to her appearance.

He couldn't help but admire how cute she looked in her school uniform, and her decent outlook only further intensified his desire.

As he stood there, watching Kei, he couldn't help but imagine bringing her to his home, sharing a piece of his world with her.

he wanted to sleep and hug and nuzzle her....And he will make it someday.....He is very confident about it

Haruto was lost in his thoughts, daydreaming, when he felt a gentle poke on his shoulder. He blinked and realized that they had arrived at their destination.

"We're here," Kei informed him with her usual minimalistic gestures, her tone calm and collected. She had a way of making even the simplest actions seem elegant.

Haruto, slightly embarrassed by his daydreaming, quickly asked, "What's the name of the club, Kei?"

Kei turned to face him, and her crimson eyes expressed a mixture of warmth and subtle amusement. With a hint of a smile, she replied, "You don't know the name of the club, and you asking to join the club....That's so like you Haruto. You do random things haruto"

"Go inside, and you'll find out." Kei gestured him to open the door

Haruto opened the door, and at the same moment, a short petite did too. Their faces met, and both of them found themselves in an awkward predicament, caught in a rather unexpected situation.

She was comparitively short frame but she seemed to have delicate body and she looked curious and she stared at him. They are so close that he can see her well shaped nose

Haruto, scratching the back of his head, chuckled nervously. "Uh, hi there. I'm Haruto. I guess I'm in the right place?"

The girl, her face flushed with embarrassment, suddenly gasped and her eyes grew wide.

"Ah... a man! So close" Johanna's face turned a deep shade of crimson, and her heart raced as she realized a man was standing so close to her. She gasped, her eyes growing wide, and then, overwhelmed by a sudden surge of emotions, she fainted right there in front of Haruto.

A girl with fashionable and well designed offered a polite and genteel greeting. She lifted both ends of her skirt slightly and bowed and welcomed Haruto to the club with an air of elegance. "A new member? How delightful. I'm Akira Takahashi, the pleasure is all mine." 

She stood with a delicate poise, her posture flawless as she greeted Haruto with a courteous bow.

Her outfit, a finely tailored dress, was nothing short of luxurious. It flowed gracefully around her, The dress was dark, almost gothic, contrasting with her elegant manners.

Akira's hair was a deep shade of ebony, cascading down her back in silky waves. Her skin was porcelain pale, giving her an otherworldly appearance. Her eyes, though beautifully expressive, held a hint of mystery that drew you in, as if she had secrets she would never reveal.

She had a slender figure,. She smiled which creeped haruto, as if she saw more than she let on.

Haruto smiled nervously

A girl who was almost like a doll, watched Johanna's reaction with an unexpressive gaze, and after a moment of silence, she remarked in a cold tone, "Johanna is sensitive to opposite gender. But rest assured, she poses no ill will. Well, for the most part."

Haruto wanted to know further but he decided to listen to them first

Her figure held a surprising strength and she has huge presence and haruto can feel her strong will

. She had a certain grace in her movements that gave off a machine vibe, though she expertly concealed it behind her doll-like appearance.

Her eyes were large and wide, with long lashes that enhanced their allure. Despite her unexpressive gaze, there was a certain captivating innocence in her eyes, like that of a porcelain doll brought to life.

Well unlike Kei, she doesn't have any expression...She looked like a doll.

Ayame Sato, maintained her cheerful facade, appearing unfazed by the situation.

She offered Haruto a friendly wave and a bright smile. "Hey there, new friend! I'm Ayame. Don't mind Johanna; she's just shy around guys."

"I haven't heard of any family named Sato" Haruto stated

"Oh! Maybe you are mistaken " She replied back. Haruto decides to let it be

Ayame's choice of clothing was typically cute and colorful, often with floral patterns. She looked like the embodiment of a friendly and approachable girl-next-door, an image she carefully cultivated to blend in seamlessly with her surroundings. 

Her long, silky hair framed her face in loose waves, adding to her charming and inviting appearance. She had an effortlessly adorable quality that drew people in, making her seem like the type of person anyone would want to befriend.

She seemed too friendly, but maybe it's the reason haruto has mixed feelings toward her.

A girl in Kimino bowed "Welcome. Kurogane-san, we're pleased to have you join our club. Please feel free to make yourself at home. My name is Hayakawa Yumi" her polite and respectful demeanor, along with her use of his last name made haruto wonder if she is too strick or stuck up.

She wore a beautifully tailored kimono that featured intricate floral patterns of traditional Japanese clothing. The way she moved in her kimono was like with each step deliberate and full of elegance.

Haruto felt a little intimidated but he tried to calm himself.

Yumi's long, dark hair was neatly styled and adorned with delicate pins, adding to her classic beauty. Her makeup was minimal, enhancing her natural features without being overly extravagant. 

She looked like a traditional Yamato Nadeshiko. Wonder if she can cook

As he looked around at the club members, he couldn't help but think, "Each one of them is... hot. And I've just entered their world. This is going to be one interesting school year."

"Hot? " Kei asked curious

"Oh my~" Akira smiled knowingly

Haruto looked anxious, he blurted it out loud didn't he

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