Yandere Dating System

Chapter 9

“Nn, the hard work is paying off well, Yuu-kun.” Naoko nodded in satisfaction. 


It’d been a couple weeks and he’d lost around ten pounds. Normally you’d only lose one to two pounds a week, but Aiden had also started eating less. And what he did eat were things that stimulated the metabolism. He pushed himself much harder than people would usually. Even after he got back from the gym dead-tired he forced himself to go for a run. Then he’d take a cold shower. The shock from the frigid water trained the body to burn fat. 


This would have to be offset with a hearty meal in the morning so he’d have the energy to actually put himself through all the punishment without just ruining his body. But it was having the desired effect. He was steadily losing the love handles. 


In particular he noticed his face getting thinner. He had studied himself in a mirror again the day before and found that the boy had a rather good bone structure underneath all the fat. It still wasn’t easy to see visually, but he could feel it with his hands. Aiden also liked that Yuuji was a tall kid for his age. Once he shed all this weight he should be well-equipped for picking up another certain old habit of his. 


“I still have a way’s to go.” Aiden replied. He took a drink of coffee as he idly scrolled through his tablet. He was searching online for a job. Something he could do without having a high school diploma, as he currently lacked one. He’d asked Naoko about it and it appeared that Yuuji did attend a high school previously but had dropped out before his last year for some reason she didn’t say. Which meant he’d been right in his assessment of the boy’s age, too. He shouldn’t be older than 18 or 19 at the oldest.


Aiden assumed .the kid had simply gone too deep into his indulgences, but who knew? There could be a story behind it. Not that he gave a damn if there was as long as it didn’t affect his life. He would simply have to trust that Naoko would’ve spoken up about it if it would, though. 


Anyway, he still could have a job with Naoko had he wanted but he wanted his independance sooner rather than later. He decided to find a part-time job first then see if online classed were a thing. If not he’d be have to go back and finish that final year, which he had no desire to do. 


“A long ways.” Rumi cut in snidely. 


Aiden nodded. “You have a long ways to go, too, now that I think of it.”


“Huh? From what?”


“From being able to stop acting like a bitch for longer than five minutes.” Aiden spoke without even bothering to look up. He calmly took another sip of coffee.


The girl slammed the table in fury. “Piggy, you…!” She gnashed her teeth. 


“Rumi! You’ll break the table. Behave.”

The younger girl’s face was full of grievance. “But, mother, he--”


“Are you talking back to me?!” 


“What? No! I’m just saying--”


“Now you’re interrupting me, hm? Do you want to be grounded so badly?” Naoko narrowed her eyes dangerously.


Rumi was practically in tears. “What’s with this bias? You’re choosing a piggy’s side over your own daughter, what kind of mother are you?! I hate you!”


“Oh you do, do you? Well then maybe you should pack your things and--”


“A mother should be kind to their children.” Aiden stated absently.


“--throw them away. Your whole wardrobe is due for an update. Why don’t you let mommy take you shopping later?”


Rumi slumped back down into her seat with dead eyes. “...This mother of mine is so…” She looked disillusioned. 


Aiden deigned to give her a glance. “My dear Rumi, have you finally realized?” 


Your mother loves me more.


Pitiful girl. He should be nicer to her in the future.


As he thought so his eye caught a particular ad. 


“Chef required. Flexible hours, salary to be discussed upon interview. No experience or credentials needed, skills to be determined through practical examination.”


Huh. Interesting. No experience required…




Aiden didn’t have any experience in the culinary world, per se. But Ty had been obsessed with cooking and made Aiden his sous chef whenever possible. The boy could cook eggs and turn it into something akin to a drug, he was so good. Hell, Aiden was half convinced drugs were his secret ingredient. Anyway, Aiden himself wasn’t nearly that skilled but he was still a dab hand at the art if he did say so himself. After all those dishes he’d helped his brother make, he’d better be.


Whether it was a traditional Wellington or a proper souffle, Aiden was confident. He had learned to make a few more complicated dishes too, but the ones that took ridiculous amounts of time to prepare were things he had little patience for.


“I’m going to make a call.” He stood and walked into his room. He pushed in a series of numbers into his tablet and was connected almost instantly.


A bored male voice was heard from the other end of the line. ”Angela’s Warm Delights, how may I help you?” 


Warm Delights? Sounded a bit suggestive, but sex does sell. 


“I saw your ad. Who do I talk to for an interv--”


“Auntie~!” A shout that damn near broke Aiden’s eardrums. “Call for you!” The man then readdressed Aiden. “You’re being transferred, please hold.” BEEP.


Three seconds later.


“Hello?” A sweet, sexy voice caressed his throbbing ear. Aiden was caught off guard.”Hello? Are you there?”


“Sorry.” Aiden apologized. “Was busy for a moment. Am I talking to a manager, or…?”


“The owner. You wanted to discuss the position?”


“Yeah. When should I come in?”


“If today is fine with you, any time is good. Any day, too, I guess…” Her voice got quieter towards the end. It made Aiden a bit apprehensive. Usually with an ad like that and when they say ”anytime is fine” that meant trouble. Especially for a shop run by an individual or family. It typically suggested business wasn’t exactly booming.


Still, he didn’t have too many options. “Today is good. I’ll be there in an hour or so.”


“Really? Great! Alright, I’ll be expecting you. You don’t need to bring anything. As long as you can cook a decent cannoli, you’re hired!”


...Yeah. She’s desperate, isn’t she? Well, well, well. Looks like they may be the answer to each other’s prayers, then. 


Needless to say, Aiden felt he had full power here when it comes to discussing that salary. 


Aiden popped his head back into the kitchen. Rumi was dejectedly stabbing into her eggs as her mother finished her plate and took them to the dish washer. 


“Hey, can you take me to the city? I’ve got an interview to get to.”


Naoko’s head whipped back. “What do you mean, an interview?”


“I want a job.”


“You have a job here.”


“I want another, too.”


“Why” She narrowed her eyes. “Do you need money? Here, just take my bank card.”


Rumi shot up. “Woah, woah, woah, what the heck are you saying?! Mother, are you insane?! You can’t just give away important things like that to people! E-Even if he is your bastard!” She spat out the words as if they were incredibly difficult. So, had she come to start believing in that little theory of his?


It was understandable. The woman treated Yuuji better than her own daughter. Whether that was because she was actually related to him somehow or because she was simply thirsting for the kid, he had no idea. But for Rumi, the first was still a better option than the second. If you had to choose, you’d rather have a long lost brother than picture your mother with a guy your own age whom you hated and was a fatty slob. Which, since Aiden took over this body, he was no longer slobby. But still.


“Bastard? What’re you saying? Anyway, this is none of your business, dear. Eat your food.”


“Oh my gods, you’re so unreasonable!” Rumi threw up her hands and groaned in absolute frustration. “Fine! Just do whatever you want, I won’t care anymore!”


Naoko nodded. “Anyway, Yuu-kun--”


“Listen, I don’t need your money. I need something to do, so a job is perfect to kill time.”


“...Well….If you’re dead-set on it, I suppose it is good for you to get out of the house more often. Nn. Okay, I understand. I’ll take you today, and if you get the job I’ll buy you your own vehicle so that you can drive yourself from then on. Ah, I suppose we’ll have to get you your liscense before that, though.”


He was glad she brought that up herself. He didn’t want to have to bother her every time he had to go. He could’ve gotten a bike on his own and use that but the city was pretty far away from these suburbs. While the exercise was good for him, he didn’t want to wake up so early to get ready only to arrive on time caked in sweat. 


“Thanks.” Was all he said.



Angela’s Warm Delights was a medium-sized building. It was situated, coincidentally enough, rather close by the gym he’d recently become a member of. It was actually only ten minutes away from the place. It was a rather crowded area, many people going up and down the streets endlessly. Despite the prime location, however, he didn’t see anyone inside.


The shop was rather nice in appearance, so this was odd. There were also no other competitors in terms of bakeries. Aiden didn’t see any reason for it to not be popular. At the least, it shouldn’t look this dead. Curious.


“This is the place.” He looked up at the sign. “Thanks again for the ride.” He closed the door to Naoko’s car and started to walk away only to hear a beep. The car had been locked. And when he looked back, Naoko was already just a step behind him.


“I’ll wait until you’re done. We can ride back together.” She smiled dazzlingly.


“I might start today.” He warned. “If they let me, I will. Are you sure you want to wait?”


“I’m fine with it. It’s a pastry shop, isn’t it? I’d like to be your first customer!”


“Yeah, yeah.” Aiden didn’t bother trying to send her off. Would be a bit pointless. He was only surprised Rumi hadn’t tagged along, but he supposed she was fed-up with being a “third wheel.”


They entered the shop. As he could see from the windows. It was entirely empty except for a tall, lanky boy around Yuuji’s age from the look of him. He had dark hair that covered his ears and a piercing on his eyebrow. He stood behind a long counter that had a window to display the various treats sold. But That, too, was empty. 


Aiden doubted it was from being sold out.


“You here for the job?” The boy looked him over. 


“I'm certainly not here for your pretty face." Aiden drolled. "By the way, you're talking to me, kid, not her breasts." 

The boy shrugged. "Sure, but they're nicer to look at."

Oh? A sense of humor?

Naoko regarded the kid with a smile. "I'm going to pluck your eyes out and surgically attach them to your rear" Shre spoke oh-so-sweetly. 

At the, the boy whitened a bit. Perhaps not due to the threat itself, but because of how matter-of-fact she sounded.

Aiden stepped in before it could actually come to pass. "Look, just call the owner so I can take my test. "

"....Right," He cleared his throat nervously before going  through a door to his left. He came out a minute later with a radiantly beautiful young woman. 

The first thing he noticed was her hair. It was a soft petal-pink with purple highlights. Her irises were a bright silver-blue and she seemed very gentle with those soft, curved lines to her eyes. She wore a pure white apron she was in the process of taking off. Underneath was a simple cream colored sweater with rolled up sleeves and jeans.


She was amazingly and uniquely attractive with that hair and soft demeanor. Aiden could smell sugar cookies on her as she approached. 


"You're really here! Great!" She beamed. Aiden had to fight the urge to close his eyes, she was so bright. 


This woman was a different breed from Naoko's kind of beauty. Naoko was the type that was magnetic and charming, but also intimidatingly beautiful whereas this woman felt more approachable and warm. Almost motherly. 


It was strange. Naoko was a mother in truth, but didnt have that kind of aura to her. Not the kind that made you want to be held by her. Push her down, certainly.  But a woman who made you want to be hugged by her, well, those types are rare and precious.


Aiden found himself immensely drawn to the woman before him and liked her on sight. For a guy who'd spent most of his life surrounded by women, that was saying something.  It wasn't often a woman was able to make his heart quicken. 


Even rarer when one made it feel such calm.


This one was dangerous, he judged. He made a mental note not to mess around with her. He isn't the right fit for this kind of lady. Better to keep a bit of distance.


"Come on back, let me show you the kitchen." She then immediately grabbed at his hand and all but started to drag him along.


So much for trying to keep a distance, he thought. And as he did, he was abruptly choked.


By his collar. Which was being held in a death grip by Naoko.


"My, my...what were you about to do to an underage boy?" Naoko's face was a mask of cordiality.  It didnt feel cordial, though. "Suddenly grabbing him by the arm and trying to take him away to who knows where."


"...Um. P-Pardon?" The owner, who Aiden assumed was named Angela, stammered.


"What, were you thinking of doing something untoward?"


"M-Me? Huh? What?" 


Aiden saw the other boy frown and start to open his mouth. Before he could get a word out, Aiden extracted himself from Naoko's hold and flicked her forehead.


"Sit down."


Her mouth had fallen open at his unexpected action. 


"In fact if you're going to be rude and spout nonsense like that, just go back and wait in the car."


"What? But, Yuuji, she held your hand! She's still holding it!


Angela looked down just then. She looked from their intertwined hands to Naoko. "Ah...um...sorry, I guess? I got excited and just did It without thinking." She laughed awkwardly, letting go. Then, quieter, "...is it really that big of a deal, though…?" She muttered.


"Don't apologize," Aiden replied.  "She's a bit weird. Ignore her. Shall we get on with the interview?"


"Oh, yes. Lets." She nodded.


"Wait, Yuuji, what about me?" Naoko called from behind. "And what do you mean, weird? Yuu-kun thinks I'm weird? Why?"

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