Yandere Dating System

Chapter 26

Having come to a decision, Aiden opted to not run with his tail between his legs for now or repeatedly kill himself. Instead, he lived the day over again with everything proceeding as it had the first time.  

They dropped Rumi off at school, went shopping, and Aiden kissed her until she popped the question. The conversation went as it had before, then they left and continued their date.

Aiden, it has to be said, could be quite charming, Normally he didn't have to be since his interactions with women often came in the form of nonverbal invitations and subsequent romps against whatever surface happened to be available at the time.

But that didn't mean he lacked the skill. And for Naoko, he used it to the fullest. He would tease her at every opportunity and poke fun at her reactions, gently tormenting her. Every expression and gesture was designed to keep her too busy ascending to the heavens to think of anything but him. 

It was to the extent that he was constantly receiving notifications even from the surrounding women. Apparently, he charmed the women even if they weren't the target of his attacks. Needless to say, Naoko received countless jealous and hateful stares. 

As for the men, they didn't even dare to glance his way. Their women couldn't keep their eyes off, and they were too cowardly to send Aiden a single glare. 

Of course, Naoko noticed none of this. As Aiden escorted her down the streets she was entirely oblivious. It's only after Aiden pointed it out that she took note of the surrounding looks.

"What should we do?" She asked with a knit brow. 

Aiden saw another opportunity. "Obviously we have to give them a good reason to look." Aiden followed that up with action. Before Naoko could even blink, he scooped her into his arms.

"Y-Yuuji!" She looked down shyly. "What are you doing? Something like this, in public!"

"So?" He was unrepentant. "I want them to know who's woman you are." He smiled at her like a happy newlywed. "Just think of this as practice for when we cross the threshold."

"...You've become such a bad kid ever since your accident." Naoko giggled. "I love it. I really do."

"I'll teach you how to be bad too, tonight." He murmured low into her ear. He could hear her breath hitch and saw the woman's nipples harden underneath her dress.

"You won't even wait for our wedding night?" Her voice indicated she didn't mind this idea at all.

"We've waited long enough." He said with dismissal. "It's already a good thing I'm not taking you right here and now." His lip quirked upwards. "Though, I wouldn't be opposed to such a thing. Would you?"

Her eyes were absolutely glued to him. "Find out." 

"With pleasure."  The words were thick with need and a moment later their lips smashed together. 

She tasted sweet as honey and melted against him. This was the second time they'd made out in front of the watchful gazes of strangers. Third, if you counted his previous round.  Naoko let out a muffled moan as their tongues met and coiled around the other. 

Numerous hushed murmurs sprouted to life. 

The woman might be psycho, but let it not be said she's not a fun time.

Aiden found a nearby table, empty.

Should we find out how fun?

He brought them over and sat her down. Naoko's chest heaved up and down, clearly aroused. Her eyes were sharp and seductive as if trying to tempt him. And the Lord knows Aiden had never cared to turn away from sin.

So he touched her. His hand trailed up her skirt. His thumb circled around her clitoris in slow, practiced movements. 

Shocked gasps came from all around. And Naoko? She ate it up. Everything else was a distant thought. Her entire body was made achingly sensitive and focused wholly on Yuuji's sweet tortures. 

Aiden felt her legs wrap around his arm, refusing to let him go. She was nearly there. Any small push would send her over the edge. So with his other hand, he gripped her throat and lightly squeezed. Then blocked her tender moans with his mouth. Her body froze and he knew it was time.

"Come for me." He ordered. 

And she did. She took him in her arms and clung to him, her body spasming uncontrollably as wave after wave of orgasm rocked her to her core. 

She's more sensitive than most, he thought. I'm going to enjoy that.

She came so fast and hard with just the slightest of stimulations. It was amazing. 

"Yuuji. Yuuji!" She cried his name as her strength fled and she fell forward. 

Aiden didn't mind the name. Why would he? In fact, he barely noticed the words. Instead, he was busy taking in the incredulous and awed gazes of their spectators. 

"Hey! What are you two doing over there!" A harsh voice rang out and a tall, uniformed man broke out of the crowd. 

Aiden took the soft, limp Naoko into his hold once more. "Looks like our date is going to be cut short." He was calm. This police officer was no cultivator, by the looks of him. There was no need to fear. 

"Should I take care of it?" Naoko asked. She nuzzled him like a cat. Suddenly she reminded him of Rumi. 

"It's fine." He told her. It's not like this was the first or second time he and a woman were chased for public indecency.

Now, where had we parked the car?


They all but kicked down the door as they arrived home, Naoko laughing so much she was on the verge of hyperventilating. 

"That was crazy!" She wheezed. "I've never done something like that! There must've been five cars chasing us!" She wiped the tears from her eyes. "We're definitely making the news tomorrow!"

"I'd be surprised if we didn't." Aiden let out a chuckle. Things definitely hadn't gone the same as his last round, but he wasn't going to complain. Honestly, he felt this time was more exciting. 

"How did you even lose them? You were driving like a madman! I thought we'd die for sure. And then you drove into that cabbage stall! I really don't know how we made it here." She entered another round of melodic laughter.

Aiden smiled a bit but didn't comment. It also wasn't the first time he'd been in a car chase. Let's just say evading the police was yet another specialty of his. 

Their entrance had alerted the only occupant of the apartment, Rumi, who poked her head out from the couch. As per usual, she was watching her shows.

"What's up with you two? You've been gone forever. Classes end early today, you know. I had to ask Kanon to take me home!" She said with some sourness. She yawned and rose from her seat, stretching. 

Naoko spotted her daughter and let out a happy squeal. "Rumi!" She ran to the girl with outspread arms. "Oh, Rumi, you won't believe it. I'm so happy!" The woman gushed, embracing her daughter joyously. "I asked Yuuji to marry me, and he said yes!" 

And here it is. The beginning of the end. 

Unlike the last time, Aiden received a notification just then. 

--Warning! Favorability with Hasegawa Rumi has catastrophically increased!!--

Fucking catastrophically, it says. Goddamn. It was that bad? Really? Aiden wanted to find this "Kable" fellow and turn the man's nutsack into a car ornament. That fucker really had been keeping things from him! 

"Congratulations," Rumi replied. Even in the first run of this, it had sounded forced. Now? It held a whole new meaning. 

Unlike before, he didn't make a joke about her having to call him Daddy.

Silence filled the room for a moment. To his surprise, this time she was the one to make the jest. "So," Her voice sounded heartbroken. Hollow. "I guess that means I have to call you father from now on, right?" There was no life behind those eyes of her. 

Aiden didn't notice it before. Rather, he hadn't bothered to look. But he did now and they were bad signs. 

He shook his head as her mother finally decided to part. 

"How about you call me Hubby instead?" He raised a brow. 

And there it was. Emotion. What was it? Shock, confusion. "I...what?" 

Aiden didn't answer. Rather, he replied with an action. Striding forward, he put a hand to her back and pulled her close. Then dipped his head and planted a firm kiss upon her lips. She reacted almost as if on instinct and opened for him.

Like that time from before, she seemed like an addict who'd just gotten a hit of her drug of choice. 

She tasted like strawberries. 

"I'll have both of you or neither." He turned his eye towards the open-mouthed Naoko. "You have a problem with that?"

The woman seemed at a loss for words. She stammered for a moment before finally getting out, "Yuuji, that's just--!" 


But he didn't let her finish. His other hand darted out and brought her, too, into his arms. Another long, mind-numbing kiss was issued by Yours Truly. As expected, her eyes had glazed over as she savored him.

And when he broke away, she seemed entirely unwilling.

"Let me rephrase that." His hands traveled down their backs. "You two are mine." 

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