Xueba starts with change

Chapter 38 The buff bonus under the Christmas chapter

Chapter 38 The buff bonus under Christmas
Chen Zhou's last sentence was not only for Yang Yiyi, but also for himself.

These words are Chen Zhou's insights in the past six months, and also his understanding of the rating the system gave him.

After listening, Yang Yiyi looked at Chen Zhou's calm eyes and said, "Those who dare to change themselves will reap the gift of time. You are great! However, you are indeed a master of language and literature, and your writing skills are outstanding."

"You are the top student, I have never seen you bad in the exam." Chen Zhou suddenly thought of the question he didn't ask, and Yang Yiyi asked which of the college entrance exams would fail, so he asked again: "It stands to reason that every time you take an exam, you As stable as Mount Tai, it is unlikely that you will make mistakes in the college entrance examination. So, I am very curious about which test did you fail?"

Yang Yiyi glanced at Chen Zhou before saying, "English."

"I'm bad in the English test? How is that possible?" Chen Zhou thought it was possible to say that the comprehensive test of mathematics and science was not good. After all, the subjects of the natural subject were variable.

But linguistic subjects such as Chinese and English are unlikely to be bad if they don't perform well.

"I didn't take the English test." Yang Yiyi said calmly.

Chen Zhou looked at Yang Yiyi, who lost his smile on his face. He thought a lot between the lights and flints. He remembered Huang Jiayi's words, but he never asked again.

After the two finished their meal in silence, Yang Yiyi returned to the dormitory.

Chen Zhou walked to the shady place for digestion and nibbled at the apple.

After nibbling, he left the school again and went to the small shop outside.

Although the management of Maochang High School is strict, outside the campus, the Christmas atmosphere also pervades a lot.

Chen Zhou picked a good-looking apple and bought it.

The evening self-study ended with the passionate voice of physics teacher Wang Chengkang.

Chen Zhou deliberately slowed down the pace of going home and kept looking at the figure in front of him.

When everyone in the classroom was almost gone, Yang Yiyi got up and prepared to leave.

"Here you are." Chen Zhou handed the apple to Yang Yiyi from behind, "Merry Christmas!"

Yang Yiyi took the apple and grabbed Chen Zhou who wanted to run out of the classroom.

"Come with me." Yang Yiyi said.

Chen Zhou was a little surprised and thought about it. The exam starts at 9 o'clock tomorrow. It doesn't matter if he goes back later, there is still time for reading.

The two left the classroom together and walked to the playground.

The two just walked around the playground, Yang Yiyi didn't speak, Chen Zhou wanted to say something, but he held back.

Just when Chen Zhou didn't know how long it would take, Yang Yiyi suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky: "It seems to be snowing."

Chen Zhou stretched out his hand and took it, and sure enough, a snowflake fell.

However, the snowflakes melted as soon as they arrived.

Chen Zhou picked up a few more snowflakes, but it was still the same. After a few seconds, it was gone.

Yang Yiyi looked at Chen Zhou's appearance and suddenly smiled.

"you laughed?"

"Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Apple, and more"

"What else?"

"To have a snowball fight after the exam tomorrow?"

"Okay, then I'll hand in the papers and wait for you."

"Am I waiting for you?"

"That's a comparison?"


When Chen Zhou sent Yang Yiyi back to the dormitory, when he returned to the rental house, he almost didn't come out of the school gate.

The snow will be heavy this time, and it seems that we can really have a snowball fight tomorrow.

With his head full of snow, Chen Zhou returned to the rental house.

After entering the room, he took the time to clean himself up, and then threw himself into the world of the wrong set of test papers and handouts.

On the one hand, there are still tasks assigned by the teacher that have not yet been solved.

On the one hand, review it again to make sure that tomorrow's rationale is foolproof.

On the other hand, hug the Buddha's feet before the test, and I will go to the snowball fight tomorrow.
Chen Zhou stayed up until about two in the morning before getting into bed.

An alarm clock is definitely the most punctual thing in the world.

Chen Zhou rubbed his confused eyes and looked at his phone.

There is a text message: Come on, let's see who turns in the papers first!In addition, it is very cold today, remember to add clothes.

The sender, Yang Yiyi.

Chen Zhou smiled unconsciously, and then coughed twice.

Facing this "war book" early in the morning, he instantly woke up.


The fourth monthly exam of Maochang High School's third year high school resumption class, the comprehensive science exam, the exam is open!
According to Chen Zhou's habit, the topics of physics and chemistry are separated, starting with the physics part.

First is the choice.

"The title of 'Tiangong-[-]' and 'Shenzhou-[-]' is not about gravity and spaceflight, simple!"

"Substitute into the formula GMm/r=mv/r=m4πr/T=mwr=ma, um. Choose B."

"Mechanical wave problem. Choose C."

"The next question, kinetic energy theorem, functional relationship and circular motion, is a little more troublesome, then you should choose D."

Chen Zhouyi's formula theorem has achieved the final finale of physics multiple choice questions.

This final question is about the superposition of electric fields.

Chen Zhou wrote and drew on the scratch paper: "What, it's just a math problem, use the limit, when R→∞."

".So, the field strength at point Q is E=2πkδ."

".So, E'=E-Er="

"Choose A."

Chen Zhou keeps thinking and solves problems at a steady speed.

After finishing this question and looking back, Chen Zhou only felt that today was a little different. Can this question be solved so quickly?
Taking advantage of the hot feeling, Chen Zhou continued to answer the questions.

Two fill-in-the-blank questions were also quickly swept away, one Newton's second law, and one volt-ampere characteristic curve, done!

He has been doing the finale of physics, and he has slowed down the speed of solving the problem a little bit.

This subject is a little difficult.

The teacher who produced the volume recombined common physical scenarios such as curved surfaces, transmission belts, and springs, and then set up problems.

It comprehensively examines the related knowledge points of mechanical energy conservation, kinetic energy conservation, elastic collision, Newton's second law and kinematics, which is a very comprehensive topic.

However, Chen Zhou still felt that he was different today, as if he had a buff bonus.

All 3 questions in this question are solved.

So far, the physics part is done, and it takes less than an hour!
Next, Chen Zhou moved to the chemical section.

It also starts with multiple-choice questions, mobilizing the knowledge of chemical bonds, redox reactions, and mutual conversion of chemical energy and thermal energy that I have memorized in my mind to solve the first multiple-choice question.

The same is true for further down, and constantly mobilize the solid chemical knowledge points to deal with related problems.

multiple choice.

Fill in the blanks.

Answer questions.

Do them step by step.

After finishing the chemistry, Chen Zhou glanced at his watch, there was still an hour left, and it was more than enough to solve the biological part.

Staining problems, neuron problems, hybrid offspring problems
Chen Zhou basically finished reading the questions, and after a little thought, he chose the answer.

The high school biology exam is mainly about memorizing knowledge points.

And Chen Zhou has already put these knowledge points into his mind through hard work.

"It can be seen that information can regulate the interspecific relationship between organisms and maintain the stability of the ecosystem."

After filling out the last sentence, Chen Zhou completed the entire comprehensive examination paper.

In turn, from biology to chemistry to physics, Chen Zhou checked the test paper again.

He estimated that the score would be higher than the small target anyway.

So, resolutely hand in the papers, after all, who will hand in the papers first?

 Another: Today is the May Day holiday, I wish everyone a happy holiday and have a good time!
  Note: Thank you for your support, every collection, every reward, and every recommendation ticket.Thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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